Legal Weed Has Led to Teen Abuse


Remember when proponents said that teens would never use pot. There are laws against it.

Just like when I was a teen and got drunk on a weekly basis.
Oh well. We just have to get used to schizophrenics. Pot is not like alcohol. The addiction incidence with alcohol is much lower than with pot.
Are schizophrenics something that we just recently discovered??

And can you show me the data that says weed and schizophrenia have a causational relationship??

Remember when proponents said that teens would never use pot. There are laws against it.

Just like when I was a teen and got drunk on a weekly basis.
Oh well. We just have to get used to schizophrenics. Pot is not like alcohol. The addiction incidence with alcohol is much lower than with pot.
Are schizophrenics something that we just recently discovered??

And can you show me the data that says weed and schizophrenia have a causational relationship??

Marijuana slowly fries the users' brain, that's how the user of grass gets loaded. If you do it only occasionally, the risk is a lot less, than if you do it every day. Your brain will get only a little singed but will still likely be functional. If your brain is permanently fried, its call "schizoid" or "psychosis" and the doctor has to give you heavy duty doses of Haldol.
Ritalin is methylphenidate, "meth" usually refers to methamphetamine, not methylphenidate. Methamphetamine has legit medical uses as well. German fuhrer Hitler was prescribed methamphetamine by his tremendous private doctor, Ted Morrell, in the 1940's. Mr. Hitler cared about his health, and didn't go to the free , Hitlercare physicians.

Thank you for these corrections ... meth manufactured in a Pharm factory meets all the FDA requirements for purity and cleanliness ... the street stuff whipped up in someone's bathtub not so much ... so there is a level of apples-to-oranges to my argument as well ...

Oregon voted to regulate marijuana under the same system we use to regulate distilled spirits ... no toking and driving, no under 21-years-old sales, retail purchase at "state-owned" stores only and grow operations have to be kept under lock-and-key ... we also allow local communities to "opt-out" just like with booze ...

The big advantage here in Oregon is we've continued funding levels for drug enforcement ... but instead of fooling around with marijuana, and these resources are devoted to the chemical drugs, and meth abuse is down significantly (with a few other new laws targeting this epidemic) ...
Who could Have possibly foreseen this?
Explains the schizophrenic behavior of younger people.

Legal marijuana has led to increased use, risk for abuse among teens

I guess it's time to bring back the 18th Amendment. It worked so well.
Wow, 10 minutes for the dumbass strawman argument.

Legalize meth!

You are arguing that it being illegal has done anything to curtail it?

Whats wrong with people being aware? Nothing. Its just information. And yes it is not good for teens or kids for the reason that their brain at that age, and especially the frontal lobe has not yet developed completely.
Who could Have possibly foreseen this?
Explains the schizophrenic behavior of younger people.

Legal marijuana has led to increased use, risk for abuse among teens
Meanwhile, alcohol use (which is far more dangerous) has lowered among teens. Weed is a wonderful thing indeed!

I don't think alcohol is more dangerous at all, in spite of what liberal neoprohibitionists might say.

Having an occasional adult beverage never killed anyone.
Who could Have possibly foreseen this?
Explains the schizophrenic behavior of younger people.

Legal marijuana has led to increased use, risk for abuse among teens
Meanwhile, alcohol use (which is far more dangerous) has lowered among teens. Weed is a wonderful thing indeed!

I don't think alcohol is more dangerous at all, in spite of what liberal neoprohibitionists might say.

Having an occasional adult beverage never killed anyone.
It absolutely has killed people, particularly teens who dont drink often enough to know when to stop. I wont even get into the drunk driving death statistics.
Who could Have possibly foreseen this?
Explains the schizophrenic behavior of younger people.

Legal marijuana has led to increased use, risk for abuse among teens
Meanwhile, alcohol use (which is far more dangerous) has lowered among teens. Weed is a wonderful thing indeed!

I don't think alcohol is more dangerous at all, in spite of what liberal neoprohibitionists might say.

Having an occasional adult beverage never killed anyone.
neither did an occasional puff of weed.
Who could Have possibly foreseen this?
Explains the schizophrenic behavior of younger people.

Legal marijuana has led to increased use, risk for abuse among teens
Meanwhile, alcohol use (which is far more dangerous) has lowered among teens. Weed is a wonderful thing indeed!

I don't think alcohol is more dangerous at all, in spite of what liberal neoprohibitionists might say.

Having an occasional adult beverage never killed anyone.
It absolutely has killed people, particularly teens who dont drink often enough to know when to stop. I wont even get into the drunk driving death statistics.

I agree, drunk driving is no dam good. But that doesn't mean the driving while stoned is.

The brothers showed us a film in high school about drunk driving. It showed some fellow sitting around getting shit faced, and getting into his car. Speeds up swerving in traffic, plows right into a brick wall and kills himself.

Anywho, the film continues, and they take the body into the coroner's office and give the dude an autopsy. They cut out his brain, and it looks just like an overdone meatloaf.

