Ketanji Brown Jackson's Shocking, Sickening Record in Child Porn Cases

Bob Blaylock said:
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No one said you have to like progress.

Most senators, like most Americans, supported the appointment of this eminently-qualified American to the Supreme Court.

Poll: Just 27% of Americans oppose confirming Ketanji Brown Jackson
Then why did you think it necessary to mention…?

It seems to me that, as is not at all unusual for you, that you are speaking with a forked tongue.
Can you provide irrefutable evidence that the whole issue of her appointment deserved the interrogation she did. Bear in mind there is not one shred evidence that woman has ever acted outside the law.
It must be colour and politics. Nothing else.
He's rejected God, and driven God out of his heart, his mind, and his soul. What you see in Colin norris' postings is the insane bullshit that Satan comes up with to fill the voids that are left wherever God is driven out.
I'm an atheist you silly fool. No room for your god shit or any Satan crap.
Sins don't apply. No reasons to repent. Dont need your ridiculous forgiveness.

Why don't you give me a few more psalms and bible quotations. I had some real fun last time you shovelled on the god rubbish.
They’re also in line with anachronistic statues written before the internet, when child porn was hardcopy analogue.
Any blame should be directed at Congress for failing to amend the law to reflect the manner in which the crimes are committed today.
No, you asshole, any blame should be directed to the pedos who make and consume child porn.
It's entirely fucked up that I have to point that out.

Also, those who willfully enable and defend those directly engaging in sex crimes involving children'. Such as a judge who goes light on them in sentencing, and apologizes because the law won't let her go any lighter.
The Bronco is also made in other nations. And things have not been the same for almost a half century for American Car Companies. Face it. Asia is the best.

Well why don't you report it to executive? Because you're frightened you mightn't get to heaven if you do.

There is no god nor do you know what he thinks. He certainly didn't show any respect to the thousands he ordered the slaughter if in the old testament.

I am not calling my self a Christian. I was born a theist like you but you got infected by your parents nit long after. The drugs of the church have been feeding you placebos ever since to ward off those evil spirits called "the truth".
Youve been conned son. Keep your ignorant beliefs to yourself.
A Theists cannot go to Heaven because their sins are not forgiven.
Pathetic deflection attempt. This pedo lover who doesn’t know what a woman is has no business holding ANY position of authority. So of course a retard like you loves her. Tells us all we need to know about you dumbfuck.

Mmmm, MAGA tears, yum. They're not just for breakfast anymore.

Question for the liberals, why do we have to pick judges based on race and gender?

For our first 150 years we saw no need to select women as judges. We saw no need to select blacks as judges. Yet during those first 150 years, we were the envy of the world. Doesn't that tell you something?

Because it was all white for 177 years. And it took 232 years to get a black woman on that bench. It's long past due.

Despite the vicious smear tactics, most senators, like most Americans, supported the appointment of this eminently-qualified American to the Supreme Court.

Progress is never easy, but it in ineluctable. The nation's aspirations of inclusivity and equality will not be denied.

America's noble tradition of breaking down one barrier after another toward a more perfect union continues.

Don't know about poll numbers but she actually has more experience than the rest of the court, and her personal life so far no one has been able to fault her on any level. All the negatives came from Republicans with a political propaganda agenda. difficult to watch her relaxed smiling face change to sad & disappointed.
Watch what they do not what they say.
There's plenty of info out there on disney and their rush to normalize pedo causes.
Over kill, over kill, over kill.
STFU troll. All you leftards here are supporting light sentences for pedos by your support for this moron who doesn't know what a woman is. Hurts when your own standards get used against you doesn't it?
Where do you get this dishonesty? who here has said they support light sentences for pedophiles? NO ONE SUPORTS PEDOPHILES
Read again twice if you must, each case is a separate judgment, each case comes with a recommend from the prosecution. each case is judged on its merits. Unless you sat in on Any of the cases, heard both sides of the argument & with your law degree rendered your verdict. You are just an arm chair judge who uses your political choice of propaganda. WHAT IS BEING SAID HERE IS SHE USED HER LEGAL JUDEMENT. Something we are not educated to that level for. The woman thing is to immature to even respond to.
Over kill, over kill, over kill.

Where do you get this dishonesty? who here has said they support light sentences for pedophiles? NO ONE SUPORTS PEDOPHILES
Read again twice if you must, each case is a separate judgment, each case comes with a recommend from the prosecution. each case is judged on its merits. Unless you sat in on Any of the cases, heard both sides of the argument & with your law degree rendered your verdict. You are just an arm chair judge who uses your political choice of propaganda. WHAT IS BEING SAID HERE IS SHE USED HER LEGAL JUDEMENT. Something we are not educated to that level for. The woman thing is to immature to even respond to.
Your full throated support for her light treatment of pedos marks you. And it is not a good mark to have. Three months for a perp she apologized to and then the perp went right back to the same behavior. All in public record. Maybe you aren’t educated enough to understand why people don’t like pedos getting light sentences. So you don’t know what’s a woman is either. No surprise. Seems to be an epidemic among libtards lately.

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