Liberal Bogosity: "The Wall Has To Forcibly Cross Private Property"

me being a Texan, Conservatives rule the state .. you want to piss off Texans try and take their private property. The biggest ranch I've ever been on was 26 square miles. The owner has been touted in Texas Parks and Wildlife monthly magazine for his ranch stewardship, and has a lot of pride and time invested in his pristine dirt. He will have who ever trys to move 1 single fence post of his in court longer that their grandchildren will be alive.

Okay, yes, but consider those particular Texans are RIGHT on the border and are probably seeing illegals cross on the daily. So they might be a little more amenable to having a border wall built IF the gov't offers them a fair deal.
My Uncle owns a farm in Texas. He and his neighbors are not amenable to notin. And rightly so.

On the Mexican border then?
Yes Mam.

Right on the border is his farm, then.

He calls it a farm. I saw a wasteland of hot dry dirt. But none the less, yes he owns property on the border. He and none of the surrounding property owners like him are the slightest bit amenable to a POTUS fence in their backyard. Eminent Domain.
Okay, yes, but consider those particular Texans are RIGHT on the border and are probably seeing illegals cross on the daily. So they might be a little more amenable to having a border wall built IF the gov't offers them a fair deal.
My Uncle owns a farm in Texas. He and his neighbors are not amenable to notin. And rightly so.

On the Mexican border then?
Yes Mam.

Right on the border is his farm, then.

He calls it a farm. I saw a wasteland of hot dry dirt. But none the less, yes he owns property on the border. He and none of the surrounding property owners like him are the slightest bit amenable to a POTUS fence in their backyard. Eminent Domain.

How many illegals does he see cross there? Let's see how honest you really are.
My Uncle owns a farm in Texas. He and his neighbors are not amenable to notin. And rightly so.

On the Mexican border then?
Yes Mam.

Right on the border is his farm, then.

He calls it a farm. I saw a wasteland of hot dry dirt. But none the less, yes he owns property on the border. He and none of the surrounding property owners like him are the slightest bit amenable to a POTUS fence in their backyard. Eminent Domain.

How many illegals does he see cross there? Let's see how honest you really are.
I fail to understand why you question my honesty. As for illegals crossing into his property, I don't know . He hasn't talked about that.
One of the objections by Democrats over Comrade Trump's border wall is that it would have to cross private property and pristine landscapes.

Gosh, I hope we never need a two thousand mile long transcontinental railroad!

And we'd be totally screwed if we ever needed to build 46,876 miles of interstate highways!

Oh, wait...

To be fair, I have never heard anybody argue against the wall because it would be crossing pristine landscape, but then again, I really am not sure why they are opposed to it. Except for the fact that Trump wants it, so they don’t.
The Democrats have recently been making the private property argument.

And as it turns out, one of our forum members has been parroting this new party line right here on this forum: Trump + GOP forcibly taking Americans land .

Crossing pristine landscape: The enormous and irreparable impact Trump's wall will have on wildlife

More: Perspective | I voted for Trump. Now his wall may destroy my butterfly paradise.

Don’t Mess With Texas Landowners on Border Wall, Lawmakers Warn

One section of Trump's US-Mexico border wall could prompt 'decades of court cases' from private landowners

Honestly, I feel those “private and pristine land” arguments are not about protecting land. If that was their issue, it would have been stated months ago.

It was stated years ago.

The point is, that is not why most liberals don’t want the wall built. It’s a smoke screen. The progressive faction of the democrats wants illegals here. That’s the point.
Okay, yes, but consider those particular Texans are RIGHT on the border and are probably seeing illegals cross on the daily. So they might be a little more amenable to having a border wall built IF the gov't offers them a fair deal.
My Uncle owns a farm in Texas. He and his neighbors are not amenable to notin. And rightly so.

On the Mexican border then?
Yes Mam.

Right on the border is his farm, then.

He calls it a farm. I saw a wasteland of hot dry dirt. But none the less, yes he owns property on the border. He and none of the surrounding property owners like him are the slightest bit amenable to a POTUS fence in their backyard. Eminent Domain.

Eminent Domain has screwed me and he is going to get screwed. Eminent Domain pays fair market value even if you don't want to sell.
One of the objections by Democrats over Comrade Trump's border wall is that it would have to cross private property and pristine landscapes.

Gosh, I hope we never need a two thousand mile long transcontinental railroad!

And we'd be totally screwed if we ever needed to build 46,876 miles of interstate highways!

Oh, wait...

To be fair, I have never heard anybody argue against the wall because it would be crossing pristine landscape, but then again, I really am not sure why they are opposed to it. Except for the fact that Trump wants it, so they don’t.
The Democrats have recently been making the private property argument.

And as it turns out, one of our forum members has been parroting this new party line right here on this forum: Trump + GOP forcibly taking Americans land .

