Maduro: "Where’s the dictatorship, Mariano Rajoy?"


Nov 14, 2012
Venezuela´s Maduro expresses support for the will of the Catalan people to break from the regime in MAdrid that also backs the feudal opposition in Venezuela.

"“Where’s the dictatorship, Mariano Rajoy? In Venezuela where an illegal, unconstitutional plebiscite called by an insurreccional opposition was permitted? … Or in Catalonia, where (a referendum) has been savagely repressed by Spanish police forces?” he asked."

Venezuela Slams Spain over “Brutal Repression” in Catalonia
Dude, have you already made up your mind about the Kurds in Syria? Do they have a right to have a referendum and proclaim their own state there?
Dude, have you already made up your mind about the Kurds in Syria? Do they have a right to have a referendum and proclaim their own state there?
The government offered a nationwide referendum after the war. Unclear is also, whether the Kurds want an autonomy within the SAR or to become completely independent. The latest developments make a federation very unlikely, however.
Dude, have you already made up your mind about the Kurds in Syria? Do they have a right to have a referendum and proclaim their own state there?
The government offered a nationwide referendum after the war. Unclear is also, whether the Kurds want an autonomy within the SAR or to become completely independent. The latest developments make a federation very unlikely, however.
I am not talking about the nationwide referendum. I am talking about the Kurds referendum, if they would want to become an independent state. Would the Syrian government agree with this idea, and would you personally agree with that too?
Dude, have you already made up your mind about the Kurds in Syria? Do they have a right to have a referendum and proclaim their own state there?
The government offered a nationwide referendum after the war. Unclear is also, whether the Kurds want an autonomy within the SAR or to become completely independent. The latest developments make a federation very unlikely, however.
I am not talking about the nationwide referendum. I am talking about the Kurds referendum, if they would want to become an independent state. Would the Syrian government agree with this idea, and would you personally agree with that too?
I don´t agree to the ISIS collaborators to own another country´s soil. Also, the YPG is of a Turkish party, not a Syrian. They´re cooperating with ISIS to stop the Syrian army east of the Euphrates. They cut off a million civilians from their water supply in Aleppo and released the Euphrates waters to make it more difficult for the Syrian army. So, no, they´re terrorists.

In the conclusion, you cannot compare the peaceful uprising in Spain with terrorists. I do not have an opinion on that Catalonia thing and just pointed out that in an alleged regime, an opposition even can make funny referendums without peaceful people being bludgeoned. The situation is also not comparable because in Venezuela is a violent opposition and a relatively weak government. The country is shaken by gang criminality like most in South America, anyway.
"Where’s the dictatorship?"

Let´s not forget that those who accuse Venezuela are the most oppressive and inhuman regimes!


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