Does the Police Brutality in the Sovereign Nation of Catalonia demonstrate the need for the 2nd Amdt


Gold Member
Feb 16, 2013
In a dependant and enslaved country.
Our Founding Fathers' opinions on the people of Europe being disarmed from the Federalist Papers:
Federalist No. 46
Besides the advantage of being armed, which the Americans possess over the people of almost every other nation, the existence of subordinate governments, to which the people are attached, and by which the militia officers are appointed, forms a barrier against the enterprises of ambition, more insurmountable than any which a simple government of any form can admit of. Notwithstanding the military establishments in the several kingdoms of Europe, which are carried as far as the public resources will bear, the governments are afraid to trust the people with arms. And it is not certain, that with this aid alone they would not be able to shake off their yokes. But were the people to possess the additional advantages of local governments chosen by themselves, who could collect the national will and direct the national force, and of officers appointed out of the militia, by these governments, and attached both to them and to the militia, it may be affirmed with the greatest assurance, that the throne of every tyranny in Europe would be speedily overturned in spite of the legions which surround it.

Battle of Athens (1946) - Wikipedia
The McMinn County War - Encounter Books

The powers that be at the top of the Pyramid know that criminals will not obey their gun laws...but criminals are not their are...they know that you as law abiding citizens would most likely begrudgingly comply with gun confiscation... and that alone would enable them do to you what has been done in the USSR, China, Cuba, Korea, and elsewhere. That would allow them to do to you what Spain is now doing to Catalonia.

When a particular nationality feels that they have become too oppressed by a conglomeration of foreign powers, "diverse" ethnicities and hateful religions (Islam), the only logical choice, for the preservation of their own people, nation, religion and race, the only logical choice, is secession, as seen by the heroic secession of the Catalonians from Spain.

There is no doubt that such a time is coming upon us in the United States, fostered upon us by the deranged left that imports both radical jihadists and promotes LGBT, communism, censorship (as seen on CSPAN in my last thread, check it out), and an army of jihadist, antifa and atheist lunatics and commit mass murder on a monthly basis with trucks (NYC), bombs (Boston), guns (Texas), etc. They have reached a point where they celebrate a mentally deranged man who believes he's a woman, they've reached a point where our young daughters must suffer the "right" of a "gender confused non-binary" boy using their school bathroom and locker.

This is by no means a complete list of their insanity, and entire 1000-page book in size 8 font of complied individual examples would not suffice to cover their insanity and their destruction of fabric of America. They are backing us into a corner and they know that secession may indeed be the only remaining solution for whatever remains of America (at the point in the future) to preserve itself from this march of death, destruction and lunacy often seen in the past by the likes of Stalin, Mao, Pot and Castro.

They say that today the government would never do such a thing, especially by a modern 1st world government, yet what we see in Spain demonstrates that this is not the case; they will compel you by the sword to remain inside their insidious destructive and insane empire if that alone is the only remaining option for them to keep you in chains.

Catalan firefighters attacked by Spanish police as they form shield to protect voters
Catalonia referendum: WATCH - Shocking moment Spanish police BRUTALLY attack crowd

Strike, Mass Protests Shut Down Roads and Railways In Catalonia
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I believe in the second amendment but loons considering raising a place probably should be kepted away from them. Don't you think?

It depends on the geographical region and environment.

In the urban cities, where there's 5 armed cops on every corner, there's no need for an ordinary citizen to carry an assault rifle in the streets, as their only intention would be to murder as many people as possible on the crowded city sidewalk. The police can rapidly identify such a person because they would be the only one violating the law by carrying such a weapon and they would be quickly neutralized before they rack up double digit deaths to achieve their 15 minutes of national media infamy.

Yet, in the rural and suburban regions of America, the authorities can take from 10-120 minutes to respond to even the most horrific scenes, and thus those citizens must be armed to the teeth to defend themselves, their family and their community.

