Kerry Spin Machine


Senior Member
Jan 5, 2004
I saw john kerry fell down skiing and blamed it on the secret service guy. What a first class cocksnot.
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Oh, and he's a liar who cares more about impressing european socialists than defending america.
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And Saddam could've never worked with al quaeda, because his regime was secular; you know how Saddam was such a stickler for his separation of church and state. He was one enlightened mofo.
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"I will not reveal the names of {more | foreign} leaders"

Kerry Mad libs
Originally posted by rtwngAvngr
And Saddam could've never worked with al quaeda, because his regime was secular; you know how Saddam was such a stickler for his separation of church and state. He was one enlightened mofo.

Well you have to remember, to the left he was enlightened. After all Iraq had killing fields. Its one of the lefts trademarks. Stalins killing fields, Cambodias killing fields. vietnams killing fields etc etc
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Originally posted by Avatar4321
Well you have to remember, to the left he was enlightened. After all Iraq had killing fields. Its one of the lefts trademarks. Stalins killing fields, Cambodias killing fields. vietnams killing fields etc etc

Yes. Yes. Killing. Thought control. Denial of reality. Inability to reason.

Chirac loved Saddam too. SO did shrodigner or whatever his name is. I wonder if the oil for food corruption effected their vote on the UN security council re: invading iraq? Hmmm. Ya think!
Is anyone going to deny that Kerry has more foreign leader support than Bush?

You guys wouldn't want to forget the right's killing fields: El Salvador, Nicaragua, and Panama.

And don't forget who first propped up the Mujahideen and Saddam!
Is anyone going to deny that Kerry has more foreign leader support than Bush?

I, for one, wouldnt doubt that one bit. Certain foreign leaders anyway.

However, that does not take away from the fact that, he made the statement and people deserve to know

1) Which foreign leaders, and
2) What Kerry said to those foreign leaders in the conversation.
Originally posted by Palestinian Jew
Is anyone going to deny that Kerry has more foreign leader support than Bush?

You guys wouldn't want to forget the right's killing fields: El Salvador, Nicaragua, and Panama.

And don't forget who first propped up the Mujahideen and Saddam!

Of course Kerry has foreign leader support, he acts like he's going to bow to what they want instead of what's best for the U.S. and ultimately the world.

The right wing killing fields. Did those guys want a flat tax or something?

We propped them up, to fight soviet expansion. It was a good thing.
Originally posted by Palestinian Jew
Is anyone going to deny that Kerry has more foreign leader support than Bush?

That is very easibly deniable. Kerry cannot and will not prove any specific support from foreign leaders. As well as a presidential candidate is beholden to the the american peopel not foreign leaders.

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