Ku Klux Klan gets green light for pro-Confederate flag rally in South Carolina:


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
Good on them

"But according to the newspaper, the South Carolina Budget and Control Board approved an application filed by the "Loyal White Knights" chapter of the Ku Klux Klan for a July 18 rally in favor of the flag"

(Reuters) - The white supremacist Ku Klux Klan has received approval from South Carolina officials to hold a pro-Confederate flag rally at the state capitol, a newspaper reported on Monday, less than two weeks after a white man shot dead nine people in a black church.

Ku Klux Klan gets green light for pro-Confederate flag rally in South Carolina newspaper - Yahoo News
It's about time.

Wonder if they'll riot, loot and burn down any buildings like the jigaboos did?
Further into the abyss we go, every day.

No leadership, only finger-pointing, hatred, insults.

I guess one day this will make a good movie, looking back.

And ironically, it's our own government that's stoking the fire the most.

Hmmm... well... maybe that's not ironic at all.
Further into the abyss we go, every day.

No leadership, only finger-pointing, hatred, insults.

I guess one day this will make a good movie, looking back.

And ironically, it's our own government that's stoking the fire the most.
Certainly the administration has taken a side, but there is leadership on the other side, too. Politically, culturally.

This is all a self-inflicted wound.

They have every right to do so; however, they are still disgusting pieces of trash.
Further into the abyss we go, every day.

No leadership, only finger-pointing, hatred, insults.

I guess one day this will make a good movie, looking back.

And ironically, it's our own government that's stoking the fire the most.
Certainly the administration has taken a side, but there is leadership on the other side, too. Politically, culturally.

This is all a self-inflicted wound.

Not by citizens. This entire race bomb and cultural divide has come straight from the obama administration.

Kinda started with those white cops that acted "stupidily," supported by Holder dismissing a cut and dried, already adjudicated case against the black panthers for voter intimidation, and throw in everything else you and I have seen for the last 6 years and there you have it.
Freedom of speech is wonderful, though certainly not what the KKK represents.
KKK and the Confederate flag: Perfect together

That is your Southern heritage
It's about time.

Wonder if they'll riot, loot and burn down any buildings like the jigaboos did?

Notice who has a confederate flag as his avatar

Then conservatives complain that the flag is misunderstood
What happened? All the brayers and cross groveling went on deaf ears of the baby jebus? And the confederate rag is being taken down from state houses all over the souf' Jebus must hate southern white bible thumping christians
Gotta love the south...you can't make this shit up

They spend a week protesting about the true meaning of the Confederate flag and then they let the racists take over

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