Liberal Fascism on Display

6. More of Liberal fascism on display...note the attacks, and their aim: deprive a dissident of his livelihood.

a. " Ezra Klein's Queer New Hire... Vox Media's decision to bring Brandon Ambrosino on board is click-bait contrarianism at its worst. .... Tuesday, former Washington Post pundit (and Prospect alum) Ezra Klein sent a shock wave through the gay community by announcing he had hired gay anti-gay apologist Brandon Ambrosino to join him at Vox Media... gives hacks a platform in the name of ideological balance..... he’ll have a star-studded résumé and free rein to antagonize us for years!” Ezra Klein's Queer New Hire

b. "Vox’s Unbelievably Terrible New Hire.... Ambrosino’s ideas are not brash, unconventional, exciting, or avant-garde. They are reckless, retrograde, and vapid—and hiring Ambrosino reflects startlingly bad, potentially catastrophic judgment byVox.... Ambrosino writes in only one mode, an irritating combination of smug sophistry and homophobia apologism, and his sole aim seems to be to inform conservatives that their worst fears about gay people are absolutely correct.... his preposterous proposition that gays are oppressing straight people." Why in the World Did Vox Hire Brandon Ambrosino? him because he endorses tolerance....the very antithesis of Liberal fascism.

Did you notice that the same attack techniques are uses against Ambrosino as are used by the same Liberals against black conservatives?
Here's another example of conservative fascism.

Anti-Gay Mayor Fires Openly Gay Police Chief

A South Carolina mayor who has been caught saying he prefers alcoholics around his children over homosexuals has fired an openly gay police chief.

A 20-year veteran with the Latta Police Department, Crystal Moore was fired on Tuesday after getting seven reprimands in one day from the newly elected mayor, Earl Bullard.

But....but a gay blogger typed a sentence.

A sentence!
Your posts are always fun to laugh at, you're actually living in fear. U.S. Liberals are going to round up the whites and exterminate them while forcing them to have homosexual mating HURR DURR DURR

I always considered Poli's posts to be a window into the right wing echo chamber. What she posts here is the kind of hapless batshit that conservatives tell each other. And exactly the logic they use.
Only a couple of rational conservatives on this board..

Rational conservatives are at a stark disadvantage within their movement. As rationality isn't the lingua franca of conservatives. Fear is. While individaul conservatives can buck the trend and address the world in pragmatic, thougthful terms, as a movement they're driven by emotion.

I mean look at Poli's opening post. Its a warm puddle of quivering yellow fear. Where a single sentence from a single gay blogger elicited hysteric, panty shitting comparisons to death squads, torture, murder and death.

You can't teach that.
A prime example of conservatives hating rational discussion is this forum.
You don't seem to tolerate disagreement very well.

I have to stop saying "How stupid can you be?"....seems you take it as a challenge.

I have no problem with disagreement.
I encourage anyone can see in my chosen threads.

I have a problem with Liberal fascism, which seeks to punish, fire, imprison those who disagree.
Later in the thread I'll teach you how Americans deal with those who disagree and dissent.
Pay attention.

Please....tell me you can't see the distinction.

You scampered away from the last thread without addressing the content of my posts or my concerns about double standards. For instance, you evaded this matter which I brought to your attention. It is a thread started by Tinydancer, who identifies herself as a conservative:

R candidates should bar/ban activists like Ramos:The Job of Journalists Is to 'Denounce positions' | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Tinydancer complained about Ramos's questioning of Trump, and wrote this in the opening post: "One more attack on a Republican candidates position like the bullshit Ramos pulled on Trump, conservatives have to attack not only the journalist but the media outlet they represent and go after their advertisers like there is no tomorrow. Bottom line, Ramos and his ilk have gone on for too long without any serious push back. It is time to punish them. Truly punish them as hard as we can."

If we use the same rationale that you use to brand liberals as "fascists", then the above is an example of CONSERVATIVE FASCISM.

Don't you also have a problem with conservative fascism, which seeks to punish?

She ran from all the examples of conservative intolerance that were posted.

There have been zero examples of conservatives attempting to shut down businesses as a result of 'thoughtcrimes.'

