Major GOP Donors and Congressional Republicans Have Put Themselves In A Corner


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016

Major GOP donors with their Republican lap dogs in congress spent decades convincing conservatism faced enemies on all sides. The poor and people of color were to be blamed for the failure to increase in wages promised by “Trickle Down”, AND any increase in crime. Undocumented workers were blamed for stealing high-paying jobs from U.S. workers here at home, and any increase in crime. Regulations that protected consumers' rights and workers’ safety and employment rights were “forcing” corporations to move manufacturing overseas, where workers’ safety is unimportant.

The biggest scam of all were the massive tax cuts for the 0.1% and corporations, tax cuts that brought the nation trillions-of-dollars of debt and to working people, many, MANY unfulfilled promises.

People of reason knew none of these Republican claims were true. Increasing poverty does not cause wages to stagnate, in fact, the opposite is true. Undocumented workers weren’t stealing high-paying jobs, in fact GOP legislators fought to reduce penalties for employers hiring illegal immigrants. Why, because major donors rely on the unskilled cheap labor of the “wetbacks”.

For those decades the Republican propaganda machine taught their followers that, distrust of minorities, foreigners, non-Christians, and others not like themselves were the true virtues of conservatism.

It was a simple task for the Republicans to sell conservatives on the idea that massive tax cuts for the fat cats guaranteed jobs lost to other countries would come flooding back to the U.S., well that ain’t happened yet, regardless of how many times these GOP tax cuts are passed.

Now, major GOP donors AND most congressional Republicans have discovered their years of propaganda have backfired, putting them in a corner, for which they are unable to find a safe path out as the idiot trump threatens decades of U.S. trade policy.

Major Republican donors and the Old Guard congressional Republicans underestimated the idiot trump throughout his presidential campaign. They also greatly overestimated the loyalty of their conservative Christian voter base.

They learned they had greatly overestimated the loyalty of their conservative Christian voter base the hard way, as the idiot trump used the hatred conservative Christians had for African-American President Obama and his family and “Birthirism” to mine the ignorance and racial hate held dear by the vast majority of Christian conservatives.

To name just a few of these GOP voter groups, whose loyalty was overestimated by the Republican establishment, they include, traditional conservatives who believe in some perfect conservative world of the 1950s, where minorities “knew there place”. Where Mom stayed home, kept house and raised the children while Dad worked. This wonderful way of life would all come back with the idiot trump in the White House.

The male dominated White Evangelicals also saw the 1950s image promised by the idiot trump’s White House, as support for their belief that a wife should be obedient property of their husbands and remain barefoot and pregnant.

The business types who lack ethics and are corrupt sorely need their world free of all those pesky regulations progressives demand for the protection of consumers’ rights, workers’ rights and safety, and environmental considerations. (These business types alone would rattle the faith libertarians had in the idiot trump’s promises of smaller government, not to mention the open corruption in his administration. However, all provide evidence that the human utopia envisioned by libertarians is impossible to achieve in the real world.)

With tens-of-millions of the idiot trump’s loyal supporters, those voters will be lost by any Republican, politician or donor, who would dare oppose any proclamation handed down by the idiot trump. Despite past criticism of the idiot trump by many long-serving congressional Republicans, there are few, now, who are willing to contradict anything said or done by the idiot trump, fearing voter backlash.

This fear of voter backlash by most of the congressional Republican Majority, permits the idiot trump to go “largely unchecked by Congress as he swipes aside decades of U.S. trade policy, goads allies and imposes tariffs that threaten to punish American producers and consumers as much as they hurt other countries.”

The idiot trump and his mindless minions believe he can do no wrong, even as he caused a, “weekend of chaos at the Group of 7 summit in Quebec.” While there, the idiot trump, “doubled down on his tariffs against Canada, Mexico and the European Union and lashed out at the Canadian prime minister over Twitter.”

