Leaked Secret Information Led To The Right Wing Machine Trying To Shake Down Roberts


Registered Democrat
Jun 20, 2012
This is pretty damning evidence against the GOP thugs. Roberts initially sided with voting against the ACA, but later had second thoughts as he had to do the right thing by upholding the constitution, and not crapping all over it to appease to what the GOP wanted.
This put the GOP into an uproar and they somehow acquired secret leaked information and tried to use their thuggery to get Roberts to vote against the constitution, and for their right wing cronyism, which failed.

It's pretty damn funny that the party supposedly for "pro constitution!" is quick to try and shred it to pieces just so they get what they want,...

John Roberts, Conservative Outcast, and the Supreme Court’s Unprecedented Leak | Swampland | TIME.com
It's a tax. Roberts correctly identified it as a tax.

If you don't like the tax, take Roberts' advice and get rid of the executive and legislators that voted for the tax.
It's a tax. Roberts correctly identified it as a tax.

If you don't like the tax, take Roberts' advice and get rid of the executive and legislators that voted for the tax.

It's a tax, only if you also believe that paying a fine for a speeding ticket is also a "tax", or paying a fine for violating ANY law is a "tax".

It's pretty simple logic, junior.

Roberts voted the way he did because he wants the American people to "experience" what massive left wing economic destruction is all about, with the end result being the destruction of the Democrat party for many, many years to come.

"We The People" have had enough of leftist political ideology and shortsighted and nonsensical leftist legislative nightmares. Roberts wants to make sure those "on the fence" FINALLY "get it".

The joke is on YOU, leftist lemmings. :badgrin:

Enjoy your Obamacare.
It's a tax. Roberts correctly identified it as a tax.

If you don't like the tax, take Roberts' advice and get rid of the executive and legislators that voted for the tax.

That's not what the topic is about,...
It's a tax. Roberts correctly identified it as a tax.

If you don't like the tax, take Roberts' advice and get rid of the executive and legislators that voted for the tax.

It's a tax, only if you also believe that paying a fine for a speeding ticket is also a "tax", or paying a fine for violating ANY law is a "tax".

It's pretty simple logic, junior.

Roberts voted the way he did because he wants the American people to "experience" what massive left wing economic destruction is all about, with the end result being the destruction of the Democrat party for many, many years to come.

"We The People" have had enough of leftist political ideology and shortsighted and nonsensical leftist legislative nightmares. Roberts wants to make sure those "on the fence" FINALLY "get it".

The joke is on YOU, leftist lemmings. :badgrin:

Enjoy your Obamacare.

Did you even read the link? Of course not. These are some pretty seriously issues.
Gee: I found this which makes the information in the OP out to lunch.

As Breitbart News suggested last week, it appears Chief Justice John Roberts did, in fact, switch his vote on the Obamacare decision under pressure from President Barack Obama, the Democrats, and the mainstream media. John Fund at National Review has more details today--including evidence about a bizarre address by Senator Patrick Leahy (D-VT), chair of the Judiciary Committee, that singled out Roberts himself:

Indeed, Senator Patrick Leahy (Vt., D.) , the chair of the Judiciary Committee, suddenly took to the floor on May 14 and directly addressed Roberts, urging him in harshly partisan tones to uphold Obamacare and maintain “the proper role of the judicial branch.”

Stewart Baker, a partner at the Washington law firm Steptoe & Johnson, writes at the Volokh Conspiracy that he found the whole campaign against Roberts weird and unusual, given that the justices’ conference vote on Obamacare had been held six weeks earlier. Why “would the chair of the Judiciary Committee risk the appearance of trying to harshly strongarm the Court when his remarks wouldn’t make the slightest difference?” he asks. “The Leahy speech reads like it was written for an audience of one. It offers flattery and it offers threats, all of them personalized to appeal to Chief Justice Roberts alone.”

Fund adds that the White House likely benefited from leaks at the Court, and almost certainly knew of Roberts's switch--just as it almost certainly knew of the initial vote to throw out the individual mandate in March:

More Scorn for Chief Justice Roberts as Details of Switch Leak
Gee: I found this which makes the information in the OP out to lunch.
As Breitbart News suggested last week

Breitfart news is an oxymoron, his site is nothing but fabricated lies and ultra right wing propaganda.

shirley sherrod anyone?
If there was outside pressure from either side...(like Obama's diareah of the mouth), there should be dire consequences.

Obama should have been castigated for his remarks.

Roberts should not be reading the papers.
Gee: I found this which makes the information in the OP out to lunch.
As Breitbart News suggested last week

Breitfart news is an oxymoron, his site is nothing but fabricated lies and ultra right wing propaganda.

shirley sherrod anyone?

Keep it up asshole.

