Just Who's Side Is Obama On????


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

Well, 5 Marines and Sailors were murdered by an Islamic nutcase.....and what does Obama do? Tells everyone to stop wearing their uniforms....in the United States of America.....and close the blinds.


He did pretty much the same exact thing in Afghanistan with the guys we were training started shooting us in the back. How's that for appreciation. I can say one thing for Bush.....at least he did everything he could to protect the troops. This jackass acts like he doesn't give a flying-fuck about them. He had to be badgered into dropping the flag to half-mast....almost a week too late you SOB. The point had long been lost by the time you eventually gave in to the pressure from Congress and the American people.

This chickenshit traitorous bastard is so damned afraid to arm our soldiers that he'd rather let them go around incognito and hiding behind drapes instead of letting them defend themselves. This is what is wrong with Democrats. They go for the warm and fuzzy solution instead of something that works in the real world. As long as they're in charge this country will always be considered a bunch of pussies.

They say black lives matter....but do military lives matter to this president?
Obviously not.

When Bush was president the standard was peeling paint and mold in the showers was hazardous to our troops. Now they can't even carry a weapon....even though they're officially on the target list.

July 25, 2015
The Few, the Proud, the Unarmed
By Jan LaRue

Ever get the feeling that you went to sleep one night and awakened to find somebody stole your country and replaced it with an insane asylum?

We trust our warriors with weapons in foreign countries but not on their home turf? This is what’s flying over the D.C. cuckoo’s nest.

Imagine that you’re being held hostage by the “Death to America” Islamic Republic of Iran. Your president negotiates a nuclear “agreement” with the regime, but he’s too needy and impotent to secure your release as part of the agreement. Is there any message that would bring more joy to your heart than: “The Marines have landed?”

They’d be packing heat, unlike the unarmed victims at Chattanooga, Fort Hood, the DC Navy Yard, and Little Rock -- United States of America.

The valiant volunteer members of our military swear an oath:

“to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God.”

About that “domestic” part. Despite the murders of four “officially” unarmed Marines and a Navy petty officer in Chattanooga, Tenn. on July 16, by a heavily-armed follower of Allah, some geldings in the federal follies are still studying whether to allow our military to be armed in U.S. recruiting offices, on military bases, and in public.

Responding to the Chattanooga attack, Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter approved a memo telling Marines not to wear their uniforms in public. The Pentagon also told recruiters to “close the blinds for added security.”

In other words, behave like a hostage in your homeland: The Few, the Cloistered, the Incognito. There’s a sure-fire recruiting ad.

Are we fed up yet with this administration treating our military so contemptuously?

Contrast that with state governors, all Republican, who have issued ordersarming their National Guard troops.

Meanwhile, patriotic men and women, armed to the hilt in states with open-carry laws, are guarding our military recruiting centers. The Minutemen of Lexington and Concord would be proud.

On college campuses, the “safe spaces” are packed with wusses who can’t abideemotional “triggers”.

The Army’s reaction isn’t much better. According to Stars and Stripes, an official memo tells recruiting center staff to “treat armed citizens as a security threat,” and “recruiters should also immediately fill out an Army security report.”

And won’t that be handy for President Obama’s next Homeland Security report on terrorism to inflate the number of “right-wing” terror watch groups?

We don’t pay our warriors nearly enough for what they do for us. We subject them to medical care run by incompetent and/or corrupt Veterans Administration (VA) officials. Assorted Jihadi terrorists, foreign and domestic, have attacked and killed our troops on their bases and at recruiting offices, and they continue painting a target on their comrades without arms.

The president and his Defense Department messengers continue insulting our best and bravest to the core of their being by telling them that they don’t trust them to be armed among us.

We’re told it could be unsafe to arm our military because too many of our vets are committing suicide. That’s tragically true because many are giving up hope while waiting months for care at the VA. To broad-brush the entire military with PTSD would mean that we shouldn’t have them armed in foreign countries, either.

We’re told that if recruiting center staff in shopping malls are armed, there’s an added concern of accidental shootings. Fox News’ Kelly File quoted Gen. Ray Odierno, chief of staff of the Army:

"We have to be careful about over arming ourselves, I'm not talking about attacking each other, but things like accidental discharges and everything else that goes along with having weapons that are loaded, that can cause injuries."

The shootings at malls are intentionally perpetrated by bad guys with guns. If you heard gunshots in a mall and you knew the soldiers in the recruiting center were armed, where would you run for protection? Truth be told, we’d run there even if they were unarmed because these are the ones who live and die by: “Not on our watch.”

During a Senate hearing Thursday, Sen. Lindsey Graham, (R-S.C.), asked the nominee for next commandant of the Marine Corps, Lt. Gen. Robert Neller, what might have happened if Marines at the Chattanooga recruiting station had been permitted to carry weapons. According to the Marine Corps Times, Graham asked Neller:

"If recruiters had been armed, do you think things would have been different?"

"Senator, I don't know," Neller replied.

Senate Armed Services Committee Chairman Sen. John McCain, (R-Ariz.), pressed Neller further and finally got an answer:

"Yes, they should have been able to defend themselves, Senator," he said.

Was that so hard? Good grief, General, you’re a Marine. Are you sure you want to work for the current commander in chief?

There are four Americans who don’t have to imagine what it’s like being held hostage in the Islamic Republic of Iran. But they do have to imagine that their country hasn’t forgotten them, and that one day Marines or Navy SEALs or Army Rangers will come and take them home.
Articles The Few the Proud the Unarmed


Well, 5 Marines and Sailors were murdered by an Islamic nutcase.....and what does Obama do? Tells everyone to stop wearing their uniforms....in the United States of America.....and close the blinds.


He did pretty much the same exact thing in Afghanistan with the guys we were training started shooting us in the back. How's that for appreciation. I can say one thing for Bush.....at least he did everything he could to protect the troops. This jackass acts like he doesn't give a flying-fuck about them. He had to be badgered into dropping the flag to half-mast....almost a week too late you SOB. The point had long been lost by the time you eventually gave in to the pressure from Congress and the American people.

This chickenshit traitorous bastard is so damned afraid to arm our soldiers that he'd rather let them go around incognito and hiding behind drapes instead of letting them defend themselves. This is what is wrong with Democrats. They go for the warm and fuzzy solution instead of something that works in the real world. As long as they're in charge this country will always be considered a bunch of pussies.

They say black lives matter....but do military lives matter to this president?
Obviously not.

When Bush was president the standard was peeling paint and mold in the showers was hazardous to our troops. Now they can't even carry a weapon....even though they're officially on the target list.

July 25, 2015
The Few, the Proud, the Unarmed
By Jan LaRue

Ever get the feeling that you went to sleep one night and awakened to find somebody stole your country and replaced it with an insane asylum?

We trust our warriors with weapons in foreign countries but not on their home turf? This is what’s flying over the D.C. cuckoo’s nest.

