know what really causes homosexuality....


liberal / progressive
Jun 4, 2007
"You want to know what really causes homosexuality?"

"This question, which arises from an assumption that one is homosexual because “something went wrong,” should be just as interesting as the question, “What causes heterosexuality?” Think about that question for a moment, and ask yourself why nobody ever asks it. In asking this question, are you looking to change someone? To heal someone? Yourself perhaps?"

"The two most common answers one hears today is that sexuality is either a choice, or it’s genetic. Have you considered it might be neither? Perhaps sexuality (homo, hetero and anything in-between) is ‘learned’ as subtely as one’s mother tongue, or perhaps it’s a psychological reaction. It could be a result of parental hormones during conception or pregnancy or breastfeeding. It could be a result of womb-temperature, the vitamin balance in the parents, or their age. It could be a complex combination of these factors. The only honest answer to this question at the moment is that nobody knows."

"Which of these ‘causes’ would justify discrimination?"
Which would make one sexuality inferior to another? Many people believe that if homosexuality were proven to be genetic, then those who discriminate against us would have no reason to discriminate. It’s a seductive argument, but I believe it has more to do with people trying to put their own minds at ease, as they struggle with (self-)acceptance."

"Those who believe a genetic cause would make discrimination unjustifiable, clearly imply that discrimination against homosexuals is justifiable in other circumstances. More importantly, this argument relies on a belief that reason can defeat discrimination, implying that discrimination is based on reason; that discrimination is reasonable."

"If skin-colour were a choice, would racism be justified?
Would it then be completely reasonable to say that only if you are a particular colour are you allowed to marry or join organisations or visit a loved-one in hospital? If skin-colour were a choice, would it be reasonable to say that some skin-colours were sinful or evil or immoral, and others not?"

"Skin-colour is genetic, but has this fact ever changed the opinion of even one of those who discriminate against other races?

Hate is not reasonable.

"Hate is not a reasoned argument. Don’t pander to those who hate by trying to prove you ‘couldn’t help it’, or ‘given the choice, you’d be heterosexual’. Beware of the ‘good little boy’ syndrome, where you over-achieve in the hope that people will be willing to ‘overlook’ your supposed imperfection. These things only justify the discrimination.

"The cause of sexuality is really quite irrelevant, except to those who are insecure and want you to conform. There’s no need to look for some cause, as your sexuality is not an imperfection. You’re just fine the way you are, with your own potential, possibilities and set of things you have to offer to the world.

"Be yourself, inasmuch at does not bring physical harm, and know you’re not alone. History is littered with proof of the fact that it is possible for the majority to be wrong.

"And quite frankly, the only ‘reasonable’ answer to unreasonable bigots is, well, none at all."
How anyone can think that a man sticking his tool up another mans ass is "normal" is beyond me, and that puts me in the huge majority of the world that knows what "normal" is. We don't need some horse crap psycho-babble spewed at us in an attempt to legitimize deviant, perverse, unnatural behavior. You either know it's wrong, or you don't. You either tell homo's that what they're doing is sick, or you try and make excuses for them. One crowd is a very vocal little minority. The other is the vast majority. Thank God the vast majority are the ones that know right from wrong, perverse from moral, and unnatural from natural.
How anyone can think that a man sticking his tool up another mans ass is "normal" is beyond me, and that puts me in the huge majority of the world that knows what "normal" is. We don't need some horse crap psycho-babble spewed at us in an attempt to legitimize deviant, perverse, unnatural behavior. You either know it's wrong, or you don't. You either tell homo's that what they're doing is sick, or you try and make excuses for them. One crowd is a very vocal little minority. The other is the vast majority. Thank God the vast majority are the ones that know right from wrong, perverse from moral, and unnatural from natural.

How anyone can think that a man sticking his tool up another mans ass is "normal" is beyond me,

Not to mention how the former mans “ass” feels about his fickle master cheating on him! :sad:

Watch it, Pole Rider. Your Ponce Of Peace, Chewsarse, knows “tool” means cock and “ass” is Chrischun code for the Anglo-Saxon arse

I was walkin' down the street
Concentratin' on truckin' right
I heard a dark voice beside of me
And I looked round in a state of fright
I saw four faces one mad
A brother from the gutter
They looked me up and down a bit
And turned to each other

I say
I don't like cricket oh no
I love it
I don't like cricket oh no
I love it
Don't you walk thru my words
You got to show some respect
Don't you walk thru my words
'Cause you ain't heard me out yet

Well he looked down at my silver chain
He said I'll give you one dollar
I said you've got to be jokin' man
It was a present from me Mother
He said I like it I want it
I'll take it off your hands
And you'll be sorry you crossed me
You'd better understand that you're alone
A long way from home

And I say
I don't like reggae no no
I love it
I don't like reggae oh no
I love it
Don't you cramp me style
Don't you queer on me pitch
Don't you walk thru my words
'Cause you ain't heard me out yet

I hurried back to the swimming pool
Sinkin' pina coladas
I heard a dark voice beside me say
Would you like something harder
She said I've got it you want it
My harvest is the best
And if you try it you'll like it
And wallow in a Dreadlock Holiday

