Koreans To Be 'Punished With A Baby'


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. Well-known infanticide enthusiast, Barack Obama, famously said:
"I've got two daughters. 9 years old and 6 years old. I am going to teach them first of all about values and morals. But if they make a mistake, I don't want them punished with a baby."

2. With the free time on his hands, the former President had best scurry off to my home-country, and explain to the ultra-religious folks of Korea, that he was well known in America as god, Jesus, and the messiah, and, that they'd best take careful consideration of the issue before they ban one of his favs, abortion.

3. "South Korean doctors “protest” new abortion regulations
"We flatly refuse to carry out abortions, which the government has defined as an immoral medical action," the Korean College of Obstetrics & Gynecologists said in a statement in reponse to the regulations.

4.The new government sanctions, which were released last month, threaten to ban doctors from practice for a month if they are found to have performed an illegal abortion. The regulations include abortion among a list of “immoral medical actions”, together with sexual assault and ghost surgery (where one doctor substitutes for another without the patient’s knowledge).

5. Abortion is illegal in South Korea except in cases of rape, incest, genetic disorders or where the pregnancy would threaten a woman’s health."
South Korean doctors “protest” new abortion regulations

After, all, how free is anyone if they cannot take the life of that which is inconvenient to their lifestyle???

Everyone is against abortion.. until they need one.

I love how simple your posts are to shred.
Is that because you are so simple, or because you lie with such regularity?

1. Liberals are not against abortion.....as the OP proved about their idol, Obama.

2. And....don't forget to send your check to Planned Parenthood.

3. Almost no one 'needs' an abortion....nearly 99% of 'em are for convenience and nothing else.

Please get lost.
1. Well-known infanticide enthusiast, Barack Obama, famously said:
"I've got two daughters. 9 years old and 6 years old. I am going to teach them first of all about values and morals. But if they make a mistake, I don't want them punished with a baby."

2. With the free time on his hands, the former President had best scurry off to my home-country, and explain to the ultra-religious folks of Korea, that he was well known in America as god, Jesus, and the messiah, and, that they'd best take careful consideration of the issue before they ban one of his favs, abortion.

3. "South Korean doctors “protest” new abortion regulations
"We flatly refuse to carry out abortions, which the government has defined as an immoral medical action," the Korean College of Obstetrics & Gynecologists said in a statement in reponse to the regulations.

4.The new government sanctions, which were released last month, threaten to ban doctors from practice for a month if they are found to have performed an illegal abortion. The regulations include abortion among a list of “immoral medical actions”, together with sexual assault and ghost surgery (where one doctor substitutes for another without the patient’s knowledge).

5. Abortion is illegal in South Korea except in cases of rape, incest, genetic disorders or where the pregnancy would threaten a woman’s health."
South Korean doctors “protest” new abortion regulations

After, all, how free is anyone if they cannot take the life of that which is inconvenient to their lifestyle???


What kind of grandfather wants his grand baby murdered in the womb?

That is one sick bastard. Maybe a psychopath.
I love how simple your posts are to shred.
Is that because you are so simple, or because you lie with such regularity?

1. Liberals are not against abortion.....as the OP proved about their idol, Obama.

2. And....don't forget to send your check to Planned Parenthood.

3. Almost no one 'needs' an abortion....nearly 99% of 'em are for convenience and nothing else.

Okay, let's look at your number pointed crazy.

1. No one thinks abortion is a good thing... they are totally against them, until they need one. Bill Clinton said it best when they should be legal, rare and safe.

2. PP prevents more abortions than it performs.

3. Um, yeah, having an unwanted baby that will bankrupt you actually is a little more than conveinence.

You see, back when I was in the service, I knew this gal. Asian American, was dating one of my fellow NCO's, who was a real dickhead. But women fall for guys like that.

Well she "Forgot" to take her birth control and got knocked up. And of course, he didn't make good on his promise to marry her.

So her options were... Have the baby,drop out of college, pretty much enjoy poverty for the rest of her life and have her parents - who really thought she was still a virgin at 22 - throw her out.

Or have a $300.00 Abortion.

Hmmmm... that was a tough one.
1. Well-known infanticide enthusiast, Barack Obama, famously said:
"I've got two daughters. 9 years old and 6 years old. I am going to teach them first of all about values and morals. But if they make a mistake, I don't want them punished with a baby."

2. With the free time on his hands, the former President had best scurry off to my home-country, and explain to the ultra-religious folks of Korea, that he was well known in America as god, Jesus, and the messiah, and, that they'd best take careful consideration of the issue before they ban one of his favs, abortion.

3. "South Korean doctors “protest” new abortion regulations
"We flatly refuse to carry out abortions, which the government has defined as an immoral medical action," the Korean College of Obstetrics & Gynecologists said in a statement in reponse to the regulations.

4.The new government sanctions, which were released last month, threaten to ban doctors from practice for a month if they are found to have performed an illegal abortion. The regulations include abortion among a list of “immoral medical actions”, together with sexual assault and ghost surgery (where one doctor substitutes for another without the patient’s knowledge).

