Karl Rove: Donald Trump Can’t Win


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
“I don’t see it happening.”

Karl Rove is throwing in the towel.

In an appearance on “Fox News Sunday,” the Republican strategist said that Donald Trump’s poll numbers are simply too dismal to end in victory on election night.

“I don’t see it happening,” Rove told Fox. “If he plays an inside straight, he could get it, but I doubt he’s going to be able to play it.”

Rove explained Trump’s electoral vote deficit, swing state by swing state. Mitt Romney only won 206 electoral votes in 2012, and according to Rove’s judgment, Trump can only feel comfortable about 168, with just over two weeks to go before the Nov. 8 election.

Trump, Rove said, is barely eking out a polling lead in Ohio and Iowa, which Obama won in 2012. But he is also behind in North Carolina and Arizona, states that Romney won. And his deficit in other electoral vote-rich states like Florida is so severe that he is unlikely to pull ahead.

“I doubt that in the just over two weeks we’ve got left, conducting the kind of campaign he’s conducting, that he’s going to be able to swing 1 out of every, you know, 10 voters, 1 out of every 12 voters, 1 out of every 15 voters and 1 out of every 6 voters in a state and convert them,” Rove said.

Rove is not a man who gives up easily. In 2012, he had an on-air meltdown over whether Romney had won or lost Ohio, insisting in vain that the Republican nominee still had a chance to win the election. Romney lost.

VIDEO: Karl Rove: Donald Trump Can't Win

I agree that Trump can't win - but it's good to hear someone like Karl Rove say it.
VIDEO: Karl Rove: Donald Trump Can't Win

I agree that Trump can't win - but it's good to hear someone like Karl Rove say it.

Too bad that he didn't say it earlier back before the primaries were over; when they knew of his background and personality disorder. Still Rove's puppetmaster Cheney gave Trump the nod. Perhaps they thought that was the kiss of death? Didn't work though. They now need to grab at least one visceral issue that the Trumpees agree with them on to shed those numbers back into the fold. Say, an issue they are universally opposed to but didn't realize that Trump was actually for. Say, an issue he spoke about around the last week or April/ first week of May in an interview. Not only did he say he agreed to this issue Trumpee's viscerally HATE; he said he was already allowing it in Trump Tower.

You have about 15 days Mr. Rove. Maybe you'll get it right this time; no matter what Cheney tells you not to say or do. Save the Senate and the House if you can. This issue BTW around 99% of people are strongly opposed to....
I want to see every GOP politician who refused to support Trump ousted from office. They have joined the traitors who betrayed this nation.

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