Imagine that you’re being held hostage by the “Death to America” Islamic Republic of Iran. Your president negotiates a nuclear “agreement” with the regime, but he’s too needy and impotent to secure your release as part of the agreement. Is there any message that would bring more joy to your heart than: “The Marines have landed?”

They’d be packing heat, unlike the unarmed victims at Chattanooga, Fort Hood, the DC Navy Yard, and Little Rock -- United States of America.

The valiant volunteer members of our military swear an oath:

“to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God.”

About that “domestic” part. Despite the murders of four “officially” unarmed Marines and a Navy petty officer in Chattanooga, Tenn. on July 16, by a heavily-armed follower of Allah, some geldings in the federal follies are still studying whether to allow our military to be armed in U.S. recruiting offices, on military bases, and in public.

Responding to the Chattanooga attack, Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter approved a memo telling Marines not to wear their uniforms in public. The Pentagon also told recruiters to “close the blinds for added security.”

In other words, behave like a hostage in your homeland: The Few, the Cloistered, the Incognito. There’s a sure-fire recruiting ad.

Are we fed up yet with this administration treating our military so contemptuously?

Contrast that with state governors, all Republican, who have issued ordersarming their National Guard troops.

Meanwhile, patriotic men and women, armed to the hilt in states with open-carry laws, are guarding our military recruiting centers. The Minutemen of Lexington and Concord would be proud.

On college campuses, the “safe spaces” are packed with wusses who can’t abideemotional “triggers”.

The Army’s reaction isn’t much better. According to Stars and Stripes, an official memo tells recruiting center staff to “treat armed citizens as a security threat,” and “recruiters should also immediately fill out an Army security report.”

And won’t that be handy for President Obama’s next Homeland Security report on terrorism to inflate the number of “right-wing” terror watch groups?

We don’t pay our warriors nearly enough for what they do for us. We subject them to medical care run by incompetent and/or corrupt Veterans Administration (VA) officials. Assorted Jihadi terrorists, foreign and domestic, have attacked and killed our troops on their bases and at recruiting offices, and they continue painting a target on their comrades without arms.

The president and his Defense Department messengers continue insulting our best and bravest to the core of their being by telling them that they don’t trust them to be armed among us.

We’re told it could be unsafe to arm our military because too many of our vets are committing suicide. That’s tragically true because many are giving up hope while waiting months for care at the VA. To broad-brush the entire military with PTSD would mean that we shouldn’t have them armed in foreign countries, either.

We’re told that if recruiting center staff in shopping malls are armed, there’s an added concern of accidental shootings. Fox News’ Kelly File quoted Gen. Ray Odierno, chief of staff of the Army:

"We have to be careful about over arming ourselves, I'm not talking about attacking each other, but things like accidental discharges and everything else that goes along with having weapons that are loaded, that can cause injuries."

The shootings at malls are intentionally perpetrated by bad guys with guns. If you heard gunshots in a mall and you knew the soldiers in the recruiting center were armed, where would you run for protection? Truth be told, we’d run there even if they were unarmed because these are the ones who live and die by: “Not on our watch.”

During a Senate hearing Thursday, Sen. Lindsey Graham, (R-S.C.), asked the nominee for next commandant of the Marine Corps, Lt. Gen. Robert Neller, what might have happened if Marines at the Chattanooga recruiting station had been permitted to carry weapons. According to the Marine Corps Times, Graham asked Neller:

"If recruiters had been armed, do you think things would have been different?"

"Senator, I don't know," Neller replied.

Senate Armed Services Committee Chairman Sen. John McCain, (R-Ariz.), pressed Neller further and finally got an answer:

"Yes, they should have been able to defend themselves, Senator," he said.

Was that so hard? Good grief, General, you’re a Marine. Are you sure you want to work for the current commander in chief?

There are four Americans who don’t have to imagine what it’s like being held hostage in the Islamic Republic of Iran. But they do have to imagine that their country hasn’t forgotten them, and that one day Marines or Navy SEALs or Army Rangers will come and take them home.
Articles The Few the Proud the Unarmed

Who's side is Obama on? ......... Obama is on Obama's side. Obama is nothing more than just another self-serving egotistical self-centered anti-America jerk that's sitting in the oval office. He's just another of a long line of professional politicians doing what professional politicians do, nothing more. The American people asked for it, they elected him, not once, but twice, and now they're getting exactly what they asked for. Anything he does is squarely on the shoulders of the fools that elected him. The rest of us have to suffer along with them.


Well, 5 Marines and Sailors were murdered by an Islamic nutcase.....and what does Obama do? Tells everyone to stop wearing their uniforms....in the United States of America.....and close the blinds.


He did pretty much the same exact thing in Afghanistan with the guys we were training started shooting us in the back. How's that for appreciation. I can say one thing for Bush.....at least he did everything he could to protect the troops. This jackass acts like he doesn't give a flying-fuck about them. He had to be badgered into dropping the flag to half-mast....almost a week too late you SOB. The point had long been lost by the time you eventually gave in to the pressure from Congress and the American people.

This chickenshit traitorous bastard is so damned afraid to arm our soldiers that he'd rather let them go around incognito and hiding behind drapes instead of letting them defend themselves. This is what is wrong with Democrats. They go for the warm and fuzzy solution instead of something that works in the real world. As long as they're in charge this country will always be considered a bunch of pussies.

They say black lives matter....but do military lives matter to this president?
Obviously not.

When Bush was president the standard was peeling paint and mold in the showers was hazardous to our troops. Now they can't even carry a weapon....even though they're officially on the target list.

July 25, 2015
The Few, the Proud, the Unarmed
By Jan LaRue

Ever get the feeling that you went to sleep one night and awakened to find somebody stole your country and replaced it with an insane asylum?

We trust our warriors with weapons in foreign countries but not on their home turf? This is what’s flying over the D.C. cuckoo’s nest.

Imagine that you’re being held hostage by the “Death to America” Islamic Republic of Iran. Your president negotiates a nuclear “agreement” with the regime, but he’s too needy and impotent to secure your release as part of the agreement. Is there any message that would bring more joy to your heart than: “The Marines have landed?”

They’d be packing heat, unlike the unarmed victims at Chattanooga, Fort Hood, the DC Navy Yard, and Little Rock -- United States of America.

The valiant volunteer members of our military swear an oath:

“to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God.”

About that “domestic” part. Despite the murders of four “officially” unarmed Marines and a Navy petty officer in Chattanooga, Tenn. on July 16, by a heavily-armed follower of Allah, some geldings in the federal follies are still studying whether to allow our military to be armed in U.S. recruiting offices, on military bases, and in public.

Responding to the Chattanooga attack, Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter approved a memo telling Marines not to wear their uniforms in public. The Pentagon also told recruiters to “close the blinds for added security.”