Crossing pristine landscape: The enormous and irreparable impact Trump's wall will have on wildlife

More: Perspective | I voted for Trump. Now his wall may destroy my butterfly paradise.

Don’t Mess With Texas Landowners on Border Wall, Lawmakers Warn

One section of Trump's US-Mexico border wall could prompt 'decades of court cases' from private landowners

Honestly, I feel those “private and pristine land” arguments are not about protecting land. If that was their issue, it would have been stated months ago.

It was stated years ago.

The point is, that is not why most liberals don’t want the wall built. It’s a smoke screen. The progressive faction of the democrats wants illegals here. That’s the point.
You're nuts, Dude.

"The progressive faction of the democrats wants illegals here. That’s the point. "

Bull Fucking Shit. Who the fuck ever said that?
My Uncle owns a farm in Texas. He and his neighbors are not amenable to notin. And rightly so.

On the Mexican border then?
Yes Mam.

Right on the border is his farm, then.

He calls it a farm. I saw a wasteland of hot dry dirt. But none the less, yes he owns property on the border. He and none of the surrounding property owners like him are the slightest bit amenable to a POTUS fence in their backyard. Eminent Domain.

Eminent Domain has screwed me and he is going to get screwed. Eminent Domain pays fair market value even if you don't want to sell.
Eminent Domain is supposed to pay fair market value.
To be fair, I have never heard anybody argue against the wall because it would be crossing pristine landscape, but then again, I really am not sure why they are opposed to it. Except for the fact that Trump wants it, so they don’t.
The Democrats have recently been making the private property argument.

And as it turns out, one of our forum members has been parroting this new party line right here on this forum: Trump + GOP forcibly taking Americans land .

Crossing pristine landscape: The enormous and irreparable impact Trump's wall will have on wildlife

More: Perspective | I voted for Trump. Now his wall may destroy my butterfly paradise.

Don’t Mess With Texas Landowners on Border Wall, Lawmakers Warn

One section of Trump's US-Mexico border wall could prompt 'decades of court cases' from private landowners

Honestly, I feel those “private and pristine land” arguments are not about protecting land. If that was their issue, it would have been stated months ago.

It was stated years ago.

The point is, that is not why most liberals don’t want the wall built. It’s a smoke screen. The progressive faction of the democrats wants illegals here. That’s the point.
You're nuts, Dude.

"The progressive faction of the democrats wants illegals here. That’s the point. "

Bull Fucking Shit. Who the fuck ever said that?

Seriously, that is news to you? Ok, I’ll teach 6th grade civics to you.

Click here to support Ladders to Get Over Trump's Wall organized by Ladders for Migrant Siblings

We saw some folks are raising money for a border wall to keep out our migrant siblings and fellow human beings, who are fleeing violence and persecution and whose tragically-underpaid labor is essential to the U.S. economy. Seems like a bad idea on countless levels for everyone involved. Maybe we should focus on human rights and creating a community that reflects our supposed values.

And even though at a rate of $1.7 million daily, it would take their fund about 35 years to raise the $21.7 billion that Trump's own Dept. of Homeland Security says would be needed to build said wall, we wanna make sure ladders are ready to send over to our undocumented friends and help them.

These people said that, and you can’t deny it.
To be fair, I have never heard anybody argue against the wall because it would be crossing pristine landscape, but then again, I really am not sure why they are opposed to it. Except for the fact that Trump wants it, so they don’t.
The Democrats have recently been making the private property argument.

And as it turns out, one of our forum members has been parroting this new party line right here on this forum: Trump + GOP forcibly taking Americans land .

Crossing pristine landscape: The enormous and irreparable impact Trump's wall will have on wildlife

More: Perspective | I voted for Trump. Now his wall may destroy my butterfly paradise.

Don’t Mess With Texas Landowners on Border Wall, Lawmakers Warn

One section of Trump's US-Mexico border wall could prompt 'decades of court cases' from private landowners

Honestly, I feel those “private and pristine land” arguments are not about protecting land. If that was their issue, it would have been stated months ago.

It was stated years ago.

The point is, that is not why most liberals don’t want the wall built. It’s a smoke screen. The progressive faction of the democrats wants illegals here. That’s the point.
You're nuts, Dude.

"The progressive faction of the democrats wants illegals here. That’s the point. "

Bull Fucking Shit. Who the fuck ever said that?

Nancy Pelosi, for one. The wall is immoral. The wall is "not who we are".
On the Mexican border then?
Yes Mam.

Right on the border is his farm, then.

He calls it a farm. I saw a wasteland of hot dry dirt. But none the less, yes he owns property on the border. He and none of the surrounding property owners like him are the slightest bit amenable to a POTUS fence in their backyard. Eminent Domain.

Eminent Domain has screwed me and he is going to get screwed. Eminent Domain pays fair market value even if you don't want to sell.
Eminent Domain is supposed to pay fair market value.

