Lie by Lie: A Timeline of How We Got Into Iraq

sorry bout your memories on 911, maybe you should move to Florida like me.

everyone lost someone or something on that day. you are not special in this regard buddy.

man up, join the service. you sound like you need a good ass whopping.
sorry bout your memories on 911, maybe you should move to Florida like me.

everyone lost someone or something on that day. you are not special in this regard buddy.

man up, join the service. you sound like you need a good ass whopping.

:eusa_hand: Move to Florida?

:lol: No thanks, i'd rather give myself an ass "whopping!"
sorry bout your memories on 911, maybe you should move to Florida like me.

everyone lost someone or something on that day. you are not special in this regard buddy.

man up, join the service. you sound like you need a good ass whopping.

:eusa_hand: Move to Florida?

:lol: No thanks, i'd rather give myself an ass "whopping!"

Well that would be a sight to behold yet I think you may be a bit biased so I vote that Coastal should administer said whopping which I believe may be every bit as intense as a whooping.
sorry bout your memories on 911, maybe you should move to Florida like me.

everyone lost someone or something on that day. you are not special in this regard buddy.

man up, join the service. you sound like you need a good ass whopping.

:eusa_hand: Move to Florida?

:lol: No thanks, i'd rather give myself an ass "whopping!"

Well that would be a sight to behold yet I think you may be a bit biased so I vote that Coastal should administer said whopping which I believe may be every bit as intense as a whooping.

:eusa_hand: Stop!

No "whoppings", nor whoppers are allowed anywhere near my ass!

its a fact Dems voted us into Iraq as well, this is a position that can not be denied. However, I might even add, with the intel put forth at the moment, I would have voted us in as well. Im just being honest. No one wanted Saddam with WMD's, the truth is, there were none.

However, looking back, Bush and the his puppet master were pulling stings. this Iraq invasion part II was a GOP wet dream from he get go. to deny as much would be disingenuous at best.

own it GOP, its your mess. Obama cleaned it up. again, par for the course around these parts.
Oh, you mean Obama cleaned it up by following the timeline Bush established in the Status of Forces agreement, ratified in 2008?
You almost gotta laugh when democrats take a page out of John Kerry's playbook and claim that they unauthorize the war in Iraq after they authorized it.

I laugh as hard when Republicans try and claim prominence on national defense. BS to the highest degree, Obama has done quite the job in keeping these terrorists ay bay.

Im 32, I have never once been impressed with the GOP, not one single time in my life. I served in the USAF and still don't get it. the GOP is a wasteful, hateful, ignorant bunch.
Thanks for your service. You're an idiot.
oh ya dude, click it and read it means its true.

does it matter I have been in Iraq since 2005 till 2009? I mean, I was sort of there, my ass on the line. how bout you?

and you are gonna try and tell me you know more? im all ears.

You were all over Iraq? Were you one of the aerial porters who loaded the yellowcake?


Okay, then.
its a fact Dems voted us into Iraq as well, this is a position that can not be denied. However, I might even add, with the intel put forth at the moment, I would have voted us in as well. Im just being honest. No one wanted Saddam with WMD's, the truth is, there were none.

However, looking back, Bush and the his puppet master were pulling stings. this Iraq invasion part II was a GOP wet dream from he get go. to deny as much would be disingenuous at best.

own it GOP, its your mess. Obama cleaned it up. again, par for the course around these parts.
Oh, you mean Obama cleaned it up by following the timeline Bush established in the Status of Forces agreement, ratified in 2008?

No doubt you were all about "no time tables" but you gobbled up the "time horizon"
Keep mind, after the fact,

virtually every member of the Bush administration said invading Iraq was a good idea even if they had KNOWN there were no WMD's.
Keep in mind, after the fact, that Democrats kept on voting to fund the war even after no WMD were found.

WTF???? What did you want them to do? Defund our troops right in the middle of the war? Once BUSH committed us to war we had no choice but to see it through.

But that doesn't change the fact that BUSH and BUSH alone was responsible for sending our soldiers off to fight and die for NO GOOD REASON.

And anyone who still thinks it was a good idea needs to answer two questions......

1) What exactly did we win?