“For months, as Trump has threatened to engage a trade war with U.S. allies and antagonists alike, some GOP lawmakers have voiced regret that Congress has ceded so much authority to the executive branch over trade, an area that the Constitution assigns to the legislative branch. That approach worked well under previous administrations, at least in the view of most congressional Republicans who hewed to the party’s traditional support for free trade.”

People of reason cannot have understood for may years the Republicans’ trade policies that served the fat cats at the expense of consumers, workers, and small investors.

Now with the self-proclaimed Monarch of the U.S. sitting in the White House, using his position to profit his own companies and family, while he burns his supporters, major Republican donors, and most of the Republicans in local, state, and federal seats.

How long will the idiot trump’s mindless minions defend his stupidity? Few are known for their analytical ability, and Karma is a b!tch.

After many, many years of useless wars, conservatives’ blanket approval of corporate caused environmental devastation, Republican policies forcing a widening income inequality, over-priced healthcare to serve the needs of Big Pharma, and the general screwing of average Americans, perhaps the idiot trump is the tool of Karma to screw the fat cats.

Wouldn’t that be nice? No, the conservatives won’t like seeing their super-rich gods get their well-earned comeuppance.

As Trump threatens decades of U.S. trade policy, Republicans are largely silent

And about the Wonderful 1950s, here's a surprise for conservatives under the age of 60.


The idiot trump touted his secret agreement with Kim Jong-un (details of the agreement are sketchy at best) as being "terrific". And, with FOX Noise and other GOP propaganda outlets' encouragement, the idiot trump's mindless minions will have international telephone lines to Norway tied up for weeks. They will be nagging the Norwegian Nobel Committee to hand over the Peace Prize to their orange toned hero...immediately.

The so-called agreement is between two individuals who cannot be trusted, but to the idiot trump's supporters, it's carved in stone (Whatever it is).

This pushes the GOP's major donors and their Republican lapdogs in congress further behind the 8-Ball. It's fun to watch them squirm, screwed by a problem of their own making.

I know. Schumers blue-salt tax cut for wealthy NY CA is a real last-minute switcheroo on you. Sorry.

Mark Sanford is one of the first long-serving Republicans to fall victim to the “curse” the GOP put on itself, spending decades convincing their conservative base that they were under attack from all sides.

Sanford learned the hard way, that criticizing the idiot trump will send the (formerly) loyal voter base to whatever yes-man for the idiot trump is on the ballot. (Yes-woman in this instance, state Rep. Katie Arrington.)

Since the 1990s, South Carolina voters have forgiven Sanford for his political antics, his adultery, and his lies. But they could not forgive his blaspheming the idiot trump.

Some sins are beyond absolution.

Sanford’s defeat and the declaration by Katie Arrington that, “We are the party of President Donald J. Trump,” should send chills down the spines of the GOP’s fat cat donors and their Republican lapdogs in the House and Senate.

Watching these bast@rds sweat is entertaining. How much more of the idiot trump’s “winning” can the fat cats take, given the tariffs and trade wars the idiot trump started.

All that winning by the Republicans has always crashed the economy, and it will again. The only question is, how soon will it happen this time?

Rep. Sanford loses GOP primary, attacked for Trump criticism

Every “Unified Republican Government” Ever Has Led to a Financial Crash


Another nail is being driven into the coffins of the GOP and the idiot trump. Yesterday, Thursday, Barbara Underwood, New York’s acting attorney general, filed suit in the state’s Supreme Court in Manhattan, seeking to shut down the idiot trump's charitable foundation. The suit lists numerous illegal activities that took place over a period of more than a decade.

It’s important to remember, the Trump foundation is not just some new scam that he figured out a couple of years ago. It fits a long pattern of crooked financial dealings. There was also Trump U and the Trump Ponzi marketing scheme involving nutrition supplements. These are just the ones that have been uncovered.

He didn’t invent his scams from scratch, they are a result of his teamwork with more than one shyster lawyer he’s employed. They are techniques and practices used in his businesses since day one.

Those who have not been taken in by the idiot trump’s various flimflams are certain of two things. One, for all of his bluff and bluster, he's one of the dumbest sumbitches ever to walk the earth. And two, he's as arrogant as any tinpot dictator. These personality flaws aren’t restricted to him, his first three evil spawn are the same way.

