Lax gun laws provide criminals with guns


Gold Member
May 30, 2008
COLUMBIA, S.C. (AP) -- Ten states are responsible for the bulk of illegal guns that are shipped across state lines for use in crimes, according to a report released Friday by a national coalition of mayors.

About 30 percent of guns traced by federal agents in 2006 and 2007 during crime investigations were bought in a state other than where the crime occurred, said the report by Mayors Against Illegal Guns, which largely blamed the transport of illegal guns on states with lax gun laws.

For 2007, the top sources for guns used in crimes elsewhere were Georgia, Florida, Texas, Virginia, California, Ohio, North Carolina, Indiana, Pennsylvania and Alabama. |
COLUMBIA, S.C. (AP) -- Ten states are responsible for the bulk of illegal guns that are shipped across state lines for use in crimes, according to a report released Friday by a national coalition of mayors.

About 30 percent of guns traced by federal agents in 2006 and 2007 during crime investigations were bought in a state other than where the crime occurred, said the report by Mayors Against Illegal Guns, which largely blamed the transport of illegal guns on states with lax gun laws.

For 2007, the top sources for guns used in crimes elsewhere were Georgia, Florida, Texas, Virginia, California, Ohio, North Carolina, Indiana, Pennsylvania and Alabama. |

What a fucking laugh. California has lax gun laws? You REALLY should think about what you have read before you post it.
COLUMBIA, S.C. (AP) -- Ten states are responsible for the bulk of illegal guns that are shipped across state lines for use in crimes, according to a report released Friday by a national coalition of mayors.

About 30 percent of guns traced by federal agents in 2006 and 2007 during crime investigations were bought in a state other than where the crime occurred, said the report by Mayors Against Illegal Guns, which largely blamed the transport of illegal guns on states with lax gun laws.

For 2007, the top sources for guns used in crimes elsewhere were Georgia, Florida, Texas, Virginia, California, Ohio, North Carolina, Indiana, Pennsylvania and Alabama. |

The problem is: If we outlaw guns, only criminals will have guns. What part of that do you NOT understand?

I hope the US government will never make me a criminal.
The problem is: If we outlaw guns, only criminals will have guns. What part of that do you NOT understand?

I hope the US government will never make me a criminal.

He fails utterly to notice that the ONLY way these statistics are available is if the weapons were, in fact bought legally and later sold illegally. Either because they were stolen or because someone unscrouplous got them, if the later, why is it they have not been arrested?

Using his logic we shouldn't have any legal drugs that can be used illegally either. Cause after all, someone can steal them or misuse them.

As far as I know most states require that one have insurance to license and drive a car. Yet thousands of people across the country drive with no insurance, much less a license. Using his logic we should stop all legal cars from being sold anywhere cause they may end up in illegal hands.
Lax gun laws provide a way for criminals to get guns.

Requiring background checks for purchases at gun shows is one simple solution to the problem.
The problem in my opinion is that criminals are going to get their guns anyway, They don't go out and get permits. It's only for the good law abiding citizens usually that it's hard to get guns. I think we should all be able to have them since, criminals are gonna get em by any means necessary. The gun laws should get laxer and the requirements for everyone to be instructed on how to properly use a gun should be higher. I think everyone should be allowed to hold a concealed weapon. Criminals wouldn't be so bold if they knew everyone was armed and trained on how to use a weapon. How about them apples. I think it should be taught to kids by kindergarten and up. that way they wouldn't shoot themselves accidentally. that being said Kids should be trained in school how to operate a gun but not allowed to carry them till 18. Not the most popular school of thought I know, but why not?
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He fails utterly to notice that the ONLY way these statistics are available is if the weapons were, in fact bought legally and later sold illegally. Either because they were stolen or because someone unscrouplous got them, if the later, why is it they have not been arrested?

Using his logic we shouldn't have any legal drugs that can be used illegally either. Cause after all, someone can steal them or misuse them.

As far as I know most states require that one have insurance to license and drive a car. Yet thousands of people across the country drive with no insurance, much less a license. Using his logic we should stop all legal cars from being sold anywhere cause they may end up in illegal hands.

Not to mention that cars also cause WAY more death and injury than guns each year. Meh, I don't like guns myself, but if you want one go ahead. If you are a criminal just hope you kill me, because I will try to kill you in return if you shoot at me, and even if you get away I will hunt you down and have you thrown in jail. If you aren't a criminal then more power to you, just keep close tabs on it.

Cars though, they should be illegal because too many have died at the fault of idiot drivers.
The problem in my opinion is that criminals are going to get their guns anyway, They don't go out and get permits. It's only for the good law abiding citizens usually that it's hard to get guns. I think we should all be able to have them since, criminals are gonna get em by any means necessary. The gun laws should get laxer and the requirements for everyone to be instructed on how to properly use a gun should be higher. I think everyone should be allowed to hold a concealed weapon. Criminals wouldn't be so bold if they knew everyone was armed and trained on how to use a weapon. How about them apples. I think it should be taught to kids by kindergarten and up. that way they wouldn't shoot themselves accidentally. that being said Kids should be trained in school how to operate a gun but not allowed to carry them till 18. Not the most popular school of thought I know, but why not?