In other words, behave like a hostage in your homeland: The Few, the Cloistered, the Incognito. There’s a sure-fire recruiting ad.

Are we fed up yet with this administration treating our military so contemptuously?

Contrast that with state governors, all Republican, who have issued ordersarming their National Guard troops.

Meanwhile, patriotic men and women, armed to the hilt in states with open-carry laws, are guarding our military recruiting centers. The Minutemen of Lexington and Concord would be proud.

On college campuses, the “safe spaces” are packed with wusses who can’t abideemotional “triggers”.

The Army’s reaction isn’t much better. According to Stars and Stripes, an official memo tells recruiting center staff to “treat armed citizens as a security threat,” and “recruiters should also immediately fill out an Army security report.”

And won’t that be handy for President Obama’s next Homeland Security report on terrorism to inflate the number of “right-wing” terror watch groups?

We don’t pay our warriors nearly enough for what they do for us. We subject them to medical care run by incompetent and/or corrupt Veterans Administration (VA) officials. Assorted Jihadi terrorists, foreign and domestic, have attacked and killed our troops on their bases and at recruiting offices, and they continue painting a target on their comrades without arms.

The president and his Defense Department messengers continue insulting our best and bravest to the core of their being by telling them that they don’t trust them to be armed among us.

We’re told it could be unsafe to arm our military because too many of our vets are committing suicide. That’s tragically true because many are giving up hope while waiting months for care at the VA. To broad-brush the entire military with PTSD would mean that we shouldn’t have them armed in foreign countries, either.

We’re told that if recruiting center staff in shopping malls are armed, there’s an added concern of accidental shootings. Fox News’ Kelly File quoted Gen. Ray Odierno, chief of staff of the Army:

"We have to be careful about over arming ourselves, I'm not talking about attacking each other, but things like accidental discharges and everything else that goes along with having weapons that are loaded, that can cause injuries."

The shootings at malls are intentionally perpetrated by bad guys with guns. If you heard gunshots in a mall and you knew the soldiers in the recruiting center were armed, where would you run for protection? Truth be told, we’d run there even if they were unarmed because these are the ones who live and die by: “Not on our watch.”

During a Senate hearing Thursday, Sen. Lindsey Graham, (R-S.C.), asked the nominee for next commandant of the Marine Corps, Lt. Gen. Robert Neller, what might have happened if Marines at the Chattanooga recruiting station had been permitted to carry weapons. According to the Marine Corps Times, Graham asked Neller:

"If recruiters had been armed, do you think things would have been different?"

"Senator, I don't know," Neller replied.

Senate Armed Services Committee Chairman Sen. John McCain, (R-Ariz.), pressed Neller further and finally got an answer:

"Yes, they should have been able to defend themselves, Senator," he said.

Was that so hard? Good grief, General, you’re a Marine. Are you sure you want to work for the current commander in chief?

There are four Americans who don’t have to imagine what it’s like being held hostage in the Islamic Republic of Iran. But they do have to imagine that their country hasn’t forgotten them, and that one day Marines or Navy SEALs or Army Rangers will come and take them home.
Articles The Few the Proud the Unarmed

You're a sick human being.

Well, 5 Marines and Sailors were murdered by an Islamic nutcase.....and what does Obama do? Tells everyone to stop wearing their uniforms....in the United States of America.....and close the blinds.


He did pretty much the same exact thing in Afghanistan with the guys we were training started shooting us in the back. How's that for appreciation. I can say one thing for Bush.....at least he did everything he could to protect the troops. This jackass acts like he doesn't give a flying-fuck about them. He had to be badgered into dropping the flag to half-mast....almost a week too late you SOB. The point had long been lost by the time you eventually gave in to the pressure from Congress and the American people.

This chickenshit traitorous bastard is so damned afraid to arm our soldiers that he'd rather let them go around incognito and hiding behind drapes instead of letting them defend themselves. This is what is wrong with Democrats. They go for the warm and fuzzy solution instead of something that works in the real world. As long as they're in charge this country will always be considered a bunch of pussies.

They say black lives matter....but do military lives matter to this president?
Obviously not.

When Bush was president the standard was peeling paint and mold in the showers was hazardous to our troops. Now they can't even carry a weapon....even though they're officially on the target list.

July 25, 2015
The Few, the Proud, the Unarmed
By Jan LaRue

Ever get the feeling that you went to sleep one night and awakened to find somebody stole your country and replaced it with an insane asylum?

We trust our warriors with weapons in foreign countries but not on their home turf? This is what’s flying over the D.C. cuckoo’s nest.

Imagine that you’re being held hostage by the “Death to America” Islamic Republic of Iran. Your president negotiates a nuclear “agreement” with the regime, but he’s too needy and impotent to secure your release as part of the agreement. Is there any message that would bring more joy to your heart than: “The Marines have landed?”

They’d be packing heat, unlike the unarmed victims at Chattanooga, Fort Hood, the DC Navy Yard, and Little Rock -- United States of America.

The valiant volunteer members of our military swear an oath:

“to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God.”

About that “domestic” part. Despite the murders of four “officially” unarmed Marines and a Navy petty officer in Chattanooga, Tenn. on July 16, by a heavily-armed follower of Allah, some geldings in the federal follies are still studying whether to allow our military to be armed in U.S. recruiting offices, on military bases, and in public.

Responding to the Chattanooga attack, Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter approved a memo telling Marines not to wear their uniforms in public. The Pentagon also told recruiters to “close the blinds for added security.”

In other words, behave like a hostage in your homeland: The Few, the Cloistered, the Incognito. There’s a sure-fire recruiting ad.

Are we fed up yet with this administration treating our military so contemptuously?

Contrast that with state governors, all Republican, who have issued ordersarming their National Guard troops.

Meanwhile, patriotic men and women, armed to the hilt in states with open-carry laws, are guarding our military recruiting centers. The Minutemen of Lexington and Concord would be proud.

On college campuses, the “safe spaces” are packed with wusses who can’t abideemotional “triggers”.

The Army’s reaction isn’t much better. According to Stars and Stripes, an official memo tells recruiting center staff to “treat armed citizens as a security threat,” and “recruiters should also immediately fill out an Army security report.”

And won’t that be handy for President Obama’s next Homeland Security report on terrorism to inflate the number of “right-wing” terror watch groups?

We don’t pay our warriors nearly enough for what they do for us. We subject them to medical care run by incompetent and/or corrupt Veterans Administration (VA) officials. Assorted Jihadi terrorists, foreign and domestic, have attacked and killed our troops on their bases and at recruiting offices, and they continue painting a target on their comrades without arms.

The president and his Defense Department messengers continue insulting our best and bravest to the core of their being by telling them that they don’t trust them to be armed among us.

We’re told it could be unsafe to arm our military because too many of our vets are committing suicide. That’s tragically true because many are giving up hope while waiting months for care at the VA. To broad-brush the entire military with PTSD would mean that we shouldn’t have them armed in foreign countries, either.

