Female sexuality according to José


I love Andrea & April
Mar 7, 2007
San Diego, CA
Men are whores, and that is not a compliment
Im tired of many of you assholes, using women for sex. NOT being honest about it, and then dumping them. Its not a good thing, to be a slut, and sleeping around MEN, does not make you noble, or good.. But sick, twisted and a user of women.

Even if your honest with a women about using her for sex, sex is not candy, its meant to mean something, for marriage, not just cause your a horny fool

I hate my gender sometimes, honestly.
Men are whores, and that is not a compliment
Im tired of many of you assholes, using women for sex. NOT being honest about it, and then dumping them. Its not a good thing, to be a slut, and sleeping around MEN, does not make you noble, or good.. But sick, twisted and a user of women.

Even if your honest with a women about using her for sex, sex is not candy, its meant to mean something, for marriage, not just cause your a horny fool

I hate my gender sometimes, honestly.

What's it meant to mean? And can you explain it to my neighbor's dog?
Men are whores, and that is not a compliment
Im tired of many of you assholes, using women for sex. NOT being honest about it, and then dumping them. Its not a good thing, to be a slut, and sleeping around MEN, does not make you noble, or good.. But sick, twisted and a user of women.

Even if your honest with a women about using her for sex, sex is not candy, its meant to mean something, for marriage, not just cause your a horny fool

I hate my gender sometimes, honestly.

Err... women are not "victims" and sex can be for fun so long as there's honesty about it.

You really need to not take it so seriously.
Ill explain it two ways.

Men want pussy, women want babies. Thats the crude way

Second, I dont believe that just because you want something, it makes you moral for getting it

Its just an opinion, and remember opinions are like assholes, everyones got one and they all stink

but basically yeah, I dont respect, just fucking around and knocking up women.

What's it meant to mean? And can you explain it to my neighbor's dog?
Martin is absolutely right.

The attempt to deny most of the physical, hormonal and psychological differences between man and woman is pathetic.

It’s time to discard all the exagerations of the feminist movement regarding female sexuality.

I would even say that women are not primarily sexual animals.

Men are sexual beings, always looking for sex.

In most cases, the sexual act itself (I mean, the act of penetration) is the big concession women make to man’s sexual desire.

So Martin’s fear of hurting the feelings of women is totally well-founded although, as Jillian rightly pointed out, there are many women who don’t have any problem considering sex as a leisure activity.

I would add that many women, even though they look for affective commitment, don’t get traumatized for the rest of their lives due to the fact that you saw and used them as human-sized vaginas.

I mean, they may get sad for a month or two, but then they move on with their lives and eventually find another likeable guy and soon you become a distant memory.

But if the possibility of hurting a girl or woman is a real concern for you, Martin, then by all means, be careful before entering a relationship.

Since women were not primarily made for sexual pleasure the possibility of hurting their feelings is always there.
This is one of those, this is how I see it, thus that is the way it is, posts. When you grow older you change, approx every ten years you'll need to revise. And women enjoy sex as well, and lots do not want children, so that too is simplistic hooey.
Ill explain it two ways.

Men want pussy, women want babies. Thats the crude way

Second, I dont believe that just because you want something, it makes you moral for getting it

Its just an opinion, and remember opinions are like assholes, everyones got one and they all stink

but basically yeah, I dont respect, just fucking around and knocking up women.

How about women fucking around and getting knocked up? It's a two-way street, with equal responsibility. Laying it solely on one or the other is wrong.
Hey, Martin..

Never, NEVER underestimate the female libido. Some women want babies and some women want knee quivering, hair pulling, spit and sweat fucking. It's true.

Trent: I don't want you to be the guy in the PG-13 movie everyone's *really* hoping makes it happen. I want you to be like the guy in the rated R movie, you know, the guy you're not sure whether or not you like yet. You're not sure where he's coming from. Okay? You're a bad man. You're a bad man, Mikey. You're a bad man, bad man.

I beg to differ, Shogun.

Martin's fears are justified because despite all the decades of feminist indoctrination the reality check says that female sexuality is just a fraction of ours.

I believe that women are not a sexual animals like we are.
Then I suggest you broaden your scope of exposure to women.

Women are very much sexual creatures like men. Perhaps not VISUALLY stimulated exactly like men but sexual nonetheless. Martin's fears are not justified because of momentary frustration. Just as there is a whole spectrum for guys there is also a whole spectrum where SOME women aren't as sexual while others ARE.

Acting like the little ladies can't handle talking smutty like a man is a little silly in this day and age. They have sex drives too. NEVER underestimate the female libido.
This thread is a continuation of rant #2 by actsnoblemartin.

