Main problem with Islam


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
After thinking about this a while, it occurred to me that the main problem with Islam is their doctrine that man can be "perfect".

Specifically, they believe that Mo is perfect. But how can Mo be perfect if there are or never have been perfect people before him? Simple, you just use Biblical figures like Moses and David as perfect people. The only problem is that the Bible paints a much darker image of these two. Both murdered other men, Moses was kept out of the Promised Land because he sinned against God, and David was forced to kill off his offspring as a judgment against him from God for murder and adultery.

The solution? Mo just said that the Bible had been "corrupted" and that these men were, in fact, perfect as he.

Of course, Christianity teaches that only Jesus was perfect and this is because he was actually God in the flesh.

What baffles the hell out of me is how someone who converts with the sword, takes their women as sex slaves, takes a 9 year old as a wife, and then personally beheads some 600 defenseless prisoners ever considered a perfect human being by anyone?
It is full of supernatural nonsense...

The supernatural nonsense is not the problem. The problem is that Mo has followers that think he ever word an action was perfect and seek to follow him.

Why then do people scratch their heads when his followers rape, pillage, kill, and conquer with the sword. Then someone like Obozo gets up and says that they are not true Muslims.

Seems like somebody needs an education in Islamic theology.
It is full of supernatural nonsense...

The supernatural nonsense is not the problem. The problem is that Mo has followers that think he ever word an action was perfect and seek to follow him.

Why then do people scratch their heads when his followers rape, pillage, kill, and conquer with the sword. Then someone like Obozo gets up and says that they are not true Muslims.

Seems like somebody needs an education in Islamic theology.

Many Catholics hold that the pope is infallible. Not saintmichaeldefendthem, but many do...
It is full of supernatural nonsense...

The supernatural nonsense is not the problem. The problem is that Mo has followers that think he ever word an action was perfect and seek to follow him.

Why then do people scratch their heads when his followers rape, pillage, kill, and conquer with the sword. Then someone like Obozo gets up and says that they are not true Muslims.

Seems like somebody needs an education in Islamic theology.

Many Catholics hold that the pope is infallible. Not saintmichaeldefendthem, but many do...

That is equally as troubling. Granted, it's not as troubling as making someone of Mo's demonic character infallible, but it is troubling.

The Pope recently came out and said that people should not disrespect Mo publically. This is an epic fail by the Pope. Does he not know that Jesus himself offended the religious leaders of his day? Was it not why he wound up on the cross?

The Pope is nothing but a PC man for the powers that be. Saying that no one should offend worshipers of Mo is akin to giving into the terrorists. After all, they killed to make them an example. All they want is for us to submit.

This reminds me of an old saying, if you want to know who runs things all you have to do is find out who you are not allowed to criticize. To think that some people are infallible is not only insane, it's plum dangerous. It's what breeds men like Hitler.
The supernatural nonsense is not the problem. The problem is that Mo has followers that think he ever word an action was perfect and seek to follow him.

Why then do people scratch their heads when his followers rape, pillage, kill, and conquer with the sword. Then someone like Obozo gets up and says that they are not true Muslims.

Seems like somebody needs an education in Islamic theology.

I agree with everything else you have said, but I see the supernatural stuff as part of the problem since it add that superstitious element to the whole process.

Islam is a political manifesto created by a murderous warlord in such a way as to ensure the fealty of his warriors. All the superstitious stuff acts as the hammer to keep them in line as all the relentless reward/punishment systems he infused in his manifesto use the fear of God to keep them in line.His grafting this religious element onto the politics is still effective today, not only upon all those who see it as their duty to force the world to submit, but upon the targets of the aggression who are loathe to criticize it because of this weird thing we have when it comes to religion. As soon as God is in the picture, it's hands off.

If more people could learn to see religion as just one subset of ideology in general, and develop the intellectual clarity necessary to critique it as they do any other ideology, more could see Islam for what it is. Islam is a totalitarian ideology that micromanages people's lives down to the iota, restricts free expression and demands absolute conformity. Why we limit our understanding of it by framing it as just a religion is beyond me.
link to what? the sky is blue?
You said, "according to Islam".

I am asking you to back up your statement. ...... :cool:

read the news---I will help----according to the stink and filth of
shariah law------any person who makes a negative comment
about the rapist pig of mecca should be executed----that includes non muslims----even more than muslims. Also---
several years ago some meccaist "scholars" declared fartwahs making all jews (as potential Zionists) legal targets of the filth of meccaist dogs. Thus ---in breach of FRENCH laws several dogs and even one of the shamootahs of
mecca decided to go on a murderous ramgage against
some elderly men who drew cartoons and some women
and children buying apples and onions-----KORANIC LAW
Shall we let them go ahead with their agenda?


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