LAWMAKERS Debate If Trump Can Win After CNN Town Hall; Meanwhile, CNN Audience LOVED Trump

Trump would not have given the interview unless the audience were all Trump Republicans.
Democrats are still losing their minds over the CNN Town Hall in which Trump took over and wrecked their shit.

I heard more today on TV ranting about how the Town Hall proved Trump is unfit to run for President...

Because he was more prepared, more commanding, took over, had the audience laughing at the CNN host ... because he made Anderson Cooper nearly cry on TV ... ?


1st it was 'Mean Tweets'
Now its 'Mean Town Hall perfornances'

...CNN's hand-picked audience even cheered and clapped for Trump while LAUGHING AT the CNN Town Hall Host.

Democrat and RINO lawmakers are just trying to create another reason for them to oppose Trump, despite the former President holding a big lead in the polls over every other candidate, to include the head of the Biden Family Crime Syndicate.

I'll have to give CNN a little credit for not putting dem moles in the audience. I guess they believed Kaitlin Collins could help indoctrinate the audience against Trump. Instead her very obvious TDS backfired.
That was reminiscent of him coming down the escalator in Trump tower.... he hit a home run... his poll numbers widened over DeSantis over night....

They love a side show. Now Trump is blaming everything on John Eastman.


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