Law-Makers, Racist 'Bullies', Agenda-Driven Racists Beating Down Americans, Demanding / Forcing Americans To Surrender to Racist Demands / Agendas


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
'Women Harassed, Abused for Cleaning “Black Lives Matter” off of Government Building — IT’S RACIST!'

?! How DARE you remove RACIST, DISRESPECTFUL, THUG-PAINTED PRO-BLACK LIVES MATTER GRAFFITI from public and private buildings ?! You are a F*ING RACIST!

"Sacramento Kings Announcer Grant Napear Fired After Tweeting “ALL LIVES MATTER”

NO, YOU RACIST BASTARD, ONLY BLACK LIVES MATTER! For respecting the lives of EVERYONE, of EVERY color you are F*ING FIRED! You must be punished, have your livelihood stripped, for not agreeing that only BLACK LIVES matter, for caring about what happens to anyone BUT blacks, especially during a manipulated racial civil war being waged in cities all over the US, one in which Police - whites, blacks, Asians, Latinos, etc... - are being HUNTED, AMBUSHED, SHOT, STABBED, RUN OVER........

Disney and Nickelodeon Kids Channels Run Ads in Support of Black Lives Matter

I was just saying to my wife last night how the only thing missing right now is Liberal scumbags attempting to INDOCTRINATE young children via DISNEY, Nickelodeon, and / or the Cartoon Network. Never mind - I was just premature in my comment - GOT IT!

“Wealth Transfer Is Exactly What’s Needed” – BET Founder Calls for $14 Trillion in Reparations to 42 Million African American Including a $350,767 One-Time Payment

Good call, Mr. BET Founder, because history shows you are 100% correct in your inference that the only people who have been victimized and had it hard in this country and the only ones who need to be PAID for what was done to people who are not even alive anymore are BLACKS who personally never went through or were treated as those who are now DEAD!

F* the Native Americans who were lied to, stolen from, and slaughtered for their land in the name of 'Manifest Destiny', which is obviously 'white' for 'I want your shit, and I can and will take it from you!'

F* the Chinese, Irish, & Scottish rail endured white servants....

F* the Japanese Americans whose ancestors were stripped of their Constitutional Rights and thrown into Internment Camps!


Top Democrat Senator Chuck Schumer: “I’m Proud of New York and I’m Proud of the Protests”

Massive looting, destruction of property, assaults / attempted murder of property owners attempting to protect their businesses, arson - burning down businesses, bombing / robbing damjn-near every ATM In Chicago...

Shop / business owners have been arrested for doing what the cops have refused / been unable to do - defend their stores from looters and terrorists
-- Sorry Joe Citizen / Shop owner, you're not allowed to stop black looters from taking whatever they want from your store - THEY HAVE 'EARNED' WHATEVER THEY TAKE BECAUSE THEIR GREAT, GREAT, GREAT, GREAT GRANDFATHER AND OTHER PEOPLE THEY DON'T KNOW / AREN'T RELATED TO WAS ONCE A SLAVE.....

Over 50 policemen have been injured, several killed, as 'BLUE LIVES' don't matter shit - they are being hunted, ambushed, attacked, shot, stabbed, and run over while Racist Pieces of criminal / terrorist-sympathizing SHITE are praising those doing it, BAILING OUT OF JAIL those committing these crimes....Obama even paid the bail of an elitist Leftist Extremist high-end lawyer that was caught throwing a Molotov Cocktail.... Yeah, I bet you racist, America-dividing, black-manipulating assholes are extremely proud of the racial chasm being created, widened by the crimes you are facilitating and celebrating....

The selfish, self-centered RACIST CULT of BLM, supported by liberal progressive socialist Democrats who use them to divide the nation while doing their best to keep blacks in shackles of economic slavery, attacks those who erase racial, criminal graffiti declaring only BLACK lives matter off of public building, call anyone who publicly announces they respect ALL life, demand those who do openly support / respect ALL life be fired, their lives destroyed, and demand that they and only they be given reparations they personally have not earned!

