What is a libertarian?

Libertarians are those that believe Governments role is simply to play referee but to stay the hell out of the game for the most part.
Not another name for republicans ,even thou some of the party,s platform is in agreement with them it is with some of the democratic dogma
we oppose to much govt interferance with economics and the function if free trade let hte market decide not the govt.s business .minimum wage and other restictions /regulations reduce the work force by limiting the job market for those with limited experience and education .

we oppose all laws that control and /or mandate homosexual l activity not the govt business to interfer with private choices .

we support the legalization of prostitution
again the private behaviour of the individual .

Govt interference / control and prohibitation is a abridgement of liberty of expression goes along with prostitution freedom of the individual .


no limitations on freedom of speech by regulation of the communications media .

is one issue where we are somewhat divided and there is no *offical * policy on this matter
DR PAUL even though he is personally against it (being a doctor ) would prefer to leave any legislation to the individual a states

garanteed by the constitution .

some issues in line with republican thinking some agree with the democratic stance

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Just seems like another form of GOP.

Are you suggesting Republicans have not engaged in deficit spending nor grown government beyond the limitations of the enumerated powers? Because if they did, that's not very Libertarian.

Are you suggesting Republicans have not embraced a interventionist strategy with regard to our military? I'm pretty sure that's exactly what they've done. Again, not very Libertarian.

Are you saying the GOP is against the Federal Reserve and central price controls on money? If I'm wrong okay, but if they've supported the Fed, then once again, that's not very Libertarian.

Lastly, are you suggesting the GOP is a socially liberal political party? Cuz' they'd have to be in order to be Libertarians.

Honestly, are you being thick on purpose?
Libertarians are the last great hope against tyranny.

Anarchy guarantees tyranny.

Perhaps this is why I prefer the term Classical Liberal. Either way, I have never met a Libertarian that didn't make clear his stance against anarchy, which indeed guarantees tyranny. In any case, to be clear, I stand for a strong federal government, with guaranteed and required powers, and states with their own constitutions, laws and traditions. This is far from anything resembling anarchy.
A: Someone who whines that both parties are foul yet votes Republican every single time.

Voted for Bob Barr. So shut yer pie hole! :razz:

Exception proving the rule.

Well, there were 523,685 other exceptions who also voted for Barr. In Massachusetts, Libertarian Senate candidates Carla Howell and Michael Cloud received 11.9% and 18.4% of the vote, respectively. In 2008, Libertarian Party of Georgia Public Service Commission candidate John Monds garnered 1,076,726 votes. Nationwide, there are 157 Libertarians holding elected office.

I'm pretty sure these votes came from Libertarians that did not vote Republican.

What rule were you talking about?
Libertarians are those that believe Governments role is simply to play referee but to stay the hell out of the game for the most part.

It seems to me they don't want referees, either. What's the difference between refereeing and regulating, anyway?

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