We’re told that if recruiting center staff in shopping malls are armed, there’s an added concern of accidental shootings. Fox News’ Kelly File quoted Gen. Ray Odierno, chief of staff of the Army:

"We have to be careful about over arming ourselves, I'm not talking about attacking each other, but things like accidental discharges and everything else that goes along with having weapons that are loaded, that can cause injuries."

The shootings at malls are intentionally perpetrated by bad guys with guns. If you heard gunshots in a mall and you knew the soldiers in the recruiting center were armed, where would you run for protection? Truth be told, we’d run there even if they were unarmed because these are the ones who live and die by: “Not on our watch.”

During a Senate hearing Thursday, Sen. Lindsey Graham, (R-S.C.), asked the nominee for next commandant of the Marine Corps, Lt. Gen. Robert Neller, what might have happened if Marines at the Chattanooga recruiting station had been permitted to carry weapons. According to the Marine Corps Times, Graham asked Neller:

"If recruiters had been armed, do you think things would have been different?"

"Senator, I don't know," Neller replied.

Senate Armed Services Committee Chairman Sen. John McCain, (R-Ariz.), pressed Neller further and finally got an answer:

"Yes, they should have been able to defend themselves, Senator," he said.

Was that so hard? Good grief, General, you’re a Marine. Are you sure you want to work for the current commander in chief?

There are four Americans who don’t have to imagine what it’s like being held hostage in the Islamic Republic of Iran. But they do have to imagine that their country hasn’t forgotten them, and that one day Marines or Navy SEALs or Army Rangers will come and take them home.
Articles The Few the Proud the Unarmed

You're a sick human being.

Well, 5 Marines and Sailors were murdered by an Islamic nutcase.....and what does Obama do? Tells everyone to stop wearing their uniforms....in the United States of America.....and close the blinds.


He did pretty much the same exact thing in Afghanistan with the guys we were training started shooting us in the back. How's that for appreciation. I can say one thing for Bush.....at least he did everything he could to protect the troops. This jackass acts like he doesn't give a flying-fuck about them. He had to be badgered into dropping the flag to half-mast....almost a week too late you SOB. The point had long been lost by the time you eventually gave in to the pressure from Congress and the American people.

This chickenshit traitorous bastard is so damned afraid to arm our soldiers that he'd rather let them go around incognito and hiding behind drapes instead of letting them defend themselves. This is what is wrong with Democrats. They go for the warm and fuzzy solution instead of something that works in the real world. As long as they're in charge this country will always be considered a bunch of pussies.

They say black lives matter....but do military lives matter to this president?
Obviously not.

When Bush was president the standard was peeling paint and mold in the showers was hazardous to our troops. Now they can't even carry a weapon....even though they're officially on the target list.

July 25, 2015
The Few, the Proud, the Unarmed
By Jan LaRue

Ever get the feeling that you went to sleep one night and awakened to find somebody stole your country and replaced it with an insane asylum?

We trust our warriors with weapons in foreign countries but not on their home turf? This is what’s flying over the D.C. cuckoo’s nest.

Imagine that you’re being held hostage by the “Death to America” Islamic Republic of Iran. Your president negotiates a nuclear “agreement” with the regime, but he’s too needy and impotent to secure your release as part of the agreement. Is there any message that would bring more joy to your heart than: “The Marines have landed?”

They’d be packing heat, unlike the unarmed victims at Chattanooga, Fort Hood, the DC Navy Yard, and Little Rock -- United States of America.

The valiant volunteer members of our military swear an oath:

“to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God.”

About that “domestic” part. Despite the murders of four “officially” unarmed Marines and a Navy petty officer in Chattanooga, Tenn. on July 16, by a heavily-armed follower of Allah, some geldings in the federal follies are still studying whether to allow our military to be armed in U.S. recruiting offices, on military bases, and in public.

Responding to the Chattanooga attack, Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter approved a memo telling Marines not to wear their uniforms in public. The Pentagon also told recruiters to “close the blinds for added security.”

In other words, behave like a hostage in your homeland: The Few, the Cloistered, the Incognito. There’s a sure-fire recruiting ad.

Are we fed up yet with this administration treating our military so contemptuously?

Contrast that with state governors, all Republican, who have issued ordersarming their National Guard troops.

Meanwhile, patriotic men and women, armed to the hilt in states with open-carry laws, are guarding our military recruiting centers. The Minutemen of Lexington and Concord would be proud.

On college campuses, the “safe spaces” are packed with wusses who can’t abideemotional “triggers”.

The Army’s reaction isn’t much better. According to Stars and Stripes, an official memo tells recruiting center staff to “treat armed citizens as a security threat,” and “recruiters should also immediately fill out an Army security report.”

And won’t that be handy for President Obama’s next Homeland Security report on terrorism to inflate the number of “right-wing” terror watch groups?

We don’t pay our warriors nearly enough for what they do for us. We subject them to medical care run by incompetent and/or corrupt Veterans Administration (VA) officials. Assorted Jihadi terrorists, foreign and domestic, have attacked and killed our troops on their bases and at recruiting offices, and they continue painting a target on their comrades without arms.

The president and his Defense Department messengers continue insulting our best and bravest to the core of their being by telling them that they don’t trust them to be armed among us.

We’re told it could be unsafe to arm our military because too many of our vets are committing suicide. That’s tragically true because many are giving up hope while waiting months for care at the VA. To broad-brush the entire military with PTSD would mean that we shouldn’t have them armed in foreign countries, either.

We’re told that if recruiting center staff in shopping malls are armed, there’s an added concern of accidental shootings. Fox News’ Kelly File quoted Gen. Ray Odierno, chief of staff of the Army:

"We have to be careful about over arming ourselves, I'm not talking about attacking each other, but things like accidental discharges and everything else that goes along with having weapons that are loaded, that can cause injuries."

The shootings at malls are intentionally perpetrated by bad guys with guns. If you heard gunshots in a mall and you knew the soldiers in the recruiting center were armed, where would you run for protection? Truth be told, we’d run there even if they were unarmed because these are the ones who live and die by: “Not on our watch.”

During a Senate hearing Thursday, Sen. Lindsey Graham, (R-S.C.), asked the nominee for next commandant of the Marine Corps, Lt. Gen. Robert Neller, what might have happened if Marines at the Chattanooga recruiting station had been permitted to carry weapons. According to the Marine Corps Times, Graham asked Neller:

"If recruiters had been armed, do you think things would have been different?"

"Senator, I don't know," Neller replied.

Senate Armed Services Committee Chairman Sen. John McCain, (R-Ariz.), pressed Neller further and finally got an answer:

"Yes, they should have been able to defend themselves, Senator," he said.

Was that so hard? Good grief, General, you’re a Marine. Are you sure you want to work for the current commander in chief?