Like their father, his three eldest grew up wealthy, privileged, and believe themselves to be invincible. You can see it in every snotty smile and imperious glance. How could anyone expect them to be honest, ethical, or posses even an ounce of compassion or humility?

As a private businessman many of the idiot trump’s endeavors that fell under close government regulatory supervision, went bankrupt. However, those enterprises that faced little regulation were used to help hide his scams.

Fortunately, before his resignation, Eric Schneiderman came looking at the Trump foundation. And as easily as he unraveled that swindle, it should NOT be difficult for state prosecutors to start unraveling scams in his other businesses, now that they're looking. It’s also possible, now that they have a feel for his techniques and bookkeeping, the Mueller team could give prosecutors a helpful nudge in other states.

The lawsuit filed Thursday takes issue with the Trump Foundation's Iowa fundraiser for veterans organizations on Jan. 28, 2016, which came in the days before the Iowa caucuses. New York law prohibits charities from participating in political events. Attorney General Barbara Underwood indicated New York’s investigation revealed the Trump Foundation was little more than a checkbook for payments from the idiot trump or his businesses to nonprofits, regardless of their purpose or legality. Underwood said in a statement. “This is not how private foundations should function and my office intends to hold the Foundation and its directors accountable for its misuse of charitable assets.”

As the door opens to more investigations, bank fraud, wire fraud, money laundering, falsifying information on state forms and applications, double billing or payments, etc. all will just sitting there, waiting to be discovered by investigators. And since these would be state charges, pardoning himself in advance wouldn't do the idiot trump a bit of good.

The beauty is that they don't even have to try him immediately. An indictment or criminal charges stops the statute of limitations, the case or cases, are now in the court system. And his right to a speedy trial is no issue, since most states have an "availability waiver," if the defendant is currently unavailable. The charges will just sit there until he leaves office. And if he scoots to Mar-A-Lago instead of New York, the state can file extradition paperwork with Florida to have him returned. If the state can legitimately charge him, it is hard to see how he doesn't face trial sooner or later.

And about Donnie Jr., Ivanka, and Eric? They're in the same boat, only worse. The minute they're charged or indicted, they can be arrested and tried. And again, a Presidential pardon will NOT save their bacon from the skillet.

All three had a constant mentor almost from the cradle, and either grew up in the family business, started businesses of own, or married into shady business families. Does anybody really believe the idiot trump trained them to stay on the straight and narrow in business when he himself is as bent as a right angle? Especially if he's never been caught in all of these years?

Now that Robert Mueller tipped over the rock in his investigation, and Eric Schneiderman basically kicked the rock into the river, It is highly likely that at least some fairly serious criminal charges are going to come out of what, for some, will be low key investigations into the Trump family businesses. And there is little doubt that Jared Kushner is likely directly in the line of fire too, either in New York, New Jersey, or both.

Now that acting NY AG Barbara Underwood has shown that she is willing to go toe to toe with the idiot trump, it wouldn't be at all surprising if Robert Mueller throws her the occasional treat. After all, who has more motivation to ensure that the idiot trump pays one way or another than Robert Mueller? What goes around, comes around.

For the idiot trump and family, the truth will do everything, but set them free. And all of his arrogance, his bluff, and his bluster can't stop the truth from coming out. Neither can the denial and alternative facts conservatives hold dear.

State AG: Trump foundation funds used illegally



Another nail is being driven into the coffins of the GOP and the idiot trump. Yesterday, Thursday, Barbara Underwood, New York’s acting attorney general, filed suit in the state’s Supreme Court in Manhattan, seeking to shut down the idiot trump's charitable foundation. The suit lists numerous illegal activities that took place over a period of more than a decade.

It’s important to remember, the Trump foundation is not just some new scam that he figured out a couple of years ago. It fits a long pattern of crooked financial dealings. There was also Trump U and the Trump Ponzi marketing scheme involving nutrition supplements. These are just the ones that have been uncovered.