That racist propaganda / mandate, as we see, is being pushed by the racist BLM, racist members, BLACK racists across America, corporations and businesses who surrender to the pressure / bullying by firing anyone who says ALL lives matter, by CHILDRENS' media to influence our children / force them to accept the racist message that BLACKS have the patent on hardship, persecution, and prejudice. and by the ass-kissing, manipulating Democrats who are desperate to con them into coming back to the Welfare / Unemployment 'plantation where Democrats will gladly provide everything they need just to survive in exchange for their the good ol' days before trump beat Hillary and delivered the lowest minority unemployment in US history.

I fully support EQUAL justice, EQUAL treatment, EQUAL protection of ALL Americans, but this is not what we are seeing and being fed is about.

FU@K 'Black Lives Matter' - ALL LIVES MATTER. Black skin does not make you special - especially considering all the race-baiters say the goal is to get to a place where skin color does not matter. MY Jesus died for ALL people, not just any of 1 specific color. For all of the blacks raping, pillaging, stealing, destroying, & burning while screaming 'BLACK lives matter' and punishing anyone who says 'ALL lives matter, don't wait until Sunday to go to church and profess to be a Christian - pick up those bibles are start reading again.

'For God so love the world that he gave his only son so that WHOSOEVER believes in him will be saved' - John 3:16. It doesn't say, 'Blacks only'. It says to love EVERYONE, to treat others as you would be treated...NOT be kind to blacks and f* everyone else.

Wake up.
Escape from the mob mentality.
Escape from the manipulation.
Remember America - we - are better than this.
Reject the hate, lies, and encouragement to steal, destroy, and burn to get what you 'deserve' / are 'owed'.

I spent 30+ years fighting for EVERY American, not for those of any 1 specific color.

I will NOT be bullied.

I will NOT be intimidated.

I will NOT compromise.

I will NOT surrender.


Last edited:
'Women Harassed, Abused for Cleaning “Black Lives Matter” off of Government Building — IT’S RACIST!'

?! How DARE you remove RACIST, DISRESPECTFUL, THUG-PAINTED PRO-BLACKLIVES MATTER GRAFFITI from public and private buildings ?! You are a F*ING RACIST!

"Sacramento Kings Announcer Grant Napear Fired After Tweeting “ALL LIVES MATTER”

NO, YOU RACIST BASTARD, ONLY BLACK LIVES MATTER! For respecting the lives of EVERYONE, of EVERY color you are F*ING FIRED! You must be punished, have your livelihood stripped, for not agreeing that only BLACK LIVES matter, for caring about what happens to anyone BUT blacks, especially during a manipulated racial civil war being waged in cities all over the US, one in which Police - whites, blacks, Asians, Latinos, etc... - are being HUNTED, AMBUSHED, SHOT, STABBED, RUN OVER........

Disney and Nickelodeon Kids Channels Run Ads in Support of Black Lives Matter

I was just saying to my wife last night how the only thing missing right now is Liberal scumbags attempting to INDOCTRINATE young children via DISNEY, Nickelodeon, and / or the Cartoon Network. Never mind - I was just premature in my comment - GOT IT!

“Wealth Transfer Is Exactly What’s Needed” – BET Founder Calls for $14 Trillion in Reparations to 42 Million African American Including a $350,767 One-Time Payment

Good call, Mr. BET Founder, because history shows you are 100% correct in your inference that the only people who have been victimized and had it hard in this country and the only ones who need to be PAID for what was done to people who are not even alive anymore are BLACKS who personally never went through or were treated as those who are now DEAD!

F* the Native Americans who were lied to, stolen from, and slaughtered for their land in the name of 'Manifest Destiny', which is obviously 'white' for 'I want your shit, and I can and will take it from you!'

F* the Chinese, Irish, & Scottish rail endured white servants....

F* the Japanese Americans whose ancestors were stripped of their Constitutional Rights and thrown into Internment Camps!


Top Democrat Senator Chuck Schumer: “I’m Proud of New York and I’m Proud of the Protests”

Massive looting, destruction of property, assaults / attempted murder of property owners attempting to protect their businesses, arson - burning down businesses, bombing / robbing damjn-near every ATM In Chicago...

