Late Breaking News: Very Late: Countdown To Arrest of Lois Lerner

Procrustes Stretched

"intuition and imagination and intelligence"
Dec 1, 2008
Location: corpus callosum
Late Breaking News: Very Late: Countdown To Arrest of Lois Lerner

We have it on deep-doo-doo authority, LadyGunSlinger-of-doo-doo, that secret agent Allen West, who has a higher security clearance than the CinC, has reported on his dweeb-site -- Lois Lerner is going to be arrested.

A Congressman of a certain political persuasion has proposed a resolution asking the Sgt of Arms of the US House of Representatives, to arrest Lois Lerner. May as well have asked Sgt Schultz the Sgt of Alms...


day 1 and counting: 7/11 (no joking) 2014

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It's the end of the day back East (est) what is the news so far?

Has Lois been put under 'House' arrest :lol: or has the good LadyGumFlapper and Company initiated a false alarm? Hmmm...this is serious business,,,the fate of the republic is in the balance.

check in later for updates

over and out

agent Dante, slave to our dear leader
Free Republic is reporting that an unnamed congressional aide overheard an unknown number of House Republicans preparing legislation that may or may not include plans to consider arresting Lois Lerner!!! More at the link:

Lois Lerner on the ropes!

OMG! The conspiracy -- uhm -- err -- eh -- the BREAKING news unravels
Late Breaking News: Very Late: Countdown To Arrest of Lois Lerner

We have it on deep-doo-doo authority, LadyGunSlinger-of-doo-doo, that secret agent Allen West, who has a higher security clearance than the CinC, has reported on his dweeb-site -- Lois Lerner is going to be arrested.

A Congressman of a certain political persuasion has proposed a resolution asking the Sgt of Arms of the US House of Representatives, to arrest Lois Lerner. May as well have asked Sgt Schultz the Sgt of Alms...


day 1 and counting: 7/11 (no joking) 2014


I wonder if Ted Koppel will come out of retirement to do a Nightline kind of special on this like when the Americans were held hostage in Iran back in 1979.

Anyone got any good ideas for some dramatic music as a lead in? Which instruments do you think will convey the appropriate suspense?
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Late Breaking News: Very Late: Countdown To Arrest of Lois Lerner

We have it on deep-doo-doo authority, LadyGunSlinger-of-doo-doo, that secret agent Allen West, who has a higher security clearance than the CinC, has reported on his dweeb-site -- Lois Lerner is going to be arrested.

A Congressman of a certain political persuasion has proposed a resolution asking the Sgt of Arms of the US House of Representatives, to arrest Lois Lerner. May as well have asked Sgt Schultz the Sgt of Alms...


day 1 and counting: 7/11 (no joking) 2014


I wonder if Ted Koppel will come out of retirement to do a Nightline kind of special on this like when the Americans were held hostage in Iran back in 1979.

Anyone got any good ideas for some dramatic music as a lead in? Which instruments do you think will convey the appropriate suspense?

I think a few photos of Tea Bags (used) with "Don't Tread On Me" and "Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death" spread over the images should do.

Music? Something from a Christian Rock Group.

Late Breaking News: Very Late: Countdown To Arrest of Lois Lerner

We have it on deep-doo-doo authority, LadyGunSlinger-of-doo-doo, that secret agent Allen West, who has a higher security clearance than the CinC, has reported on his dweeb-site -- Lois Lerner is going to be arrested.

A Congressman of a certain political persuasion has proposed a resolution asking the Sgt of Arms of the US House of Representatives, to arrest Lois Lerner. May as well have asked Sgt Schultz the Sgt of Alms...


day 1 and counting: 7/11 (no joking) 2014


I wonder if Ted Koppel will come out of retirement to do a Nightline kind of special on this like when the Americans were held hostage in Iran back in 1979.

Anyone got any good ideas for some dramatic music as a lead in? Which instruments do you think will convey the appropriate suspense?

I think a few photos of Tea Bags (used) with "Don't Tread On Me" and "Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death" spread over the images should do.

Music? Something from a Christian Rock Group.


I'm SO nervous. The fate of the nation may hinge on the outcome of this real life drama. I wonder if Lois will barricade herself in her home and refuse to come out. Then the Sergeant-at-Arms would have to call the Congressional SWAT team.
I wonder if Ted Koppel will come out of retirement to do a Nightline kind of special on this like when the Americans were held hostage in Iran back in 1979.

Anyone got any good ideas for some dramatic music as a lead in? Which instruments do you think will convey the appropriate suspense?

I think a few photos of Tea Bags (used) with "Don't Tread On Me" and "Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death" spread over the images should do.

Music? Something from a Christian Rock Group.


I'm SO nervous. The fate of the nation may hinge on the outcome of this real life drama. I wonder if Lois will barricade herself in her home and refuse to come out. Then the Sergeant-at-Arms would have to call the Congressional SWAT team.

Liberals from all over America will come armed with Abortion Forceps and hold the Guvminbit at bay
That congressional Democrats have failed to call on intervention from the National Guard against Lois Lerner is a testament to their willingness to burn down our nation! :mad:

The National Guard doesn't trust Democrats: I heard it on the web. Maybe even here @ usmb :eek:

This is the chance for the Oath Keepers to step up.

What I need to know is this: Are people ready to rush those FEMA camp fences to free all the conservatives who will undoubtedly be rounded up by Obama's paramilitary private army?
This breaking news just in: Generalissimo Francisco Franco is _still_ dead.

[ame=]Franco is still dead...but he's feeling better each day.... - YouTube[/ame]

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