Maine’s radical abortion desires is now confirmed to be bringing back Eugenics

Mr. Friscus

Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2020
Maine Governor Janet Mills, a Democrat, credited the case of Maine woman Dana Peirce as justification for the expanded legalization of abortion.

At eight months pregnant, Peirce wanted to abort her unborn son after he was diagnosed with a genetic mutation called lethal skeletal dysplasia, as reported by the Portland Press Herald. Peirce ultimately traveled to Colorado for an abortion because Maine law prohibits post-viability abortions where the mother’s life or health are not jeopardized. The law does allow elective abortions up to viability, generally recognized at 24 weeks.

“No Maine person should have to endure the same physical, emotional, psychological, and financial burden that Dana and her family had to in order to receive medical care,” stated Mills.

So, if a baby has skeletal dysplasia? Completely expendable.. kill it.. at 8 months. Save people/society from the “burden” of these monsters

What’s next? Downs Syndrome? Wrong color? Wrong sex? Poor family? Depressed mother?

Margaret Sanger would be proud

Here’s a F*cking thought… think for a second before you partake in an act that is designed to produce children if you don’t want children (or take the widely available precautions)

And yes, that means taking whatever is created, this isn’t a menu. If you want a specific type of child and want to kill it if it’s not what you wanted.. you never really wanted children. You’d be a weak person falling short of the call of unconditional loving parenthood
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Maine Governor Janet Mills, a Democrat, credited the case of Maine woman Dana Peirce as justification for the expanded legalization of abortion.

At eight months pregnant, Peirce wanted to abort her unborn son after he was diagnosed with a genetic mutation called lethal skeletal dysplasia, as reported by the Portland Press Herald. Peirce ultimately traveled to Colorado for an abortion because Maine law prohibits post-viability abortions where the mother’s life or health are not jeopardized. The law does allow elective abortions up to viability, generally recognized at 24 weeks.

“No Maine person should have to endure the same physical, emotional, psychological, and financial burden that Dana and her family had to in order to receive medical care,” stated Mills.

So, if a baby has skeletal dysplasia? Completely expendable.. kill it.. at 8 months. Save people/society from these monsters

What’s next? Downs? Wrong color? Poor family? Depressed mother?

Margaret Sanger would be proud
The 2023 racial demographics of Maine are 93.68% white and 1.39% Black.

With numbers like that, why would they even need to kill more negro babies before they was born?
It’s not race specific, but the slippery slope easily allows it.

But the logic:

Old Maine Law: “Kids beyond 24 mos are protected!”

Person: “But my 8 month old has a bad disease and I don’t want the burden”

What Maine should have said: “too bad, they are a human and deserve protection, buck up and be a parent to this poor child, and if you’re too weak to do that give it up for adoption to someone better who can take on your poor choices”

What Maine said: “F*CK EM! Have a freebie! And that goes for anyone!”
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Maine Governor Janet Mills, a Democrat, credited the case of Maine woman Dana Peirce as justification for the expanded legalization of abortion.

At eight months pregnant, Peirce wanted to abort her unborn son after he was diagnosed with a genetic mutation called lethal skeletal dysplasia, as reported by the Portland Press Herald. Peirce ultimately traveled to Colorado for an abortion because Maine law prohibits post-viability abortions where the mother’s life or health are not jeopardized. The law does allow elective abortions up to viability, generally recognized at 24 weeks.

“No Maine person should have to endure the same physical, emotional, psychological, and financial burden that Dana and her family had to in order to receive medical care,” stated Mills.

So, if a baby has skeletal dysplasia? Completely expendable.. kill it.. at 8 months. Save people/society from the “burden” of these monsters

What’s next? Downs Syndrome? Wrong color? Wrong sex? Poor family? Depressed mother?

Margaret Sanger would be proud

Here’s a F*cking thought… think for a second before you partake in an act that is designed to produce children if you don’t want children (or take the widely available precautions)

And yes, that means taking whatever is created, this isn’t a menu. If you want a specific type of child and want to kill it if it’s not what you wanted.. you never really wanted children. You’d be a weak person falling short of the call of unconditional loving parenthood
The Left love killing babies and sexually abusing children. Especially if they’re black.
So, if a baby has skeletal dysplasia? Completely expendable.. kill it.. at 8 months. Save people/society from the “burden” of these monsters
Wow. You'd force a women to bear a child with no chance of lijke? You are one serious sicko.