5. Abortion is illegal in South Korea except in cases of rape, incest, genetic disorders or where the pregnancy would threaten a woman’s health."
South Korean doctors “protest” new abortion regulations

After, all, how free is anyone if they cannot take the life of that which is inconvenient to their lifestyle???


What kind of grandfather wants his grand baby murdered in the womb?

That is one sick bastard. Maybe a psychopath.

Seems that those who are confirmed Leftists have made themselves god.
I love how simple your posts are to shred.
Is that because you are so simple, or because you lie with such regularity?

1. Liberals are not against abortion.....as the OP proved about their idol, Obama.

2. And....don't forget to send your check to Planned Parenthood.

3. Almost no one 'needs' an abortion....nearly 99% of 'em are for convenience and nothing else.

Okay, let's look at your number pointed crazy.

1. No one thinks abortion is a good thing... they are totally against them, until they need one. Bill Clinton said it best when they should be legal, rare and safe.

2. PP prevents more abortions than it performs.

3. Um, yeah, having an unwanted baby that will bankrupt you actually is a little more than conveinence.

You see, back when I was in the service, I knew this gal. Asian American, was dating one of my fellow NCO's, who was a real dickhead. But women fall for guys like that.

Well she "Forgot" to take her birth control and got knocked up. And of course, he didn't make good on his promise to marry her.

So her options were... Have the baby,drop out of college, pretty much enjoy poverty for the rest of her life and have her parents - who really thought she was still a virgin at 22 - throw her out.

Or have a $300.00 Abortion.

Hmmmm... that was a tough one.

If I throw a stick, would you leave?
I love how simple your posts are to shred.
Is that because you are so simple, or because you lie with such regularity?

1. Liberals are not against abortion.....as the OP proved about their idol, Obama.

2. And....don't forget to send your check to Planned Parenthood.

3. Almost no one 'needs' an abortion....nearly 99% of 'em are for convenience and nothing else.

Okay, let's look at your number pointed crazy.

1. No one thinks abortion is a good thing... they are totally against them, until they need one. Bill Clinton said it best when they should be legal, rare and safe.

2. PP prevents more abortions than it performs.

3. Um, yeah, having an unwanted baby that will bankrupt you actually is a little more than conveinence.

You see, back when I was in the service, I knew this gal. Asian American, was dating one of my fellow NCO's, who was a real dickhead. But women fall for guys like that.

Well she "Forgot" to take her birth control and got knocked up. And of course, he didn't make good on his promise to marry her.

So her options were... Have the baby,drop out of college, pretty much enjoy poverty for the rest of her life and have her parents - who really thought she was still a virgin at 22 - throw her out.

Or have a $300.00 Abortion.

Hmmmm... that was a tough one.
You forgot an option. Adoption.

Why would anyone want to live their lives, knowing their committed murder of their own child?

There is nothing more easy then preventing an unwanted pregnancy.
If I throw a stick, would you leave?

Nope... As long as you TOOLS keep furthering the plutocratic agenda by whining about a woman's right to choose, I'll be here to mock you.

If you guys were serious about lowering the number of abortions, there are ways to do that.

1) More funding for sex education and contraception free of religious bullshit.
2) Universal health care so that having a baby doesn't become a financial burden
3) Paid family leave so that taking timeff doesn't become a financial burden.

It's probably not going to prevent things like my friend who basically makes bad relationship choices, you can't fix that level of stupid. (And sorry, she came from a religious home, strict parents, was college educated... and was still pretty stupid.)

But you can probably prevent abortions by giving people other choices.

You see, France does all the things I mentioned above, and they have a lower per capita rate of abortions than we have. About half.

Meanwhile, the Philippines do what you religious nutters want. Abortion is illegal, contraception is illegal. And it is estimated that 500,000 to 800,000 abortions a year are performed in the Philippines. 4000 women a year are hospitalized.
You forgot an option. Adoption.

Why would anyone want to live their lives, knowing their committed murder of their own child?

Maybe some people don't consider a peanut sized fetus to be a child?

There is nothing more easy then preventing an unwanted pregnancy.

I agree. But people aren't smart. You see, the thing is, we are hardwired to have sex, and the little head overrules the big head. People make bad relationship decisions. They forget to use contraception. Sometimes they do everything right and contraception fails, but they aren't in a place to have a baby right now.

I would love a world where no one ever needs another abortion. We aren't living in that world.
Let me repeat: Abortion is the hypocrite's crutch, a child dies every few seconds in the world and even in America of preventable healthcare issues and never ever do you hear abortion foes talk of helping the living born conscious human being. It is only this moral outrage over abortion that gets notice for it requires nothing of the moralist except judgment and condemnation of the other. Consider too the misogyny and racism so evident in America during the last President and 2016 election and you must wonder why this love of children does not extend into love of all people? How hard is it to fund help for the needy in America, CHIP was an example, or universal healthcare, and you soon realize abortion like guns is only a wedge issue used to manage the mind of the easily persuaded. Religion, and especially evangelical religion in America has come to be about political power and money and no longer has anything to do with morality, you know simply doing good for your neighbor.

