Justice System is Biased Against Males


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Men are 49.2% of the population yet 93.2% of the prison population are males. Obviously the system is biased against men.

Men are 49.2% of the population yet 93.2% of the prison population are males. Obviously the system is biased against men.
What do you expect from a system run by male pimps? Cops are raping women on the street all the time, of course they have to register all the jealous boyfriends and husbands as sex offenders and put them away.

THe problem is dudes who fuck bitches have to lock other dudes away for their own protection and safety.
Since women were given the right to vote, to operate a motor vehicle, and to carry a mobile telephone ..... the world stands no chance of survival.
Men are 49.2% of the population yet 93.2% of the prison population are males. Obviously the system is biased against men.
View attachment 485378
Affirmative action ought to be implemented that would either release the number of men incarcerated to match the number of imprisoned women or to lock up enough women to equal that of men behind bars.
Since women were given the right to vote, to operate a motor vehicle, and to carry a mobile telephone ..... the world stands no chance of survival.
Isn't there a lady friend you can call when you're in trouble?
Prostitution is legal where I come from but seeking their services is not. Now there is one way to help equal the gender tally in prisons. Make it equally punishable to prostitute oneself as it is punishable to barter with them.
Affirmative action ought to be implemented that would either release the number of men incarcerated to match the number of imprisoned women or to lock up enough women to equal that of men behind bars.
I'm not pretending there aren't hordes of loose women out on the streets who should be locked up. It's pimps like this won't put them in prison for anything no matter what.
Lock your doors, chair by the door, and you still wake up bald and blind in that city.
I'm not pretending there aren't hordes of loose women out on the streets who should be locked up. It's pimps like this won't put them in prison for anything no matter what. ....
The judicial system?
Pimps are full of shit in a court of law with service of process and they traffic women out in the street and lock up any men who aren't deemed worthy of a night of hot sex. Just like any other red-light district in America or Europe.
I'm not pretending there aren't hordes of loose women out on the streets who should be locked up. It's pimps like this won't put them in prison for anything no matter what. ....
The judicial system?
Pimps are full of shit in a court of law with service of process and they traffic women out in the street and lock up any men who aren't deemed worthy of a night of hot sex. Just like any other red-light district in America or Europe.
You're probably right.
I am more interested in knowing the statistics of incarcerated men born in the US with a college/university education or higher.
So you want white collar criminals. They're doing pretty well staying out of prison, too, as long as they keep a low profile and observe Omertà and respect for the ladies etc. There's always a blue collar fall guy lined up for those guys. They're professionals.
Its also biased against people of color:

View attachment 485454

I'm guessing there will be a sudden diavowance of infographics by the OP....
How about get off of the percentage bullshit--here are the actual numbers. White people are over represented in the prisons.

View attachment 486461
How about get off of the percentage bullshit--here are the actual numbers. White people are over represented in the US.

racial percentage.jpg
Men are 49.2% of the population yet 93.2% of the prison population are males. Obviously the system is biased against men.
The apparent "bias" is of course due to the fact that the "criminal justice system" is only part of a larger system, and within the larger system, only functions as an arbitrary instrument or weapon to harm or punish men, as men.

Women are punished and disciplined in other ways of course, but it's a system controlled by powerful men (alpha males) who see less powerful men (beta males) as potential rivals who must be controlled and brought into subordination to "the system."

For all the "beta males" stripped of their rights and privileges, there are similar numbers of women forced to obey their pimps, most of whom are males, of the ruling "alpha male" set.

The "prison system" is an arbitrary tool used mainly by men to punish and control other men; you can call it biased against men if you want to -- there's always some lady or another screaming rape or whatnot -- but it's almost entirely a system of men keeping other men in prison, and women as a class don't have any real authority or say in how it's run.

The bias exists, the numbers are real, of course, but don't think some lady coming to the rescue is going to march into the visitor's center of the federal penitentiary and get her boyfriend out of prison because the system is biased against poorer or less powerful men.

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