This is why mass murders choose bombs and trucks to kill people in cities, because the gun laws do work in those places, and this is why mass murderers choose guns in the open county to kill people in small communities, because law enforcement cannot respond in time to nullify their attack before the double/triple digit body count is achieved.

That being said possession of the weapons locked away in a gun safe should not be banned in cities, only the people's ability to openly carry them on a daily basis in the city streets, you never know when a foreign or hostile domestic power may invade and make war upon you.
Our Founding Fathers' opinions on the people of Europe being disarmed from the Federalist Papers:
Federalist No. 46
Besides the advantage of being armed, which the Americans possess over the people of almost every other nation, the existence of subordinate governments, to which the people are attached, and by which the militia officers are appointed, forms a barrier against the enterprises of ambition, more insurmountable than any which a simple government of any form can admit of. Notwithstanding the military establishments in the several kingdoms of Europe, which are carried as far as the public resources will bear, the governments are afraid to trust the people with arms. And it is not certain, that with this aid alone they would not be able to shake off their yokes. But were the people to possess the additional advantages of local governments chosen by themselves, who could collect the national will and direct the national force, and of officers appointed out of the militia, by these governments, and attached both to them and to the militia, it may be affirmed with the greatest assurance, that the throne of every tyranny in Europe would be speedily overturned in spite of the legions which surround it.

The powers that be at the top of the Pyramid know that criminals will not obey their gun laws...but criminals are not their are...they know that you as law abiding citizens would most likely begrudgingly comply with gun confiscation... and that alone would enable them do to you what has been done in the USSR, China, Cuba, Korea, and elsewhere. That would allow them to do to you what Spain is now doing to Catalonia.

When a particular nationality feels that they have become too oppressed by a conglomeration of foreign powers, "diverse" ethnicities and hateful religions (Islam), the only logical choice, for the preservation of their own people, nation, religion and race, the only logical choice, is secession, as seen by the heroic secession of the Catalonians from Spain.

There is no doubt that such a time is coming upon us in the United States, fostered upon us by the deranged left that imports both radical jihadists and promotes LGBT, communism, censorship (as seen on CSPAN in my last thread, check it out), and an army of jihadist, antifa and atheist lunatics and commit mass murder on a monthly basis with trucks (NYC), bombs (Boston), guns (Texas), etc. They have reached a point where they celebrate a mentally deranged man who believes he's a woman, they've reached a point where our young daughters must suffer the "right" of a "gender confused non-binary" boy using their school bathroom and locker.

This is by no means a complete list of their insanity, and entire 1000-page book in size 8 font of complied individual examples would not suffice to cover their insanity and their destruction of fabric of America. They are backing us into a corner and they know that secession may indeed be the only remaining solution for whatever remains of America (at the point in the future) to preserve itself from this march of death, destruction and lunacy often seen in the past by the likes of Stalin, Mao, Pot and Castro.

They say that today the government would never do such a thing, especially by a modern 1st world government, yet what we see in Spain demonstrates that this is not the case; they will compel you by the sword to remain inside their insidious destructive and insane empire if that alone is the only remaining option for them to keep you in chains.

Catalan firefighters attacked by Spanish police as they form shield to protect voters
Catalonia referendum: WATCH - Shocking moment Spanish police BRUTALLY attack crowd

Strike, Mass Protests Shut Down Roads and Railways In Catalonia
. Once government is infested by Looney's who targeted government offices over time (government jobs), for the power of such offices in which it was agreed upon for these offices to rule over us and over our business affairs, and over our security in this nation, then this is when government is moved against us by using the Court's to destroy any and everything we might have believed in or held as truth to us as a nation. We have seen this time and time again now, and it almost calls for a complete overhaul of the current judicial offices (drain the swamp), kind of action to take place. We should start with that judge in Hawaii who blocked Trump's travel ban, and then move on from there. Hey radical times calls for actions in these ways in hopes to surgically remove the cancers instead of destroying the whole or entire limb.
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Once government is infested by Looney's who targeted government offices over time (government jobs), for there power in which it was agreed upon for these offices to rule over us and over our business affairs, and over our security in this nation, then this is when government is moved against us by using the Court's to destroy any and everything we might have believed in or held as truth to us as a nation. We have seen this time and time again now, and it almost calls for a complete overhaul of the current judicial offices (drain the swamp), kind of action to take place. We should start with that judge in Hawaii who blocked Trump's travel ban, and then move on from there. Hey radical times calls for actions in these ways in hopes to surgically removed the cancers instead of destroying the whole or entire limb.

