Lisa Page breaks silence, saying Trump's 'fake orgasm' forced her to speak out

Since all the republicans held their noses when voting for tramp, tramp should of kept his mouth shut, but he probably is good at faking orgasms, he just proved it.
Frank Drebin of the Police Squad films faked his orgasms to at times.
“Honestly, his demeaning fake orgasm was really the straw that broke the camel’s back."

With those striking words in an interview published late Sunday, Lisa Page, the ex-FBI lawyer who carried on an extramarital affair with former FBI head of counterintelligence Peter Strzok as the two exchanged anti-Trump text messages, said she was breaking her silence.

The 39-year-old Page was referring to Trump's comments about her and Strzok at an October rally. During the event, Trump performed a passionate, dramatic reading of Strzok and Page's August 2016 text messages, including Strzok's conspicuous promise to Page that "we'll stop" Trump from becoming president. At the time, Strzok was overseeing the Hillary Clinton email investigation and the probe into the Trump campaign.

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It’s a case where she really ought to keep quiet, show a low-profile, and just hope all of this goes away in three or four years.

This dummy is going to talk her way into a double sentence. She's admitting to a crime..... Even an incompetent lawyer should have advised her to be quiet. But these seriously deranged mental detectives still think they are in charge!
Former Ex-FBI Agent Lisa Page is a disgraced, un-disciplined, unethical, immoral, adulterous, and admitted criminal, co-conspiring traitor.

She has already testified to the fact that what is in her former treasonous lover's text messages say exactly what they say and mean exactly what they seem to mean.

She has already testified to the fact that the FBI conducted its own investigation of Trump and his team and found no crime, no evidence, no 'illegal collusion' prior to Comey leaking info to the press through his professor pal to get an official investigation opened pre-planned Special Counsel appointed.

She has already testified to the fact that Rosenstein and Obama's DOJ made it perfectly clear to her and the former Deputy Director of the FBI that it wanted nothing to do with opening a criminal investigation of HRC and would not do so.

She has already testified to the fact that former President Barak Obama was the one who initiated the 'coup' attempt, ordering his Cabinet / Agency Directors to use any and all means / tools / channels available to spy / collect info on Trump and his team, that he demanded to be 100% kept updated on every detail; that the repeated meetings were attended by Obama, Biden, the US AG, Rosenstein, Clapper, Brennan, Comey, etc...

Her testimony alone along with Strzok's texts, without all of the other mountain of existing corroborating evidence (substantiating documents, testimony, etc...), provide enough evidence to prove the existence of a failed attempted Obama-led Coup and successful altering of the 2016 Presidential Election (by protecting a criminal candidate, proven guilty of thousands of counts of criminal non-compliance with the FOIA & FRA, Obstruction, Violations of laws pertaining to the possession / handling / storage / destruction of classified data, etc...) to protect this candidate from being Indicted / charged / sent to prison and on the Presidential ballot instead. Her testimony is enough to send Clapper, Brennan, Rosenstein, Comey, Strzok, and others away to prison for LIFE.
Since all the republicans held their noses when voting for tramp, tramp should of kept his mouth shut, but he probably is good at faking orgasms, he just proved it.
Why were we holding our noses? No one was doing that. You had to do that to vote for Clinton who was proven repeatedly to be corrupt since she got booted off The Nixon team.

Want me to list the scandals she was involved in?

Scandals?? I want what she was indicted for? You know the maj of republicans were holding their nose when voting for him. You were not, that tells me more about you than him.
you know this how?
All Lisa said was that trump was a scumbag a liar and a threat to the FBI Where is the error?
Since all the republicans held their noses when voting for tramp, tramp should of kept his mouth shut, but he probably is good at faking organisms, he just proved it.

We know that you are libtards are so desperate that you fake have to your orgasms while masturbating, so you don't disappoint yourself when your hand falls asleep!
Trump is a slimebag looking for revenge against any truthtellers that won't kiss his fat ass
Why not speak out, when you are above the law? She’s untouchable like the rest of the conspirators.

