Lobotomies and transgender surgery

You have proof of that?
People getting sex reassignment surgery know exactly what they are getting because they chose to get the surgery of their own free will.

That's obviously false, on its face.

Anyone who believes that he can genuinely have his sex changed is suffering from severe mental defects, and obviously lacks the capacity to give informed consent to a process sold to him as being able to do so, but which, in fact, will only cause him irreparable harm.

This is Josef-Mengele-level shit that is being sold here; and it is those with seriously diminished mental capacity who are being lied to and exploited for profit and to promote a malevolent and evil agenda.
That's obviously false, on its face.

Anyone who believes that he can genuinely have his sex changed is suffering from severe mental defects, and obviously lacks the capacity to give informed consent to a process sold to him as being able to do so, but which, in fact, will only cause him irreparable harm.

This is Josef-Mengele-level shit that is being sold here; and it is those with seriously diminished mental capacity who are being lied to and exploited for profit and to promote a malevolent and evil agenda.

I didn't use the term sex change did I?

The medical term is sex reassignment surgery not sex change surgery.
Nevertheless, they are sold on the fraudulent premise that they can genuinely change someone's sex.

Playing stupid semantic games does nothing to hide the underlying falsehoods.
That's your assumption.

And the reason the MEDICAL term is sex reassignment surgery is to prevent the word games YOU are trying to play.

No medical professional uses the term "sex change" surgery,

Educate yourself.

Lobotomies and transgender surgery are similar, in that both approaches seek to control the uncontrollable, which is the human brain. They were performed on patients whose behavior was seen as detrimental, and sometimes led to them killing themselves. Lobotomies were considered experimental even at the height of their popularity. Although some people did see improvements in their conditions, many other people experienced life-alternating side effects, or even died. But with the advent of modern day pharmacology, much of this behavior can be treated without destroying what is left of the brain. Today lobotomies are not performed and seen as archaic.

Will transgender surgery move in the same direction? Will patients some day be put on medication instead of destroying parts of their body which are functioning normally to try and accommodate what is not working psychologically? Will transgender surgery some day be seen as archaic by the medical community as lobotomies are viewed today?
I certainly hope so as there is no way that anybody who would choose mutilating surgery and dangerous hormones to 'change their gender' cannot possibly be seen as mentally balanced.
Can you honestly say with a straight face that the semantics makes any difference? Mutilating surgery and dangerous hormones pumped into the body happen regardless of what you call it.
What an adult does to his or her own body is none of your business.
What an adult does to his or her own body is none of your business.
I agree until that adult makes it my business. Or until it is done to children or people too mentally incompetent to make a reasoned choice for themselves. Then it becomes my business.

And trying to use semantics to make it sound normal is just plain dishonest.
I agree until that adult makes it my business. Or until it is done to children or people too mentally incompetent to make a reasoned choice for themselves. Then it becomes my business.

And trying to use semantics to make it sound normal is just plain dishonest.

you have no authority over the children of other people either.

if it is legal for a parent to consent to surgery for a child you have no say in the matter.

There are no semantics involved here the law is plain.
you have no authority over the children of other people either.

if it is legal for a parent to consent to surgery for a child you have no say in the matter.

There are no semantics involved here the law is plain.
There are strong laws in place protecting children from organ harvesting as well as dangers of illegal prescription drugs, tobacco, alcohol, other controlled substances, other forms of child abuse. Any parent subjecting their children to these things could be charged with anything from gross misdemeanor to Class A felony.

The human mind is not fully adult until around age 25. What is your rationale for parents allowing their children dangerous hormones and mutilating, even life threatening irreversible surgeries well before they are mature enough to make such decisions? Especially when a number of studies show that 65 to 90+% of minors who think they want to transgender no longer want to do that when they become adults.
There are strong laws in place protecting children from organ harvesting as well as dangers of illegal prescription drugs, tobacco, alcohol, other controlled substances, other forms of child abuse. Any parent subjecting their children to these things could be charged with anything from gross misdemeanor to Class A felony.

The human mind is not fully adult until around age 25. What is your rationale for parents allowing their children dangerous hormones and mutilating, even life threatening irreversible surgeries well before they are mature enough to make such decisions? Especially when a number of studies show that 65 to 90+% of minors who think they want to transgender no longer want to do that when they become adults.

If a parent legally consents to a surgery for a child you have no authority to do anything about it.

What exactly do you not understand about that?
Lobotomies were considered cutting edge back in the time. Dr. Moniz, a Portuguese surgeon received the Nobel Prize for developing the procedure.
Parents who allow minor children to be sterilized should be imprisoned for life - Elon Musk

Definitely at least a Class A Felony except in the extremely rare cases in which the child is carrying some terrible gene with a high probability of it being transferred to offspring. Then there might be justification for a tubal ligation or vasectomy as a precaution, maybe via consultation with a medical panel or some such? I would imagine such cases to be no more than .001% of the population.
And the reason the MEDICAL term is sex reassignment surgery is to prevent the word games YOU are trying to play.
No medical professional uses the term "sex change" surgery,

Bullshit is bullshit, regardless of which words you try to use to cover for it.

Whether you speak of “changing” sex or “reassigning” sex, you're equally speaking of the same impossibility, and the same lie on which the whole Mengeleism of “gender affirming care” is built.
if it is legal for a parent to consent to surgery for a child you have no say in the matter.

Where what is being consented to is as abusive and harmful as the crap that is under discussion, here, for a parent to “consent” to subjecting a chill to it would clearly constitute a severe level of child abuse.

But then you also defend abortion, which is the most extreme form of child abuse of all.

It is clear that to the very core of whatever passes for your soul, you are an evil creature, that hates children, and wants to see them harmed.

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