Kyle will be judged, as not guilty, thoughts.

Is that what we have to do? We have to cower to your bully tactics?

This is what we did in 2000 and it's how Republicans stole the 2000 election. They showed up to the recount and started a riot. Democrats did no such thing.

Republicans tried this same tactic again at the Capitol in January. And if us Democrats would have shown up in equal numbers, Democrats would have died. Hell, you guys killed 5 police officers and roughed up many more.

This is what happens when Republicans run around with guns. He wasn't a cop, he should not have taken a gun to a riot. By all rights he was an active shooter and anyone carrying a gun should have taken him out just like he took people out.
No one stole anything in 2000, the Democratic myth continues!

Give me the link to the five police officers that died, Sicknick was killed, but the rest that died that day were the rioters. That said, no one has a right to riot.
It was interesting what he said when asked why he could shoot a man with a gun but that guy shouldn’t have shot him. He said because he was coming at me.

Well this guy had a gun too and he was running toward a lot of people who might have had guns. Would they have been justified shooting him?

So this prick with a gun had a hard time with someone else having a gun. Interesting.
Kyle wasn’t chasing anyone, you dishonest prick.
This kid travelled across state lines with an illegally obtained gun supposedly to defend someone else's property.

He was a pudgy 17 yr old with no martial arts training. He didn't bring a baseball bat. He didn't bring a club. He brought with him an illegally obtained assault rifle.

An assault fifle has one purpose. To kill people. He went to "defend property" clearly with the intent of killing people and he procedded to do exactly that. He didn't have the ability to do anything BUT shoot people with a deadly weapon.

He may well get off...but we all know he intended to kill people that night
I disagree. The date was August 25, 2020. I believe that Kyle could have expected an outcome like what had recently happened in St. Louis with Mark and Patricia McCloskey. They didn’t have to shoot anyone. Just the sight of their guns was enough to defend themselves and their property.
No one stole anything in 2000, the Democratic myth continues!

Give me the link to the five police officers that died, Sicknick was killed, but the rest that died that day were the rioters
. That said, no one has a right to riot.
I'm sorry I misspoke. 5 people died at the insurrection

A police officer was beaten, a rioter was shot, and three others died during the rampage.

Don't downplay what happened I'll try to not exaggerate.
I'm sorry I misspoke. 5 people died at the insurrection

A police officer was beaten, a rioter was shot, and three others died during the rampage.

Don't downplay what happened I'll try to not exaggerate.
I didn't downplay anything, you as you claim "misspoke", and thankfully someone corrected your error.
All the liberals are trying to say "he had no business there" or "he got the gun illegally." Ignoring the fact that both of those are wrong, they are also irrelevant. He is on trial for murder. HIs defense is self defense. The prosecution has to show that he acted unlawfully in shooting those people. Whether he should have gone, should have had the gun, all irrelevant.

He should be found not guilty of all charges.
He went there with the intention of shooting people with a deadly weapon. He had no means of doing anything other than that

You know it

I know it

We all know it

You don't know that and neither do we. Also irrelevant to the case. Kyle had a gun on him for the same reason armored car drivers carry guns. Not to protect the money but to protect themselves from dangerous people who want the money.

What is relevant:

1. He was being chased by a mob
2. He was being chased by someone with a gun who admits to pointing it at Kyle when he was shot by Kyle.
3. He was being beaten by someone with a skateboard while he was defenseless on his back.

Those facts matter, nothing else does. Sorry libs, Kyle will walk. But I think the Arbury killers will not. I know this thread isn't about them but the more I hear about this case the more disappointed I am in their behavior.
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He was running around with a gun. If he was running away from some people, he was running towards others. Should the ones he was running towards taken him out? He was an active shooter.
At that point, anything could have happened and if they would have taken him out, someone else would be on trial, that is the way it works. I think he should never of went to the riots, nor should anyone else for that matter. However he did go, others went and some pursued KR and he shot them in what appears to be self defense.