Only Liberal fascists in power behave in that manner.
LOL. You don't include conservative fascists who refuse to serve people because of their sexual orientation?
Worse - most on the right sought to deny them their civil rights.
I have to stop saying "How stupid can you be?"....seems you take it as a challenge.

I have no problem with disagreement.
I encourage anyone can see in my chosen threads.

I have a problem with Liberal fascism, which seeks to punish, fire, imprison those who disagree.
Later in the thread I'll teach you how Americans deal with those who disagree and dissent.
Pay attention.

Please....tell me you can't see the distinction.

You scampered away from the last thread without addressing the content of my posts or my concerns about double standards. For instance, you evaded this matter which I brought to your attention. It is a thread started by Tinydancer, who identifies herself as a conservative:

R candidates should bar/ban activists like Ramos:The Job of Journalists Is to 'Denounce positions' | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Tinydancer complained about Ramos's questioning of Trump, and wrote this in the opening post: "One more attack on a Republican candidates position like the bullshit Ramos pulled on Trump, conservatives have to attack not only the journalist but the media outlet they represent and go after their advertisers like there is no tomorrow. Bottom line, Ramos and his ilk have gone on for too long without any serious push back. It is time to punish them. Truly punish them as hard as we can."

If we use the same rationale that you use to brand liberals as "fascists", then the above is an example of CONSERVATIVE FASCISM.

Don't you also have a problem with conservative fascism, which seeks to punish?

She ran from all the examples of conservative intolerance that were posted.

There have been zero examples of conservatives attempting to shut down businesses as a result of 'thoughtcrimes.'

Only Liberal fascists in power behave in that manner.
LOL. You don't include conservative fascists who refuse to serve people because of their sexual orientation?
Worse - most on the right sought to deny them their civil rights.
All by yelling FREEEEDOOOOOM.
6. More of Liberal fascism on display...note the attacks, and their aim: deprive a dissident of his livelihood.

a. " Ezra Klein's Queer New Hire... Vox Media's decision to bring Brandon Ambrosino on board is click-bait contrarianism at its worst. .... Tuesday, former Washington Post pundit (and Prospect alum) Ezra Klein sent a shock wave through the gay community by announcing he had hired gay anti-gay apologist Brandon Ambrosino to join him at Vox Media... gives hacks a platform in the name of ideological balance..... he’ll have a star-studded résumé and free rein to antagonize us for years!” Ezra Klein's Queer New Hire

b. "Vox’s Unbelievably Terrible New Hire.... Ambrosino’s ideas are not brash, unconventional, exciting, or avant-garde. They are reckless, retrograde, and vapid—and hiring Ambrosino reflects startlingly bad, potentially catastrophic judgment byVox.... Ambrosino writes in only one mode, an irritating combination of smug sophistry and homophobia apologism, and his sole aim seems to be to inform conservatives that their worst fears about gay people are absolutely correct.... his preposterous proposition that gays are oppressing straight people." Why in the World Did Vox Hire Brandon Ambrosino? him because he endorses tolerance....the very antithesis of Liberal fascism.

Did you notice that the same attack techniques are uses against Ambrosino as are used by the same Liberals against black conservatives?

Workers say Methodist church day-care center fired them for being gay
6. More of Liberal fascism on display...note the attacks, and their aim: deprive a dissident of his livelihood.

a. " Ezra Klein's Queer New Hire... Vox Media's decision to bring Brandon Ambrosino on board is click-bait contrarianism at its worst. .... Tuesday, former Washington Post pundit (and Prospect alum) Ezra Klein sent a shock wave through the gay community by announcing he had hired gay anti-gay apologist Brandon Ambrosino to join him at Vox Media... gives hacks a platform in the name of ideological balance..... he’ll have a star-studded résumé and free rein to antagonize us for years!” Ezra Klein's Queer New Hire

b. "Vox’s Unbelievably Terrible New Hire.... Ambrosino’s ideas are not brash, unconventional, exciting, or avant-garde. They are reckless, retrograde, and vapid—and hiring Ambrosino reflects startlingly bad, potentially catastrophic judgment byVox.... Ambrosino writes in only one mode, an irritating combination of smug sophistry and homophobia apologism, and his sole aim seems to be to inform conservatives that their worst fears about gay people are absolutely correct.... his preposterous proposition that gays are oppressing straight people." Why in the World Did Vox Hire Brandon Ambrosino? him because he endorses tolerance....the very antithesis of Liberal fascism.

