Looks like Republicans have locked up the 2022 Election

No, not gas prices, not inflation, not the Stock Market

Is a beer shortage on tap?

A beer shortage right before the November election will ensure Republican victory

If you read the article ... Looks like a CO2 producer in Mississippi is sticking it to a bunch of craft brewers in Jersey, Virginia, California and the likes ...
Who are now pissing and whining about difficulties and having to raise prices for their Gucci Foo-Foo beer ...
While major producers have only raised their prices 5%, and less than the increase they have seen in production costs.

But I am sure all the diehard beer drinking Republicans in Hackettstown, New Jersey ...
Are going to be crying in their Miller Light instead of their Jersey Girl Beer ... And ready to vote in November.

The economy is perceived as being better, that favors Democrats during the election, fear of a recession is building and could hurt the Democrats. It’s the economy the will make the difference, that is why so many Democrats on this board are claiming the economy is good and inflation isn’t that bad.
I’m for that. Let’s speed it up.

Never happen. Many of our politicians are lawyers and they're not about to take work from their comrades. After all if they don't win re-election, they may have to go back to practicing law as well.

It's like my idea of a loser pays all law. Sue anybody you like, but if you lose the case, you are responsible for paying all costs associated with the person(s) you tried to sue. It would stop a lot of clogging our courts with BS. But the politicians won't even think about it for the same reason they would never consider fast and speedy death penalties.
The economy is perceived as being better, that favors Democrats during the election, fear of a recession is building and could hurt the Democrats. It’s the economy the will make the difference, that is why so many Democrats on this board are claiming the economy is good and inflation isn’t that bad.

And there you go, they'll just lie about it. It's why a beer shortage wouldn't have that much of an impact. Remember, no matter what, nothing is Biden's fault.

And there you go, they'll just lie about it.

There is a difference in lying about something ...
And just telling a bunch of narrow and small truths, arranging them in a certain order, not sharing some other stuff ...
And with the full understanding that who they are talking to doesn't have the sense of a fencepost ...
And can be led to the ballot box by the balls.

I mean you get the same result ...
But a biased fact checker can find enough plausible deniability to kind of not lie, and lie at the same time.

And when Congress passes the upcoming bi-partisan Journalism Competition and Preservation Act those fact checkers gain power ...
As a tool that will be used by the Establishment Media to negotiate with Big Tech interests and collectively decide what the news and lies actually are ...
And further marginalize anyone writing a different story and undermine the Principles of a Free Press.

Thus ... Making even the name of the Journalism Competition and Preservation Act about the same kind of lie as the Inflation Reduction Act.

I'm guessing you are starting to get the picture ... Want a beer ... :auiqs.jpg:

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There is a difference in lying about something ...
And just telling a bunch of narrow and small truths, arranging them in a certain order, not sharing some other stuff ...
And with the full understanding that who they are talking to doesn't have the sense of a fencepost ...
And can be led to the ballot box by the balls.

I mean you get the same result ...
But a biased fact checker can find enough plausible deniability to kind of not lie, and lie at the same time.

And when Congress passes the upcoming Journalism Competition and Preservation Act those fact checkers gain power ...
As a tool that will be used by the Establishment Media to negotiate with Big Tech interests and collectively decide what the news and lies actually are ...
And further marginalize anyone writing a different story and undermine the Principles of a Free Press.

Thus ... Making even the name of the Journalism Competition and Preservation Act about the same kind of lie as the Inflation Reduction Act.

I'm guessing you are starting to get the picture ... Want a beer ... :auiqs.jpg:


It angers me to no end because I understand how headline voters (that's what I call them) vote. Actually if it were up to me I'd have a requirement every voter must take a very simple test before being allowed to vote. If you fail, you can't vote until next election.

That day will never come and the Democrats are trying to get more and more uninformed voters by pushing for mail-in voting. The more politically ignorant voters, the better chance they stand at getting or maintaining power. You know, the "Obama phone" people.

I think the criminals are barbaric, and a multi-murderer deserves the needle to ensure he doesn’t do it again.

But your sympathies lie with the criminal. It’s the lib position, and it’s why violent crime is skyrocketing.

US Justice System

Lock them up
Kill them
They put Section 8 people in suburbs. What's the point of working when you can live just as good if not better than the working. Biden wants to put that on steroids too.

Oh no! They're doing that again?! :(
The death penalty eliminates repeat criminal activity and would solve overcrowding in the prison system.

The death penalty is no deterrent because it takes so long to fry somebody. Are you worried about what's going to happen to you 15 years from now? Well neither are they. Death penalty would be a deterrent if we exhausted all appeals in six months and you're gone.

I’m for that. Let’s speed it up.
Speedy public hanging within a month or 2 of a guilty verdict would solve that problem; Many others as well.

For: Murder, Violent rape, Violent robbery, and pedos.

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