So much nonsense and requirements for citizens to all carry guns. That is Nutz. Outlaw all guns except for those people who are part of the various state militias and summarily execute any bozo found with one if he is not in the militia. Why waste court time? Just terminate him.

Shocking? Of course, I also favor the complete termination of all criminals.

Summary exectution for highway chase twits needs to be the norm. Don't try to puncture their tires, or use a police car to knock them off of the road. Just set up sharpshooters who can take them out with a bullet through the windshield. A lot less people are endangered that way.

We need to bring back firing squads to eliminate shoplifters and petty criminals as an example to all people considering minor crime. Why not? We have a serious overpopulation problem in this world. One way to solve it is to execute all criminals. Speed ten miles over the speed limit, and you can have a hole in your head with no questions asked by the court. It would be a necessary summary execution to protect the innocents. Bamb! no more speeder.
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I’m with you Chris. GUNS KILL PEOPLE. When are people going to realize this? I own a few guns but I lock them in a gun safe so they can’t get out and kill people. One time I forgot to lock the gun safe and I think that during the night my guns escaped and started killing people. Since then I try to remember to always lock the safe. If only there weren’t any guns then there wouldn’t be any crime. Maybe if guns were outlawed then the honest people would turn in their evil guns and crime would go away. No more murders no more crime. When will people realize this and get rid of their evil killing guns or at least lock them up so they can’t get loose and go on a killing spree. Oh and I’m sure if guns were illegal to own the criminals would all turn in their guns too.
Lax gun laws provide a way for criminals to get guns.

Requiring background checks for purchases at gun shows is one simple solution to the problem.

ONLY pistols require background checks and contrary to popular myth NO ONE can buy a pistol at a gunshow with OUT a background check.

Once again retard learn the actual laws you plan to pontificate on.
So much nonsense and requirements for citizens to all carry guns. That is Nutz. Outlaw all guns except for those people who are part of the various state militias and summarily execute any bozo found with one if he is not in the militia. Why waste court time? Just terminate him.

Shocking? Of course, I also favor the complete termination of all criminals.

Summary exectution for highway chase twits needs to be the norm. Don't try to puncture their tires, or use a police car to knock them off of the road. Just set up sharpshooters who can take them out with a bullet through the windshield. A lot less people are endangered that way.

We need to bring back firing squads to eliminate shoplifters and petty criminals as an example to all people considering minor crime. Why not? We have a serious overpopulation problem in this world. One way to solve it is to execute all criminals. Speed ten miles over the speed limit, and you can have a hole in your head with no questions asked by the court. It would be a necessary summary execution to protect the innocents. Bamb! no more speeder.

let me guess you are a christian right?

i am not for background checks at gun shows.....reason...most guns now are being traded with no registration or paper trail. the only background check being the amount of bones you have on ya....the legal trade is simply the "tip of the iceberg"....i would say at least 80 to 90 % of the trade goes on around rook tables or at the local hang out...right now the gun du jour is the smaller revolvers....1 5/8 in can put them in your watch pocket...i work part time at a brew of my customers is upset that i am not work....i simply prefer a sawed off .. its now a weapon of mass destruction....the semanitc gods make me i pointed out to him that at any given time i had more armed regular customers than non fear is cross fire...

i simpy do not think that the rest of the country understands the relationship that southernors have with their guns...myself, i was amazed there are people who exist who have never held or fired a weapon.....we are much more rural and spread out...we have guns for self protection from many things...and face it..there are some people who just need killing...
let me guess you are a christian right?

i am not for background checks at gun shows.....reason...most guns now are being traded with no registration or paper trail. the only background check being the amount of bones you have on ya....the legal trade is simply the "tip of the iceberg"....i would say at least 80 to 90 % of the trade goes on around rook tables or at the local hang out...right now the gun du jour is the smaller revolvers....1 5/8 in can put them in your watch pocket...i work part time at a brew of my customers is upset that i am not work....i simply prefer a sawed off .. its now a weapon of mass destruction....the semanitc gods make me i pointed out to him that at any given time i had more armed regular customers than non fear is cross fire...

i simpy do not think that the rest of the country understands the relationship that southernors have with their guns...myself, i was amazed there are people who exist who have never held or fired a weapon.....we are much more rural and spread out...we have guns for self protection from many things...and face it..there are some people who just need killing...

I admit it, I have never held a gun myself. But I have just been lucky in life so it's not highly recommended. For those who are against excess gun control (like me) here's an interesting show from good old P&T:

YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.