Did you notice that the same attack techniques are uses against Ambrosino as are used by the same Liberals against black conservatives?

Workers say Methodist church day-care center fired them for being gay
Depends on local and state PA laws.
Progressive Brownshirts are on here everyday demonizing their critics and fear-mongering.
And, speaking of that that most inveterate characteristic of Liberalism....intolerance....let's see the same in a venue not quite as different as it may seem at first glance.....

7. Some might recall the inhuman absolutist behavior of the "Islamic religious police ... the official police of some Islamic states, who on behalf of the state, disperses sharia-rules in respect to religious behavior (morality),[2][3]or the precepts ofWahhabism...

The Mutaween in Saudi Arabia are tasked with enforcing Sharia as defined by the government, specifically by the Committee for the Promotion of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice(CPVPV).

The Mutaween of the CPVPV consists of "more than 3,500 officers in addition to thousands of volunteers...often accompanied by a police escort." They have the power to arrest unrelated males and females caught socializing, anyone engaged in homosexual behavior or prostitution; to enforce Islamic dress-codes,..."
Islamic religious police - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

a. This is how far the insanity goes: " Saudi Arabia's religious police stopped schoolgirls from leaving a blazing building because they were not wearing correct Islamic dress, according to Saudi newspapers... .... hindering attempts to save 15 girls who died in the fire on Monday." BBC News | MIDDLE EAST | Saudi police 'stopped' fire rescue

And how does this example differ from the actions of the Liberal fascists in our country? In this way: the Mutaween were at least punishing actions and behavior.....not thoughtcrimes.
Even Mutaween don't go this far:
""Think stupid, talk stupid, and we bury you, for your own good."

b. This warning from reformed communist, George Orwell...
"The Thought Police would get him just the same. He had committed — would still have committed, even if he had never set pen to paper — the essential crime that contained all others in itself. Thoughtcrime, they called it. Thoughtcrime was not a thing that could be concealed for ever. You might dodge successfully for a while, even for years, but sooner or later they were bound to get you." George Orwell, "1984"

..and so it has come to pass.
3. "In 2014, Media Matters spearheaded a campaign to pressure Liberal columnist and editor of the new website, Ezra Klein, into firing journalist Brandon Ambrosino.
Ambrosino's sin? Though gay, he did not hold the 'correct' positions on homosexuality, including the suggestion that gay rights activists should be more tolerant of the opposition,
and find 'a way to condemn evil without condemning the evildoer' like Martin Luther King, Jr."
Kirsten Powers, "The Silencing: How The Left Is Killing Free Speech,"p.143.

Ambrosino writes:

"The current landscape of queer politics is growing increasingly hostile. We no longer prize intellectual conversation, preferring instead to dismiss our opponents in 140-character feats of rhetoric. We routinely scour the private lives and social media accounts of our political opponents in the hopes of demonizing them as archaic, unthinking, and bigoted. Whenever we find an example of queer hatred, we are quick to convince the public that the only proper way to deal with these haters is to hate them." What the Gay Rights Movement Should Learn from Martin Luther King, Jr.

"Think stupid, talk stupid, and we bury you, for your own good." The unknown Liberal fascist.

For his 'own good,' Ambrosino must be saith the Liberal fascists.

Actually what's worked for me is to let the haters have their say and then demolish their arguments. Easy day's work actually. But then you have to contend with the expected meltdown and sudden display of swastikas and other hate symbols.. You certainly don't accomplish that in any popular media format or twitterverse..

Looks like message boards might be our better bet... That's why we take in all the haters..
Probably right THERE would prove Pol-Chick's point -- because every leftist nanny on this thread just got all indignant about letting the haters come in... I could see that frown on their faces.. :badgrin:
3. "In 2014, Media Matters spearheaded a campaign to pressure Liberal columnist and editor of the new website, Ezra Klein, into firing journalist Brandon Ambrosino.
Ambrosino's sin? Though gay, he did not hold the 'correct' positions on homosexuality, including the suggestion that gay rights activists should be more tolerant of the opposition,
and find 'a way to condemn evil without condemning the evildoer' like Martin Luther King, Jr."
Kirsten Powers, "The Silencing: How The Left Is Killing Free Speech,"p.143.

