LGBTs At It Again: "The Equality Act": Shoehorn to End Religious Or Any Other Objections

As to LGBT concerns about rolling back Obergefell...they are legitimate concerns. This case will force the issue if Judge Roy Moore takes his defense of himself and Alabama up to the Top. Alabama Keeps Electing Him and the Judiciary Keeps Removing Him

Moore has an excellent defense. Alabama did not ratify gay marriage and Obergefell was illegal for about a dozen reasons. Moore could ask for a retrial on Obergefell just on the Capteron v Massey Coal (USSC 2009) defense. That Ruling said that no judge may exhibit any bias and still sit on a case. NO judge or juror. Period. It violates the broad understanding of justice in our country. Two Justices, Ginsburg and Kagan were, as federal embodiments of the last stop in justice, openly performing gay weddings as the question "should the fed preside over states on the question of gay marriage" was pending before their court.

Ginsburg even gave at least one interview I know of, far in advance of the Decision, where she said words to the effect of "gay marriage is an idea whose time has come"!! In case that doesn't appear rattling to many reading here because you're so used to corruption you don't even know how to spot it anymore, how would you feel if you were going to court contesting custody for a child, and you are a woman, and a male judge sitting on your case had given an interview the week before in your local newspaper saying "fathers should have sole custody of the children from now on after a divorce"?

Yeah, what Ginsburg and Kagan did was THAT bad.
Moore has nothing but contempt for the Constitution, its case law, and the rule of law.

He has only himself to blame.

An Alabama judicial oversight body on Friday filed a formal complaint against Roy S. Moore, the chief justice of the state’s Supreme Court, charging that he had “flagrantly disregarded and abused his authority” in ordering the state’s probate judges to refuse applications for marriage licenses by same-sex couples.

As a result of the charges, Chief Justice Moore, 69, has been immediately suspended from the bench and is facing a potential hearing before the state’s Court of the Judiciary, a panel of judges, lawyers and other appointees. Among possible outcomes at such a hearing would be his removal from office.
Sil, you are deranged, we all know you are deranged on this series of topics.

Yes, Moore is in the trap and is not getting out of it.
Moore is an attorney. So the question is still open. I do find it interesting how your cult speaks with such finality on the issue before the facts have been tried. I guess nobody could blame you, what with two of the Justices openly advertising to the Public their bias for gay marriage months before they sat at the Hearing on it. With two in the bag, I can see why you are so confident.
Sil, you are deranged, we all know you are deranged on this series of topics.

Yes, Moore is in the trap and is not getting out of it.
Moore is an attorney. So the question is still open. I do find it interesting how your cult speaks with such finality on the issue before the facts have been tried. I guess nobody could blame you, what with two of the Justices openly advertising to the Public their bias for gay marriage months before they sat at the Hearing on it. With two in the bag, I can see why you are so confident.
There is only the Cult of Sil. No other cult exists. Many, many of us told you what the inevitable outcome would be on the marriage issue. Many of us told you what the outcome of Obergefell would be.

You refused to listen.

You cried.

You whined.

You lied. Over. Over. And over.

Nothing is going to change in your favor.
I still don't understand why anyone in their right mind supports something so absurd. Homosexuals have always had rights granted to everyone..

Yeah- you have posted that lie before.

Until the Supreme Court overturned such laws, there were laws that specifically made illegal homosexual sex acts- in other words- anal sex between a man and a woman was illegal, but between two men was illegal. No- homosexuals have not always had the same rights- why do you continue to lie?>

Until about 30 years ago, police routinely raided clubs known as homosexual clubs in NY and SF with the sole purpose of harassing gay patrons- often they would raid the clubs, arrest them, release the names of the men to the newspaper- and then release the men uncharged. Sometimes they would call their employers to notify them that they had been arrested for being a homosexual.

Until 2 years ago Americans who wanted to marry their homosexual partner could not do so- No- homosexuals have not always had the same rights- why do you continue to make this same lie?

Are you are as delusional as Silhouette?
Sil, you are deranged, we all know you are deranged on this series of topics.

Yes, Moore is in the trap and is not getting out of it.
Moore is an attorney. So the question is still open. I do find it interesting how your cult speaks with such finality on the issue before the facts have been tried. I guess nobody could blame you, what with two of the Justices openly advertising to the Public their bias for gay marriage months before they sat at the Hearing on it. With two in the bag, I can see why you are so confident.

The cult of Silhouette. The cult of one homophobe trying to foment hatred towards Americans who happen to be gay.

It was refreshing in a perverted way when you went to attack Trump's wife- but in both your attacks on Trump's wife and your attack on Americans who happen to be gay just show what an asshole you are.
LGBT is currently working very actively to keep BYU out of the Big 12
Just google it.
Like I said. They try anything and everything to achieve their goals. And the end game of those goals is teaching fisting to kids in school. And if you object, you are "discriminating". In the near future after a "The Equality Act" victory and more shoehorn advancements from it, it is wholly conceivable even that if you object to this indoctrination, you could be fined or even thrown in jail. Don't believe me? Ask Kim Davis.

Ask yourselves this: If gay behaviors are unacceptable to the majority, but can force the majority to promote them in schools, churches and marriage halls, how is it that ANY other objectionable behavior to the majority must be regulated by it? Equality demands that now any and all objectionable behaviors may form a group, give themselves a moniker like "LGBT" and then demand to be normalized in all the same ways "LGBT" did.

