LGBTQ want to force their deviant culture on us

Liberal lesbians with no children are so arrogant that they are certain they "know better" than children's parents
This whole business in not about equality. Gays mostly want embracement and not tolerance or acceptance. They demand that homosexual status be given the same plaudits as heterosexual and if you do not comply then your are an "ic" or an "ist"
This problem can be corrected by working out the conflicts with parents. It was not necessary to disrupt the students' education by removal as the only option.

I am a graduate from Rice with a degree in Math and Art. I'd be happy to help mediate between the protesting parents, the school and students. It's not like this isn't fixable. I have to resolve these issues all the time. Every school should have support to mediate conflicts to preserve and grow stronger relations. It's better to teach kids those skills than just punishing by removing people which still leaves the original conflict unresolved. Why not teach better skills in problem solving? The best application of arts is creative innovative solutions. Why not?

Agree, and I wasn't quite sure where Rice was located (TX obviously) and I'd be happy with your offer of mediation. You strike me as fair-minded and neutral.
Wrong?? Can you put that in a sentence??

You're wrong.
Cat got your tongue cowboy?

You are wrong in thinking that any teacher has a right to expose any kind of sexuality to pre-pubescent children, not to mention deviant sexual behavior.

Teachers are there to teach, not bring sexuality into the classroom.
Please describe exactly how she exposed the children to sexual behavior "deviant " or otherwise. You seem to have deviant sexual behavior on your mind quite a lot, to the point that your imagining it is there when its not.
How about reports like these

Boy, 6, Suspended in Sexual Assault Case at Elementary School
Well, what about it? How does it relate to the topic of this thread? I'm sure that you have some idea. Please share so that we know that you're not just a troll trying to derail the thread.

By the way-as an aside- I graduated high school in 1965. Let that sink in for a moment. We were kicking each other in the balls, grabbing balls all the time . No one cared. It was not an issue and I'm sure that adults were aware of it. For better or worse, what has changed is the adults response to it. I think the educators and parents do need to deal with it, especially if a child feels violated, but the reaction in this case was over the top
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You're wrong.
Cat got your tongue cowboy?

You are wrong in thinking that any teacher has a right to expose any kind of sexuality to pre-pubescent children, not to mention deviant sexual behavior.

Teachers are there to teach, not bring sexuality into the classroom.
Please describe exactly how she exposed the children to sexual behavior "deviant " or otherwise. You seem to have deviant sexual behavior on your mind quite a lot, to the point that your imagining it is there when its not.
How about reports like these

Boy, 6, Suspended in Sexual Assault Case at Elementary School
Well, what about it? How does it relate to the topic of this thread? I'm sure that you have some idea. Please share so that we know that you're not just a troll trying to derail the thread.

By the way-as an aside- I graduated high school in 1965. Let that sink in for a moment. We were liking each other in the balls, grabbing balls all the time . No one cared. It was not an issue and I'm sure that adults were aware of it. For better or worse, what has changed is the adults response to it. I think the educators and parents do need to deal with it, especially if a child feels violated, but the reaction in this case was over the top
Back then it was now it sexual assaul.but kids learn from watching grown ups
Liberal lesbians with no children are so arrogant that they are certain they "know better" than children's parents

I have yet to learn what exactly this teacher has been accused of. Showing a porn video? Describing to the students what goes on in their bedroom? What did she say or do that would demonstrate your accusation?
Perhaps we need the testimony of the parent who complained. Absent evidence that the complaining parent was in the classroom at the time of this incident, the only thing that the public has to go on is what his/her child said after school about the class.
some of the most GENTEEL and traditionally polite people I have encountered have been homosexual men. Not all -------play act the role
I am glad you get along with them, then. I do not appreciate their subtle contempt and mockery, or the sexual harassment which they engage in in great numbers -- although I am certain that most such men are "play-acting the role" rather than actually seeking a relationship with another man.
This whole business in not about equality. Gays mostly want embracement and not tolerance or acceptance. They demand that homosexual status be given the same plaudits as heterosexual and if you do not comply then your are an "ic" or an "ist"
I seriously doubt they want you to hug them and then stab them in the back. Nor do any of us law-abiding folks want your brass-knuckle swinging "straight" pimping and whoring.
We were liking each other in the balls, grabbing balls all the time

Are we supposed to be surprised that you admit you were “grabbing balls all the time”? :gay:
Nope, didn't say that. But the fact is that it was not a gay thing. Hell, no one was gay. Gays were the freaks that dwelled in "The Village" NYC. That's just the way it was.
We were liking each other in the balls, grabbing balls all the time

Are we supposed to be surprised that you admit you were “grabbing balls all the time”? :gay:
Nope, didn't say that. But the fact is that it was not a gay thing. Hell, no one was gay. Gays were the freaks that dwelled in "The Village" NYC. That's just the way it was.
Sure :wink:
Believe me or not. No skin off of my........balls.
We were liking each other in the balls, grabbing balls all the time

Are we supposed to be surprised that you admit you were “grabbing balls all the time”? :gay:
Nope, didn't say that. But the fact is that it was not a gay thing. Hell, no one was gay. Gays were the freaks that dwelled in "The Village" NYC. That's just the way it was.
Sure :wink:
Believe me or not. No skin off of my........balls.

