The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
So, apparently Chuck and Nancy accept political donations from Mexican and Columbian Shell Corporations here in America, owned by Drug Cartels.

Is anyone shocked?

A little bit of Heroin never hurt anyone right, Chuck, Nancy?

Today drug cartels are playing the political activism game and are increasing their support base by appealing to the hearts and minds of millions of people through the widespread social discontent and the ideal of social justice. Ironically, the government is becoming the common enemy that is uniting criminal organizations and mainstream society, while blurring the social stigmas around the drug trade industry in Mexico. In sum, cartels are speeding the process of delegitimizing the State and fueling social discontent while redefining their image as anti-system anti-heroes.
Mexican Drug Cartels and the Art of Political Puppetry | HuffPost

Mo Brooks: Schumer, Pelosi Have ‘American Blood’ on Hands

Drug cartels return to producing meth, cocaine after opioid crack down

Open borders are a money-maker for the wrong people
Last edited: have supported NOTHING regarding your thread title.

You're a fraud
So, apparently Chuck and Nancy accept political donations from Mexican and Columbian Shell Corporations here in America, owned by Drug Cartels.

Is anyone shocked?

A little bit of Heroin never hurt anyone right, Chuck, Nancy?

Mo Brooks: Schumer, Pelosi Have ‘American Blood’ on Hands

Drug cartels return to producing meth, cocaine after opioid crack down

Open borders are a money-maker for the wrong people
Pelosi and Schumer are yoooog LIARS.
They are not compassionate.
They are greedy corrupt cretins.
I'm not gonna wade thru a mountain of bullshit to find out you haven't tied any of this to Schumer or Pelosi.

Yea. Drug cartels are bad. And?

Point out where thee supposed ties are or admit you're full of shit
Do you wonder why people like Nancy Pelosi, and Hillary Clinton are for NAFTA, OPEN BORDERS, and even went so far as to propose a currency scheme where Mexico and America had a common currency?

These so called "Clothing Companies" donate massive sums of money to people like Schummer, Clinton and Pelosi, and they accept it knowing FULL WELL where THE MONEY IS COMING FROM! They do most of it through "Dark Money" so it is hidden from view.

Some of the clothes you buy at Walmart are bought with Drug Cartel Money. You are paying Drug Cartels to murder you, your neighbors and your family and friends.

Chew on that for a minute, or stick your head in the sand like the Ostriches you all are!

Trade-based money laundering
The US played an important role in this laundering effort, as the free-trade agreement (NAFTA) between the US and Colombia allows exporters to independently certify the country of origin for their goods.

The smugglers relied on Los Angeles for one iteration of this scheme, creating "various companies in order to sell products from Asia as if they were from the United States," Portafolio noted.


At this border crossing with Colombia in San Antonio, Venezuela, a sign warns that contraband is prohibited, March 18, 2015.
These products could then be shipped to Colombia, avoiding tariff restrictions, and resold for a tidy profit of clean cash.

TBML schemes have popped up in numerous Latin American countries, and Los Angeles has been linked to trade-based money laundering elsewhere.

According to the US Drug Enforcement Administration, the Sinaloa cartel has been linked to efforts to purchase bulk amounts of clothing from Asia in Los Angeles using money from drug sales in the US, and then to move that clothing to Mexico, where it can be resold in the legal marketplace.

"The Sinaloa Cartel used US drug proceeds to purchase clothes imported from China that were stored in the targeted fashion businesses' warehouses" in Los Angeles, the DEA reported in its 2015 National Drug Threat Assessment.

"The clothes were then shipped across the border into Mexico for resale and the profits placed into the Mexican financial system as legitimate proceeds," the DEA added.

How the Sinaloa cartel reportedly laundered drug money with clothing and footwear
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I'm not gonna wade thru a mountain of bullshit to find out you haven't tied any of this to Schumer or Pelosi.

Yea. Drug cartels are bad. And?

Point out where thee supposed ties are or admit you're full of shit
Why educate yourself at all? Look at the label on the clothes you wear right now. It was bought with Drug Cartel money and sold to a supplier who then sold it to you, dummy.

But why would you care? You like your cheap clothes, your cheap heroin, and being a Social Justice Warrior while funding your own demise, and the demise of your family and friends.

Greed is GOOD, long as you get your cheap thrills and cheap clothes, and free shit paid for by taxpayers.

But in your ignorance, you are a consumer of death.

As long as you get cheap clothes from Asia paid for with Drug Cartel money, or made in Californian Sweat Shops by Illegals set up by Drug Cartels, you really don't give a shit, do you?

Nancy Pelosi doesn't give a shit either. She lives in a Millionaire's Mansion, surrounded by security and a Big Beautiful WALL, paid for with Drug Cartel Money.
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So, apparently Chuck and Nancy accept political donations from Mexican and Columbian Shell Corporations here in America, owned by Drug Cartels.

Is anyone shocked?

A little bit of Heroin never hurt anyone right, Chuck, Nancy?

