Kavanaugh Confirmation > 61-39 To Confirm

I'm glad you Dumb ASSES believe these bull shit polls...…

You would have thought you would have learned your lesson

with TRUMP STOMPING the LIVING SHIT out of CROOKED hillary.....
Not with the popular vote.

Our Founding Fathers were Brilliant beyond belief,

thus the electoral college.

The system worked and the best candidate won

In an electoral landslide.
Don't think so ? Consider that 10 Democrat Senators are in RED STATES that went solidly for Donald Trump in 2016. Consider also that Judge Kavanaugh is President Trump's person pick. So do Senators in 10 states really want to go against the majority of their voters, and right smack dab before the 2018 election ? The answer to that is an unequivocal "No". But don't let just me tell it to you. All you hardened leftists can instead listen to your beloved New York Times tell it to you, by clicking the link at the bottom if this page. View attachment 218170

Byron Dorgan, a former Democratic senator from North Dakota said >>This close to an election, having an issue this significant out there, it’s not helpful at all to somebody running in a red state,”

This same uneasiness was voiced by Natalie Tennant, a Democrat and former West Virginia secretary of state who ran for the Senate there in 2014. Referring to Senator Manchin, she said: “It’s not easy, if he votes no, people will think he’s against Trump. If he votes yes, they’ll think he’s for Trump."

Senate Republicans may have less to worry about than the liberal media would have us believe. One always has to look past them to get at the truth. In this case, the New York Times, to their credit, has shown more honesty on the subject than most of their liberal media colleagues.

For Red-State Democrats, Accusation Against Kavanaugh Scrambles Midterm Calculus
39% of the country is against his confirmation. 38% are for it.

I'm glad you Dumb ASSES believe these bull shit polls...…

You would have thought you would have learned your lesson

with TRUMP STOMPING the LIVING SHIT out of CROOKED hillary.....

Trump did not stomp Clinton. It was a very close election. Had Clinton got 2% more in every state, she would have won. The fact is that Americans hated both candidates.

Most like yourself are ignorant of our form of Government.

Our Founding Fathers were Brilliant beyond belief,

that’s why we have the electoral college

and President Donald J. Trump……………

306 electoral votes to 232 electoral votes is

a historic ASS STOMPING within the context of all the misleading polls…

Like many I thought of Trump as a Joke, I was a Cruz man….

Trump has made a believer of me…

Trump exposed the fact that we had one party masquerading as two.

Trump is no doubt the BEST PRESIDENT in my lifetime…..

History will prove you anti Trumpers as Fools and Zealots….
est Fox poll, suburban women do not support Kavanaugh by about a 61-30 margin. It looks like suburban women are telling you how they feel
Shall we review the polls during the 2016 elections? Liberal lesbians were over sampled. Normal women didn't want to tell a pollster they really support Kavanaugh for fear of being outed as a Nazi or whatever the the latest insult is.

Get back with me after you pull your head out of your ass......
So you're in to men's butts?[/QUOTE]

That's a libtard thing....

Homie don't play that libtard game...

As a libtard I would think you would be proud

to take it up the poop shute…..
It’s such bullshit that the liberals come up with the bullshit allegations now. It’s a disgrace. When he gets in I can’t wait for him to fuck the liberals every chance he get. He is not going to forget this witch hunt. Liberals better grow eyes in the back of there heads. There pissing the wrong people off.

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Imagine the first #metoo inspired lawsuit wanting Kabanaugh's vote in the Court. The Left will want him to recuse himself. I'd tell them fuck off.


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When he gets in I can’t wait for him to fuck the liberals every chance he get. He is not going to forget this witch hunt.
Thank you for admitting that the rapist is so biased that he is not qualified to be a judge of anything!

Allegations. No proof. All bullshit but keep telling yourself. You dumbasses are digging yourself a grave.

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It’s such bullshit that the liberals come up with the bullshit allegations now. It’s a disgrace. When he gets in I can’t wait for him to fuck the liberals every chance he get. He is not going to forget this witch hunt. Liberals better grow eyes in the back of there heads. There pissing the wrong people off.

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Yeah. That’s the spirit! You know the fucker won’t be impartial as a judge...and you like that.


After the bullshit the Democrats are pulling on him. Pay back is a bitch. Asshole

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Should a grown man be judged for what he did as a kid?

If he actually DID rape someone in his 20s, he probably shouldn't be awarded a SC seat though I'm not sure how it affects his ability to make judicial decisions, but let's first PROVE he actually committed a crime first before we spend 237 threads arguing about what it says about his character.

SO FAR, all we have is three women coming forward in the last minute under the most specious conditions making unfounded, unsupported claims, and Chuckie Schumer of course feeling that the accusation is enough to dethrone the man his life's career.

Chuckie better hope no woman accuses HIM of sexual impropriety. ;)
What can motivate swing state Republicans to push through a vote on an accused rapist and not lose the women’s vote?

You're a rapist.....

There....it's done...your denials are not believable....it has been alleged, therefore you are GUILTY!
Now YOU are as guilty as Brett Kavanaugh. What a disgusting person you are. How could you?!? What kind of a low life are you?

As an accused rapist, you are banned from this forum.

See how utterly STUPID you are? (Probably not)
According to the latest Fox poll, suburban women do not support Kavanaugh by about a 61-30 margin. It looks like suburban women are telling you how they feel.
If the poll is true, what it really reveals is that, in general, suburban women are a bunch of dum dums. Or it could be that most Suburban women who answer polls, are Democrats. :biggrin:

It shows that suburban women are smarter than the hillbilly women Trump appeals to. It shows suburban women are rejecting the Republican Party.

I have yet to meet a single liberal woman who can think outside the boxes the Democrats have put them in. Not a single one. The stuff they talk is absolute stupid trash. "Hillbilly women". That's wonderful commentary, you proud of that?

Why do you let others put you in a mental box? What a crying shame.

And this is "feminism"

For others: Camille Paglia is a true feminist of the highest order who has a boatload to say about these modern "feminists", none of it good. I don't agree with much of what she says but she is wicked smart, insightful, and dead on when it comes to our degrading culture. busybee her thoughts would explode your boxed up head.

Yes I am very proud of it. I use my intellect which puts me outside of the box Trump pigs live in. You people live in a world of conspiracies. The fact is that 55-60% of the women in this country are not feminists of which you speak of. You are a first class fool and are too stupid to know it.

Name-calling and that's all you've got. The wheelhouse of the Left. You got any arguments or are you just going to invent new ways of calling me names?

I mean you SAY you use your intellect, but to do what? Invent more names you can call? Productive. Impressive.

I look at actual numbers. You look at the same numbers and say they are liars. Those are your arguments. You are very unproductive and very unimpressive.
I think my favorite is number five.

Why do Leftist women come off like panting over-wrought harpies? Constantly in a state of near-hysteria.
He thinks OSHA doesn't have the authority to regulate workplace safety. And his reasons are purely horseshit. That's not knowing the Constitution.

So what you mean is: you disagree and you don't like it. But OSHA is not in the Constitution, he's dead right about that. Of course, you would know more about the Constitution than he does, amirite? Being the Constitutional Scholar and lifelong lawyer and judge like he is. I mean.....right???

OSHA was created by Congress which makes it constitutional. Apparently we do know more about the Constitution than Kavanaugh does.

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