Liz Wahl Russia Today Anchor Who Quit On Air Is A Liar With Zero Credibility


Gold Member
Sep 8, 2008
An interesting thing happened on Russia Today (RT) an English speaking television news channel that provides world news from a Russian perspective. Yesterday Liz Wahl one of their American news anchors out of Washington DC decided to quit live on air protesting what she claimed was RT’s slanted pro-Russian, pro-Putin news coverage. Amazingly just hours later, Wahl was on CNN talking with Anderson Cooper on his nightly cable news show AC 360 about her decision to quit. Could this woman be any more of a hypocrite? Even though it is true that RT is biased in certain respects, the American corporate news media is the most slanted and biased propaganda machine in the world. If this woman really quit on basic journalistic principles she would have never appeared on CNN just hours after quitting on air. This woman has zero credibility.

[ame=]RT America's Liz Wahl resigns live on air - YouTube[/ame]

There is a very strong chance that this whole incident was prearranged and staged in advance. Does anyone really believe that only hours after quitting live on air there would be time for CNN’s producers to prepare this interview? Wahl quit live on air only about 4 hours before her appearance on CNN. Was CNN really able to learn about this, change the show’s format, get in touch with Wahl and put her on camera in such a short amount of time? This would have been extremely difficult unless of course the whole thing was pre-planned.

[ame=]RT Anchor Quits on Air - YouTube[/ame]

It is likely that Wahl has been promised a future slot on one of the big American corporate whore media channels in exchange for this unprofessional stunt. Who knows, maybe CNN? If not, she has at least put herself in a great position for one. After all, look at the positive media coverage she has received from the American presstitutes.

The only other plausible explanation for her actions is that she is being blackmailed in some capacity. We’ll never know for sure, but it is possible. She certainly didn’t look comfortable during her CNN interview.

On top of this, her rationale for quitting is a total joke. She cites a sob story about her parents escaping Soviet forces during the Hungarian revolution, claims that RT whitewashes the actions of Putin and says she believes in disseminating the truth. She is quoted below.

“As a reporter on this network, I face many ethical and moral challenges,” Wahl said at the end of Wednesday’s 5pm broadcast. “Especially me personally, coming from a family who grandparents … came here as refugees during the Hungarian revolution. Ironically, to escape the Soviet forces.”

“That is why personally I cannot be part of a network funded by the Russian government that whitewashes the actions of Putin,” Wahl continued. “I’m proud to be an American and believe in disseminating the truth and that is why, after this newscast, I’m resigning.”

It is true that RT provides a pro-Russian slant on many issues but what actions of Putin are being whitewashed exactly? Putin’s response to the on-going situation in Ukraine has been relatively low-key and understandable considering the circumstances. The criminals in Washington DC started this mess by financing the revolution leaving anti-Russian, ultranationalist groups in charge of the streets.

In addition, the Russians have had a military base in Crimea for years and under a Russian-Ukraine agreement are actually allowed to have up to 25,000 troops in the region. This is not an invasion or an occupation as the Western media is telling everyone. Historically speaking, the Crimean peninsula has been a part of Russia for hundreds of years. It was only made part of Ukraine as a symbolic gesture by Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev in the 1950s. This transfer happened at a time when the eventual breakup of the Soviet Union could not have been foreseen. This is why much of the population in Crimea speaks Russian and is largely supportive of Putin.

If Wahl is really in favor of disseminating truth, she wouldn’t be spreading lies about what’s happening in Ukraine or Crimea. She also wouldn’t appear on a news network like CNN which is well-known for spreading some of the most vile pro-Zionist propaganda garbage you could imagine. For evidence of this, look at CNN’s coverage of events like September 11th, 2001, the alleged Sandy Hook school shooting, the phony terror war, the lead up to the Iraq war among many others. They are all filled with lies, omissions and disinformation. CNN is also the same network that faked news coverage of the Gulf War back in the 1990s. Look at the on air antics of Charles Jaco for proof.

There’s also little to no room for real dissenting opinions in the American propaganda machine. Phil Donahue who had one of the highest rated shows on MSNBC was fired for simply being against the Iraq war. Rick Sanchez was fired from CNN for mentioning in a radio interview that Jews dominated and controlled much of the American media. Sanchez’s statement was true, so true in fact that they had Howard Kurtz do a roughly 12 minute long hit piece on Sanchez for damage control purposes. These are just two examples of many proving that the American propaganda machine will blacklist anyone that goes against the status quo.

This type of insane blacklisting and censorship is not nearly as prevalent on RT. Just a few days ago Abby Martin the host of the RT show Breaking the Set stated that she was against Putin’s actions in Crimea. Her point of view clearly ran against the grain of what you would normally see on RT but she was not fired. Instead RT offered her a chance to go to Crimea to get a better understanding of the situation on the ground.

Please don’t mistake this article as a defense of RT as a news network. RT has its own particular slant on world views that is worthy of legitimate criticism. It is not however, anywhere near as biased as the American corporate media which is consistently pushing some of the most insane pro-Zionist propaganda one could imagine. Liz Wahl is a liar for claiming that she cares about disseminating the truth by spreading Washington talking points and openly whoring herself to the world on CNN. Unless she is being blackmailed in some capacity, it is clear that she is using this stunt in hopes that she’ll advance her career and get a bigger paycheck at one of the large American propaganda networks. We may never know the full details behind what has happened, but we do know that she has lost all credibility with these antics.

