Ketanji Brown Jackson's Shocking, Sickening Record in Child Porn Cases

We only have that because those on your side who are not direct pedophiles are complicit therewith.
Ya know who thinks about pedophilia all day don't ya? Pedophiles that's who. You repufs think about pedophilia and butt hurt all day. You should likely repent. You are some sick fucks
Your full throated support for her light treatment of pedos marks you. And it is not a good mark to have. Three months for a perp she apologized to and then the perp went right back to the same behavior. All in public record. Maybe you aren’t educated enough to understand why people don’t like pedos getting light sentences. So you don’t know what’s a woman is either. No surprise. Seems to be an epidemic among libtards lately.
OK some guy got a lighter sentence than you wanted. Like everyday in America some guy gets a lighter sentence for rape or robbery or spousal abuse or any other crime you can think of, BUT don't see you posting daily about that unless its some one from across the isle, otherwise total silence.
Your full throated support for her light treatment of pedos marks you. And it is not a good mark to have. Three months for a perp she apologized to and then the perp went right back to the same behavior. All in public record. Maybe you aren’t educated enough to understand why people don’t like pedos getting light sentences. So you don’t know what’s a woman is either. No surprise. Seems to be an epidemic among libtards lately.
Pedo, pedo and pedo.

Mat gaetz and mat gaetz with mat gaetz.
Don't know about poll numbers but she actually has more experience than the rest of the court, and her personal life so far no one has been able to fault her on any level. All the negatives came from Republicans with a political propaganda agenda. difficult to watch her relaxed smiling face change to sad & disappointed.
The slimers were exploiting the hearing to pander to their hyper-partisan lowlifes.

Obviously, the nominee is eminently qualified, and had won Senate approval of her appointment to the DC-based appellate court less than a year ago with none of their dung-flinging self-promotion.

Before the hyper-partisan gala, Lindsey Graham had been among the majority of senators who voted to confirm last June, honestly noting, "I think she's qualified... I think she's qualified for the job. She has a different philosophy than I do."

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The pretense that she went over to the dark side between June, 2021 and March, 2022 is laughable.

A year ago, the scurrilous fringe propaganda masters had not trained the bobbleheads to parrot the pedophilia bs.
After all, it's republic pols doing key lines and having orgies.
Can you provide irrefutable evidence that the whole issue of her appointment deserved the interrogation she did. Bear in mind there is not one shred evidence that woman has ever acted outside the law.
It must be colour and politics. Nothing else.
There was never any evidence that Justice Kavanaugh was ever a rapist, but that didn't stop you leftist assholes from claiming he was.
There was never any evidence that Justice Kavanaugh was ever a rapist, but that didn't stop you leftist assholes from claiming he was.
I never assumed it either but I can be certain the judge was ignorantly vilified by idiot republicans for no supported reason. It remains so today. It was all bullshit and hate and racism.
Today Ketanji Brown Jackson's Supreme Court nomination was confirmed by the U.S. Senate. Last week investigators got the transcripts of Jackson's sentencing hearings in child porn cases. They show a pattern of shockingly light sentences and a sickening hostility toward anti-child porn laws. I'm not exaggerating one bit. The transcripts destroy the dishonest liberal "fact-checks" that white-washed her record as "pretty mainstream."

This lady has no business sitting on a traffic court, much less the U.S. Supreme Court. But, thanks to the Democrats, she's now a Supreme Court justice.

She's on the Court.

And all the bullshit, the rants, the hand wringing & the lies, the crying won't change a thing.

So have another shit sandwich.
Yes, that's easier than thinking for yourself.
Well Dave, can you prove she acted outside the laws she has to abide by? The answer is no you can't.
Our common hatred of paedophiles is not new but your criticism of her is unjustified. If the laws are not goid enough, get your godbothering mates to change it.
It's quite telling that you think that the demographic composition of the court is more important than its integrity.

I think it is quite telling that you think the demographic of the court matters to me. I was comparing the way I will feel if the republicans sweep the Nov elections with how the asshole I was talking to will feel about Justice Jackson.
There was never any evidence that Justice Kavanaugh was ever a rapist, but that didn't stop you leftist assholes from claiming he was.
Three women accused him of sexual assault or misconduct.
Well Dave, can you prove she acted outside the laws she has to abide by? The answer is no you can't.
Our common hatred of paedophiles is not new but your criticism of her is unjustified. If the laws are not goid enough, get your godbothering mates to change it.
Aren't you going to join me in asking the laws be changed?
So, you don't give a shit about doing what's right; you just wanna get the other guys.

What a shitty person you are.
I believe that Supreme Court justice did the right thing. Just like many other judges both republic and democratic in sentencing situations regarding the issue.

You phax outrage is noted.

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