Liberals don't believe they hold "opinions." They believe that they are just "right."


Diamond Member
Aug 16, 2011
The New Phrenology | The Weekly Standard

Liberals don't believe in differences of opinions or varying approaches to problems. They must be absolutely certain that they are absolutely right or their world view crumbles. This is why they say stupid shit like, "conservatives are against abortion, but they hate babies!" because to their 'minds' only an embrace of liberal views and policies can possibly coincide with caring for people. They also say shit like, "show me what Republican policies have ever done anything for X or Y minorities!" as if the liberal assumption that people must only be considered as members of an aggrieved group and not as individuals is a given, and that only liberal policies could possibly be in the best interests of anyone (this is where the "voting against your own interests" canard comes in). A liberal never loses an election because the people just tended to agree with the ideas of the other side. It's always a "failure to make the people understand our positions." Every election a liberal loses was rigged, corrupt, stolen, etc. Every election a liberal wins is an example of democracy in action. They can't help but think this way, and wouldn't change if they could. They are just right, smart, and virtuous in all things - studies show!
Incorrect, I have no belief I would not abandon in a moment if presented with credible information to the contrary. Can you say that? Hardly, the conservative's faith based economics and American Exceptionalism dogma is enough by itself to make this OP a tasty example of projection.
Incorrect, I have no belief I would not abandon in a moment if presented with credible information to the contrary. Can you say that? Hardly, the conservative's faith based economics and American Exceptionalism dogma is enough by itself to make this OP a tasty example of projection.

What he said.
Incorrect, I have no belief I would not abandon in a moment if presented with credible information to the contrary. Can you say that? Hardly, the conservative's faith based economics and American Exceptionalism dogma is enough by itself to make this OP a tasty example of projection.

Let's try you out: Do you think liberals care more about minorities and the poor than conservatives?
Incorrect, I have no belief I would not abandon in a moment if presented with credible information to the contrary. Can you say that? Hardly, the conservative's faith based economics and American Exceptionalism dogma is enough by itself to make this OP a tasty example of projection.

Let's try you out: Do you think liberals care more about minorities and the poor than conservatives?

Yes, by definition.
Incorrect, I have no belief I would not abandon in a moment if presented with credible information to the contrary. Can you say that? Hardly, the conservative's faith based economics and American Exceptionalism dogma is enough by itself to make this OP a tasty example of projection.

Let's try you out: Do you think liberals care more about minorities and the poor than conservatives?

Yes, by definition.


Thanks for exactly proving my point! :clap2:
Incorrect, I have no belief I would not abandon in a moment if presented with credible information to the contrary. Can you say that? Hardly, the conservative's faith based economics and American Exceptionalism dogma is enough by itself to make this OP a tasty example of projection.

Let's try you out: Do you think liberals care more about minorities and the poor than conservatives?

Yes, by definition.

Then why are Liberals so much less generous than conservatives with their own money?

Lie, much?
Let's try you out: Do you think liberals care more about minorities and the poor than conservatives?

Yes, by definition.


Thanks for exactly proving my point! :clap2:

You've proven nothing except your jackassery. Am I supposed to make some case that would convince you? You didn't ask for that. A simple question deserves a simple answer.
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Incorrect, I have no belief I would not abandon in a moment if presented with credible information to the contrary. Can you say that? Hardly, the conservative's faith based economics and American Exceptionalism dogma is enough by itself to make this OP a tasty example of projection.

Let's try you out: Do you think liberals care more about minorities and the poor than conservatives?

Yes, by definition.

But in practice?
Yes, by definition.


Thanks for exactly proving my point! :clap2:

You've proven nothing except your jackassery. Am I supposed to make some case that would convince you? You didn't ask for that. A simple question deserves a simple answer.

Your simple answer proves exactly the point of the thread. It's as if you really can't see the unquestioned and unquestionable assumptions upon which your ideology rests. It's funny because it couldn't be more obvious but you still can't help yourself.
Incorrect, I have no belief I would not abandon in a moment if presented with credible information to the contrary. Can you say that? Hardly, the conservative's faith based economics and American Exceptionalism dogma is enough by itself to make this OP a tasty example of projection.

So, you believe in "rugged individualism" when it pertains to yourself, but you believe that ALL conservatives believe in the same ideals.

Now that's having an open mind.

Thanks for PROVING what "Unkotare" posted.

Leftists are completely closed-minded, and believe ONLY in their own agendas and ideals.

Leftists believe that they alone have the ability to solve ALL problems and crises.

Leftists believe that ANY individual or group of people who have dissenting opinions or alternative solutions are WRONG. PERIOD.

Leftists are a terrifying combination of hypocrisy, narcissism, dishonesty, irresponsibility, and moral bankruptcy.

Thanks for exactly proving my point! :clap2:

You've proven nothing except your jackassery. Am I supposed to make some case that would convince you? You didn't ask for that. A simple question deserves a simple answer.

Your simple answer proves exactly the point of the thread. It's as if you really can't see the unquestioned and unquestionable assumptions upon which your ideology rests. It's funny because it couldn't be more obvious but you still can't help yourself.

I question my beliefs more in a day than you have yours in a lifetime. I have no conception that I hold dear that has not been subjected to a kind of self scrutiny that is alien to you and the rest of these people who inaccurately call themselves conservatives.
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I question my beliefs more in a day that you have yours in a lifetime.

You see? You are so unquestioningly indoctrinated to your ideology (and all the unfortunate errors that come with it) that you apparently can't even see how patently illogical that statement of yours is.

You are the poster child for just what I was talking about in the opening post.
I have no conception that I hold dear that has not been subjected to a kind of self scrutiny that is alien to you and the rest of these people who inaccurately call themselves conservatives.

Your responses thus far suggest otherwise.
I question my beliefs more in a day that you have yours in a lifetime.

You see? You are so unquestioningly indoctrinated to your ideology (and all the unfortunate errors that come with it) that you apparently can't even see how patently illogical that statement of yours is.

You are the poster child for just what I was talking about in the opening post.

Now you are just making no sense somehow taking my over-developed skepticism for practically everything as blind acceptance for anything.

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