kerry timeline - wow.


Aug 8, 2004
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You guys know that when Kerry painted vietnam veterans as rapists , baby killers and sadistic torturing murders, many of his witnesses were lying?
fubar said:
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You guys know that when Kerry painted vietnam veterans as rapists , baby killers and sadistic torturing murders, many of his witnesses were lying?
Hey, Fu! Welcome aboard! Glad to see that you made the switch from NV. I hope you didn't bring Templar with you! :happy2:

Of course Kerry had every right to protest the war after he came back home. That's not the problem. The problem that I and many other veterans have with Kerry is the WAY he protested.

A lot of Kerry's fellow members of the VVWA like Al Hubbard, Elton Mazione, Yashia K. Chee, Mike Beamon, Francis Reitemeyer, Michael J. Cohn, K. Barton Osborn and many others lied about being in Vietnam and seeing atrocities firsthand. None had never been in Vietnam and a couple of them had never even been in the military. Kerry knowingly used these lying phonies to try and back up his allegations of brutality and atrocities. He did this to discredit the soldiers still fighting in Vietnam. For that piece of treachery, I and many other vets condemn him for his actions and will continue to do so. He betrayed our fighting men and women and that I cannot forgive.

The way I see it is that if Kerry wants to keep on spotlighting and bragging about his time in Vietnam, he'd better be ready to be criticized and raked over the coals about what he did afterwards. As far as I'm concerned, what he did was treason or close to it. What a lot of people don't know is that he met secretly with the North Vietnamese in Paris in the early 1970's. He claims that he was trying to end the war. In my opinion, his actions rank up there with "Hanoi" Jane Fonda and the utter treason and treachery that she committed while she doing some hardy partying down with her Viet Cong comrades in July of 1972. In my opinion, she should have been, at the very least, tried and imprisoned for her incredible acts of treason. A few years later, her pathetic defense for her actions was that she was "young and naive" at the time. Yeah, right! Give me a break! She was 35 f**king years old when she committed her treason! How incredibly stupid is that excuse?
Thanks, nice to be in a place where people are apparently sane.

If the media felt we HAD to know GWB was arrested in college for DWI/DUI
in college, or has a spotty attendace record in the airguard, doesn't it follow that we should see someone mention that NONE of kerry's commanding offers, only 1 peer and a very small handful of his subordinates believe his story/record ?

kerry's meeting with the communists is in the timeline I posted. Never heard about it from the mainstream media. The only thing keeping Kerry from withdrawing from the race is the Big media's refusal to treat kerry like they treated GWBush.

I keep alternating between "kerry is all done" and "we are about to get someone worse than WJClinton, thanks to a media blackout of the truth"

And we ( America )still have not engaged in the debate that really matters - the Liberal agenda that kerry supports vs. the conservative agenda GWB allegedly supports.
Hello screaming Eagle, have we met before ?.
And hello leojoeyJoe, nice to see ya here..I like this place much better.

Eagle, I've seen that 'timeline before" , reminds me of kerry's DNC speech. Conveniantly leaving out a whole lot of facts that matter. like his portrait being displayed in the Vietnamese Communist Party's Hero museum.

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