The WW2 veterans of Tennessee have already historically affirmed your hypothesis in 1946

Battle of Athens (1946) - Wikipedia
The McMinn County War - Encounter Books

The Constitutional right to "Trial by Jury" is what protected these brave veterans after the fact from prosecution by the government, because no local jury of the people themselves would convict their local heroes

The right to bear arms and the right to trial by jury go hand-in-hand in the aegis of liberty that our otherwise quarreling Founding Fathers gave to us. Despite all the political differences and diametrically opposed views and radical compromises our Founder made at the start of our nation, these are two of the most treasured liberties and freedoms that they all agreed upon.
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I think I finally edited my hypothesis above to be more clear, but yes it seems we are reaching these points in time again maybe.
I think I finally edited my hypothesis above to be more clear, but yes it seems we are reaching these points in time again maybe.

Is it a coincidence that these WW2 veterans fought against incumbent deranged Democrats that were fixing elections and murdering conservatives in the great state of TN?

From the opening of the book:

In 1946, a group of soldiers returning to their hometown of Athens, Tennessee after World War II became fed up with the corruption and brutality of the county’s Democratic political machine. Under the leadership of boss E.H. Crump, the machine dominated politics by intimidating, assaulting, and outlawing the opposition—in one instance, abolishing the independent judicial review of election results and giving the job of counting ballots to the Sheriff’s Department, which was run by Crump’s cronies.

The sheriff’s office operated on a fee system whereby deputies were paid for each citation they issued and suspect they booked. Deputies often cited or arrested citizens on falsified charges for a quick buck—sometimes more than $100 per week—and frequently stopped buses on their way through the county in order to charge every sleeping passenger with public drunkenness. Others demanded payoffs from local businesses to ignore gambling or prostitution on the premises.

Political protests against these practices did no good, because deputies bribed or intimidated voters, stole ballot boxes, or paid minors to vote and because many state officials were themselves members of the Crump gang. Federal attorneys brought corruption charges against local officials, but judges and juries were too fearful to stem the abuse.

Finally, frustrated veterans decided to act. They met secretly to form their own political party, the “G.I. Ticket,” which included a veteran candidate for each countywide office, and issued a platform promising that under their leadership, “every ballot will be counted.” Knowing the danger they faced, the group asked the governor and the federal Department of Justice for protection. All refused. On August 1, election day, the sheriff brought in 200 armed “special deputies” to menace the voters. One G.I. Ticket poll watcher was arrested when he disputed whether a voter was qualified. Other veterans were kidnapped by deputies who took them to the county jail or dropped them off naked in the woods to keep them from reaching the polls. At one precinct, officers pulled guns on G.I. observers, who fled by leaping through a plate-glass window. Later, a group of officers led by a deputy named Windy Wise beat black veteran Tom Gillespie with brass knuckles when he came to vote. When Gillespie tried to run away, Wise shot him in the back.

When the polls finally closed, sheriff’s deputies confiscated the ballot boxes and took them to the county jail, to “count” the ballots in secret. Twenty-one-year-old Marine veteran Bill White then spoke up. He would not let Crump’s lackeys steal the election, he told his friends. He had “faced a thousand bullets for democracy” fighting the Japanese at Tarawa and had been awarded two Purple Hearts. Now he was ready to “fight fire with fire.” He and 60 other G.I.s marched to the local armory, where they seized guns and explosives before heading to the county jail to liberate their wrongfully arrested allies and stop the sheriff from manipulating the ballots.