Can't skin what you ain't got ....
some of the most GENTEEL and traditionally polite people I have encountered have been homosexual men. Not all -------play act the role
I am glad you get along with them, then. I do not appreciate their subtle contempt and mockery, or the sexual harassment which they engage in in great numbers -- although I am certain that most such men are "play-acting the role" rather than actually seeking a relationship with another man.
This whole business in not about equality. Gays mostly want embracement and not tolerance or acceptance. They demand that homosexual status be given the same plaudits as heterosexual and if you do not comply then your are an "ic" or an "ist"
I seriously doubt they want you to hug them and then stab them in the back. Nor do any of us law-abiding folks want your brass-knuckle swinging "straight" pimping and whoring.
We adults will deal with it as we choose but we do not want teachers to promote their agenda via 8 year old mind indoctrination attempts
Leaves of Grass is outstanding
Somehow that doesn't fit with your earlier statements. But I'll take it!
We all have an occasional good moment
6. When I Heard at the Close of the Day
When I heard at the close of the day how my name had been receiv’d with plaudits in the capitol, still it was not a happy night for me that follow’d,
And else when I carous’d, or when my plans were accomplish’d, still I was not happy,
But the day when I rose at dawn from the bed of perfect health, refresh’d, singing, inhaling the ripe breath of autumn,
When I saw the full moon in the west grow pale and disappear in the morning light,
When I wander’d alone over the beach, and undressing bathed, laughing with the cool waters, and saw the sun rise,
And when I thought how my dear friend my lover was on his way coming,
then I was happy, O then each breath tasted sweeter, and all that day my food nourish’d me more, and the beautiful day pass’d well,
And the next came with equal joy, and with the next at evening came my friend,
And that night while all was still I heard the waters roll slowly continually up the shores,
I heard the hissing rustle of the liquid and sands as directed to me whispering to congratulate me,
For the one I love most lay sleeping by me under the same cover in the cool night,
In the stillness in the autumn moonbeams his face was inclined toward me,
And his arm lay lightly around my breast – and that night I was happy

Walt Whitman Leaves of Grass
Sounds gay

Better keep it away from children
I mind how once we lay such a transparent summer
How you settled your head athwart my hips and gently turn'd
over upon me,
And parted the shirt from my bosom-bone, and plunged your
tongue to my bare-stript heart,
And reach'd till you felt my beard, and reach'd till you held
my feet.

Walt Whitman Leaves of Grass Song of Myself

Yeah, well you don't think Oak Island is interesting, either. So....

Ha OldLady reminds me of a joke I made that to prevent
sexual harassment, the offenders had to write and speak in iambic
pentameter or use the "sonnet" rhyme scheme. And see how far they get with THAT.
I tried to write a series of sonnets, like a spoof on the Sonnets of the Portuguese,
and only got ONE written before it killed me, racking my brain to shreds. Yikes!
I figured this would make quite fitting punishment for anyone charged with
verbal abuse and sexual harassment. Force people to write it out as a sonnet!!

The first time I tried writing a sonnet to impress someone, I decided no man on earth was worth the hassle of making 1 of these things rhyme, much less 44 of them! So I quit right there.

After much contemplation, and frustration, I decided that anyone convicted of stalking or harassment ought to be sentenced to writing and speaking in 14-line rhyme schemes. What a challenging alternative to the traditional "restraining order"! How quickly we'd reduce the incidence of harassment and hate speech, while increasing the literacy rate!

And why stop with criminal cases? With all the paper wasted on civil litigation and legislation, how many trees would be saved if we required every lawyer, politician, and judge to issue lawsuits, bills, and bail bonds in the form of octets and sestets, abba-abba-bababa?

What a civilized society we would be!

(below is my attempt to write a Sonnet before I gave up and said never again! Nevermore!)

Sweet Orpheus, send down your heav'nly tune
Once sung through tears for dear Eurydice,
Convincing Hades and Persephone
To free your bride. For love I would as soon
Renounce the stars to please the jealous moon!
I walk an endless desert through a sea
Of chaos, cleansing past impurity
That, left behind, would lead my Soul to ruin.
The ghosts of past and future I still wear,
Resurrected. How can I stand aloof
With songs and poems racing through the air
That send my heart and conscience through the roof,
A test of faith that Love is just and fair.
To win this war demands not faith, but proof.
a different standard than a heterosexual teacher

That's where you clowns don't get it - there's a difference between a degenerate lifestyle and a normal heterosexual one
there's a difference between a degenerate lifestyle and a normal heterosexual one
This is the actual crux of the argument, all clever efforts to disguise it aside.