Back in reality, _everyone_ aborts such pregnancies, including pro-lifers. So stop the smarmy moralizing. Nobody is falling for it.

Here’s a F*cking thought… think for a second before you partake in an act that is designed to produce children if you don’t want children (or take the widely available precautions)

Normal people don't obsess about how other people have sex. Sick pervy control freaks do. That's you.
Maine Governor Janet Mills, a Democrat, credited the case of Maine woman Dana Peirce as justification for the expanded legalization of abortion.

At eight months pregnant, Peirce wanted to abort her unborn son after he was diagnosed with a genetic mutation called lethal skeletal dysplasia, as reported by the Portland Press Herald. Peirce ultimately traveled to Colorado for an abortion because Maine law prohibits post-viability abortions where the mother’s life or health are not jeopardized. The law does allow elective abortions up to viability, generally recognized at 24 weeks.

“No Maine person should have to endure the same physical, emotional, psychological, and financial burden that Dana and her family had to in order to receive medical care,” stated Mills.

So, if a baby has skeletal dysplasia? Completely expendable.. kill it.. at 8 months. Save people/society from the “burden” of these monsters

What’s next? Downs Syndrome? Wrong color? Wrong sex? Poor family? Depressed mother?

Margaret Sanger would be proud

Here’s a F*cking thought… think for a second before you partake in an act that is designed to produce children if you don’t want children (or take the widely available precautions)

And yes, that means taking whatever is created, this isn’t a menu. If you want a specific type of child and want to kill it if it’s not what you wanted.. you never really wanted children. You’d be a weak person falling short of the call of unconditional loving parenthood
Margaret Sanger was pro life
It’s not race specific, but the slippery slope easily allows it.

But the logic:

Old Maine Law: “Kids beyond 24 mos are protected!”

Person: “But my 8 month old has a bad disease and I don’t want the burden”

What Maine should have said: “too bad, they are a human and deserve protection, buck up and be a parent to this poor child, and if you’re too weak to do that give it up for adoption to someone better who can take on your poor choices”

What Maine said: “F*CK EM! Have a freebie! And that goes for anyone!” didn't read and understand the article. (Neither, of course, did the OP.)
Lies like that demonstrate your absolute devotion to the Lord of Lies.

I get that pro-lifers compete to see who can tell the most disgusting lies, but if you pull that crap with decent people, we'll point out that you're lying for the glory of fascism.
You cannot be this stupid. It's not possible.
You're really broken as a human being. The way you act is _not_ okay. That's probably why everyone avoids you.
Thank you. Coming from Leftists who think it’s good to be able to sexually mutilate children, desire to rip limbs off babies as they’re born, and want old naked men hanging out in the girls bathroom, I wear your attack with honor and distinction.
Getting triggered like that doesn't tell me what specific pro-life lie you were so emotionally attached to. Which one was it?

If a movement can't survive without lying, it must be immoral. The pro-life movement lies constantly, about everything.
You cannot be this stupid, it's not possible. Claiming Sanger was anything but a racist is idiocy on the level of claiming the Earth is flat.

I am not pro-life. The contrary, I am 100% pro-abortion. (Not pro-choice, pro-abortion.)
Glad to hear from all of you authoritarian know-it-alls. SCOTUS has (correctly) ruled that this issue is up to the individual States to decide. If you don't live in Maine, your opinions are irrelevant.
If you don’t live in Germany, your opinion on what they’re doing to Jews is irrelevant!
Leftist, 1939
Wow. You'd force a women to bear a child with no chance of lijke? You are one serious sicko.
Nobody said to force a child who is dead to be delivered. But if it’s active human life, it’s protected, no matter what it’s health is. The fact that you’d dehumanize it puts in a line of very immoral regime’s historically. And of course killing 8 month old fetuses is clearly infanticide
Normal people don't obsess about how other people have sex.
Nobody did. Reread and get back to me

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