Shop / business owners have been arrested for doing what the cops have refused / been unable to do - defend their stores from looters and terrorists
-- Sorry Joe Citizen / Shop owner, you're not allowed to stop black looters from taking whatever they want from your store - THEY HAVE 'EARNED' WHATEVER THEY TAKE BECAUSE THEIR GREAT, GREAT, GREAT, GREAT GRANDFATHER AND OTHER PEOPLE THEY DON'T KNOW / AREN'T RELATED TO WAS ONCE A SLAVE.....

Over 50 policemen have been injured, several killed, as 'BLUE LIVES' don't matter shit - they are being hunted, ambushed, attacked, shot, stabbed, and run over while Racist Pieces of criminal / terrorist-sympathizing SHITE are praising those doing it, BAILING OUT OF JAIL those committing these crimes....Obama even paid the bail of an elitist Leftist Extremist high-end lawyer that was caught throwing a Molotov Cocktail.... Yeah, I bet you racist, America-dividing, black-manipulating assholes are extremely proud of the racial chasm being created, widened by the crimes you are facilitating and celebrating....

The selfish, self-centered RACIST CULT of BLM, supported by liberal progressive socialist Democrats who use them to divide the nation while doing their best to keep blacks in shackles of economic slavery, attacks those who erase racial, criminal graffiti declaring only BLACK lives matter off of public building, call anyone who publicly announces they respect ALL life, demand those who do openly support / respect ALL life be fired, their lives destroyed, and demand that they and only they be given reparations they personally have not earned!

That racist propaganda / mandate, as we see, is being pushed by the racist BLM, racist members, BLACK racists across America, corporations and businesses who surrender to the pressure / bullying by firing anyone who says ALL lives matter, by CHILDRENS' media to influence our children / force them to accept the racist message that BLACKS have the patent on hardship, persecution, and prejudice. and by the ass-kissing, manipulating Democrats who are desperate to con them into coming back to the Welfare / Unemployment 'plantation where Democrats will gladly provide everything they need just to survive in exchange for their the good ol' days before trump beat Hillary and delivered the lowest minority unemployment in US history.

I fully support EQUAL justice, EQUAL treatment, EQUAL protection of ALL Americans, but this is not what we are seeing and being fed is about.

FU@K 'Black Lives Matter' - ALL LIVES MATTER. Black skin does not make you special - especially considering all the race-baiters say the goal is to get to a place where skin color does not matter. MY Jesus died for ALL people, not just any of 1 specific color. For all of the blacks raping, pillaging, stealing, destroying, & burning while screaming 'BLACL lives matter' and punishing anyone who says 'ALL lives matter, don't wait until Sunday to go to church and profess to be a Christian - pickup those bibles are start reading again.

'For God so love the world that he gave his only son so that WHOSOEVER believes in him will be saved' - John 3:16. It doesn't say, 'Blacks only'. It says to love EVERYONE, to treat others as you would be treated...NOT be kind to blacks and f* everyone else.

Wake up.
Escape from the mob mentality.
Escape from the manipulation.
Remember America - we - are better than this.
Reject the hate, lies, and encouragement to steal, destroy, and burn to get what you 'deserve' / are 'owed'.

I spent 30+ years fighting for EVERY American, not for those of any 1 specific color.

I will not compromise.
I will not surrender.


The above post was written by a “Trump is the second coming of Jesus” blogger, who actually believes Trump is greater than God and the Constitutional Unites States of America.
As Trump is pushing away from what the founding fathers designed and moving to an Autocratic State, what “Make America Great Again” really means is America to ruled by a Monarchy not by “we the people.
'Women Harassed, Abused for Cleaning “Black Lives Matter” off of Government Building — IT’S RACIST!'

?! How DARE you remove RACIST, DISRESPECTFUL, THUG-PAINTED PRO-BLACKLIVES MATTER GRAFFITI from public and private buildings ?! You are a F*ING RACIST!