He didn’t invent his scams from scratch, they are a result of his teamwork with more than one shyster lawyer he’s employed. They are techniques and practices used in his businesses since day one.

Those who have not been taken in by the idiot trump’s various flimflams are certain of two things. One, for all of his bluff and bluster, he's one of the dumbest sumbitches ever to walk the earth. And two, he's as arrogant as any tinpot dictator. These personality flaws aren’t restricted to him, his first three evil spawn are the same way.

Like their father, his three eldest grew up wealthy, privileged, and believe themselves to be invincible. You can see it in every snotty smile and imperious glance. How could anyone expect them to be honest, ethical, or posses even an ounce of compassion or humility?

As a private businessman many of the idiot trump’s endeavors that fell under close government regulatory supervision, went bankrupt. However, those enterprises that faced little regulation were used to help hide his scams.

Fortunately, before his resignation, Eric Schneiderman came looking at the Trump foundation. And as easily as he unraveled that swindle, it should NOT be difficult for state prosecutors to start unraveling scams in his other businesses, now that they're looking. It’s also possible, now that they have a feel for his techniques and bookkeeping, the Mueller team could give prosecutors a helpful nudge in other states.

The lawsuit filed Thursday takes issue with the Trump Foundation's Iowa fundraiser for veterans organizations on Jan. 28, 2016, which came in the days before the Iowa caucuses. New York law prohibits charities from participating in political events. Attorney General Barbara Underwood indicated New York’s investigation revealed the Trump Foundation was little more than a checkbook for payments from the idiot trump or his businesses to nonprofits, regardless of their purpose or legality. Underwood said in a statement. “This is not how private foundations should function and my office intends to hold the Foundation and its directors accountable for its misuse of charitable assets.”

As the door opens to more investigations, bank fraud, wire fraud, money laundering, falsifying information on state forms and applications, double billing or payments, etc. all will just sitting there, waiting to be discovered by investigators. And since these would be state charges, pardoning himself in advance wouldn't do the idiot trump a bit of good.

The beauty is that they don't even have to try him immediately. An indictment or criminal charges stops the statute of limitations, the case or cases, are now in the court system. And his right to a speedy trial is no issue, since most states have an "availability waiver," if the defendant is currently unavailable. The charges will just sit there until he leaves office. And if he scoots to Mar-A-Lago instead of New York, the state can file extradition paperwork with Florida to have him returned. If the state can legitimately charge him, it is hard to see how he doesn't face trial sooner or later.

And about Donnie Jr., Ivanka, and Eric? They're in the same boat, only worse. The minute they're charged or indicted, they can be arrested and tried. And again, a Presidential pardon will NOT save their bacon from the skillet.

All three had a constant mentor almost from the cradle, and either grew up in the family business, started businesses of own, or married into shady business families. Does anybody really believe the idiot trump trained them to stay on the straight and narrow in business when he himself is as bent as a right angle? Especially if he's never been caught in all of these years?

Now that Robert Mueller tipped over the rock in his investigation, and Eric Schneiderman basically kicked the rock into the river, It is highly likely that at least some fairly serious criminal charges are going to come out of what, for some, will be low key investigations into the Trump family businesses. And there is little doubt that Jared Kushner is likely directly in the line of fire too, either in New York, New Jersey, or both.

Now that acting NY AG Barbara Underwood has shown that she is willing to go toe to toe with the idiot trump, it wouldn't be at all surprising if Robert Mueller throws her the occasional treat. After all, who has more motivation to ensure that the idiot trump pays one way or another than Robert Mueller? What goes around, comes around.

For the idiot trump and family, the truth will do everything, but set them free. And all of his arrogance, his bluff, and his bluster can't stop the truth from coming out. Neither can the denial and alternative facts conservatives hold dear.

State AG: Trump foundation funds used illegally

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Leftwing circle jerk. The Sanford kind of Republican is being excised from the party. It's fun to watch all you douchebags cry over Republicans who sell out their constituents being given the boot.

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