What would we cite to say "No" to them? Majority rule? The 14th? What exactly? "The Equality Act" as applied to minority behaviors with a moniker who want special promotions and privileges previously denied to them, would apply to ALL of them; not just special ones that are this or that person's pet favorites. When minority behavior groups escape majority rule, they all do. And hence the problem with the false premise "behavior = race" that I've been talking about for around a decade now. Just recently this year the courts finally did the logic on these last two paragraphs and said.."hey...wait a minute..."...
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Many, many of us told you what the inevitable outcome would be on the marriage issue. Many of us told you what the outcome of Obergefell would be.

I'll concede that I knew well before Obergefell, like everyone else did, that Ginsburg and Kagan were in the bag for it. It's just that the judicial system I was taught about in poli-sci was not supposed to be that predictable. In fact, the US Supreme Court is supposed to be the most unpredictable court in the nation.
LGBT is currently working very actively to keep BYU out of the Big 12
Just google it.
Like I said. They try anything and everything to achieve their goals. And the end game of those goals is teaching fisting to kids in school. And if you object, you are "discriminating". In the near future after a "The Equality Act" victory and more shoehorn advancements from it, it is wholly conceivable even that if you object to this indoctrination, you could be fined or even thrown in jail. Don't believe me? Ask Kim Davis.

Ask yourselves this: If gay behaviors are unacceptable to the majority, but can force the majority to promote them in schools, churches and marriage halls, how is it that ANY other objectionable behavior to the majority must be regulated by it? Equality demands that now any and all objectionable behaviors may form a group, give themselves a moniker like "LGBT" and then demand to be normalized in all the same ways "LGBT" did.

What would we cite to say "No" to them? Majority rule? The 14th? What exactly? "The Equality Act" as applied to minority behaviors with a moniker who want special promotions and privileges previously denied to them, would apply to ALL of them; not just special ones that are this or that person's pet favorites. When minority behavior groups escape majority rule, they all do. And hence the problem with the false premise "behavior = race" that I've been talking about for around a decade now. Just recently this year the courts finally did the logic on these last two paragraphs and said.."hey...wait a minute..."...
The Cult of Sil loons on. Ol' sil is thinking that fisting 101 will be on the syllabus this year.
protections for not being discriminated against for employment, housing, access to public places, federal funding, credit, education, and jury service
The liberals here need to Show us where homos are being discriminated in these areas.
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^^ Is employing #2 of the LGBT routine playbook I discussed in the OP...

You're talking about the "civil rights" of polygamists, right Jake? Just to be clear? When it comes to behaviors adopting a moniker and promoting themselves, it's going to get a bit fuzzy about "civil rights" isn't it?

protections for not being discriminated against for employment, housing, access to public places, federal funding, credit, education, and jury service
The liberals here need to Show us where homos are being discriminated in these areas.

Exactly. Unless they are advertising what they do in their bedrooms, nobody would know. Employment, if "legally" married & the spouse shows up, same treatment as any other married person. Housing, really? Ever hear of roommates? access to public places? Seriously? Again, how would anyone bar someone from a public place: especially if they didn't have a name tag on "I'm gay", federal funding? Where is this happening? credit? I'm not aware of any question box on a credit application that says "are you gay?". Education? Unless at a Christian school and again, wearing a name tag "I'm gay". Jury service? Seriously?

What the cult of LGBT is asking for isn't for civil rights that they already enjoy. They're asking to be OPEN ABOUT what they do in their bedrooms with employers etc. and have that "not be a problem". When polygamists can do the same, then they can. And not a moment before. A sexual orientation is a sexual orientation; ALL equal before the eyes of the law.
I remember the Black Agenda. They wanted schoolchildren to be taught that being black was normal. And they wanted black men to be able to marry white women.

It was a sin against God, I tell you.
protections for not being discriminated against for employment, housing, access to public places, federal funding, credit, education, and jury service
Show me where homos aware being discriminated in these areas.
No, you don't get that, because you are the enemy of civil rights.

Whatever..... us normal folks are really tired of hearing from you LGBT homo freaks.
Who ever said you were normal should be bitch slapped.
I remember the Black Agenda. They wanted schoolchildren to be taught that being black was normal. And they wanted black men to be able to marry white women.

It was a sin against God, I tell you.
Again, consult the OP. Blacks are offended that you equate their noble race with sticking your dick in another guy's asshole as an artificial vagina. And no, interracial marriage is spoken about in the Bible all the time. Perfectly normal.

Your "race = behavior" false premise fell flat on its face with Hively v Ivy Tech this year. Thinking people can't make the jump. And, judges are thinking people. They know if one behavior gets in, they all do. Consult the 14th for details..

Same bullshit, different decade.
I remember the Black Agenda. They wanted schoolchildren to be taught that being black was normal. And they wanted black men to be able to marry white women.

It was a sin against God, I tell you.
Again, consult the OP. Blacks are offended that you equate their noble race with sticking your dick in another guy's asshole as an artificial vagina. And no, interracial marriage is spoken about in the Bible all the time. Perfectly normal.

Your "race = behavior" false premise fell flat on its face with Hively v Ivy Tech this year.

Hively never even addresses 'race = behavior'. Let alone rejects the argument. Or even mentions it.

You're literally making this shit up as you go along. Why is it that the cases you claim to 'cite' almost never say what you claim they do. And change every time time you cite them?

Thinking people can't make the jump. And, judges are thinking people. They know if one behavior gets in, they all do. Consult the 14th for details..

Ah, a No True Scotsman fallacy. Alas, almost every time your argument came before the federal judiciary, at any level, it lost.

I believe the record was something like 67 to 4 against your babble. With the Supreme Court coming down firmly with the 67.

But hey, don't let reality get in the way of your latest pseudo-legal rant. Though've never been right in any legal prediction you've ever made.


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