When the so called religious support sex education and living children I will support them, till then it is just words. So many words, so little action.

"Diarrhoea is a leading killer of children, accounting for 9 per cent of all deaths among children under age 5 worldwide in 2015. This translates to over 1,400 young children dying each day, or about 526,000 children a year, despite the availability of simple effective treatment."

Diarrhoeal disease - UNICEF DATA

We do abortions here. A nurse's story | Harper's Magazine

The Real Origins of the Religious Right

"Abolition of a woman's right to abortion, when and if she wants it, amounts to compulsory maternity: a form of rape by the State." Edward Abbey

"For some reason, the most vocal Christians among us never mention the Beatitudes (Matthew 5). But, often with tears in their eyes, they demand that the Ten Commandments be posted in public buildings. And of course, that's Moses, not Jesus. I haven't heard one of them demand that the Sermon on the Mount, the Beatitudes, be posted anywhere. "Blessed are the merciful" in a courtroom? "Blessed are the peacemakers" in the Pentagon? Give me a break!" Kurt Vonnegut
If I throw a stick, would you leave?

Nope... As long as you TOOLS keep furthering the plutocratic agenda by whining about a woman's right to choose, I'll be here to mock you.

If you guys were serious about lowering the number of abortions, there are ways to do that.

1) More funding for sex education and contraception free of religious bullshit.
2) Universal health care so that having a baby doesn't become a financial burden
3) Paid family leave so that taking timeff doesn't become a financial burden.

It's probably not going to prevent things like my friend who basically makes bad relationship choices, you can't fix that level of stupid. (And sorry, she came from a religious home, strict parents, was college educated... and was still pretty stupid.)

But you can probably prevent abortions by giving people other choices.

You see, France does all the things I mentioned above, and they have a lower per capita rate of abortions than we have. About half.

Meanwhile, the Philippines do what you religious nutters want. Abortion is illegal, contraception is illegal. And it is estimated that 500,000 to 800,000 abortions a year are performed in the Philippines. 4000 women a year are hospitalized.
Universal healthcare. I hear that a lot from the uninformed.

All you have to do is talk Americans into demanding 50% of their income be given to income tax. That is 50% no matter if you make ten dollars or ten million. Hard to do when most on the left are whining that they did not get enough or long enough of a tax break. Then you have cities and states wanting to sue over the tax structure because it does not allow them to raise their taxes.

And before you start with the we only need to tax corporations and the rich. Let me remind you we have tried that and they either moved or moved money offshore. So that is a dead end.

Also be prepared for a wait of six months or so to see a specialist and up to a year wait for non life threatening surgery with universal healthcare.
You forgot an option. Adoption.

Why would anyone want to live their lives, knowing their committed murder of their own child?

Maybe some people don't consider a peanut sized fetus to be a child?

There is nothing more easy then preventing an unwanted pregnancy.

I agree. But people aren't smart. You see, the thing is, we are hardwired to have sex, and the little head overrules the big head. People make bad relationship decisions. They forget to use contraception. Sometimes they do everything right and contraception fails, but they aren't in a place to have a baby right now.

I would love a world where no one ever needs another abortion. We aren't living in that world.
It is still murder, though it is legal. Peanut size aside, you are still taking a life. That life is your child. I don’t want the stress of that ruining my life or that of my children. It is the epitome of immortality.

And besides, children are a wonderful gift.
All you have to do is talk Americans into demanding 50% of their income be given to income tax. That is 50% no matter if you make ten dollars or ten million. Hard to do when most on the left are whining that they did not get enough or long enough of a tax break. Then you have cities and states wanting to sue over the tax structure because it does not allow them to raise their taxes.

Bullshit. We already spend more money per capita than countries with UHC. The money isn't the issue here, it's how it's allocated.

And before you start with the we only need to tax corporations and the rich. Let me remind you we have tried that and they either moved or moved money offshore. So that is a dead end.

Actually, we tried that and it worked just fine, because most of those companies realized they'd be taxed more in other countries.

Now go away, the grown ups are talking. We'll let you have your Hate Radio Binky later.
Seems that those who are confirmed Leftists have made themselves god.

There is no God.

Can't tell you how very many times I've heard that from someone whose life has plummeted, and turned out poorly.

Seems they need to shift the blame elsewhere.

Do you have a mirror in the refrigerator box you call home?
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What kind of grandfather wants his grand baby murdered in the womb?

That is one sick bastard. Maybe a psychopath.

Or one who realizes that a 15 year old isn't psychologically ready to have a baby... much less care for one.
BS. Don’t you dare murder my grand baby. I will care for it.

Obama is one sick fuck.

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