With the men surrounding the jail, White shouted at the guard towers: “Would you damn bastards bring those damn ballot boxes out here or we are going to set siege against the jail and blow it down?” Gunfire erupted. The G.I.s kept up the siege for hours, blasting away with their rifles and blowing up sheriff’s cars with dynamite. The sheriff asked the governor to dispatch the National Guard, but the Guard’s commanding general refused to aid the corrupt local officials. At last the G.I.s blew down the jail door and the deputies surrendered. The soldiers marched them around the town square to the cheers of the townspeople. Some locals attacked the captured deputies, especially Wise, who was badly beaten before being arrested and charged for shooting Gillespie. He was later sentenced to three years in prison.

When the ballots were counted, the G.I. Ticket had won by a landslide, and the county sheriff promptly resigned in favor of his G.I. challenger. Among those who cheered the soldiers’ uprising was former First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt. “If we want to continue to be a mature people who, at home and abroad, settle our difficulties peacefully and not through the use of force,” she wrote in her syndicated newspaper column, “then we will take to heart this lesson and we will jealously guard our rights. . . The decisive action which has just occurred in our midst is a warning, and one which we cannot afford to overlook.”
We just need to get these radicals out of our government, and give them less powerful positions in life to do, and them not make policies or rulings against us ever again. They should be stripped of their power because they have misused it.
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There is no doubt that such a time is coming upon us in the United States, fostered upon us by the deranged left that imports both radical jihadists and promotes LGBT, communism, censorship (as seen on CSPAN in my last thread, check it out), and an army of jihadist, antifa and atheist lunatics and commit mass murder on a monthly basis with trucks (NYC), bombs (Boston), guns (Texas), etc. T

Poor little deluded and scared snowflake.

Want another example?

You want the United States to be like the current situation in Syria.

You don't want guns to protect yourself- you want guns to shoot your fellow Americans.
I think I finally edited my hypothesis above to be more clear, but yes it seems we are reaching these points in time again maybe.

Is it a coincidence that these WW2 veterans fought against incumbent deranged Democrats that were fixing elections and murdering conservatives in the great state of TN?
. Never heard of it before, but wow that is just amazing that we are experiencing history or seeing it repeat itself over and over again.
There is no doubt that such a time is coming upon us in the United States, fostered upon us by the deranged left that imports both radical jihadists and promotes LGBT, communism, censorship (as seen on CSPAN in my last thread, check it out), and an army of jihadist, antifa and atheist lunatics and commit mass murder on a monthly basis with trucks (NYC), bombs (Boston), guns (Texas), etc. T

Poor little deluded and scared snowflake.

Want another example?

You want the United States to be like the current situation in Syria.

You don't want guns to protect yourself- you want guns to shoot your fellow Americans.
. If a criminal who is an American is trying to destroy you or even kill you, are you not allowed to protect or defend yourself ? Is it that you would not want the American citizen or nation be able to defend itself against all threats foriegn or domestic ?
We just need to get these radicals out of our government, and give them less powerful positions in life to do, and not make policies or rulings against us ever again. They should be stripped of their power because they have miss-used it.

As much as Progressives would hate this (because it would shatter their career politicians and their overwhelming federal stranglehold on the states), we should look the repeal of the 17th Amendment as the first step to removing them.

The Progressives will scream that we are anti-democracy for doing so, and I would agree with them, the United States is a Federalist Republic, not a Unitarian Democracy. The House of Representatives is the Popular Check on the Federal Government, and the Senate is supposed to be the State check on the Federal Government, the 17th Amendment annihilated that check.

