Libtardification of Star Wars; JJ Abrams Brings A Predictable World View


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
OK, first assertion; JJ Abrams who has directed Star Wars is a libtard;
1. He was involved in the Episode III fiasco that polticized Star Wars, depictiing the Empire as some sort of variation on George W Bush. Star Wars saga ends with jab at Bush's empire - Film - Entertainment
2. He and George Soros give major money to Democrats exclusively in US politics.
3. JJ Abrams has had nmajor success in TV and Hollyweird, which requires one to be a libtard.

But how does this impact his story line in Start Trek?
1. Luke Skywalker, being a white male, will go to the dark side and start to sound like a conservative. Expect a lot of 'law and order' rhetoric from Luke as he goes around chopping off heads and dismembering those who dissent and having words put in his mouth by libtard script writers that make him sound like a Young Republican.
2. The new primary characters of episode VII will be a black guy and a woman, maybe multiple women. The trailers have already hinted at this. The old white dudes that were heroes are almost all dead now, so expect the rest to be culled pretty darnned quick, maybe all in episode VII.
3. In the trailer Luke says 'The force is strong in my family. My father has it. I have it. My sister has it. You have that power too." So someone else is stepping in as the role of Lukes father. Now we all know that Vader is dead, but perhaps the Emperor survived? Regardless the Sith Master that is teaching Luke is like now regarded as his father. But who is Luke trying to recruit by telling them they have the power of the Force? A new Apprentice? Perhaps he recruits a new Jedi just before turning to the dark side?
4. Princess Laya is now leading a group of shadow Jedi or will be soon. One can never under estimate the value of having a vagina in wartime, in the libtard world view.
5. Luke's service to the Dark side will be rationalized eventually as some kind of 'All is gray, there is no black or white' morality that libtards espouse to. So despite Luke being dark side, he will do good with his powers to serve humanity, like Castro or Stalin did.
Isn't the new star a thuggish looking black guy?

It's not on my list of must see.
I imagine American politics won't have much to do with the Star Trek story line. Or Star Wars for that matter. A whole bunch of fan boys are probably gonna be all over that typo. It's too bad you can't seem to separate your politics and entertainment. Someone else (Mac?) in another thread said if you're thinking about politics after watching that, maybe you need a break from politics for a week or two. And no, you don't have to be a "liberal" to be a success in Hollywood.
OK, first assertion; JJ Abrams who has directed Star Wars is a libtard;
1. He was involved in the Episode III fiasco that polticized Star Wars, depictiing the Empire as some sort of variation on George W Bush. Star Wars saga ends with jab at Bush's empire - Film - Entertainment
2. He and George Soros give major money to Democrats exclusively in US politics.
3. JJ Abrams has had nmajor success in TV and Hollyweird, which requires one to be a libtard.

But how does this impact his story line in Start Trek?
1. Luke Skywalker, being a white male, will go to the dark side and start to sound like a conservative. Expect a lot of 'law and order' rhetoric from Luke as he goes around chopping off heads and dismembering those who dissent and having words put in his mouth by libtard script writers that make him sound like a Young Republican.
2. The new primary characters of episode VII will be a black guy and a woman, maybe multiple women. The trailers have already hinted at this. The old white dudes that were heroes are almost all dead now, so expect the rest to be culled pretty darnned quick, maybe all in episode VII.
3. In the trailer Luke says 'The force is strong in my family. My father has it. I have it. My sister has it. You have that power too." So someone else is stepping in as the role of Lukes father. Now we all know that Vader is dead, but perhaps the Emperor survived? Regardless the Sith Master that is teaching Luke is like now regarded as his father. But who is Luke trying to recruit by telling them they have the power of the Force? A new Apprentice? Perhaps he recruits a new Jedi just before turning to the dark side?
4. Princess Laya is now leading a group of shadow Jedi or will be soon. One can never under estimate the value of having a vagina in wartime, in the libtard world view.
5. Luke's service to the Dark side will be rationalized eventually as some kind of 'All is gray, there is no black or white' morality that libtards espouse to. So despite Luke being dark side, he will do good with his powers to serve humanity, like Castro or Stalin did.

You may want to wait until the movie actually comes out.

Just sayin'.
I imagine American politics won't have much to do with the Star Trek story line. Or Star Wars for that matter. A whole bunch of fan boys are probably gonna be all over that typo. It's too bad you can't seem to separate your politics and entertainment. Someone else (Mac?) in another thread said if you're thinking about politics after watching that, maybe you need a break from politics for a week or two. And no, you don't have to be a "liberal" to be a success in Hollywood.

I suspect that Jim is right in one arena. In the past we had an appetite for clear good guys and clear bad guys. Most modern films have more shades of gray, reflecting the greater degree of moral ambiguity of realism over the stark delineations of fantasy.

The Starwars movies will likely reflect this.
Yeah. I'll go spend 2 hours watching a total POS move that vilifies me and gives me nothing to cheer for

J. J. Abrams had absolutely nothing to do with Star Wars Episode III.

As for the rest of your predictions, they sound ludicrous, but we'll just have to wait and see.
Yeah. I'll go spend 2 hours watching a total POS move that vilifies me and gives me nothing to cheer for


Unless it doesn't. Remember, the movie hasn't actually come out yet.

