London: Jihadis IN YOUR FACE


Senior Member
Jun 30, 2004
August 3rd, 2005

In London, one thousand radical Islamists held a rally only 100 yards from the latest bus bombing. Tony Blair was accused of “lies, lies and damned lies” by the leaders of the Hizb ut-Tahrir Party, which has been banned in several European countries as a danger to public safety.

At the same time, London police were preparing for a third suicide bombing of the public transportation system. According to the Times of London,

"thousands of police marksmen will be on London¹s streets and rooftops again today after warnings that another team of suicide bombers is plotting a third attack on the capital. ... The new group is believed to be made up of British Muslims who were understood to be close to staging an attack on the Underground network last week."

Meanwhile, in Italy, where a London bomb suspect was nabbed, his lawyer says that Hussain Osman would “prefer to stay in Italy.” She says his actions in making four nail-filled bombs that fizzled "were a purely peaceful protest over the Iraq war."

"Osman's arrest has attracted huge publicity in Italy and made Signora Sonnessa, 40, into a minor celebrity. Her bronzed skin, long black hair and plunging neckline grabbed the attention of Italian newspapers, which carried prominent photographs of her in their coverage of the story."

This is Europe today.

In the last week the multi-culti establishment has tried to recapture control of the agenda in Britain --- that is, the whole British Left, plus the massive BBC, Independent, The Guardian, the education establishment, the Labour Left, Liberal Democrats, plus some Tories trying to swing left themselves.

It has almost seemed like old times, with stories explaining how Muslims in the UK feel hurt to be under suspicion, and are now afraid to be shot on sight.

Worse, Parliament has recessed without passing any new laws after the bombings, so that Britain is still entangled in EU dictates to give asylum for any terror preachers who might face retribution in their own countries. Pakistan and Egypt have rightly accused Britain of creating "Londonistan" as a safe harbor for the most dangerous characters in the world.

London is under siege, but still doesn't know what side it is on. In the US, the Left has persuaded itself that 9/11 can be ignored. In the UK the Left is just as busy trying to make London forget its looming peril.

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