These are some of the main contributions:

Originally posted by actsnoblemartin
Men are whores, and that is not a compliment
Im tired of many of you assholes, using women for sex. NOT being honest about it, and then dumping them. Its not a good thing, to be a slut, and sleeping around MEN, does not make you noble, or good.. But sick, twisted and a user of women.

Even if your honest with a women about using her for sex, sex is not candy, its meant to mean something, for marriage, not just cause your a horny fool

I hate my gender sometimes, honestly.

Originally posted by José
But if the possibility of hurting a girl or woman is a real concern for you, Martin, then by all means, be careful before entering a relationship.

Since women were not primarily made for sexual pleasure the possibility of hurting their feelings is always there.

Originally posted by Shogun
Hey, Martin..

Never, NEVER underestimate the female libido. Some women want babies and some women want knee quivering, hair pulling, spit and sweat fucking. It's true.

Originally posted by José

I beg to differ, Shogun.

Martin's fears are justified because despite all the decades of feminist indoctrination the reality check says that female sexuality is just a fraction of ours.

I believe that women are not a sexual animals like we are.

Originally posted by Shogun
Then I suggest you broaden your scope of exposure to women.

Women are very much sexual creatures like men. Perhaps not VISUALLY stimulated exactly like men but sexual nonetheless. Martin's fears are not justified because of momentary frustration. Just as there is a whole spectrum for guys there is also a whole spectrum where SOME women aren't as sexual while others ARE.

Acting like the little ladies can't handle talking smutty like a man is a little silly in this day and age. They have sex drives too. NEVER underestimate the female libido.

Gunny, could you be so kind to delete the duplicated thread?

This is the proper place for this subject.
Originally posted by Shogun
Just as there is a whole spectrum for guys there is also a whole spectrum where SOME women aren't as sexual while others ARE.

Absolutely right, Shogun.

You find different levels of sex hormone (testosterone) in any male or female population.

However, this variability does not prevent us from conducting researches on female sexuality and then generalise from the data gathered.

Researches carried out all around the world invariably reveal these basic results:

1) - Around 20% percent of women are fully orgasmic, that is, they have the ability to reach orgasm with any man, even a total stranger.

2) – 40 to 50% of all women can only reach orgasm with a man they are in love with. These women depend on emotional commitment to have pleasure.

Everybody knows the story of prostitutes who don’t feel anything with their clients and, after 20 or 30 sexual acts during the night, finally reach orgasm with the pimp they are in love with.

These prostitutes belong to this second and most numerous group. The group of women whose sexuality can only be unleashed within a context of romantic involvement, being therefore, partially frigid.

3) - Finally, you have a third group, comprising something around 20 to 30% of all women. These women do not have any sensation of pleasure during intercourse, no matter how emotionally involved they are with their partners. They are totally frigid.

At this point in the debate, you don’t have to be a genius to figure out what Shogun and all the other members interested in this subject will reply:

“Well José, it’s a known fact that every serious, scientific research on female sexuality does show that a large number of women have indeed frigidity problems.

The numbers may vary a bit from the ones you presented above, according to the particular research, but there is no doubt about the main thrust of your argument.

But most of these cases of female frigidity are the direct consequence of our patriarchal society, of the conservative/restrictive upbringing so many women are subjected to.”

Since this argument will innevitably be raised, let me make a preemptive strike : )

The idea, popularised by the feminist movement, that a repressive upbringing can lead to the supression of women’s ability to orgasm is absolutely true.

If you research the levels of female frigidity in poor (and poorly educated) communities all over the world you will be confronted with frightening results.

Nearly 100% of all female slum dwellers in India, South Africa and the US are totally frigid.

The levels of female frigidity in more conservative parts of the world like Saudi Arabia, Iran and (to a lesser degree) India are much higher than in scandinavian countries, for example.

So the fact that female frigidity has a psychological root is undeniable.

But this is where reality ends and the feminist fable begins.

The idea, also popularized by many feminists, that a sexually liberated society can practically eliminate female frigidity is as erroneous as any attempt to deny the psychological roots behind many cases of non orgasmic women.

A religious opressive society like Saudi Arabia or a social environment dominated by poverty and obscurantism (a slum) can ELEVATE the normal incidence of female frigidity to totally abnormal 100%.

But the opposite is not true.

In all human societies, even in Holland, you have the LOWER LIMIT of female frigidity that simply cannot be reduced.

No matter how sexually liberated a given human society is, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, you name it...

You will always find approximately 80% of women who can only orgasm within a context of romantic relationship with their partners or just can’t orgasm at all.