The whole story is sad and it all could have been avoided but people think they are entitled to riot and this is what can happen.
Kind of a false equivalency. First. For this to be applicable we have to modify the situation of your scenario.

First. The Walmart would have to be off limits to everyone. Including you. And second. You would have to be carrying the gun illegally.

Now. In that case. You tell me.

The problem with you position is that you are ignoring that the BLM/ANTIFA mob was there to do destruction.

By not holding them accountable for the damage that resulted from their actions is disengenous.

They had guns, other weapons and a record of destruction and the shitheads were looking for trouble and they got it.


I am sitting in my house minding my own business.

Shithead Negroes march down the street burning houses and attacking my neighbors because the assholes are butthurt over something or another.

The local police decide they aren't going to do a damn thing to stop the destruction of the Negroes.

I go out in the yard to protect my property. I take a firearm because I know the Negroes are dangerous by their previous actions and I know they also have weapons.

They start a fire on the street in front of my home. I get an extinguisher to put out the fire. The asshole Negroes get pissed because I had the audacity to stop their destruction. They attack me. I defend against the attack with the weapon I have. I only engage the one that attack me.

That is self defense.

I could have just stayed in my house and nothing would have ever happen.

The Negroes could have stayed home and nothing would have ever happen.

However, it was the Negroes that started the shit.
the entire night is chaos, the trial has been over since the dude said he pointed his gun at kyle

seems everyone there was stupid to be there...and yes he was just 17 ...but guess what people that age go to jail daily..and yes he found himself in a 3 am spot (have not heard that term in a long time) have a young man or immature chaos armed with a rifle..he could have simply walked away when he realized he was in over his head.. 17 is a stupid age...another saying..young dumb and full of cum...

where are the consequences for his mother? she transported him there? somehow i just cant image that...i am a mother...i would never take my son to a riot (hell he is still upset he had to go with me to see bill clinton speak, i did not ask him to but he felt like there could be trouble) When my son was other saying....he does not start trouble but is there to give it a hand once it starts...

his post interviews show a hubris ...he may have been scared that night but since then has been enabled by his supporters who have made this political as has his detractors but none of that matters...only his actions that night...the outcome is simple...and will unfortunately i am afraid cause riots no matter who wins or loses.

self defense? he could have simply walked away...the videos show people in the fore ground simply walking around...removing himself from the chaos would have removed him and preventing the needless killing of another person.

kyle lied about this...about the shouting "get him" and the chasing...he was chased once it was realized he has killed did he really tell the police he shot a man and they told him to go home?
He really didnt have to lie or for that matter take the stand? do you think it was a mistake to put him on the stand? were his tears real or total bs?

i fear he will become a martyr if convicted and a hero if not. It is like....let the riots matter the verdict. I hope I am wrong. I do not see a real conviction with the chaos of that night. Will he become a social outcast or a hero to other young men...only time will tell..

At 17 you can join the Army, be given a rifle and shoot people for the U.S.......
There's a word for him:

plural noun: vigilantes
  1. a member of a self-appointed group of citizens who undertake law enforcement in their community without legal authority, typically because the legal agencies are thought to be inadequate.

It wasn't law enforcement, you idiot....they were watching over a car dealership with the help and blessing of the owners....he wasn't trying to detain or arrest anyone, you doofus.
What if the two people chasing him after he killed that man, were cops with guns....???

Would it be self defense, if he shot the cops with guns running after him, because he thought they were going to kill him??? you shitheads not pay attention....he was trying to get to the police line as the mob of violent looters was chasing him....

You are an idiot.
I'm sorry I misspoke. 5 people died at the insurrection

A police officer was beaten, a rioter was shot, and three others died during the rampage.

Don't downplay what happened I'll try to not exaggerate.


The unarmed, female Trump supporter was shot and killed without warning...the cop died 24-48 hours later of a stroke......another was a drug guys are such assholes...

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