"Sacramento Kings Announcer Grant Napear Fired After Tweeting “ALL LIVES MATTER”

NO, YOU RACIST BASTARD, ONLY BLACK LIVES MATTER! For respecting the lives of EVERYONE, of EVERY color you are F*ING FIRED! You must be punished, have your livelihood stripped, for not agreeing that only BLACK LIVES matter, for caring about what happens to anyone BUT blacks, especially during a manipulated racial civil war being waged in cities all over the US, one in which Police - whites, blacks, Asians, Latinos, etc... - are being HUNTED, AMBUSHED, SHOT, STABBED, RUN OVER........

Disney and Nickelodeon Kids Channels Run Ads in Support of Black Lives Matter

I was just saying to my wife last night how the only thing missing right now is Liberal scumbags attempting to INDOCTRINATE young children via DISNEY, Nickelodeon, and / or the Cartoon Network. Never mind - I was just premature in my comment - GOT IT!

“Wealth Transfer Is Exactly What’s Needed” – BET Founder Calls for $14 Trillion in Reparations to 42 Million African American Including a $350,767 One-Time Payment

Good call, Mr. BET Founder, because history shows you are 100% correct in your inference that the only people who have been victimized and had it hard in this country and the only ones who need to be PAID for what was done to people who are not even alive anymore are BLACKS who personally never went through or were treated as those who are now DEAD!

F* the Native Americans who were lied to, stolen from, and slaughtered for their land in the name of 'Manifest Destiny', which is obviously 'white' for 'I want your shit, and I can and will take it from you!'

F* the Chinese, Irish, & Scottish rail endured white servants....

F* the Japanese Americans whose ancestors were stripped of their Constitutional Rights and thrown into Internment Camps!


Top Democrat Senator Chuck Schumer: “I’m Proud of New York and I’m Proud of the Protests”

Massive looting, destruction of property, assaults / attempted murder of property owners attempting to protect their businesses, arson - burning down businesses, bombing / robbing damjn-near every ATM In Chicago...

Shop / business owners have been arrested for doing what the cops have refused / been unable to do - defend their stores from looters and terrorists
-- Sorry Joe Citizen / Shop owner, you're not allowed to stop black looters from taking whatever they want from your store - THEY HAVE 'EARNED' WHATEVER THEY TAKE BECAUSE THEIR GREAT, GREAT, GREAT, GREAT GRANDFATHER AND OTHER PEOPLE THEY DON'T KNOW / AREN'T RELATED TO WAS ONCE A SLAVE.....

Over 50 policemen have been injured, several killed, as 'BLUE LIVES' don't matter shit - they are being hunted, ambushed, attacked, shot, stabbed, and run over while Racist Pieces of criminal / terrorist-sympathizing SHITE are praising those doing it, BAILING OUT OF JAIL those committing these crimes....Obama even paid the bail of an elitist Leftist Extremist high-end lawyer that was caught throwing a Molotov Cocktail.... Yeah, I bet you racist, America-dividing, black-manipulating assholes are extremely proud of the racial chasm being created, widened by the crimes you are facilitating and celebrating....

The selfish, self-centered RACIST CULT of BLM, supported by liberal progressive socialist Democrats who use them to divide the nation while doing their best to keep blacks in shackles of economic slavery, attacks those who erase racial, criminal graffiti declaring only BLACK lives matter off of public building, call anyone who publicly announces they respect ALL life, demand those who do openly support / respect ALL life be fired, their lives destroyed, and demand that they and only they be given reparations they personally have not earned!

That racist propaganda / mandate, as we see, is being pushed by the racist BLM, racist members, BLACK racists across America, corporations and businesses who surrender to the pressure / bullying by firing anyone who says ALL lives matter, by CHILDRENS' media to influence our children / force them to accept the racist message that BLACKS have the patent on hardship, persecution, and prejudice. and by the ass-kissing, manipulating Democrats who are desperate to con them into coming back to the Welfare / Unemployment 'plantation where Democrats will gladly provide everything they need just to survive in exchange for their the good ol' days before trump beat Hillary and delivered the lowest minority unemployment in US history.

I fully support EQUAL justice, EQUAL treatment, EQUAL protection of ALL Americans, but this is not what we are seeing and being fed is about.