And I say
Don't like Jamaica oh no
I love her
Don't like Jamaica oh no
I love her oh yea
Don't you walk thru her words
You got to show some respect
Don't you walk thru her words
'Cause you ain't heard her out yet

I don't like cricket
I love it (Dreadlock Holiday)
I don't like reggae
I love it (Dreadlock Holiday)
Don't like Jamaica
I love her (Dreadlock Holiday)
How anyone can think that a man sticking his tool up another mans ass is "normal" is beyond me, and that puts me in the huge majority of the world that knows what "normal" is. We don't need some horse crap psycho-babble spewed at us in an attempt to legitimize deviant, perverse, unnatural behavior. You either know it's wrong, or you don't. You either tell homo's that what they're doing is sick, or you try and make excuses for them. One crowd is a very vocal little minority. The other is the vast majority. Thank God the vast majority are the ones that know right from wrong, perverse from moral, and unnatural from natural.

If you believe in God and Jesus then "telling them" anything of the sort is wrong. It is fine if asked to inform someone of your personal belief about whether homosexuality is acceptable to YOU. But that whole "Judge not, least you be Judged" thing gets in the way of denouncing anyone publicly.

Do feel free to VOTE and inform your representatives and other of your desire not to promote nor condone Homosexuality. That is a different kettle of fish. I do agree though that practicing homosexuals are sinning. I also believe as a society we should not encourage the life style. I do not agree we should make it illegal or punish anyone for their PRIVATE sexual conduct as long as all parties involved are of legal age and are consenting. Gay people have and SHOULD have all the rights and protections EVERYONE else have. NOTE I said PRIVATE, as a society we can and should enforce laws to prevent PUBLIC displays the majority find offensive, including nakedness and sexual conduct ( no I do not mean kissing or hugging or holding hands).
I know when I was 11 or 12, I thought long and hard about my sexuality. I read many books, talked to many people, even wrote a report about it in grade 6, then "decided" I liked girls best and wanted to be a heterosexual.

Life's been good ever since.
As the author writes above, hate is not reasonable so why do we reason with the hateful.

My brother is gay, often the second child is gay pointing towards biology.

I knew from very young he was different, it is obvious that homosexuality is an inherited trait.

My wife who has taught over 25 years says you can tell very young.

Is their sex stranger than ours, anyone who thinks that has had little experience, and or no libido.

If no libido maybe they should switch.

I always recommend for those who think it is a choice or taught, try switch hitting.

No need to go all the away in above, just check out his ass rather than hers or vice versa.

Oh, yea, let us know how you do, and if you are a good learner.
Did you choose your sexuality?

Yes one chooses who they have sex with. And since admitted GAY people have been married and had children then the claim they have no choice is simply not supported by the facts.

I suspect that some gay people are attracted to the same sex because of "biological" wiring. But even then they have choices.
Yes one chooses who they have sex with. And since admitted GAY people have been married and had children then the claim they have no choice is simply not supported by the facts.

I suspect that some gay people are attracted to the same sex because of "biological" wiring. But even then they have choices.

I wasn't being specific, I can tell you that I might choose to have sex with someone and get told pretty bloody quickly it ain't gonna happen :D

The fact though that some outwardly heterosexual people marry someone of the opposite sex and have children with them isn't proof of anything other than the fact that human sexuality is complex. That's the only conclusion to be drawn there. Humans are capable of being heterosexual, bisexual, asexual and so on.

I don't know what makes people heterosexual or homosexual or bisexual. But I don't think it's choice. I mean, if it were about choice why the hell would anyone choose a form of sexual expression that saw them villified?
I don't mean to offend you guys but you must live in a cave or your range of acquaintances is very limited. Ask any gay person how powerful social forces are and then ask why would they choose the hardest way possible. Everyone of you have gays in your family unless you are related to that character in Iran. It is presumptuous to assume you understand another's feeling so deeply, but again try switch hitting. No guts, or are you so insecure in your psyche that this scares you. The real sissies in this world are those so insecure, so limited in their life experiences that they can hate another with no understanding. Pale rider is one of those cowards.
I don't mean to offend you guys but you must live in a cave or your range of acquaintances is very limited. Ask any gay person how powerful social forces are and then ask why would they choose the hardest way possible. Everyone of you have gays in your family unless you are related to that character in Iran. It is presumptuous to assume you understand another's feeling so deeply, but again try switch hitting. No guts, or are you so insecure in your psyche that this scares you. The real sissies in this world are those so insecure, so limited in their life experiences that they can hate another with no understanding. Pale rider is one of those cowards.

Sorry I made my sexual choice LONG ago and it aint about to change.
you did? please tell us all about it, was it tough, did you wonder for years if you made the right choice, do you still wonder? please share that as I completely forget that choice. lol
you did? please tell us all about it, was it tough, did you wonder for years if you made the right choice, do you still wonder? please share that as I completely forget that choice. lol

Nope, the prospect of "man" love is just not where I wanted to go. I am not Bi either. I prefer women and will never willingly have sex with a man. I made my choice when I was a teen, around 7th grade. Had a friend that would have been quite willing to have sex with me, I liked him a lot and we remained friends, just never lovers. He wasn't gay either, just Bi I suspect, since he liked girls too.

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