The State Government would never allow their Senators to vote for legislation that tramples on states rights. Looks like the "smoke-filled" rooms of the state legislatures appointing their state "ambassadors" as they were often titled back in the day, wasn't such a bad idea after all.
There is no doubt that such a time is coming upon us in the United States, fostered upon us by the deranged left that imports both radical jihadists and promotes LGBT, communism, censorship (as seen on CSPAN in my last thread, check it out), and an army of jihadist, antifa and atheist lunatics and commit mass murder on a monthly basis with trucks (NYC), bombs (Boston), guns (Texas), etc. T

Poor little deluded and scared snowflake.

Want another example?

You want the United States to be like the current situation in Syria.

You don't want guns to protect yourself- you want guns to shoot your fellow Americans.
. If a criminal who is an American is trying to destroy you or even kill you, are you not allowed to protect or defend yourself ? Is it that you would not want the American citizen or nation be able to defend itself against all threats foriegn or domestic ?

I'm sure if a bunch of Neo Nazis invaded NYC and targeted Jews and blacks these liberals would immediately support the arming of Jews and blacks to defend themselves...I know that I would support such an initiative. Whose to say that a militarized group of neo-nazis wouldn't target Jews or blacks at some point in the future?

Whose to say a militarized group of mask-wearing antifas won't target white churches in the future?

Neither terrorist group will obey the dumb fucking gun laws, as observed in Europe, the US and elsewhere. They'll use bombs, cars, trucks, guns, machetes or whatever the fuck kills as many people as possible (bombs) or does it as dreadfully possible on video (machetes, see UK machete attack by terrorist).
When are (mostly) left wing uneducated American globalists going to realize (and appreciate) the fact that there is no constitutionally guaranteed "Bill of Rights" anywhere in the world outside the United States?
There is no doubt that such a time is coming upon us in the United States, fostered upon us by the deranged left that imports both radical jihadists and promotes LGBT, communism, censorship (as seen on CSPAN in my last thread, check it out), and an army of jihadist, antifa and atheist lunatics and commit mass murder on a monthly basis with trucks (NYC), bombs (Boston), guns (Texas), etc. T

Poor little deluded and scared snowflake.

Want another example?

You want the United States to be like the current situation in Syria.

You don't want guns to protect yourself- you want guns to shoot your fellow Americans.
The hyper-left loving and tolerant government of Spain says it's "Fake News" that they are committing violence against the people of Catalonia.

All is well.

Merry Christmas...uh...I can't say that anymore...Happy Holidays.
"Does the Police Brutality in the Sovereign Nation of Catalonia demonstrate the need for the 2nd Amdt"


And the Second Amendment doesn’t ‘authorize’ citizens to ‘take up arms’ against a government lawfully put in to place reflecting the will of the people.

And the people can change government only through the political process consistent with the will of a majority of the people, not through ‘force of arms.’
"Does the Police Brutality in the Sovereign Nation of Catalonia demonstrate the need for the 2nd Amdt"


And the Second Amendment doesn’t ‘authorize’ citizens to ‘take up arms’ against a government lawfully put in to place reflecting the will of the people.

And the people can change government only through the political process consistent with the will of a majority of the people, not through ‘force of arms.’

What happens when it's NOT lawfully put in to place, like in Athens, TN, in 1946?
"Does the Police Brutality in the Sovereign Nation of Catalonia demonstrate the need for the 2nd Amdt"


And the Second Amendment doesn’t ‘authorize’ citizens to ‘take up arms’ against a government lawfully put in to place reflecting the will of the people.

And the people can change government only through the political process consistent with the will of a majority of the people, not through ‘force of arms.’
. Revolutions sometimes (if reach a point), might include the actual use of weapons if a civil war breaks out. By people declaring something as you just did (doesn't make it so). I am with you however that it best to change government by the proper process, but the problem is getting the holdouts (the libs in this most recent case), to then honor the results of the process or election. So far it has been the liberals or leftist who have taken up arms against the government by attacking the Republicans at a baseball game, and then attacking senator Ran Paul in his front yard, the possibilty of Paddock on his attack in Vegas, and possibly this nut job in Texas now. It's getting very interesting for sure.

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