FU@K 'Black Lives Matter' - ALL LIVES MATTER. Black skin does not make you special - especially considering all the race-baiters say the goal is to get to a place where skin color does not matter. MY Jesus died for ALL people, not just any of 1 specific color. For all of the blacks raping, pillaging, stealing, destroying, & burning while screaming 'BLACL lives matter' and punishing anyone who says 'ALL lives matter, don't wait until Sunday to go to church and profess to be a Christian - pickup those bibles are start reading again.

'For God so love the world that he gave his only son so that WHOSOEVER believes in him will be saved' - John 3:16. It doesn't say, 'Blacks only'. It says to love EVERYONE, to treat others as you would be treated...NOT be kind to blacks and f* everyone else.

Wake up.
Escape from the mob mentality.
Escape from the manipulation.
Remember America - we - are better than this.
Reject the hate, lies, and encouragement to steal, destroy, and burn to get what you 'deserve' / are 'owed'.

I spent 30+ years fighting for EVERY American, not for those of any 1 specific color.

I will not compromise.
I will not surrender.


The above post was written by a “Trump is the second coming of Jesus” blogger, who actually believes Trump is greater than God and the Constitutional Unites States of America.
As Trump is pushing away from what the founding fathers designed and moving to an Autocratic State, what “Make America Great Again” really means is America to ruled by a Monarchy not by “we the people.

Another avoidance of the topic, to attack the writer instead ploy.

The above post was written by a “Trump is the second coming of Jesus” blogger
Actually it was NOT, you lying POS. It was written by an American vet who has respect for ALL life, for the Rule Of law, and this country.

What I wrote has NOTHING to do with President Trump, but thank you for proving who you are by launching a false accusation against me that drags the man you hate and are obsessed with into this.

If you hate the President, good for you. I don't give a shit.

If you like the President, good for you. I don't give a shit.

If you think wiping racist, criminal graffiti off of a public / private building or monument makes someone a 'racist', you're a liberal, stupid as hell, a racist, or 'all of the above'.

If you think someone deserves to be fired for declaring 'ALL lives matter' you're a liberal, stupid as hell, a racist, or 'all of the above'.

If you believe blacks are the only ones in our nation's history who have been wronged and deserve to be financially compensated for it, despite the fact that they personally have never been a slave or even know anyone who has ever been a slave, you're a liberal, stupid as hell, a racist, or 'all of the above'.

If you think you can / do speak for me you are DEFINITELY a liberal, stupid as hell, a racist, or 'all of the above'.

'Women Harassed, Abused for Cleaning “Black Lives Matter” off of Government Building — IT’S RACIST!'

?! How DARE you remove RACIST, DISRESPECTFUL, THUG-PAINTED PRO-BLACK LIVES MATTER GRAFFITI from public and private buildings ?! You are a F*ING RACIST!

"Sacramento Kings Announcer Grant Napear Fired After Tweeting “ALL LIVES MATTER”

NO, YOU RACIST BASTARD, ONLY BLACK LIVES MATTER! For respecting the lives of EVERYONE, of EVERY color you are F*ING FIRED! You must be punished, have your livelihood stripped, for not agreeing that only BLACK LIVES matter, for caring about what happens to anyone BUT blacks, especially during a manipulated racial civil war being waged in cities all over the US, one in which Police - whites, blacks, Asians, Latinos, etc... - are being HUNTED, AMBUSHED, SHOT, STABBED, RUN OVER........

Disney and Nickelodeon Kids Channels Run Ads in Support of Black Lives Matter

I was just saying to my wife last night how the only thing missing right now is Liberal scumbags attempting to INDOCTRINATE young children via DISNEY, Nickelodeon, and / or the Cartoon Network. Never mind - I was just premature in my comment - GOT IT!

“Wealth Transfer Is Exactly What’s Needed” – BET Founder Calls for $14 Trillion in Reparations to 42 Million African American Including a $350,767 One-Time Payment

Good call, Mr. BET Founder, because history shows you are 100% correct in your inference that the only people who have been victimized and had it hard in this country and the only ones who need to be PAID for what was done to people who are not even alive anymore are BLACKS who personally never went through or were treated as those who are now DEAD!

