Kellyanne Conway on Fox news said part of the redactions are


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2014
about Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky. How does she know!

Poor Kellyanne , Laura Ingraham, Bosie, Drudge, and Breibart have been at it since 1995 talking about Hillary Clinton. Obsessed with her.

She must be so very jealous, never made it big, just a loudmouth nobody.

I suspect the redactions are where Starr gave the report to Congress, and let them go at it and the Republicans sure did. Delivered the report to Congress not to the AG.

Clinton was impeached due to sexual stuff with a consenting adult,

what tramp has done and continues to do is 10,000 times worst than B. Clinton and much worst than Watergate.
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Pretending that it is true, why the hell were Bill and Monica part of the investigation? What the hell does that have to do with the focus of the investigation?
This is the administration we have. SHS admits she just makes stuff up. KAC just makes stuff up she can’t (or shouldn’t anyway) possibly know. I’m sure our President lies to foreign leaders almost as much as he lies to us. Hopefully we can resurrect the Presidency after this fucking idiot is gone.
This is the administration we have. SHS admits she just makes stuff up. KAC just makes stuff up she can’t (or shouldn’t anyway) possibly know. I’m sure our President lies to foreign leaders almost as much as he lies to us. Hopefully we can resurrect the Presidency after this fucking idiot is gone.
Naw he will have more flexibility after the election.
Clinton was impeached due to sexual stuff with a consenting adult,
I agree that the Clinton impeachment was bullshit...

But, that is sexual harassment or a violation of the FedGov fraternization policy. It wasn't "nothing" but I agree that it did not warrant impeachment.
about Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky. How does she know!

Poor Kellyanne , Laura Ingraham, Bosie, Drudge, and Breibart have been at it since 1995 talking about Hillary Clinton. Obsessed with her.

She must be so very jealous, never made it big, just a loudmouth nobody.

I suspect the redactions are where Starr gave the report to Congress, and let them go at it and the Republicans sure did. Delivered the report to Congress not to the AG.

Clinton was impeached due to sexual stuff with a consenting adult,

what tramp has done and continues to do is 10,000 times worst, worst than Watergate.
Even Kellannes husband knows she's an ass I'm curious if drump and her have something going on
about Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky. How does she know!

Poor Kellyanne , Laura Ingraham, Bosie, Drudge, and Breibart have been at it since 1995 talking about Hillary Clinton. Obsessed with her.

She must be so very jealous, never made it big, just a loudmouth nobody.

I suspect the redactions are where Starr gave the report to Congress, and let them go at it and the Republicans sure did. Delivered the report to Congress not to the AG.

Clinton was impeached due to sexual stuff with a consenting adult,

what tramp has done and continues to do is 10,000 times worst, worst than Watergate.
Even Kellannes husband knows she's an ass I'm curious if drump and her have something going on
OMG can you just imagine? KAC and POTUS shagging, getting it on. Neither one would STFU and stop lying the whole time.
about Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky. How does she know!

Poor Kellyanne , Laura Ingraham, Bosie, Drudge, and Breibart have been at it since 1995 talking about Hillary Clinton. Obsessed with her.

She must be so very jealous, never made it big, just a loudmouth nobody.

I suspect the redactions are where Starr gave the report to Congress, and let them go at it and the Republicans sure did. Delivered the report to Congress not to the AG.

Clinton was impeached due to sexual stuff with a consenting adult,

what tramp has done and continues to do is 10,000 times worst, worst than Watergate.
/——/ “Clinton was impeached due to sexual stuff with a consenting adult, ”
Oh, I thought he was impeached for perjury and obstruction. You should contact Wikipedia and straighten them out. Impeachment of Bill Clinton - Wikipedia
about Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky. How does she know!

Poor Kellyanne , Laura Ingraham, Bosie, Drudge, and Breibart have been at it since 1995 talking about Hillary Clinton. Obsessed with her.

She must be so very jealous, never made it big, just a loudmouth nobody.

I suspect the redactions are where Starr gave the report to Congress, and let them go at it and the Republicans sure did. Delivered the report to Congress not to the AG.

Clinton was impeached due to sexual stuff with a consenting adult,

what tramp has done and continues to do is 10,000 times worst, worst than Watergate.
So true.
Pretending that it is true, why the hell were Bill and Monica part of the investigation? What the hell does that have to do with the focus of the investigation?

Kellyanne was commenting on Hillary wanting the whole report made public, and she stated why would she want it because Bill and Monica Lewinsky are under the redacted info.

I suspect it was about Starr's report given directly to the Congress, and that is all. I guess ask Kellyanne , Barr must of filled them in about the redacted parts.
Clinton was impeached due to sexual stuff with a consenting adult,
I agree that the Clinton impeachment was bullshit...

But, that is sexual harassment or a violation of the FedGov fraternization policy. It wasn't "nothing" but I agree that it did not warrant impeachment.
Using his power position to bully Linda Tripp into doing his lying for him did warrant impeachment, though it was still a politically stupid idea to do it.
Clinton was impeached for lying.
Why must you lie?

There were 4 original counts brought to the floor of the House. 2 were actually prosecuted, one being Perjury to a Grand Jury, the other being obstruction.

Article III charged Clinton with attempting to obstruct justice by:[22]

  1. encouraging Lewinsky to file a false affidavit
  2. encouraging Lewinsky to give false testimony if and when she was called to testify
  3. concealing gifts he had given to Lewinsky that had been subpoenaed
  4. attempting to secure a job for Lewinsky to influence her testimony
  5. permitting his lawyer to make false statements characterizing Lewinsky's affidavit
  6. attempting to tamper with the possible testimony of his secretary Betty Curie
  7. making false and misleading statements to potential grand jury witnesses
*Note: none of these was for "getting a BJ"
Clinton was impeached for lying.

Really? So that's all it takes?

Under oath :rolleyes:

I dunno, seems to me a lie is a lie whether you took an oath or not.

Never did understand that distinction, that it's perfectly fine to lie as long as you're not under oath... :wtf:

Oh wait --- Rump actually did take an oath. :eusa_think:

Naaah ---- I like your first post better.

/——/ Obozo lied about shovel ready jobs. Would you have supported his impeachment?

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