There are four Americans who don’t have to imagine what it’s like being held hostage in the Islamic Republic of Iran. But they do have to imagine that their country hasn’t forgotten them, and that one day Marines or Navy SEALs or Army Rangers will come and take them home.
Articles The Few the Proud the Unarmed

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Army to Send Older Armored Personnel Carriers to Iraq After Upgrading Armor

Toll Rises -- At Least 18 U.S. Troops Electrocuted in Iraq Greg Mitchell

Well, 5 Marines and Sailors were murdered by an Islamic nutcase.....and what does Obama do? Tells everyone to stop wearing their uniforms....in the United States of America.....and close the blinds.


He did pretty much the same exact thing in Afghanistan with the guys we were training started shooting us in the back. How's that for appreciation. I can say one thing for Bush.....at least he did everything he could to protect the troops. This jackass acts like he doesn't give a flying-fuck about them. He had to be badgered into dropping the flag to half-mast....almost a week too late you SOB. The point had long been lost by the time you eventually gave in to the pressure from Congress and the American people.

This chickenshit traitorous bastard is so damned afraid to arm our soldiers that he'd rather let them go around incognito and hiding behind drapes instead of letting them defend themselves. This is what is wrong with Democrats. They go for the warm and fuzzy solution instead of something that works in the real world. As long as they're in charge this country will always be considered a bunch of pussies.

They say black lives matter....but do military lives matter to this president?
Obviously not.

When Bush was president the standard was peeling paint and mold in the showers was hazardous to our troops. Now they can't even carry a weapon....even though they're officially on the target list.

July 25, 2015
The Few, the Proud, the Unarmed
By Jan LaRue

Ever get the feeling that you went to sleep one night and awakened to find somebody stole your country and replaced it with an insane asylum?

We trust our warriors with weapons in foreign countries but not on their home turf? This is what’s flying over the D.C. cuckoo’s nest.

Imagine that you’re being held hostage by the “Death to America” Islamic Republic of Iran. Your president negotiates a nuclear “agreement” with the regime, but he’s too needy and impotent to secure your release as part of the agreement. Is there any message that would bring more joy to your heart than: “The Marines have landed?”

They’d be packing heat, unlike the unarmed victims at Chattanooga, Fort Hood, the DC Navy Yard, and Little Rock -- United States of America.

The valiant volunteer members of our military swear an oath:

“to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God.”

About that “domestic” part. Despite the murders of four “officially” unarmed Marines and a Navy petty officer in Chattanooga, Tenn. on July 16, by a heavily-armed follower of Allah, some geldings in the federal follies are still studying whether to allow our military to be armed in U.S. recruiting offices, on military bases, and in public.

Responding to the Chattanooga attack, Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter approved a memo telling Marines not to wear their uniforms in public. The Pentagon also told recruiters to “close the blinds for added security.”

In other words, behave like a hostage in your homeland: The Few, the Cloistered, the Incognito. There’s a sure-fire recruiting ad.

Are we fed up yet with this administration treating our military so contemptuously?

Contrast that with state governors, all Republican, who have issued ordersarming their National Guard troops.

Meanwhile, patriotic men and women, armed to the hilt in states with open-carry laws, are guarding our military recruiting centers. The Minutemen of Lexington and Concord would be proud.

On college campuses, the “safe spaces” are packed with wusses who can’t abideemotional “triggers”.

The Army’s reaction isn’t much better. According to Stars and Stripes, an official memo tells recruiting center staff to “treat armed citizens as a security threat,” and “recruiters should also immediately fill out an Army security report.”

And won’t that be handy for President Obama’s next Homeland Security report on terrorism to inflate the number of “right-wing” terror watch groups?

We don’t pay our warriors nearly enough for what they do for us. We subject them to medical care run by incompetent and/or corrupt Veterans Administration (VA) officials. Assorted Jihadi terrorists, foreign and domestic, have attacked and killed our troops on their bases and at recruiting offices, and they continue painting a target on their comrades without arms.

The president and his Defense Department messengers continue insulting our best and bravest to the core of their being by telling them that they don’t trust them to be armed among us.

We’re told it could be unsafe to arm our military because too many of our vets are committing suicide. That’s tragically true because many are giving up hope while waiting months for care at the VA. To broad-brush the entire military with PTSD would mean that we shouldn’t have them armed in foreign countries, either.

We’re told that if recruiting center staff in shopping malls are armed, there’s an added concern of accidental shootings. Fox News’ Kelly File quoted Gen. Ray Odierno, chief of staff of the Army:

"We have to be careful about over arming ourselves, I'm not talking about attacking each other, but things like accidental discharges and everything else that goes along with having weapons that are loaded, that can cause injuries."

The shootings at malls are intentionally perpetrated by bad guys with guns. If you heard gunshots in a mall and you knew the soldiers in the recruiting center were armed, where would you run for protection? Truth be told, we’d run there even if they were unarmed because these are the ones who live and die by: “Not on our watch.”

During a Senate hearing Thursday, Sen. Lindsey Graham, (R-S.C.), asked the nominee for next commandant of the Marine Corps, Lt. Gen. Robert Neller, what might have happened if Marines at the Chattanooga recruiting station had been permitted to carry weapons. According to the Marine Corps Times, Graham asked Neller:

"If recruiters had been armed, do you think things would have been different?"

"Senator, I don't know," Neller replied.

Senate Armed Services Committee Chairman Sen. John McCain, (R-Ariz.), pressed Neller further and finally got an answer:

"Yes, they should have been able to defend themselves, Senator," he said.

Was that so hard? Good grief, General, you’re a Marine. Are you sure you want to work for the current commander in chief?

There are four Americans who don’t have to imagine what it’s like being held hostage in the Islamic Republic of Iran. But they do have to imagine that their country hasn’t forgotten them, and that one day Marines or Navy SEALs or Army Rangers will come and take them home.
Articles The Few the Proud the Unarmed

Who's side is Obama on? ......... Obama is on Obama's side. Obama is nothing more than just another self-serving egotistical self-centered anti-America jerk that's sitting in the oval office. He's just another of a long line of professional politicians doing what professional politicians do, nothing more. The American people asked for it, they elected him, not once, but twice, and now they're getting exactly what they asked for. Anything he does is squarely on the shoulders of the fools that elected him. The rest of us have to suffer along with them.


Did you have this "epiphany" before, or after, January 20, 2009?

Well, 5 Marines and Sailors were murdered by an Islamic nutcase.....and what does Obama do? Tells everyone to stop wearing their uniforms....in the United States of America.....and close the blinds.


He did pretty much the same exact thing in Afghanistan with the guys we were training started shooting us in the back. How's that for appreciation. I can say one thing for Bush.....at least he did everything he could to protect the troops. This jackass acts like he doesn't give a flying-fuck about them. He had to be badgered into dropping the flag to half-mast....almost a week too late you SOB. The point had long been lost by the time you eventually gave in to the pressure from Congress and the American people.