Mo Brooks: Schumer, Pelosi Have ‘American Blood’ on Hands

Drug cartels return to producing meth, cocaine after opioid crack down

Open borders are a money-maker for the wrong people
Pelosi and Schumer are yoooog LIARS.
They are not compassionate.
They are greedy corrupt cretins.
They will take their money from anyone. Wonder why Los Angelos, San Francisco and New York are centers for importing huge amounts of foreign made clothing? Drug Cartels. And those two have their hands out every day taking money from These Merchants of Death who own them.
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Anyone who advocates Open Borders is plotting to KILL YOU, with Drug Cartel Money, and KILL YOUR COMMUNITY with Drugs Coming from The Mexican Border. I have news for you....they want to KILL AMERICA TOO.

And The Left, The Useful Idiots are willing accomplices.

Swallow that Bitter Pill if you can....
It goes without saying that these clothes paid for with Drug Cartel Money end up on the shelves of many American Department Stores as well as in Mexico and Latin America.

This same process goes on in New York, Seattle, and Chicago and other major US Cities.

These are direct contributions from Opiod Manufacturers but is not related to Drug Cartel Money directly. Some Republicans took this money too to be fair.

American Cartel: Here Are The Politicians That Took Opioid Tycoons’ ‘Dirty, Bloody Money’

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, for example, received more than $37,000 from the OxyContin titans for her first senatorial race and both presidential races, according to TheDCNF’s analysis. As a New York senator, Clinton served on the Senate HELP committee and the committees on the budget and aging.

Former President Barack Obama, another former Senate HELP committee member who also served on the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs committee, received more than $19,000 for his presidential runs.

Sen. Richard Blumenthal, who’s generally had a tough stance on opioids, took $2,000 from Beverly Sackler and Purdue, TheDCNF found. The Connecticut Democrat — while serving as the state’s attorney general — sent a letter in 2001 to Beverly’s son, Richard Sackler, asking the then-president of Purdue to address reports of OxyContin addiction and abuse.

Colorado Democratic Sen. Michael Bennet took the fourth most, and was the biggest recipient among the legislators currently serving with $54,000 in contributions. Bennet serves on the Senate HELP committee and voted against legislation that reportedly would have helped lower drug prices.

Rep. Jim Himes of Connecticut — the Democrat who replaced Shays — took more than $35,000 from the Sacklers and Purdue, making him the second biggest recipient among sitting lawmakers.

Former Sen. Chris Dodd — another Connecticut Democrat — took the second most from the Sacklers and Purdue, raking in more than $85,000, TheDCNF’s analysis found. He served on the Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) — a panel that’s now holding hearings on the opioid epidemic — and chaired one of its subcommittees. He also chaired the Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs committee.

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More Drug Cartel Money in US Politics News

And you leftist morons are worried about Facebook Memes posted by "Russians"?

How eight elite San Francisco families funded Gavin Newsom's political ascent
Ha ha, can you get any more biased?
You should learn from Russian propaganda and mix SOME truth in your rants!
:) :)

Gavin Newsom may have connections, but he was not BORN RICH like TRUMP and screwed USA by avoiding his fair share of TAXES like LYING TRUMP has.

Trump's taxes: The 5 biggest ways Fred Trump made Donald rich, according to Times investigation
More Drug Cartel Money in US Politics News

And you leftist morons are worried about Facebook Memes posted by "Russians"?

How eight elite San Francisco families funded Gavin Newsom's political ascent
Ha ha, can you get any more biased?
You should learn from Russian propaganda and mix SOME truth in your rants!
:) :)

Gavin Newsom may have connections, but he was not BORN RICH like TRUMP and screwed USA by avoiding his fair share of TAXES like LYING TRUMP has.

Trump's taxes: The 5 biggest ways Fred Trump made Donald rich, according to Times investigation

Trump has not taken Drug Cartel money like Pelosi, Schummer, and Newsom has.
He and his father "built" their wealth.
U.S. Appetite for Mexico’s Drugs Fuels Illegal Immigration

Since 2008, customs officers at ports of entry along the southern border have seized about $300 million in cash heading into Mexico in commercial vehicles and passenger cars, according to statistics from Customs and Border Protection.

For Mexican officials, the flow of guns and money that enter the country from the north has been a longstanding complaint.

About 70 percent of the firearms seized in Mexico from 2009 to 2014 were traced back to the United States, amounting to over 73,000 guns, according to a 2016 report from the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives.

The money travels in many ways, including by mail, in boxes full of money orders worth hundreds of thousands of dollars and, in bundles along highways, stuffed in suitcases or in hidden compartments, much like the drugs that come north. Sometimes, it goes from one country to the other in the form of payments and deposits that would be legitimate but for the fact that they are made with drug profits.

In 2015, a husband and wife in Douglas, Ariz., were indicted on charges of fraud, forgery and money laundering. D.E.A. agents uncovered evidence that suggested the couple had used the transportation company they owned to launder money for a marijuana and cocaine trafficker in charge of a busy drug-smuggling route through Agua Prieta, Mexico, just on the other side of the border.

During their investigation, D.E.A. agents found 16 commercial trucks, 54 trailers, 11 cars, boats, homes and 12 bank accounts in the couple’s name. Some $8.2 million, much of it believed to be proceeds from illegal drug sales in the United States, entered the accounts over four years, in deposits that generally did not exceed $10,000 to evade scrutiny from banks and the Internal Revenue Service. Almost all of the money was withdrawn and a lot of it was deposited in bank accounts held by the wife in Mexico.

Ultimately, the couple pleaded guilty to lesser charges, underscoring what federal agents say is the difficulty in proving the connection between the money and the drugs when cases go to court.


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