And Strzok overseeing Hillary’s email is laughable, and just another little tidbit proving the FBI is corrupt. Little wonder Comey refused to prosecute Hillary.
Boo Hoo.....the Right are victims....Whaaaaaaa! Everyone is against them!
“Honestly, his demeaning fake orgasm was really the straw that broke the camel’s back."

With those striking words in an interview published late Sunday, Lisa Page, the ex-FBI lawyer who carried on an extramarital affair with former FBI head of counterintelligence Peter Strzok as the two exchanged anti-Trump text messages, said she was breaking her silence.

The 39-year-old Page was referring to Trump's comments about her and Strzok at an October rally. During the event, Trump performed a passionate, dramatic reading of Strzok and Page's August 2016 text messages, including Strzok's conspicuous promise to Page that "we'll stop" Trump from becoming president. At the time, Strzok was overseeing the Hillary Clinton email investigation and the probe into the Trump campaign.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...


It’s a case where she really ought to keep quiet, show a low-profile, and just hope all of this goes away in three or four years.

This dummy is going to talk her way into a double sentence. She's admitting to a crime..... Even an incompetent lawyer should have advised her to be quiet. But these seriously deranged mental detectives still think they are in charge!
When her hair is straight, she ain't too bad looking for a Lib Woman. Her biggest crime was doinking that stupid imbecile.....She could have done way better than that for God sakes.

It is a hell of a story and I'm going to give her immunity for telling it.....Lol

Even though she's only 39, I did see a picture of her when she was younger. She was a nice looking girl. She kind of hits me as the stuck-up kind since she probably got a lot of male attention years ago, and thinks she still has it.

Now she's crying the blues because she's concerned what people think about her when she's seen in public. She just wants it go to away. Wait a minute! You were working with a guy who together, wanted to ruin Trump's potential presidency, and now all you can do is think about yourself and what harm has come to your reputation?

Another BS'r. She said she forgot about all the text messages, and was shocked when the FBI pulled her in for questioning about them. How many guys was she bopping at the FBI where these texts were so easily forgotten?

I don't think she broke any laws, but she and stroke-off deserve whatever happens to them, including ridicule by the President on Twitter.

funny how the word 'consequence' is not a known word in the vocabulary of a leftist. it's okay to try and destroy another human, but stay the fk away from their world and don't say shit about them. to fking funny.
All Lisa said was that trump was a scumbag a liar and a threat to the FBI Where is the error?
Well he is a threat to the traitors and commies that do work at the FBI.....BUT OF COURSE A LIAR AND A SCUMBAG LIKE YOU, would agree with a liar, scumbag and filth sure do stick together!
Trump routinely makes a complete fool of himself and his supporters celebrate his buffoonery like brainwashed delusional cultist.
“Honestly, his demeaning fake orgasm was really the straw that broke the camel’s back."

With those striking words in an interview published late Sunday, Lisa Page, the ex-FBI lawyer who carried on an extramarital affair with former FBI head of counterintelligence Peter Strzok as the two exchanged anti-Trump text messages, said she was breaking her silence.

The 39-year-old Page was referring to Trump's comments about her and Strzok at an October rally. During the event, Trump performed a passionate, dramatic reading of Strzok and Page's August 2016 text messages, including Strzok's conspicuous promise to Page that "we'll stop" Trump from becoming president. At the time, Strzok was overseeing the Hillary Clinton email investigation and the probe into the Trump campaign.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...


It’s a case where she really ought to keep quiet, show a low-profile, and just hope all of this goes away in three or four years.

This dummy is going to talk her way into a double sentence. She's admitting to a crime..... Even an incompetent lawyer should have advised her to be quiet. But these seriously deranged mental detectives still think they are in charge!
When her hair is straight, she ain't too bad looking for a Lib Woman. Her biggest crime was doinking that stupid imbecile.....She could have done way better than that for God sakes.