All researches conducted on female sexuality are in agreement with your statement, Shogun.

There is indeed a spectrum ranging from women who are totally frigid (20%) to fully orgasmic women (also 20%).

But these researches also make clear that female sexuality is totally dependent on psychological factors (upbringing, emotional involvement with the partner), they make clear that women have an extremely limited sexual potential, standing at the threshold of frigidity.

So the spectrum confirms my generalisation that women were not primarily made for sexual pleasure.
Women like to fuck, those that say different are sexually and socially inept to say the least, of course there exceptions to the rule.:cool:
dude. jose..

if you equate SEXUALITY with the ability to achieve orgasm then you have ignored a significant portion of the population that are STILL SEXUAL CREATURES. Hell, just because a woman doesn't cum to an orgasm with the quickness or standard physical motion like a guy doesnt mean they ARE NOT SEXUAL. For christs sakes, dude. Why don't you try considering how many gals achieve climax through masterbation rather than simply focusing on hetero sexual encounters which, itself, invites a plethora of variables into play?

I'm telling you, man.. NEVER underestimate the female libido. You may not be meeting the right gals.

feel free to post evidence, dude.. I'm a big fan of Master's and Johnson too.
Originally posted by Shogun
You may not be meeting the right gals.


It’s interesting that you made a reference to my love life, Shogun. : )

You would be surprised if you knew the identity of the only totally frigid woman I have ever met in my life...

Well, let me correct my last statement.

We all meet thousands of frigid women during the course of our lives, but they don’t usually share this intimate detail with every Tom, Dick and Harry they happen to meet : )
Originally posted by Shogun
if you equate SEXUALITY with the ability to achieve orgasm then you have ignored a significant portion of the population that are STILL SEXUAL CREATURES. Hell, just because a woman doesn't cum to an orgasm with the quickness or standard physical motion like a guy doesnt mean they ARE NOT SEXUAL.

What makes us sexual or non sexual creatures, Shogun?

I gave you the numbers (of female frigidity) but I didn’t give you the cause (or at least one of the causes).

As I said in my previous post, every human society has more or less 20% of totally non orgasmic women.

These are the women society and medical science call frigid, but I prefer to call them “super females”.

Super females are women who don’t have a single molecule of testosterone running through their bloodstream. These women are destined to spend all of their lives without having a single orgasm, unless they are given a testosterone shot.

Due to their lack of male hormone, super females tend to be sweet, tender, extremely feminine, the kind of women most man want to spend their lives with. They reminds them of their own mother.

You can call this a stereotyped vision of women all you want, it makes no difference. That’s the way it is. Given a choice no man wants to live with “Mike Tyson in skirts”. lol

In one of the greatest ironies regarding human sexuality, the kind of woman men like the most is exactly the one who can offer next to nothing in bed.

I suspect my mother is one of these women.

My mother lived with my father for five years until his death in 1969 (the year I was born) and never had a single orgasm. She always told me she could only endure sex cause she loved her husband.

I strongly suspect she is a super female because she fits the profile perfectly: sweet, gentle as a little girl.

My mother spent more than two decades after my father’s death, thinking about herself as a sick person, as someone who had some kind of psychological problem when in reality the only “disease” she may have is being too much woman from a hormonal perspective.

She never did a blood test to verify it, but even if she isn’t a super female this whole issue about whether or not the lack of testosterone is the only responsible for all the 20% of totally frigid women is just an academic debate.

Our sexual potential is a function of our hormonal composition, Shogun.

Testosterone works as a kind of “wire” connecting our brain to our erogenous zones and thus enabling orgasm.

Women produce just a tiny fraction of male hormone that we do so we cannot reasonably expect them to have anything even remotely similar to our sex drive and ability to orgasm.

The low sex drive and the contingent nature of female orgasm is the direct result of the fact they have few “wires” (little testosterone) connecting their brain to the rest of their bodies.

No amount of moralist/religious indoctrination is able to suppress the powerful sex drive felt by a testosterone soaked young man.

No amount of “emotional involvement” is needed for a young man, boiling in male hormone, to reach orgasm. Sex for man is a purely mechanical activity that releases male hormone and consequently brings relief.

The mere fact that female sexuality can be supressed by psychological factors like a strict education or lack of emotional involvement is the most eloquent statement that nature doesn’t expect them to be, first and foremost, sexual beings, like we are.

I'll take you serious after you've cited your sources.

Like I said... These gals may not be showing you their prowess... and I don't discount lowered sex drives between men ANd women... but I'm betting their is a D-cell taking machine named LANCE that knows a bit more about this than you do.

But, Ill take a look at your sources if you want to provide them.

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