F* the Native Americans who were lied to, stolen from, and slaughtered for their land in the name of 'Manifest Destiny', which is obviously 'white' for 'I want your shit, and I can and will take it from you!'

F* the Chinese, Irish, & Scottish rail endured white servants....

F* the Japanese Americans whose ancestors were stripped of their Constitutional Rights and thrown into Internment Camps!


Top Democrat Senator Chuck Schumer: “I’m Proud of New York and I’m Proud of the Protests”

Massive looting, destruction of property, assaults / attempted murder of property owners attempting to protect their businesses, arson - burning down businesses, bombing / robbing damjn-near every ATM In Chicago...

Shop / business owners have been arrested for doing what the cops have refused / been unable to do - defend their stores from looters and terrorists
-- Sorry Joe Citizen / Shop owner, you're not allowed to stop black looters from taking whatever they want from your store - THEY HAVE 'EARNED' WHATEVER THEY TAKE BECAUSE THEIR GREAT, GREAT, GREAT, GREAT GRANDFATHER AND OTHER PEOPLE THEY DON'T KNOW / AREN'T RELATED TO WAS ONCE A SLAVE.....

Over 50 policemen have been injured, several killed, as 'BLUE LIVES' don't matter shit - they are being hunted, ambushed, attacked, shot, stabbed, and run over while Racist Pieces of criminal / terrorist-sympathizing SHITE are praising those doing it, BAILING OUT OF JAIL those committing these crimes....Obama even paid the bail of an elitist Leftist Extremist high-end lawyer that was caught throwing a Molotov Cocktail.... Yeah, I bet you racist, America-dividing, black-manipulating assholes are extremely proud of the racial chasm being created, widened by the crimes you are facilitating and celebrating....

The selfish, self-centered RACIST CULT of BLM, supported by liberal progressive socialist Democrats who use them to divide the nation while doing their best to keep blacks in shackles of economic slavery, attacks those who erase racial, criminal graffiti declaring only BLACK lives matter off of public building, call anyone who publicly announces they respect ALL life, demand those who do openly support / respect ALL life be fired, their lives destroyed, and demand that they and only they be given reparations they personally have not earned!

That racist propaganda / mandate, as we see, is being pushed by the racist BLM, racist members, BLACK racists across America, corporations and businesses who surrender to the pressure / bullying by firing anyone who says ALL lives matter, by CHILDRENS' media to influence our children / force them to accept the racist message that BLACKS have the patent on hardship, persecution, and prejudice. and by the ass-kissing, manipulating Democrats who are desperate to con them into coming back to the Welfare / Unemployment 'plantation where Democrats will gladly provide everything they need just to survive in exchange for their the good ol' days before trump beat Hillary and delivered the lowest minority unemployment in US history.

I fully support EQUAL justice, EQUAL treatment, EQUAL protection of ALL Americans, but this is not what we are seeing and being fed is about.

FU@K 'Black Lives Matter' - ALL LIVES MATTER. Black skin does not make you special - especially considering all the race-baiters say the goal is to get to a place where skin color does not matter. MY Jesus died for ALL people, not just any of 1 specific color. For all of the blacks raping, pillaging, stealing, destroying, & burning while screaming 'BLACK lives matter' and punishing anyone who says 'ALL lives matter, don't wait until Sunday to go to church and profess to be a Christian - pick up those bibles are start reading again.

'For God so love the world that he gave his only son so that WHOSOEVER believes in him will be saved' - John 3:16. It doesn't say, 'Blacks only'. It says to love EVERYONE, to treat others as you would be treated...NOT be kind to blacks and f* everyone else.

Wake up.
Escape from the mob mentality.
Escape from the manipulation.
Remember America - we - are better than this.
Reject the hate, lies, and encouragement to steal, destroy, and burn to get what you 'deserve' / are 'owed'.

I spent 30+ years fighting for EVERY American, not for those of any 1 specific color.

I will NOT be bullied.

I will NOT be intimidated.

I will NOT compromise.

I will NOT surrender.



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