Kaepernick's phony struggle.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
Victimology is a big seller nowadays and it’s producing some unusual superstars of the downtrodden in our society. At the top of the list has to be Colin Kaepernick, the former washed-up NFL quarterback that has rejuvenated his career not by fighting for a position but by kneeling on the sidelines.

Kaepernick has crafted a lucrative hoax that blames his lack of a spot on an NFL team not on his flagging skills but on the NFL’s refusal to let him and others use the massive curb appeal of the NFL as a platform for political activism.

Few quarterbacks in the NFL’s history have been able to stretch quickness and mobility into long careers. Fran Tarkenton, the great quarterback from the Minnesota Vikings and the New York Giants is one that comes to mind, but it’s obvious even to the casual observer that Kaepernick couldn’t hold Tarkenton’s jock strap on the best day of his life.

So Kaepernick has dodged the rushing realities of his diminishing skills by running to the sidelines and bowing his head. He’s even donned an Afro Sheen haircut reminiscent of the 1960’s when black Olympic athletes would hold up a black-gloved hand during the National Anthem.

No one seems to notice that Kaepernick has never even come close to suffering the discrimination those past athletes went through decades ago. No one notices that he is just using them as a gimmick to enrich himself with the self-aggrandizement of victimology at their expense.

The problem the victimologists have is that society has come a long way since the days of Martin Luther king or even Rodney King and a race card buys only a fraction of what it once did. White supremacy consists only of a few occasional, ragtag, sign-carrying KKK members coming out of the cobwebs of ancient history.

The gold mine is drying up and celebrity prospectors like Kaepernick are going for it while it lasts. If anyone wonders what inspired the bizarre actions of Jussie Smollett, just take a long hard look at kaepernick.

But Kaepernick with his sponsors is far more harmful than imitators like Smollett. Kaepernick is involved in the ruination of American football as its market share drops like a stone. We’ll all be watching soccer soon thanks to old Colin and his phony struggle against artificial racism.

It might be time to stop buying Nike’s crappy shoes.
Victimology is a big seller nowadays and it’s producing some unusual superstars of the downtrodden in our society. At the top of the list has to be Colin Kaepernick, the former washed-up NFL quarterback that has rejuvenated his career not by fighting for a position but by kneeling on the sidelines.

Kaepernick has crafted a lucrative hoax that blames his lack of a spot on an NFL team not on his flagging skills but on the NFL’s refusal to let him and others use the massive curb appeal of the NFL as a platform for political activism.

Few quarterbacks in the NFL’s history have been able to stretch quickness and mobility into long careers. Fran Tarkenton, the great quarterback from the Minnesota Vikings and the New York Giants is one that comes to mind, but it’s obvious even to the casual observer that Kaepernick couldn’t hold Tarkenton’s jock strap on the best day of his life.

So Kaepernick has dodged the rushing realities of his diminishing skills by running to the sidelines and bowing his head. He’s even donned an Afro Sheen haircut reminiscent of the 1960’s when black Olympic athletes would hold up a black-gloved hand during the National Anthem.

No one seems to notice that Kaepernick has never even come close to suffering the discrimination those past athletes went through decades ago. No one notices that he is just using them as a gimmick to enrich himself with the self-aggrandizement of victimology at their expense.

The problem the victimologists have is that society has come a long way since the days of Martin Luther king or even Rodney King and a race card buys only a fraction of what it once did. White supremacy consists only of a few occasional, ragtag, sign-carrying KKK members coming out of the cobwebs of ancient history.

The gold mine is drying up and celebrity prospectors like Kaepernick are going for it while it lasts. If anyone wonders what inspired the bizarre actions of Jussie Smollett, just take a long hard look at kaepernick.

But Kaepernick with his sponsors is far more harmful than imitators like Smollett. Kaepernick is involved in the ruination of American football as its market share drops like a stone. We’ll all be watching soccer soon thanks to old Colin and his phony struggle against artificial racism.

It might be time to stop buying Nike’s crappy shoes.

And the butthurt from those who have never even smelled a football but know how to take orders from talking heads continues.

Now it's down to "WAAAAH! Don't buy shoes! WAAAAH!"

......there is not a major, chronic problem of police shooting anyone, much less blacks who commit crime/hate crimes/murder/sexual assault at much higher rates
...yes, this idiot and blacks protest/burn/loot/etc for LIES
And the butthurt from those who have never even smelled a football but know how to take orders from talking heads continues.

Now it's down to "WAAAAH! Don't buy shoes! WAAAAH!"

Kapernick isn't any longer in football because he became predictable and didn't change his approach to the position....Running QBs have to be hard asses like Cam Newton, and Kapernick was nowhere near that level of talent....In the end, his stat metrics fell like a rock and he was useless to any team as anything more than a backup, and there is to this day a glut of mediocre backup QB in the NFL....So who also needs a drama queen distraction and locker room cancer?