You are quick to post crap from one site.....let it play out.

John Fund has always been pretty reasonable.
This is pretty damning evidence against the GOP thugs. Roberts initially sided with voting against the ACA, but later had second thoughts as he had to do the right thing by upholding the constitution, and not crapping all over it to appease to what the GOP wanted.
This put the GOP into an uproar and they somehow acquired secret leaked information and tried to use their thuggery to get Roberts to vote against the constitution, and for their right wing cronyism, which failed.

It's pretty damn funny that the party supposedly for "pro constitution!" is quick to try and shred it to pieces just so they get what they want,...

John Roberts, Conservative Outcast, and the Supreme Court’s Unprecedented Leak | Swampland | TIME.com

What's your fucking point? That the GOP got Roberts to vote to uphold this piece of national disgrace?

It's a tax. Roberts correctly identified it as a tax.

If you don't like the tax, take Roberts' advice and get rid of the executive and legislators that voted for the tax.

It's a tax, only if you also believe that paying a fine for a speeding ticket is also a "tax", or paying a fine for violating ANY law is a "tax".

It's pretty simple logic, junior.

Roberts voted the way he did because he wants the American people to "experience" what massive left wing economic destruction is all about, with the end result being the destruction of the Democrat party for many, many years to come.

"We The People" have had enough of leftist political ideology and shortsighted and nonsensical leftist legislative nightmares. Roberts wants to make sure those "on the fence" FINALLY "get it".

The joke is on YOU, leftist lemmings. :badgrin:

Enjoy your Obamacare.

You can choose not to speed and not pay the fine. You can choose not to violate a law and therefore not be subject to the fine.

Can you choose not to pay obamatax?
Gee: I found this which makes the information in the OP out to lunch.
As Breitbart News suggested last week

Breitfart news is an oxymoron, his site is nothing but fabricated lies and ultra right wing propaganda.

shirley sherrod anyone?

Keep it up asshole.

You are quick to post crap from one site.....let it play out.

John Fund has always been pretty reasonable.

How in the hell is time magazine biased? Breitfart is radical right wing propaganda and if you notice, I don't use links from heavily biased hack sources.

Using biased sources, regardless of side, makes any kind of argument invalid and not even worth discussing.
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Breitfart news is an oxymoron, his site is nothing but fabricated lies and ultra right wing propaganda.

shirley sherrod anyone?

Keep it up asshole.

You are quick to post crap from one site.....let it play out.

John Fund has always been pretty reasonable.

How in the hell is time magazine biased? Breitfart is radical right wing propaganda and if you notice, I don't use links from heavily biased hack sources.

Using biased sources, regardless of side, makes any kind of argument invalid and not even worth discussing.

Time is biased....to everyone who does not have their head up their ass.
Keep it up asshole.

You are quick to post crap from one site.....let it play out.

John Fund has always been pretty reasonable.

How in the hell is time magazine biased? Breitfart is radical right wing propaganda and if you notice, I don't use links from heavily biased hack sources.

Using biased sources, regardless of side, makes any kind of argument invalid and not even worth discussing.

Time is biased....to everyone who does not have their head up their ass.

I forgot, in the minds of right wing radicals, only Breitfart, Beck, Limbaugh, and other radical right wing propaganda outlets are "fair and balanced", while everything else is biased. :cuckoo:
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How in the hell is time magazine biased? Breitfart is radical right wing propaganda and if you notice, I don't use links from heavily biased hack sources.

Using biased sources, regardless of side, makes any kind of argument invalid and not even worth discussing.

Time is biased....to everyone who does not have their head up their ass.

I forgot, in the minds of right wing radicals, only Breitfart, Beck, Limbaugh, and other radical right wing propaganda outlets are "fair and balanced", while everything else is biased. :cuckoo:

You can't forget things you don't know.

Everything is biased....period.....pull your head out of the clouds (which are floating in your colon) and focus on the topic at hand.

If ANYONE put pressure or Roberts besides the other justices, there should be drastic consequences. ANYONE.
Time is biased....to everyone who does not have their head up their ass.

I forgot, in the minds of right wing radicals, only Breitfart, Beck, Limbaugh, and other radical right wing propaganda outlets are "fair and balanced", while everything else is biased. :cuckoo:

You can't forget things you don't know.

Everything is biased....period.....pull your head out of the clouds (which are floating in your colon) and focus on the topic at hand.

If ANYONE put pressure or Roberts besides the other justices, there should be drastic consequences. ANYONE.

Holy shit of all that diarrhea that just flowed out of your mouth, you actually posted something right :eek:

Are you going to denounce and attack the right wing propaganda machine now for doing just that by shaking down Roberts?
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Where did you go? No one on the right stands for the constitution and against the crony attacks on it by the right?

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