Kellie Pickler and American Idol

The ClayTaurus said:
Right. So when your 17 year old daughter pops down stairs to head off to prom in that, I'm sure you'll be thinking "she looks so cute!"

It's ok D, she's just following the "innocent but not really" footsteps of those who came before her. She'll probably do well, too. Aguilera's the only one with any real vocal talent, but Brittany and Jessica managed to do quite well despite.

You don't think that dress is slutty? Seriously? I mean, hey, she looks great in it, and if she wants to wear it fine. But adorable and not slutty? You're on crack.

Clay, weren't you the one who thought that gross T-shirt I posted about seeing on a woman, "Mean people suck, nice people swallow" was just funny? ;)
Abbey Normal said:
Clay, weren't you the one who thought that gross T-shirt I posted about seeing on a woman, "Mean people suck, nice people swallow" was just funny? ;)
It is funny. It also has slutty perceptions attached to it.

She looks good in this dress. That dress also has slutty perceptions attached to it.

The difference is, the shirt could be construed as just being funny, as shock value. The same can not be said for that dress. There is a difference.

But that's besides the point. If the girl with the mean people suck t-shirt was moonlighting on mickey mouse club, that'd be absurd. It'd be more absurd that people were buying into the wholesome image.

I don't care if she walks around naked. I have a problem with her being all repackaged as something she's clearly not.
The ClayTaurus said:
It is funny. It also has slutty perceptions attached to it.

She looks good in this dress. That dress also has slutty perceptions attached to it.

The difference is, the shirt could be construed as just being funny, as shock value. The same can not be said for that dress. There is a difference.

But that's besides the point. If the girl with the mean people suck t-shirt was moonlighting on mickey mouse club, that'd be absurd. It'd be more absurd that people were buying into the wholesome image.

I don't care if she walks around naked. I have a problem with her being all repackaged as something she's clearly not.

Maybe Kellie wore the dress for shock value, because everyone always thought of her as so innocent.

Clay, people in show biz are not usually the most genuine folks. Surely you already knew that. :)
Abbey Normal said:
Maybe Kellie wore the dress for shock value, because everyone always thought of her as so innocent.

Clay, people in show biz are not usually the most genuine folks. Surely you already knew that.
Sigh. Methinks you need to not be so intentionally obtuse to try and prove your point from the other thread :) Would it help if I said the t-shirt was slutty? I can... that t-shirt means she's a total ho. Now what do you really think about that dress.
Said1 said:
Ouch. Low blow man.

Seriously, which American Idol pissed in your Corn Flakes?

Of course you know, I forget what the argument is a this point. Winner pre-picked and just performing according to script?
It's sort of a loosey goosey drawn out hype promotion of whatever the new pop artist of the year is. Do I think they have one winner and then just a bunch of filler to surround the show? No. Do I think they've picked winners not based on the results they get from polling? Often. They're not required to show vote totals. They're basically allowed to cast aside votes at will... it's pretty absurd.

The entire concept of American Idol is rediculous. But then I'm generally bitter about pop music as it is, so...whatever.

I apologize to everyone for being such a grump. Continue consuming :thup:
The ClayTaurus said:
Sigh. Methinks you need to not be so intentionally obtuse to try and prove your point from the other thread :) Would it help if I said the t-shirt was slutty? I can... that t-shirt means she's a total ho. Now what do you really think about that dress.

I think if my daughter tried to leave the house in that dres, she'd never make it past the door. And the T-shirt is so slutty that any possible humor in it is cancelled out. There is no shortage of inappropriate dressing going on out there.

You ok? Hugs for Clay: :huddle:
dmp said:
I like Clay. I really DO. However, Clay seems to have a bit of a musical snobbery which taints his replies. :)
Oh come on. Just a bit? Understatement of the year.

The ClayTaurus said:
It's sort of a loosey goosey drawn out hype promotion of whatever the new pop artist of the year is. Do I think they have one winner and then just a bunch of filler to surround the show? No. Do I think they've picked winners not based on the results they get from polling? Often. They're not required to show vote totals. They're basically allowed to cast aside votes at will... it's pretty absurd.

The entire concept of American Idol is rediculous. But then I'm generally bitter about pop music as it is, so...whatever.

I apologize to everyone for being such a grump. Continue consuming :thup:

Sure it's rediculous, but my daughter loves it and Canadian Idol, so I watch it with her. I don't imagine it has a lot of appeal for those over 12....I would hope. :laugh:

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