His antics were nothing more than a way to draw attention to himself....The precursor to sniveling asswipes like Jesse Smollett.
And the butthurt from those who have never even smelled a football but know how to take orders from talking heads continues.

Now it's down to "WAAAAH! Don't buy shoes! WAAAAH!"

Kapernick isn't any longer in football because he became predictable and didn't change his approach to the position....Running QBs have to be hard asses like Cam Newton, and Kapernick was nowhere near that level of talent....In the end, his stat metrics fell like a rock and he was useless to any team as anything more than a backup, and there is to this day a glut of mediocre backup QB in the NFL....So who also needs a drama queen distraction and locker room cancer?

His antics were nothing more than a way to draw attention to himself....The precursor to sniveling asswipes like Jesse Smollett.

I actually know nothing about Kaepernick's athleticism or this Jessie person but I do know that all he did initially was not-stand for the national anthem. Didn't make any gestures, didn't make any statements, just didn't participate. Nobody even knew about it until some photographer, who by the same logic should have been standing at attention for the anthem, snapped his picture sitting on the bench figuring he could milk a "story" out of it from the Gullibles who roll over on cue for whatever Big Government orders (like the OP here). It was only after he started getting asked about it that he explained the reasoning. And then another player suggested the kneeling to show respect while still refusing to stand.

That don't sound like "attracting attention to himsel" to me. Sounds a lot more like somebody with too much free time saw an opportunity to invest in Astroturf.
And the butthurt from those who have never even smelled a football but know how to take orders from talking heads continues.

Now it's down to "WAAAAH! Don't buy shoes! WAAAAH!"

Kapernick isn't any longer in football because he became predictable and didn't change his approach to the position....Running QBs have to be hard asses like Cam Newton, and Kapernick was nowhere near that level of talent....In the end, his stat metrics fell like a rock and he was useless to any team as anything more than a backup, and there is to this day a glut of mediocre backup QB in the NFL....So who also needs a drama queen distraction and locker room cancer?

His antics were nothing more than a way to draw attention to himself....The precursor to sniveling asswipes like Jesse Smollett.

Could you elaborate on "his stat metrics fell like a rock"?
There’s no bigger fraud than Colin Kaepernick. I respect the rest of the race hustlers like Al Sharpton and Jessie Jackson more than Kaepernick. At least they have the balls to be vocal about their convictions and haven’t gone into hiding like Kaepernick
There’s no bigger fraud than Colin Kaepernick. I respect the rest of the race hustlers like Al Sharpton and Jessie Jackson more than Kaepernick. At least they have the balls to be vocal about their convictions and haven’t gone into hiding like Kaepernick


Who suggested he was "hiding"?
There’s no bigger fraud than Colin Kaepernick. I respect the rest of the race hustlers like Al Sharpton and Jessie Jackson more than Kaepernick. At least they have the balls to be vocal about their convictions and haven’t gone into hiding like Kaepernick


Who suggested he was "hiding"?

You’ve been owned on this topic numerous times.

There’s demand for the imbecile to speak to the media and he has stayed silent. He said the protest was all about raising awareness, yet where is he? His silence is deafening. He didn’t have a problem capitalizing financially from his protests, didn’t he? You know what that makes him? A sellout, fraud.
There’s demand for the imbecile to speak to the media and he has stayed silent. He said the protest was all about raising awareness, yet where is he? His silence is deafening. He didn’t have a problem capitalizing financially from his protests, didn’t he? You know what that makes him? A sellout, fraud.

Like I said in another thread... " Being a victim, sure beats working for a living "...
There’s no bigger fraud than Colin Kaepernick. I respect the rest of the race hustlers like Al Sharpton and Jessie Jackson more than Kaepernick. At least they have the balls to be vocal about their convictions and haven’t gone into hiding like Kaepernick


Who suggested he was "hiding"?

You’ve been owned on this topic numerous times.

There’s demand for the imbecile to speak to the media and he has stayed silent. He said the protest was all about raising awareness, yet where is he? His silence is deafening. He didn’t have a problem capitalizing financially from his protests, didn’t he? You know what that makes him? A sellout, fraud.

"Owned"?? :rofl:

I do not think that word means what you think it means. Trust me son, when I get "owned" I'll be the one to tell you, not the other way 'round. None of you rightwing blogparrots even know the story. I already demonstrated that.

You hacks are a trip. One claims he's "looking for attention" and the next wag says he's "hiding". Y'all can't even keep your own lies straight.
Could you elaborate on "his stat metrics fell like a rock"?
I kept him in a fantasy keeper league....His stats fell so fast that I dropped him before mid-season.

Well he only started 8 and 11 games in his last 2 seasons. His overall stats in those seasons weren't all that different from his other seasons. In fact, his last season was one of his better seasons in a lot of ways. :dunno:

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