It is a hell of a story and I'm going to give her immunity for telling it.....Lol

Even though she's only 39, I did see a picture of her when she was younger. She was a nice looking girl. She kind of hits me as the stuck-up kind since she probably got a lot of male attention years ago, and thinks she still has it.

Now she's crying the blues because she's concerned what people think about her when she's seen in public. She just wants it go to away. Wait a minute! You were working with a guy who together, wanted to ruin Trump's potential presidency, and now all you can do is think about yourself and what harm has come to your reputation?

Another BS'r. She said she forgot about all the text messages, and was shocked when the FBI pulled her in for questioning about them. How many guys was she bopping at the FBI where these texts were so easily forgotten?

I don't think she broke any laws, but she and stroke-off deserve whatever happens to them, including ridicule by the President on Twitter.

funny how the word 'consequence' is not a known word in the vocabulary of a leftist. it's okay to try and destroy another human, but stay the fk away from their world and don't say shit about them. to fking funny.

Exactly. And she also used words like "threatened" to describe her feelings. That's a word they know all too well.
All Lisa said was that trump was a scumbag a liar and a threat to the FBI Where is the error?
Well he is a threat to the traitors and commies that do work at the FBI.....BUT OF COURSE A LIAR AND A SCUMBAG LIKE YOU, would agree with a liar, scumbag and filth sure do stick together!
You sticking up for the disaster ,the low life pos trump, gives me great insight into how fuked up you really are
“Honestly, his demeaning fake orgasm was really the straw that broke the camel’s back."

With those striking words in an interview published late Sunday, Lisa Page, the ex-FBI lawyer who carried on an extramarital affair with former FBI head of counterintelligence Peter Strzok as the two exchanged anti-Trump text messages, said she was breaking her silence.

The 39-year-old Page was referring to Trump's comments about her and Strzok at an October rally. During the event, Trump performed a passionate, dramatic reading of Strzok and Page's August 2016 text messages, including Strzok's conspicuous promise to Page that "we'll stop" Trump from becoming president. At the time, Strzok was overseeing the Hillary Clinton email investigation and the probe into the Trump campaign.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...


It’s a case where she really ought to keep quiet, show a low-profile, and just hope all of this goes away in three or four years.

This dummy is going to talk her way into a double sentence. She's admitting to a crime..... Even an incompetent lawyer should have advised her to be quiet. But these seriously deranged mental detectives still think they are in charge!
When her hair is straight, she ain't too bad looking for a Lib Woman. Her biggest crime was doinking that stupid imbecile.....She could have done way better than that for God sakes.

It is a hell of a story and I'm going to give her immunity for telling it.....Lol

Even though she's only 39, I did see a picture of her when she was younger. She was a nice looking girl. She kind of hits me as the stuck-up kind since she probably got a lot of male attention years ago, and thinks she still has it.

Now she's crying the blues because she's concerned what people think about her when she's seen in public. She just wants it go to away. Wait a minute! You were working with a guy who together, wanted to ruin Trump's potential presidency, and now all you can do is think about yourself and what harm has come to your reputation?

Another BS'r. She said she forgot about all the text messages, and was shocked when the FBI pulled her in for questioning about them. How many guys was she bopping at the FBI where these texts were so easily forgotten?

I don't think she broke any laws, but she and stroke-off deserve whatever happens to them, including ridicule by the President on Twitter.

funny how the word 'consequence' is not a known word in the vocabulary of a leftist. it's okay to try and destroy another human, but stay the fk away from their world and don't say shit about them. to fking funny.

Exactly. And she also used words like "threatened" to describe her feelings. That's a word they know all too well.

take out 63 million voters votes, isn't a threat? oh the life of a leftist.
All Lisa said was that trump was a scumbag a liar and a threat to the FBI Where is the error?
Well he is a threat to the traitors and commies that do work at the FBI.....BUT OF COURSE A LIAR AND A SCUMBAG LIKE YOU, would agree with a liar, scumbag and filth sure do stick together!
You sticking up for the disaster ,the low life pos trump, gives me great insight into how fuked up you really are
still whining. go figure.

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