PS: I like the idea that criminals "have no idea who is packin," so open it up and make it easier, many criminals who use their guns will be much less likely to draw it if there's a chance 50 more will be pointing right back at them.
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In Arkansas, if you want to carry a concealed weapon, you have to get a permit. In order to get a permit, you have to go through 3 background checks (city, state and federal) which you have to pay for, you have to take a class, and you get fingerprinted. If you carry a gun to protect yourself without a permit, you get arrested. If a policeman pulls you over, they know you have a right to carry permit. If they come out to your house for any reason, they first check to see if you have a gun permit and approach your house with guns ready.

So why are law-abiding citizens treated like criminals? Why does the government need to know who has a gun? Why do you have to pay money and go through numerous background checks to have the right to carry a gun to protect yourself?

We need to repeal these unconstitutional laws that allow the government to restrict the rights of law-abiding gun owners. I've never understood why some people in the United States want our rights restricted. Perhaps someone can explain that to me.
So much nonsense and requirements for citizens to all carry guns. That is Nutz. Outlaw all guns except for those people who are part of the various state militias and summarily execute any bozo found with one if he is not in the militia. Why waste court time? Just terminate him.

Shocking? Of course, I also favor the complete termination of all criminals.

Summary exectution for highway chase twits needs to be the norm. Don't try to puncture their tires, or use a police car to knock them off of the road. Just set up sharpshooters who can take them out with a bullet through the windshield. A lot less people are endangered that way.

We need to bring back firing squads to eliminate shoplifters and petty criminals as an example to all people considering minor crime. Why not? We have a serious overpopulation problem in this world. One way to solve it is to execute all criminals. Speed ten miles over the speed limit, and you can have a hole in your head with no questions asked by the court. It would be a necessary summary execution to protect the innocents. Bamb! no more speeder.

Okay, I'm going to assume that you're writing for effect.


Seek help, man.
I live in NC, one of those States that supposedly has lax Gun laws. A Gun Show advertizes 2 weeks before it arrives. The BUYER has to go to the local County Sheriff and get a permit to BUY a hand gun. This is a the time the back ground checks are done per Federal Law. You do not have to have a specific weapon on list, just a permit for any hand gun you intend to buy.

If you show up at the Gun show with no permit you are not going to be buying any hand guns. Some Counties have sheriff deputies at the show that will run a check to see if you have a permit to purchase and some I think have the ability to conduct back ground checks at the show. In any case, no Back ground check no hand gun.

You can make arrangements with the dealer at a gun show to buy a hand gun later after you get a proper background check and permit. This usually entails you making arrangements with that dealer to provide the weapon later or by having a local dealer and the gun show dealer make arrangements.

Local Authorities are ALWAYS at every Gun Show, they check the licenses of the sellers and insure no illegal activity is occurring. Around here the Gun show is almost always in a local National Guard Armory, In Jacksonville I have never seen one NOT at the Armory.
I live in NC, one of those States that supposedly has lax Gun laws. A Gun Show advertizes 2 weeks before it arrives. The BUYER has to go to the local County Sheriff and get a permit to BUY a hand gun. This is a the time the back ground checks are done per Federal Law. You do not have to have a specific weapon on list, just a permit for any hand gun you intend to buy.

If you show up at the Gun show with no permit you are not going to be buying any hand guns. Some Counties have sheriff deputies at the show that will run a check to see if you have a permit to purchase and some I think have the ability to conduct back ground checks at the show. In any case, no Back ground check no hand gun.

You can make arrangements with the dealer at a gun show to buy a hand gun later after you get a proper background check and permit. This usually entails you making arrangements with that dealer to provide the weapon later or by having a local dealer and the gun show dealer make arrangements.

Local Authorities are ALWAYS at every Gun Show, they check the licenses of the sellers and insure no illegal activity is occurring. Around here the Gun show is almost always in a local National Guard Armory, In Jacksonville I have never seen one NOT at the Armory.

That's lax? Wow, I when did I leave the US?
What a fucking laugh. California has lax gun laws? You REALLY should think about what you have read before you post it.

He'll post anything anti-gun no matter how absurd. Texas doesn't have lax gun laws. Commit a crime with one here and see what happens. If you don't get shot.:lol:

Which gun laws keep guns out of the hands of criminals? Washington DCs?
So much nonsense and requirements for citizens to all carry guns. That is Nutz. Outlaw all guns except for those people who are part of the various state militias and summarily execute any bozo found with one if he is not in the militia. Why waste court time? Just terminate him.

Shocking? Of course, I also favor the complete termination of all criminals.

Summary exectution for highway chase twits needs to be the norm. Don't try to puncture their tires, or use a police car to knock them off of the road. Just set up sharpshooters who can take them out with a bullet through the windshield. A lot less people are endangered that way.

We need to bring back firing squads to eliminate shoplifters and petty criminals as an example to all people considering minor crime. Why not? We have a serious overpopulation problem in this world. One way to solve it is to execute all criminals. Speed ten miles over the speed limit, and you can have a hole in your head with no questions asked by the court. It would be a necessary summary execution to protect the innocents. Bamb! no more speeder.

I am all for capital punishment, but I wouldn't quite execute people for misdemeanors. By the way, Criminals will still get their guns, then we won't be able to protect ourselves.

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