This chickenshit traitorous bastard is so damned afraid to arm our soldiers that he'd rather let them go around incognito and hiding behind drapes instead of letting them defend themselves. This is what is wrong with Democrats. They go for the warm and fuzzy solution instead of something that works in the real world. As long as they're in charge this country will always be considered a bunch of pussies.

They say black lives matter....but do military lives matter to this president?
Obviously not.

When Bush was president the standard was peeling paint and mold in the showers was hazardous to our troops. Now they can't even carry a weapon....even though they're officially on the target list.

July 25, 2015
The Few, the Proud, the Unarmed
By Jan LaRue

Ever get the feeling that you went to sleep one night and awakened to find somebody stole your country and replaced it with an insane asylum?

We trust our warriors with weapons in foreign countries but not on their home turf? This is what’s flying over the D.C. cuckoo’s nest.

Imagine that you’re being held hostage by the “Death to America” Islamic Republic of Iran. Your president negotiates a nuclear “agreement” with the regime, but he’s too needy and impotent to secure your release as part of the agreement. Is there any message that would bring more joy to your heart than: “The Marines have landed?”

They’d be packing heat, unlike the unarmed victims at Chattanooga, Fort Hood, the DC Navy Yard, and Little Rock -- United States of America.

The valiant volunteer members of our military swear an oath:

“to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God.”

About that “domestic” part. Despite the murders of four “officially” unarmed Marines and a Navy petty officer in Chattanooga, Tenn. on July 16, by a heavily-armed follower of Allah, some geldings in the federal follies are still studying whether to allow our military to be armed in U.S. recruiting offices, on military bases, and in public.

Responding to the Chattanooga attack, Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter approved a memo telling Marines not to wear their uniforms in public. The Pentagon also told recruiters to “close the blinds for added security.”

In other words, behave like a hostage in your homeland: The Few, the Cloistered, the Incognito. There’s a sure-fire recruiting ad.

Are we fed up yet with this administration treating our military so contemptuously?

Contrast that with state governors, all Republican, who have issued ordersarming their National Guard troops.

Meanwhile, patriotic men and women, armed to the hilt in states with open-carry laws, are guarding our military recruiting centers. The Minutemen of Lexington and Concord would be proud.

On college campuses, the “safe spaces” are packed with wusses who can’t abideemotional “triggers”.

The Army’s reaction isn’t much better. According to Stars and Stripes, an official memo tells recruiting center staff to “treat armed citizens as a security threat,” and “recruiters should also immediately fill out an Army security report.”

And won’t that be handy for President Obama’s next Homeland Security report on terrorism to inflate the number of “right-wing” terror watch groups?

We don’t pay our warriors nearly enough for what they do for us. We subject them to medical care run by incompetent and/or corrupt Veterans Administration (VA) officials. Assorted Jihadi terrorists, foreign and domestic, have attacked and killed our troops on their bases and at recruiting offices, and they continue painting a target on their comrades without arms.

The president and his Defense Department messengers continue insulting our best and bravest to the core of their being by telling them that they don’t trust them to be armed among us.

We’re told it could be unsafe to arm our military because too many of our vets are committing suicide. That’s tragically true because many are giving up hope while waiting months for care at the VA. To broad-brush the entire military with PTSD would mean that we shouldn’t have them armed in foreign countries, either.

We’re told that if recruiting center staff in shopping malls are armed, there’s an added concern of accidental shootings. Fox News’ Kelly File quoted Gen. Ray Odierno, chief of staff of the Army:

"We have to be careful about over arming ourselves, I'm not talking about attacking each other, but things like accidental discharges and everything else that goes along with having weapons that are loaded, that can cause injuries."

The shootings at malls are intentionally perpetrated by bad guys with guns. If you heard gunshots in a mall and you knew the soldiers in the recruiting center were armed, where would you run for protection? Truth be told, we’d run there even if they were unarmed because these are the ones who live and die by: “Not on our watch.”

During a Senate hearing Thursday, Sen. Lindsey Graham, (R-S.C.), asked the nominee for next commandant of the Marine Corps, Lt. Gen. Robert Neller, what might have happened if Marines at the Chattanooga recruiting station had been permitted to carry weapons. According to the Marine Corps Times, Graham asked Neller:

"If recruiters had been armed, do you think things would have been different?"

"Senator, I don't know," Neller replied.

Senate Armed Services Committee Chairman Sen. John McCain, (R-Ariz.), pressed Neller further and finally got an answer:

"Yes, they should have been able to defend themselves, Senator," he said.

Was that so hard? Good grief, General, you’re a Marine. Are you sure you want to work for the current commander in chief?

There are four Americans who don’t have to imagine what it’s like being held hostage in the Islamic Republic of Iran. But they do have to imagine that their country hasn’t forgotten them, and that one day Marines or Navy SEALs or Army Rangers will come and take them home.
Articles The Few the Proud the Unarmed

Who's side is Obama on? ......... Obama is on Obama's side. Obama is nothing more than just another self-serving egotistical self-centered anti-America jerk that's sitting in the oval office. He's just another of a long line of professional politicians doing what professional politicians do, nothing more. The American people asked for it, they elected him, not once, but twice, and now they're getting exactly what they asked for. Anything he does is squarely on the shoulders of the fools that elected him. The rest of us have to suffer along with them.


Did you have this "epiphany" before, or after, January 20, 2009?

Well, 5 Marines and Sailors were murdered by an Islamic nutcase.....and what does Obama do? Tells everyone to stop wearing their uniforms....in the United States of America.....and close the blinds.


He did pretty much the same exact thing in Afghanistan with the guys we were training started shooting us in the back. How's that for appreciation. I can say one thing for Bush.....at least he did everything he could to protect the troops. This jackass acts like he doesn't give a flying-fuck about them. He had to be badgered into dropping the flag to half-mast....almost a week too late you SOB. The point had long been lost by the time you eventually gave in to the pressure from Congress and the American people.

This chickenshit traitorous bastard is so damned afraid to arm our soldiers that he'd rather let them go around incognito and hiding behind drapes instead of letting them defend themselves. This is what is wrong with Democrats. They go for the warm and fuzzy solution instead of something that works in the real world. As long as they're in charge this country will always be considered a bunch of pussies.

They say black lives matter....but do military lives matter to this president?
Obviously not.

When Bush was president the standard was peeling paint and mold in the showers was hazardous to our troops. Now they can't even carry a weapon....even though they're officially on the target list.

July 25, 2015
The Few, the Proud, the Unarmed
By Jan LaRue

Ever get the feeling that you went to sleep one night and awakened to find somebody stole your country and replaced it with an insane asylum?

We trust our warriors with weapons in foreign countries but not on their home turf? This is what’s flying over the D.C. cuckoo’s nest.