That tends to limit the arena of informed criticism.
The problem isn't with the "worldview" of the movies, it's with your worldview - one where everything in the world is categorized by "left" and "right", and therefore you can only enjoy entertainment that falls on your side of the line. It's bizarre.
95% of the Top Grossing movies of all time are all about White people doing things white people like to do, did, would like to do, have done or dream about doing
95% of the Top Grossing movies of all time are all about White people doing things white people like to do, did, would like to do, have done or dream about doing

White people like to sink on ships and drown in the ocean?

Or white people like to inhabit the bodies of blue aliens?
95% of the Top Grossing movies of all time are all about White people doing things white people like to do, did, would like to do, have done or dream about doing

White people like to sink on ships and drown in the ocean?

Or white people like to inhabit the bodies of blue aliens?

Titanic is a classic example. Titanic was the best and biggest ship in the world, built by white people to carry white people from Europe to the USA and back.

Q. What the fuck was the rest of the world doing at the time--all those "Diverse" other cultures we're supposed to emulate and learn from?

A. Who the fuck cares, sOn! They weren't doing anything worth shit! It was a white man's world
95% of the Top Grossing movies of all time are all about White people doing things white people like to do, did, would like to do, have done or dream about doing

White people like to sink on ships and drown in the ocean?

Or white people like to inhabit the bodies of blue aliens?

Titanic is a classic example. Titanic was the best and biggest ship in the world, built by white people to carry white people from Europe to the USA and back.

And it sank. With the disaster being the climax of the movie.

This is 'white people doing white people things'?

And running from dinosaurs is a 'white people thing'?

How about making ice castles by stomping you foot?

Elaborate heists in fast cars is a 'white people thing'?
95% of the Top Grossing movies of all time are all about White people doing things white people like to do, did, would like to do, have done or dream about doing

White people like to sink on ships and drown in the ocean?

Or white people like to inhabit the bodies of blue aliens?

Titanic is a classic example. Titanic was the best and biggest ship in the world, built by white people to carry white people from Europe to the USA and back.

And it sank. With the disaster being the climax of the movie.

This is 'white people doing white people things'?

And running from dinosaurs is a 'white people thing'?

How about making ice castles by stomping you foot?

Elaborate heists in fast cars is a 'white people thing'?

Taking out the heads of the NY Crime Families during your Godchild's baptism -- also a white person's thing
OK, first assertion; JJ Abrams who has directed Star Wars is a libtard;
1. He was involved in the Episode III fiasco that polticized Star Wars, depictiing the Empire as some sort of variation on George W Bush. Star Wars saga ends with jab at Bush's empire - Film - Entertainment
2. He and George Soros give major money to Democrats exclusively in US politics.
3. JJ Abrams has had nmajor success in TV and Hollyweird, which requires one to be a libtard.

But how does this impact his story line in Start Trek?
1. Luke Skywalker, being a white male, will go to the dark side and start to sound like a conservative. Expect a lot of 'law and order' rhetoric from Luke as he goes around chopping off heads and dismembering those who dissent and having words put in his mouth by libtard script writers that make him sound like a Young Republican.
2. The new primary characters of episode VII will be a black guy and a woman, maybe multiple women. The trailers have already hinted at this. The old white dudes that were heroes are almost all dead now, so expect the rest to be culled pretty darnned quick, maybe all in episode VII.
3. In the trailer Luke says 'The force is strong in my family. My father has it. I have it. My sister has it. You have that power too." So someone else is stepping in as the role of Lukes father. Now we all know that Vader is dead, but perhaps the Emperor survived? Regardless the Sith Master that is teaching Luke is like now regarded as his father. But who is Luke trying to recruit by telling them they have the power of the Force? A new Apprentice? Perhaps he recruits a new Jedi just before turning to the dark side?
4. Princess Laya is now leading a group of shadow Jedi or will be soon. One can never under estimate the value of having a vagina in wartime, in the libtard world view.
5. Luke's service to the Dark side will be rationalized eventually as some kind of 'All is gray, there is no black or white' morality that libtards espouse to. So despite Luke being dark side, he will do good with his powers to serve humanity, like Castro or Stalin did.
The star Wars series continued in their book line. Luke, at one point in the series, crossed over to the dark side... for a little while. These books were written long before anyone even knew about Bush W.
The star Wars series continued in their book line. Luke, at one point in the series, crossed over to the dark side... for a little while. These books were written long before anyone even knew about Bush W.

But they are not exactly 'canon', in the sense that if a character did something in the novels they did it in the movie time line. Lucas and Paramount decided that it is all part of a MultiUniverse environment, and though the stories did happen in a parallel universe, they did not necessarily happen in the movie timeline.

Get it?
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I imagine American politics won't have much to do with the Star Trek story line. Or Star Wars for that matter. A whole bunch of fan boys are probably gonna be all over that typo. It's too bad you can't seem to separate your politics and entertainment. Someone else (Mac?) in another thread said if you're thinking about politics after watching that, maybe you need a break from politics for a week or two. And no, you don't have to be a "liberal" to be a success in Hollywood.
Yeah, well Im not a fan bois, and JJ Abrams did the two Star Trek movies too, so I got confused, crucify me, bubba.

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