KOS already claiming fraud for Obama Loss


Libertarian Radical
Feb 8, 2011
Behind the Orange Curtain
With the election still 5 months out, the KOS kiddies have lost confidence of an Obama victory and are claiming, wait for it, FRAUD as the reason. Not the 8.2% unemployment, not the double dip recession, but fraud.

You just can't make this shit up.

{Obama Landslide? Not with a 3% Lead and 5% Fraud Factor}

Daily Kos: Obama Landslide? Not with a 3% Lead and 5% Fraud Factor
Fraud occurs in any system, it is a human act done by humans. Unless you can precisely pinpoint when and if Obama personally did anything like this you would, ofcourse, have the evidence.
With the election still 5 months out, the KOS kiddies have lost confidence of an Obama victory and are claiming, wait for it, FRAUD as the reason. Not the 8.2% unemployment, not the double dip recession, but fraud.

You just can't make this shit up.

{Obama Landslide? Not with a 3% Lead and 5% Fraud Factor}

Daily Kos: Obama Landslide? Not with a 3% Lead and 5% Fraud Factor

I thought it was 8.3% unemployment? As for the fraud claim well remember the Democrats have never in the history of the party legitimately lost a election they have all been the results of fraud and cheating don't believe me ask any Democrat they will tell you they will have nothing to back it up with but they will tell you just the same.
its court documented your party has cheated in elections for decades

But you say that there is no fraud... :rolleyes: ... hence your stance against voter ID

You must be my wife, she too likes to twist logic into truth.
What happens when you have a fake I.D.?

What happens with fake ID's use to receive government benefits?? WHEN caught, even more prosecution.. BUT with the way ID's are now, harder to make a fake ID than back in '87 when I was 18 and getting into bars
With the election still 5 months out, the KOS kiddies have lost confidence of an Obama victory and are claiming, wait for it, FRAUD as the reason. Not the 8.2% unemployment, not the double dip recession, but fraud.

You just can't make this shit up.

{Obama Landslide? Not with a 3% Lead and 5% Fraud Factor}

Daily Kos: Obama Landslide? Not with a 3% Lead and 5% Fraud Factor

I thought it was 8.3% unemployment? As for the fraud claim well remember the Democrats have never in the history of the party legitimately lost a election they have all been the results of fraud and cheating don't believe me ask any Democrat they will tell you they will have nothing to back it up with but they will tell you just the same.

From what I understan LBJ did alot of voter fraud in Texass. You can't be trying tell me there has never been any republican do the same?
But you say that there is no fraud... :rolleyes: ... hence your stance against voter ID

You must be my wife, she too likes to twist logic into truth.
What happens when you have a fake I.D.?

What happens with fake ID's use to receive government benefits?? WHEN caught, even more prosecution.. BUT with the way ID's are now, harder to make a fake ID than back in '87 when I was 18 and getting into bars

When I was 18 in '79 the legal age was 18, so you started around 16 trying to get a fake I.D.
With the election still 5 months out, the KOS kiddies have lost confidence of an Obama victory and are claiming, wait for it, FRAUD as the reason. Not the 8.2% unemployment, not the double dip recession, but fraud.

You just can't make this shit up.

{Obama Landslide? Not with a 3% Lead and 5% Fraud Factor}

Daily Kos: Obama Landslide? Not with a 3% Lead and 5% Fraud Factor

I thought it was 8.3% unemployment? As for the fraud claim well remember the Democrats have never in the history of the party legitimately lost a election they have all been the results of fraud and cheating don't believe me ask any Democrat they will tell you they will have nothing to back it up with but they will tell you just the same.

From what I understan LBJ did alot of voter fraud in Texass. You can't be trying tell me there has never been any republican do the same?
Oh I'm sure he did and I'm sure there have been but to hear the lefties on here talk you would think there has never been a case of Democrat voter fraud in the history of the nation. Let's remember President Obama came up in Chicago one of the most corrupt and dirty political systems in the country and he brought a lot of the people from that system with him to Washington does that mean Obama has or will engage in voter fraud no it doesn't if people want to talk about possible voter fraud from the right ok fine but let's not act like possible voter fraud from the left is impossible.
the republican party has a decades long record of cheating in elections.

it is documented in court papers
Remember when republicans threatened second amendment solutions to not winning elections?

they stopped those threats after Gabby Giffords and a little girl were shot

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