Kerry's insults Chenneys, Media spins

The remark about Mary Cheney has James Carville's and Paul Begala's name all over it. Deliberate attempt to embarass Dick and Lynne Cheney; note the quick response to the criticism by Elizabeth Edwards afterwards.
It wasn't particularly taken aback by Sen. Kerry's comments concerning V.P. Cheney's daughter. I find just about everything the Senator says distasteful and this wasn't appreciable worse. But then there was this:

Mrs. Cheney
Now, you know, I did have a chance to assess John Kerry once more and now the only thing I could conclude: This is not a good man. Of course, I am speaking as a mom, and a pretty indignant mom. This is not a good man. What a cheap and tawdry political trick.

to which Mrs. Edwards rejoined from left field:

I think that it indicates a certain degree of shame with respect to her daughter’s sexual preferences


Imagine if the political parties of those involved were reversed. Front page news from now until Election Day no doubt screaming that only a conservative (said derisively) would claim a mother could be ashamed of her daughter for being gay. But because a liberal said it the spin is accepted.

News Media: "Yes the outrage from the right concerning Sen. Kerry's benign remarks is just because they are ashamed, those awful homophobic bigots. It has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with privacy, propriety, or common courtesy. "

"She's fair game," says Kerry Campaign Manager Mary Beth Cahill.
Zhukov said:
It wasn't particularly taken aback by Sen. Kerry's comments concerning V.P. Cheney's daughter. I find just about everything the Senator says distasteful and this wasn't appreciable worse. But then there was this:

to which Mrs. Edwards rejoined from left field:


Imagine if the political parties of those involved were reversed. Front page news from now until Election Day no doubt screaming that only a conservative (said derisively) would claim a mother could be ashamed of her daughter for being gay. But because a liberal said it the spin is accepted.

News Media: "Yes the outrage from the right cocerning Sen. Kerry's benigh remarks is just because they are ashamed, those awful homophobic bigots. It has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with privacy, propriety, or common courtesy. "

"She's fair game," says Kerry Campaign Manager Mary Beth Cahill.

Maybe she is fair game, but then so should all of Edwards' family be fair game. Anyone got any dirt on Edwards' grandmother?

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