I know of two examples that it did and one example is my property. Owning property is important to a normal man who doesn't want it usurped for any reason even if paid fair market value. I will sell it when I get good and ready.

edit: Government land speculation usurped my ground.
Last edited:

Honestly, I feel those “private and pristine land” arguments are not about protecting land. If that was their issue, it would have been stated months ago.

It was stated years ago.

The point is, that is not why most liberals don’t want the wall built. It’s a smoke screen. The progressive faction of the democrats wants illegals here. That’s the point.
You're nuts, Dude.

"The progressive faction of the democrats wants illegals here. That’s the point. "

Bull Fucking Shit. Who the fuck ever said that?

Nancy Pelosi, for one. The wall is immoral. The wall is "not who we are".
See Sue. Think Visas. Skip all the nasty snarky Wall BS.

One of the objections by Democrats over Comrade Trump's border wall is that it would have to cross private property and pristine landscapes.

Gosh, I hope we never need a two thousand mile long transcontinental railroad!

And we'd be totally screwed if we ever needed to build 46,876 miles of interstate highways!

Oh, wait...

So you don’t deny that it would have to cross over public property and nature parks.

Here’s the thing about public highways . We build them if needed .

Building bridges is good . Building bridges to nowhere is bad .
One of the objections by Democrats over Comrade Trump's border wall is that it would have to cross private property and pristine landscapes.

Gosh, I hope we never need a two thousand mile long transcontinental railroad!

And we'd be totally screwed if we ever needed to build 46,876 miles of interstate highways!

Oh, wait...
This fails as a false comparison fallacy.

Railroads and highways have a useful purpose and benefit society as a whole.

Trump’s ‘wall’ of fear, ignorance, bigotry, and hate – not.
Trump has the simpletons believing illegals are pouring over the border like ants on an ant trail.

Come on down and catch ya one or two should be real easy.

One of the objections by Democrats over Comrade Trump's border wall is that it would have to cross private property and pristine landscapes.

Gosh, I hope we never need a two thousand mile long transcontinental railroad!

And we'd be totally screwed if we ever needed to build 46,876 miles of interstate highways!

Oh, wait...
I was under the impression all the rights of way had been cleared, since the Clinton era bill that was never funded.
Private property rights have never been of concern to Democrats. After all, they spend so much time trying to prove rich people don't deserve their money and that it is okay to take it from them.

This latest argument over the wall and property rights is hypocritical and totally illogical.

me being a Texan, Conservatives rule the state .. you want to piss off Texans try and take their private property. The biggest ranch I've ever been on was 26 square miles. The owner has been touted in Texas Parks and Wildlife monthly magazine for his ranch stewardship, and has a lot of pride and time invested in his pristine dirt. He will have who ever trys to move 1 single fence post of his in court longer that their grandchildren will be alive.
But Trump said yesterday they don't have to wait for the courts -- they can take the land and build on it before the court case is settled. Was he wrong?
One of the objections by Democrats over Comrade Trump's border wall is that it would have to cross private property and pristine landscapes.

Gosh, I hope we never need a two thousand mile long transcontinental railroad!

And we'd be totally screwed if we ever needed to build 46,876 miles of interstate highways!

Oh, wait...

To be fair, I have never heard anybody argue against the wall because it would be crossing pristine landscape, but then again, I really am not sure why they are opposed to it. Except for the fact that Trump wants it, so they don’t.
The Democrats have recently been making the private property argument.

And as it turns out, one of our forum members has been parroting this new party line right here on this forum: Trump + GOP forcibly taking Americans land .

Crossing pristine landscape: The enormous and irreparable impact Trump's wall will have on wildlife

More: Perspective | I voted for Trump. Now his wall may destroy my butterfly paradise.

Don’t Mess With Texas Landowners on Border Wall, Lawmakers Warn

One section of Trump's US-Mexico border wall could prompt 'decades of court cases' from private landowners

Honestly, I feel those “private and pristine land” arguments are not about protecting land. If that was their issue, it would have been stated months ago.

It was stated years ago.

The point is, that is not why most liberals don’t want the wall built. It’s a smoke screen. The progressive faction of the democrats wants illegals here. That’s the point.
Everyone hiring those eleven million illegals wants them here, and don't pretend they are all democrats.
Simply pay the is that simple. Same for a pipeline....make the company pay all the landowners.
Maybe it's land that's been in the family a long time. Maybe its land that they have cleared, fenced, tilled, whatever.....for years. Maybe they don't want to move, to lose that land. What if it's not about throwing a check at them? The government won't make such a large offer that it would change the mind of someone in it for the family heritage.
One of the objections by Democrats over Comrade Trump's border wall is that it would have to cross private property and pristine landscapes.

Gosh, I hope we never need a two thousand mile long transcontinental railroad!

And we'd be totally screwed if we ever needed to build 46,876 miles of interstate highways!

Oh, wait...
But it's okay to see more value in one thing than another and think a highway system is worth the cost, but a wall is not. So your post is dumb.

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