Larry Elder brushes off LA Times column that called him 'the Black face of white supremacy'


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
More outright racism from the Democrats and the left. Just awful stuff they say about conservative blacks, so hate-filled. Disgusting.

And they will use a black person for their racist attacks, as long that black person stays on the porch the Democrats and the left are fine with that person.

Republican California gubernatorial candidate Larry Elder dismissed a column that called him "the Black face of white supremacy" as par for the course because liberals are "scared to death" that he could actually take control of the state.

The Los Angeles Times published a column on Friday titled "Column: Larry Elder is the Black face of white supremacy. You’ve been warned," which accused the Republican of using "overly simplistic arguments that whitewash the complex problems that come along with being Black in America." L.A. Times columnist Erika D. Smith said Elder uses "taunting and toddler-like name-calling of his ideological enemies" before belittling the gubernatorial candidate with her own insults.


"His candidacy feels personal. Like an insult to Blackness," the Times columnist wrote.


"This is not the first time the L.A. Times has attacked me, there is another writer who all but called me a Black David Duke," Elder continued. "They are scared to death."

Many observers have noticed that attacks from the left on Elder appeared to increase as he performs well in the polls. A right-leaning Twitter account even shared a variety of the liberal Los Angeles paper’s recent Elder headlines.


The sad thing is, even though Larry Elder would be a fantastic Governor, he will be defeated by the insanity of the PRINT YOUR OWN BALLOT initiative. But hey, if cheating works for the Presidential Election it certainly should be fine in a Gubernatorial recall election, right?
The sad thing is, even though Larry Elder would be a fantastic Governor, he will be defeated by the insanity of the PRINT YOUR OWN BALLOT initiative. But hey, if cheating works for the Presidential Election it certainly should be fine in a Gubernatorial recall election, right?
Come on man.... :lol:

Elder tells MAGA minions and alt right rummies what they want to hear. He get's a folding chair at the big table and some leftovers, so any criticism (no matter how accurate) from the majority of black folk and "lib'rals" just endears him more. Of course, when his wake up call comes (if it hasn't already), like it did for Rice and Powell and Steele, he'll just swallow it with a smile, move off the main public stage and just collect his speaking and book fees as they dwindle away.
StepNFetchIt Elder. I despise boot lickers like him.

You hate blacks who dare disagree with the party of the massahs....

Blacks have no right to think for themselves, to choose freedom over socialism, school vouchers over corrupt mismanaged politicized public schools, to embrace the concept of treating all equally, instead of pushing fascist state sponsored DNA discrimination.

It is the democrats who are racist.

It is the democrats who have total contempt for the freedom of blacks, always has and always will be....
StepNFetchIt Elder. I despise boot lickers like him.
Shortages of water and brown outs and endless wild fires with homeless people expanding in some areas is such a good way to live. Sometimes admitting when agendas go to far can be a positive. He still has his work cut out for him if elected.

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