2) Was it worth the lives of thousands of American soldiers?
"Waaah! Don't blame Democrats!!"

Right on time.
As I understand it, that yellowcake was discovered and secured by weapons inspectors at the end of the FIRST Gulf War under President George H.W. Bush.


At that time as well all efforts by the Iraqis to develop a nuclear program were scrapped.

What's the relevance of Iraq in 2005? We're talking about whether there was forbidden weapons considered to be WMDs in 2003. So were there?



So sarin binary agents aren't considered WMDs? Or do you just think none were found?
This is where Jones moves the goalposts.
its a fact Dems voted us into Iraq as well, this is a position that can not be denied. However, I might even add, with the intel put forth at the moment, I would have voted us in as well. Im just being honest. No one wanted Saddam with WMD's, the truth is, there were none.

However, looking back, Bush and the his puppet master were pulling stings. this Iraq invasion part II was a GOP wet dream from he get go. to deny as much would be disingenuous at best.

own it GOP, its your mess. Obama cleaned it up. again, par for the course around these parts.
Oh, you mean Obama cleaned it up by following the timeline Bush established in the Status of Forces agreement, ratified in 2008?

No doubt you were all about "no time tables" but you gobbled up the "time horizon"
I gotta hand it to you -- you're consistently wrong.

Still want to give Obama credit for something Bush did, I see. Typical.
Oh, you mean Obama cleaned it up by following the timeline Bush established in the Status of Forces agreement, ratified in 2008?

No doubt you were all about "no time tables" but you gobbled up the "time horizon"
I gotta hand it to you -- you're consistently wrong.

Still want to give Obama credit for something Bush did, I see. Typical.

I nailed it from day one and there's zero doubt in my mind that up until that day you were attacking "libs" for wanting a time table for withdrawal.

You will deny it of course but that's expected.
As I understand it, that yellowcake was discovered and secured by weapons inspectors at the end of the FIRST Gulf War under President George H.W. Bush.


At that time as well all efforts by the Iraqis to develop a nuclear program were scrapped.

What's the relevance of Iraq in 2005? We're talking about whether there was forbidden weapons considered to be WMDs in 2003. So were there?



So sarin binary agents aren't considered WMDs? Or do you just think none were found?

All claims that Iraq had WMD's need to be taken up with GW Bush, who in a December 2005 press conference

No doubt you were all about "no time tables" but you gobbled up the "time horizon"
I gotta hand it to you -- you're consistently wrong.

Still want to give Obama credit for something Bush did, I see. Typical.

I nailed it from day one and there's zero doubt in my mind that up until that day you were attacking "libs" for wanting a time table for withdrawal.

You will deny it of course but that's expected.
Ahhh. So you make a claim about me, and as your proof, point to your wishful thinking.


Face it, kid. Obama had nothing to do with the withdrawal from Iraq.
Funny how those hack douchebags at Mother Jones fail to mention the 1991 war, Clintoon keeping the Bush 41 policy 100% in place - to the point of lobbing cruise missiles into Baghdad when he needed to get his zipper off of the front page- and only briefly touched on the 1998 Iraq Liberation Act.

Nor do they mention the fact that the Senate democratics demanded to have a second vote in 2002, in advance of the elections, so they could say "meetooomeetoo" and jump on the war bandwagon.

Strangely, they chose to pad out the propaganda with entirely irrelevant events like Ken Lay getting convicted and the attempted Hugo Chavez coup.

Nope....It's ALL the fault of GEORGE BOOOOOOOOOOSH!

Lies of omission and obfuscation are lies nonetheless, party man hack.[/img[/quote]

Bush chose to invade Iraq. No one forced him. It was ALL Bush's fault, and it was ALL based on lies.[/QUOTE]
Lies that the Senate democratics who demanded the 2002 vote and those who went along with the 1998 bill lived, right up until it became convenient for them to not do so.

Two-faced party man hack.[/QUOTE]

Most Democrats voted against the Iraq war authorization. Period. There would have been NO WAR if the Democrats had had their way. The authorization would have never gotten out of the House.

Bush chose to invade Iraq. No one forced him. It was ALL Bush's fault, and it was ALL based on lies.

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