In comparison, they showed a healthy brain of someone who wasn't a big drinker, and the brain was obviously healthy and pinkish especially in contrast to the meat loaf brain.
Who could Have possibly foreseen this?
Explains the schizophrenic behavior of younger people.

Legal marijuana has led to increased use, risk for abuse among teens
Meanwhile, alcohol use (which is far more dangerous) has lowered among teens. Weed is a wonderful thing indeed!

I don't think alcohol is more dangerous at all, in spite of what liberal neoprohibitionists might say.

Having an occasional adult beverage never killed anyone.
It absolutely has killed people, particularly teens who dont drink often enough to know when to stop. I wont even get into the drunk driving death statistics.

I agree, drunk driving is no dam good. But that doesn't mean the driving while stoned is.

The brothers showed us a film in high school about drunk driving. It showed some fellow sitting around getting shit faced, and getting into his car. Speeds up swerving in traffic, plows right into a brick wall and kills himself.

Anywho, the film continues, and they take the body into the coroner's office and give the dude an autopsy. They cut out his brain, and it looks just like an overdone meatloaf.

In comparison, they showed a healthy brain of someone who wasn't a big drinker, and the brain was obviously healthy and pinkish especially in contrast to the meat loaf brain.
You are 6 times more likely to get in an accident when drunk, but only 2 times more likely when stoned. Here is a thorough test that was done.

Legalize meth!

Meth is a schedule 2 controlled substance ... it has bona fide medical value and thus lawful to be prescribed ... it's used in the treatment of ADHD under the trade name Ritalin ... this might surprise the hell out of you but kids have been getting marijuana since LONG before it was legalized for medical use ... although drinking booze and driving is still far more dangerous than pot ...

Do you really think we should re-criminalize marijuana and build more prisons in the USA ??? ...

Crystal meth is made in back rooms, of undetermined strength, and with unknown contaminants including Fentanyl is smoked or injected. Ritalin is manufactured under strict guidelines and prescribed and administered under the supervision of a physician. See the difference? Personally, I don't think it should be prescribed at all.

Since the legalization of marijuana, a far stronger variety than when I was a kid, it is being used and abused by far more kids than before. How is that a good thing?

Our brains continue to develop until we are about 25 years old. Marijuana causes permanent damage. How is that a good thing?

Marijuana caused more damage to teens' brains than alcohol, study finds
Joel Shannon October 26, 2018

Marijuana use may pose a greater risk to the developing brains of teenagers than alcohol consumption, according to a new study this week.

The analysis, published Wednesday in the American Journal of Psychiatry, found that cannabis had greater short and long-term consequences than alcohol on four key components of teens' memory. The finding greatly surprised researchers.
Marijuana damaged teenagers' brains more than alcohol, study finds
Are schizophrenics something that we just recently discovered??

And can you show me the data that says weed and schizophrenia have a causational relationship??

Becky Upham
Medically Reviewed by Allison Young, MD
Last Updated: March 12, 2019
Can Marijuana Cause Psychosis?
Yes, it’s been shown that marijuana can cause psychosis, says David Streem, MD, a psychiatrist at Cleveland Clinic in Ohio. “Regular cannabis users suffer double the risk of developing psychosis, from 0.07 to 0.14 percent. It’s one of the few consistent findings in recent cannabis research,” says Dr. Streem, referencing results from research published in the journal Archives of General Psychiatry.

The Definition and Meaning of Psychosis
Psychosis is a symptom of schizophrenia and can include delusions and hallucinations. A person in a psychotic episode may experience depression, anxiety, trouble sleeping, social withdrawal, and difficulty functioning, according to the National Institute of Mental Health. The risk for psychosis is likely to increase as the potency of THC in cannabis increases, says Streem.

Marijuana Use and Schizophrenia RIsk: A Possible Link
Who could Have possibly foreseen this?
Explains the schizophrenic behavior of younger people.

Legal marijuana has led to increased use, risk for abuse among teens

cannabis use disorder among Americans between the ages of 12 and 17 with a history of pot use increased from 2.18 percent to 2.72 percent from 2008 to 2016.

The authors caution that their findings are limited by the fact that respondents to the National Survey on Drug Use and Health self-reported their marijuana use, and that responses may therefore not reflect actual usage trends.

Cerdá said that as states legalize recreational marijuana, substance abuse prevention programs and treatment services need to be put in place to prevent unintended harms. She adds that regulation of the product, advertising and access could also go a long way to help prevent its abuse.

"Legalization of marijuana use has the potential to provide important social benefits, particularly around issues of equity in criminal justice," Cerdá said. "However, the potential for frequent marijuana use and cannabis use disorder is an important public health concern that we should be tracking."
USA Today has a constitutional right to publish most anything they want to ...

An ounce of seconds will still set you back $100 ... how much cheap whiskey does that $100 buy? ... and YES, possession of either by minors is illegal ... which felony is worse than another? ...

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