Yes. There it is.

Heterosexuals are not defined by their sexual orientation - they are men, women, teachers, postmen, engineers, doctors...

Homosexuals are defined by their sexual orientation - they are lesbians, faggots, and the first thing that comes up is not that they are a teacher but what the public thinks they do in the privacy of bedroom.

Normalizing it is recognizing that they are men, women, teachers, postmen, engineers, doctors...not sexual objects.

Dear Coyote
Look at the difference between people "identified by their orientation" vs. ones who are not.

Freddie Mercury is a great example of someone who was respected by LOTS of people who are politically opposed to the LGBT culture being pushed on others. He never did that, and he was accepted and respected for his gifts he shared with the whole world. (There were some extreme fundamentalists types who did rail against him for AIDS, homosexuality other things, but even the most conservative people I know who hate LGBT politics defend and respect him. It's the politics that drive them to get vocally and visibly opposed.)

Ray Hill, an outspoken gay and atheist activist in Houston, known worldwide for his Prison Show and outreach is consulted by law enforcement and govt officials, both liberal and conservative, even Church leaders such as Joel Osteen who relied on Ray's help
when the city stalled and obstructed his plans to buy the Compaq Center and use it for church purposes. They respect him for his community leadership and mentorship in peace and justice first, and do not label him by his orientation even though he is active in that outreach. He respects people and does not bully or insult people as a group! When he first got asked to speak on behalf of the gay community in the 60's and 70's, he had been rejected because he was too "normal" and mainstream looking and acting. He wasn't the flaming flamboyant "gay" that made a huge public issue as the other activists were looking to make.

Ray is active in LGBT politics, and pushed for the controversial Transgender bill in Houston that was not set up or done right.
But Ray is known first and foremost for his Prison outreach and advocacy,
and he works with Christians and lots of people who do not agree with same sex marriage and gay rights, etc.

It's because he practices what he preaches about defending equal rights for all people regardless of groups or beliefs, that people respect him and come to him for advice on how to work with the given system to get things done despite the negative politics and obstruction.

If you make it an identifying factor, then you get what you ask for.
If you treat all people with equal respect, then you get that in return.

Same with the race card, and now this age card that has come up.
If you make it an issue, then it can become "politicized."

The Transgender issue was not "politicized" until people started trying to PUSH it on everyone else.
And the backlash ended up worse!

Similar with Christian faith. People generally don't have problems with individuals who are Christian or Muslim etc. But when it becomes a public issue involving a collective GROUP, that's when people start associating individuals with "representing" that "interest group." So then it becomes a battle because of this horrible habit of abusing majority rule to dominate one group's beliefs over another (which is why I call that out as "unconstitutional" to abuse govt in that way). if we treated all groups and beliefs as equally within their right to exercise and express their own ways, without imposing one on others, then we wouldn't have such a huge problem of people fighting over identity.

Once fear gets injected into the equation, it becomes a politicized mess and we lose sense of seeing and hearing each other out as individuals. We only focus on numbers and sizes of groups. That's one thing I can't stand about the political system of representation; when it becomes abused for bullying by exclusion or coercion BETWEEN groups, instead of helping people of ALL groups to organize, represent and govern themselves where they agree on policies and programs. We can either use this system of representation by party to help everyone equally, or continue abusing it to divide and destroy relations, society and nations.

I hope we learn the more effective way to use parties, and get past this stage of "he said she said" and "you can't be my friend if you support that other group" which is so high school to me. When we grow up, maybe we'll learn to work together, even if that means separating and running our own programs locally, instead of competing to smash each other to dominate the playground out of fear the other group is going to take over!
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This whole business in not about equality. Gays mostly want embracement and not tolerance or acceptance. They demand that homosexual status be given the same plaudits as heterosexual and if you do not comply then your are an "ic" or an "ist"

Dear WEATHER53 So why not make a deal and give them what they want, in an equal tradeoff?
If they want LGBT teaching expression and practice incorporated into schools and govt,
then allow CHRISTIAN teaching expression and practice incorporated.

I know some Christians who would AGREE to that.
Allow God and prayer back in schools, and Christian prayer and healing in govt programs as an equal choice,
and SURE that means LGBT can be incorporated to the SAME degree.

But it is discrimination to demand that one be removed and one be embedded in govt policy and functions.
You can't have it both ways.

Either agree to include ALL or agree to remove all and keep govt neutral.
That's fair. If you want inclusion, then it applies to Christian beliefs
teachings and practice that are equally "faith based" and free choice of individuals to exercise.

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