Ambrosino writes:

"The current landscape of queer politics is growing increasingly hostile. We no longer prize intellectual conversation, preferring instead to dismiss our opponents in 140-character feats of rhetoric. We routinely scour the private lives and social media accounts of our political opponents in the hopes of demonizing them as archaic, unthinking, and bigoted. Whenever we find an example of queer hatred, we are quick to convince the public that the only proper way to deal with these haters is to hate them." What the Gay Rights Movement Should Learn from Martin Luther King, Jr.

"Think stupid, talk stupid, and we bury you, for your own good." The unknown Liberal fascist.

For his 'own good,' Ambrosino must be saith the Liberal fascists.

Actually what's worked for me is to let the haters have their say and then demolish their arguments. Easy day's work actually. But then you have to contend with the expected meltdown and sudden display of swastikas and other hate symbols.. You certainly don't accomplish that in any popular media format or twitterverse..

Looks like message boards might be our better bet... That's why we take in all the haters..
Probably right THERE would prove Pol-Chick's point -- because every leftist nanny on this thread just got all indignant about letting the haters come in... I could see that frown on their faces.. :badgrin:

"Looks like message boards might be our better bet."


But, I like to refer to the message board as our Samizdat.
3. "In 2014, Media Matters spearheaded a campaign to pressure Liberal columnist and editor of the new website, Ezra Klein, into firing journalist Brandon Ambrosino.
Ambrosino's sin? Though gay, he did not hold the 'correct' positions on homosexuality, including the suggestion that gay rights activists should be more tolerant of the opposition,
and find 'a way to condemn evil without condemning the evildoer' like Martin Luther King, Jr."
Kirsten Powers, "The Silencing: How The Left Is Killing Free Speech,"p.143.

Ambrosino writes:

"The current landscape of queer politics is growing increasingly hostile. We no longer prize intellectual conversation, preferring instead to dismiss our opponents in 140-character feats of rhetoric. We routinely scour the private lives and social media accounts of our political opponents in the hopes of demonizing them as archaic, unthinking, and bigoted. Whenever we find an example of queer hatred, we are quick to convince the public that the only proper way to deal with these haters is to hate them." What the Gay Rights Movement Should Learn from Martin Luther King, Jr.

"Think stupid, talk stupid, and we bury you, for your own good." The unknown Liberal fascist.

For his 'own good,' Ambrosino must be saith the Liberal fascists.

Actually what's worked for me is to let the haters have their say and then demolish their arguments. Easy day's work actually. But then you have to contend with the expected meltdown and sudden display of swastikas and other hate symbols.. You certainly don't accomplish that in any popular media format or twitterverse..

Looks like message boards might be our better bet... That's why we take in all the haters..
Probably right THERE would prove Pol-Chick's point -- because every leftist nanny on this thread just got all indignant about letting the haters come in... I could see that frown on their faces.. :badgrin:

"Looks like message boards might be our better bet."


But, I like to refer to the message board as our Samizdat.

I'm deeply hoping that this round of election silly season will rip a huge hole in the space-time continuum of "political correctness" and have those deniers of such looking up Glasnost.. Impossible to penetrate those who deny it even exists.

As a political homeless person (because i choose to be) it appears to me that much of right-wing resentment is not really in what they say --- but the topics they want to discuss. The explosive --- untouchable topics where only the elite leftist minds are allowed to tread. God help you if you're an uncredentialed leftist (or righty)) and you defile on the "black lives matter" campaign.. Or DARE to discuss school choice and vouchers.

That compartment is sealed and locked for the worthy only...
a. This is how far the insanity goes: " Saudi Arabia's religious police stopped schoolgirls from leaving a blazing building because they were not wearing correct Islamic dress, according to Saudi newspapers... .... hindering attempts to save 15 girls who died in the fire on Monday." BBC News | MIDDLE EAST | Saudi police 'stopped' fire rescue

Unfreakingbelievable.. Insane.. But at least it wasn't tanks and military style troopers at what was left of the doors of the Branch Davidian compound after they gassed the children...

OTH -- there's NOTHING liberal or leftist about the Saudi dynasty..

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