Imagine that you’re being held hostage by the “Death to America” Islamic Republic of Iran. Your president negotiates a nuclear “agreement” with the regime, but he’s too needy and impotent to secure your release as part of the agreement. Is there any message that would bring more joy to your heart than: “The Marines have landed?”

They’d be packing heat, unlike the unarmed victims at Chattanooga, Fort Hood, the DC Navy Yard, and Little Rock -- United States of America.

The valiant volunteer members of our military swear an oath:

“to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God.”

About that “domestic” part. Despite the murders of four “officially” unarmed Marines and a Navy petty officer in Chattanooga, Tenn. on July 16, by a heavily-armed follower of Allah, some geldings in the federal follies are still studying whether to allow our military to be armed in U.S. recruiting offices, on military bases, and in public.

Responding to the Chattanooga attack, Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter approved a memo telling Marines not to wear their uniforms in public. The Pentagon also told recruiters to “close the blinds for added security.”

In other words, behave like a hostage in your homeland: The Few, the Cloistered, the Incognito. There’s a sure-fire recruiting ad.

Are we fed up yet with this administration treating our military so contemptuously?

Contrast that with state governors, all Republican, who have issued ordersarming their National Guard troops.

Meanwhile, patriotic men and women, armed to the hilt in states with open-carry laws, are guarding our military recruiting centers. The Minutemen of Lexington and Concord would be proud.

On college campuses, the “safe spaces” are packed with wusses who can’t abideemotional “triggers”.

The Army’s reaction isn’t much better. According to Stars and Stripes, an official memo tells recruiting center staff to “treat armed citizens as a security threat,” and “recruiters should also immediately fill out an Army security report.”

And won’t that be handy for President Obama’s next Homeland Security report on terrorism to inflate the number of “right-wing” terror watch groups?

We don’t pay our warriors nearly enough for what they do for us. We subject them to medical care run by incompetent and/or corrupt Veterans Administration (VA) officials. Assorted Jihadi terrorists, foreign and domestic, have attacked and killed our troops on their bases and at recruiting offices, and they continue painting a target on their comrades without arms.

The president and his Defense Department messengers continue insulting our best and bravest to the core of their being by telling them that they don’t trust them to be armed among us.

We’re told it could be unsafe to arm our military because too many of our vets are committing suicide. That’s tragically true because many are giving up hope while waiting months for care at the VA. To broad-brush the entire military with PTSD would mean that we shouldn’t have them armed in foreign countries, either.

We’re told that if recruiting center staff in shopping malls are armed, there’s an added concern of accidental shootings. Fox News’ Kelly File quoted Gen. Ray Odierno, chief of staff of the Army:

"We have to be careful about over arming ourselves, I'm not talking about attacking each other, but things like accidental discharges and everything else that goes along with having weapons that are loaded, that can cause injuries."

The shootings at malls are intentionally perpetrated by bad guys with guns. If you heard gunshots in a mall and you knew the soldiers in the recruiting center were armed, where would you run for protection? Truth be told, we’d run there even if they were unarmed because these are the ones who live and die by: “Not on our watch.”

During a Senate hearing Thursday, Sen. Lindsey Graham, (R-S.C.), asked the nominee for next commandant of the Marine Corps, Lt. Gen. Robert Neller, what might have happened if Marines at the Chattanooga recruiting station had been permitted to carry weapons. According to the Marine Corps Times, Graham asked Neller:

"If recruiters had been armed, do you think things would have been different?"

"Senator, I don't know," Neller replied.

Senate Armed Services Committee Chairman Sen. John McCain, (R-Ariz.), pressed Neller further and finally got an answer:

"Yes, they should have been able to defend themselves, Senator," he said.

Was that so hard? Good grief, General, you’re a Marine. Are you sure you want to work for the current commander in chief?

There are four Americans who don’t have to imagine what it’s like being held hostage in the Islamic Republic of Iran. But they do have to imagine that their country hasn’t forgotten them, and that one day Marines or Navy SEALs or Army Rangers will come and take them home.
Articles The Few the Proud the Unarmed

50 000 started war without body armor PolitiFact

Army to Send Older Armored Personnel Carriers to Iraq After Upgrading Armor

Toll Rises -- At Least 18 U.S. Troops Electrocuted in Iraq Greg Mitchell
Sorry, but we told the Clinton Administration about these problems way back in 93' and he did nothing.
It's not Bush's fault that Clinton did squat about preparing us for Iraq. Somalia was basically a lesson on how not to invade a country. So when we needed all of this stuff you mentioned, none of it was in the inventory when it was deemed essential by the media in 2003. And currently Obama is going about getting rid of it and selling it to cops around the country.

So....epic fail.

Well, 5 Marines and Sailors were murdered by an Islamic nutcase.....and what does Obama do? Tells everyone to stop wearing their uniforms....in the United States of America.....and close the blinds.


He did pretty much the same exact thing in Afghanistan with the guys we were training started shooting us in the back. How's that for appreciation. I can say one thing for Bush.....at least he did everything he could to protect the troops. This jackass acts like he doesn't give a flying-fuck about them. He had to be badgered into dropping the flag to half-mast....almost a week too late you SOB. The point had long been lost by the time you eventually gave in to the pressure from Congress and the American people.

This chickenshit traitorous bastard is so damned afraid to arm our soldiers that he'd rather let them go around incognito and hiding behind drapes instead of letting them defend themselves. This is what is wrong with Democrats. They go for the warm and fuzzy solution instead of something that works in the real world. As long as they're in charge this country will always be considered a bunch of pussies.

They say black lives matter....but do military lives matter to this president?
Obviously not.

When Bush was president the standard was peeling paint and mold in the showers was hazardous to our troops. Now they can't even carry a weapon....even though they're officially on the target list.

July 25, 2015
The Few, the Proud, the Unarmed
By Jan LaRue

Ever get the feeling that you went to sleep one night and awakened to find somebody stole your country and replaced it with an insane asylum?

We trust our warriors with weapons in foreign countries but not on their home turf? This is what’s flying over the D.C. cuckoo’s nest.

Imagine that you’re being held hostage by the “Death to America” Islamic Republic of Iran. Your president negotiates a nuclear “agreement” with the regime, but he’s too needy and impotent to secure your release as part of the agreement. Is there any message that would bring more joy to your heart than: “The Marines have landed?”

They’d be packing heat, unlike the unarmed victims at Chattanooga, Fort Hood, the DC Navy Yard, and Little Rock -- United States of America.

The valiant volunteer members of our military swear an oath:

“to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God.”

About that “domestic” part. Despite the murders of four “officially” unarmed Marines and a Navy petty officer in Chattanooga, Tenn. on July 16, by a heavily-armed follower of Allah, some geldings in the federal follies are still studying whether to allow our military to be armed in U.S. recruiting offices, on military bases, and in public.

