KY rep Dan Johnson commits suicide

In this case, it looks like the man had built a false persona different enough from his reality that he could not stand to live to see it crumble in truths harsh light.
When you build your life on lies, this is one possible outcome.

I wonder how many Republican politicians will commit suicide when the crap hits the fan.

According to reports, there's more rape allegations coming about Congressmen, much more.
Been seeing people celebrating this on social media. What is happening to our society?
Millions of Americans celebrated when a self-proclaimed P-grabber got elected to the most powerful Office in the world.

Currently, these same P-grabber supporting Americans are enabling the most reprehensible, sleazy, lying and corrupt US President in our world's history.

What is happening to our society indeed.

When a few of these women end up with their brains all over the sidewalk, the me too flu won't be so attractive.

Women are going to ultimately pay a terrible price for wanting to be part of the crowd. Mass hysteria always ends up like that.
Uh oh...this sounds onus, almost like a threat.


There’s an inherent arrogance and self-righteousness common to most evangelical/social conservative Christians which facilitates their hypocrisy, along with their bigotry and hate.

All Christians are not bigots, and all do not hate. Just like all men do not rape....etc etc. You can't lump an entire group together like that.
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The purge is coming if things go as planned. Democrats and Republicans alike that have been compromised are going down for the count. The plan to take down the deep state operatives of the shadow government (that was complicit in the killing of Kennedy) was put together twenty five years ago by the white hats within the alphabet agencies and the military industrial complex. 4,200 sealed indictments are to be served and that was last may be even higher now.

Donald Trump was put in place to be the face of this purge because he had the name, ego and desire to rid us of this parasitic blight on humanity that has made us all debt slaves while our children were being bought and sold on the black market. A child (mostly little boys) goes for anywhere from 50 to 100K depending on his features. Pizzagate is was just the tip of the iceberg. The number of politicians that have been outed as sex predators as well as powerful people in Hollywood is just the beginning. Google "Conspiracy Of Silence"....Google "Jimmy Savile, Parliament". Google former FBI Ted Gunderson, Google "Gary Caradori", Google "Rusty Nelson", Google "Colonel Michael Aquino, Temple Of Set".........Google "The Presidio Case".
No dunce...


What happened is that 45's ascension to Presidency has caused people to reach their limit. Particularly women who are incensed that a self-professed P-grabber actually became the President.

They've had enough and they're not taking it any more.

That's what's happening.
It takes a special kind of stupid to believe he only molested one teenager. People who pull shit like that never do it just once. There’s never just one victim, with the exception of the first. They don’t stop on their own, they can only be stopped by dragging their ugly little secrets into the light.

a) I personally don't consider political evangelicals to be christian.

b) Suicide is considered a mental disorder such as depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, personality disorders, and substance abuse, including alcoholism. Putting my bias aside for a moment, the fact that the LEO's in Kentucky found no merit in the allegations and did not prosecute. While I am guilty of this myself, I abhor trial by internet.

a) I personally don't consider political evangelicals to be christian.

b) Suicide is considered a mental disorder such as depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, personality disorders, and substance abuse, including alcoholism. Putting my bias aside for a moment, the fact that the LEO's in Kentucky found no merit in the allegations and did not prosecute. While I am guilty of this myself, I abhor trial by internet.

Ummm Then why are you posting here?

I do agree with your first statement.....BUT it is not, nor never will be up to me to judge whether someone is a Christian or not.

a) I personally don't consider political evangelicals to be christian.

b) Suicide is considered a mental disorder such as depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, personality disorders, and substance abuse, including alcoholism. Putting my bias aside for a moment, the fact that the LEO's in Kentucky found no merit in the allegations and did not prosecute. While I am guilty of this myself, I abhor trial by internet.
It’s a coward’s way out, but I feel bad for the family he left behind.
I think I read the guy suffered from PTSD, so there’s that. But it certainly smacks of guilt when someone goes to that extreme to avoid the accusations against him.
While I am not discounting the possibility that Johnsons' suicide may be religiously compelled, I'm just not into the biblical interpretation of "suicide" always being associated with "guilt." We have an increase of young children committing suicide. We have religious zealots becoming human bombs. I opinion is that has more to do with "hopelessness" than anything else. However, we'll never know now.
If the investigative reporting on him, that has been published almost daily is real journalism, sounds like he’s had some problems with reality and fantasyhood for awhile. The last piece I saw was dated yesterday.
Well I'd like to see some investigative reporting on Terry Bean who was reportedly sodomizing underaged boys right and left. But he was a champion of the LGBT movement so you won't hear a peep about it. Still did no jail time as far as I know and is probably still up to his old tricks.

I suppose the investigative reporting was funded by the media...controlled know who. If you look into anyone's life long enough you're going to find soundbites to exploit. It just makes you wonder.
Never heard of this "champion" Terry Bean.

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