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An interesting thing happened on Russia Today (RT) an English speaking television news channel that provides world news from a Russian perspective. Yesterday Liz Wahl one of their American news anchors out of Washington DC decided to quit live on air protesting what she claimed was RT’s slanted pro-Russian, pro-Putin news coverage. Amazingly just hours later, Wahl was on CNN talking with Anderson Cooper on his nightly cable news show AC 360 about her decision to quit. Could this woman be any more of a hypocrite? Even though it is true that RT is biased in certain respects, the American corporate news media is the most slanted and biased propaganda machine in the world. If this woman really quit on basic journalistic principles she would have never appeared on CNN just hours after quitting on air. This woman has zero credibility.

RT America's Liz Wahl resigns live on air - YouTube

There is a very strong chance that this whole incident was prearranged and staged in advance. Does anyone really believe that only hours after quitting live on air there would be time for CNN’s producers to prepare this interview? Wahl quit live on air only about 4 hours before her appearance on CNN. Was CNN really able to learn about this, change the show’s format, get in touch with Wahl and put her on camera in such a short amount of time? This would have been extremely difficult unless of course the whole thing was pre-planned.

RT Anchor Quits on Air - YouTube

It is likely that Wahl has been promised a future slot on one of the big American corporate whore media channels in exchange for this unprofessional stunt. Who knows, maybe CNN? If not, she has at least put herself in a great position for one. After all, look at the positive media coverage she has received from the American presstitutes.

The only other plausible explanation for her actions is that she is being blackmailed in some capacity. We’ll never know for sure, but it is possible. She certainly didn’t look comfortable during her CNN interview.

On top of this, her rationale for quitting is a total joke. She cites a sob story about her parents escaping Soviet forces during the Hungarian revolution, claims that RT whitewashes the actions of Putin and says she believes in disseminating the truth. She is quoted below.

“As a reporter on this network, I face many ethical and moral challenges,” Wahl said at the end of Wednesday’s 5pm broadcast. “Especially me personally, coming from a family who grandparents … came here as refugees during the Hungarian revolution. Ironically, to escape the Soviet forces.”

“That is why personally I cannot be part of a network funded by the Russian government that whitewashes the actions of Putin,” Wahl continued. “I’m proud to be an American and believe in disseminating the truth and that is why, after this newscast, I’m resigning.”

It is true that RT provides a pro-Russian slant on many issues but what actions of Putin are being whitewashed exactly? Putin’s response to the on-going situation in Ukraine has been relatively low-key and understandable considering the circumstances. The criminals in Washington DC started this mess by financing the revolution leaving anti-Russian, ultranationalist groups in charge of the streets.

In addition, the Russians have had a military base in Crimea for years and under a Russian-Ukraine agreement are actually allowed to have up to 25,000 troops in the region. This is not an invasion or an occupation as the Western media is telling everyone. Historically speaking, the Crimean peninsula has been a part of Russia for hundreds of years. It was only made part of Ukraine as a symbolic gesture by Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev in the 1950s. This transfer happened at a time when the eventual breakup of the Soviet Union could not have been foreseen. This is why much of the population in Crimea speaks Russian and is largely supportive of Putin.

If Wahl is really in favor of disseminating truth, she wouldn’t be spreading lies about what’s happening in Ukraine or Crimea. She also wouldn’t appear on a news network like CNN which is well-known for spreading some of the most vile pro-Zionist propaganda garbage you could imagine. For evidence of this, look at CNN’s coverage of events like September 11th, 2001, the alleged Sandy Hook school shooting, the phony terror war, the lead up to the Iraq war among many others. They are all filled with lies, omissions and disinformation. CNN is also the same network that faked news coverage of the Gulf War back in the 1990s. Look at the on air antics of Charles Jaco for proof.

There’s also little to no room for real dissenting opinions in the American propaganda machine. Phil Donahue who had one of the highest rated shows on MSNBC was fired for simply being against the Iraq war. Rick Sanchez was fired from CNN for mentioning in a radio interview that Jews dominated and controlled much of the American media. Sanchez’s statement was true, so true in fact that they had Howard Kurtz do a roughly 12 minute long hit piece on Sanchez for damage control purposes. These are just two examples of many proving that the American propaganda machine will blacklist anyone that goes against the status quo.

This type of insane blacklisting and censorship is not nearly as prevalent on RT. Just a few days ago Abby Martin the host of the RT show Breaking the Set stated that she was against Putin’s actions in Crimea. Her point of view clearly ran against the grain of what you would normally see on RT but she was not fired. Instead RT offered her a chance to go to Crimea to get a better understanding of the situation on the ground.

Please don’t mistake this article as a defense of RT as a news network. RT has its own particular slant on world views that is worthy of legitimate criticism. It is not however, anywhere near as biased as the American corporate media which is consistently pushing some of the most insane pro-Zionist propaganda one could imagine. Liz Wahl is a liar for claiming that she cares about disseminating the truth by spreading Washington talking points and openly whoring herself to the world on CNN. Unless she is being blackmailed in some capacity, it is clear that she is using this stunt in hopes that she’ll advance her career and get a bigger paycheck at one of the large American propaganda networks. We may never know the full details behind what has happened, but we do know that she has lost all credibility with these antics.

Source DAILYSLAVE | Liz Wahl Russia Today Anchor Who Quit On Air Is A Liar With Zero Credibility
LINK: Satan never reveals that the new world order is the living death in the lake of Fire.

She just now learned that Russia today is slanted pro Russian? Seriously??
She did it to get some sort of liberal bona fides and hopefully get a job with MSNBC.

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