Responding to the Chattanooga attack, Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter approved a memo telling Marines not to wear their uniforms in public. The Pentagon also told recruiters to “close the blinds for added security.”

In other words, behave like a hostage in your homeland: The Few, the Cloistered, the Incognito. There’s a sure-fire recruiting ad.

Are we fed up yet with this administration treating our military so contemptuously?

Contrast that with state governors, all Republican, who have issued ordersarming their National Guard troops.

Meanwhile, patriotic men and women, armed to the hilt in states with open-carry laws, are guarding our military recruiting centers. The Minutemen of Lexington and Concord would be proud.

On college campuses, the “safe spaces” are packed with wusses who can’t abideemotional “triggers”.

The Army’s reaction isn’t much better. According to Stars and Stripes, an official memo tells recruiting center staff to “treat armed citizens as a security threat,” and “recruiters should also immediately fill out an Army security report.”

And won’t that be handy for President Obama’s next Homeland Security report on terrorism to inflate the number of “right-wing” terror watch groups?

We don’t pay our warriors nearly enough for what they do for us. We subject them to medical care run by incompetent and/or corrupt Veterans Administration (VA) officials. Assorted Jihadi terrorists, foreign and domestic, have attacked and killed our troops on their bases and at recruiting offices, and they continue painting a target on their comrades without arms.

The president and his Defense Department messengers continue insulting our best and bravest to the core of their being by telling them that they don’t trust them to be armed among us.

We’re told it could be unsafe to arm our military because too many of our vets are committing suicide. That’s tragically true because many are giving up hope while waiting months for care at the VA. To broad-brush the entire military with PTSD would mean that we shouldn’t have them armed in foreign countries, either.

We’re told that if recruiting center staff in shopping malls are armed, there’s an added concern of accidental shootings. Fox News’ Kelly File quoted Gen. Ray Odierno, chief of staff of the Army:

"We have to be careful about over arming ourselves, I'm not talking about attacking each other, but things like accidental discharges and everything else that goes along with having weapons that are loaded, that can cause injuries."

The shootings at malls are intentionally perpetrated by bad guys with guns. If you heard gunshots in a mall and you knew the soldiers in the recruiting center were armed, where would you run for protection? Truth be told, we’d run there even if they were unarmed because these are the ones who live and die by: “Not on our watch.”

During a Senate hearing Thursday, Sen. Lindsey Graham, (R-S.C.), asked the nominee for next commandant of the Marine Corps, Lt. Gen. Robert Neller, what might have happened if Marines at the Chattanooga recruiting station had been permitted to carry weapons. According to the Marine Corps Times, Graham asked Neller:

"If recruiters had been armed, do you think things would have been different?"

"Senator, I don't know," Neller replied.

Senate Armed Services Committee Chairman Sen. John McCain, (R-Ariz.), pressed Neller further and finally got an answer:

"Yes, they should have been able to defend themselves, Senator," he said.

Was that so hard? Good grief, General, you’re a Marine. Are you sure you want to work for the current commander in chief?

There are four Americans who don’t have to imagine what it’s like being held hostage in the Islamic Republic of Iran. But they do have to imagine that their country hasn’t forgotten them, and that one day Marines or Navy SEALs or Army Rangers will come and take them home.
Articles The Few the Proud the Unarmed

Who's side is Obama on? ......... Obama is on Obama's side. Obama is nothing more than just another self-serving egotistical self-centered anti-America jerk that's sitting in the oval office. He's just another of a long line of professional politicians doing what professional politicians do, nothing more. The American people asked for it, they elected him, not once, but twice, and now they're getting exactly what they asked for. Anything he does is squarely on the shoulders of the fools that elected him. The rest of us have to suffer along with them.


Did you have this "epiphany" before, or after, January 20, 2009?
After of course. Bush took care of the troops.....and you libs bitched about every penny he spent doing it....saying the war cost us a gazilion dollars.

Well, 5 Marines and Sailors were murdered by an Islamic nutcase.....and what does Obama do? Tells everyone to stop wearing their uniforms....in the United States of America.....and close the blinds.


He did pretty much the same exact thing in Afghanistan with the guys we were training started shooting us in the back. How's that for appreciation. I can say one thing for Bush.....at least he did everything he could to protect the troops. This jackass acts like he doesn't give a flying-fuck about them. He had to be badgered into dropping the flag to half-mast....almost a week too late you SOB. The point had long been lost by the time you eventually gave in to the pressure from Congress and the American people.

This chickenshit traitorous bastard is so damned afraid to arm our soldiers that he'd rather let them go around incognito and hiding behind drapes instead of letting them defend themselves. This is what is wrong with Democrats. They go for the warm and fuzzy solution instead of something that works in the real world. As long as they're in charge this country will always be considered a bunch of pussies.

They say black lives matter....but do military lives matter to this president?
Obviously not.

When Bush was president the standard was peeling paint and mold in the showers was hazardous to our troops. Now they can't even carry a weapon....even though they're officially on the target list.

July 25, 2015
The Few, the Proud, the Unarmed
By Jan LaRue

Ever get the feeling that you went to sleep one night and awakened to find somebody stole your country and replaced it with an insane asylum?

We trust our warriors with weapons in foreign countries but not on their home turf? This is what’s flying over the D.C. cuckoo’s nest.

Imagine that you’re being held hostage by the “Death to America” Islamic Republic of Iran. Your president negotiates a nuclear “agreement” with the regime, but he’s too needy and impotent to secure your release as part of the agreement. Is there any message that would bring more joy to your heart than: “The Marines have landed?”

They’d be packing heat, unlike the unarmed victims at Chattanooga, Fort Hood, the DC Navy Yard, and Little Rock -- United States of America.

The valiant volunteer members of our military swear an oath:

“to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God.”

About that “domestic” part. Despite the murders of four “officially” unarmed Marines and a Navy petty officer in Chattanooga, Tenn. on July 16, by a heavily-armed follower of Allah, some geldings in the federal follies are still studying whether to allow our military to be armed in U.S. recruiting offices, on military bases, and in public.

Responding to the Chattanooga attack, Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter approved a memo telling Marines not to wear their uniforms in public. The Pentagon also told recruiters to “close the blinds for added security.”

In other words, behave like a hostage in your homeland: The Few, the Cloistered, the Incognito. There’s a sure-fire recruiting ad.

Are we fed up yet with this administration treating our military so contemptuously?

Contrast that with state governors, all Republican, who have issued ordersarming their National Guard troops.

Meanwhile, patriotic men and women, armed to the hilt in states with open-carry laws, are guarding our military recruiting centers. The Minutemen of Lexington and Concord would be proud.

On college campuses, the “safe spaces” are packed with wusses who can’t abideemotional “triggers”.

The Army’s reaction isn’t much better. According to Stars and Stripes, an official memo tells recruiting center staff to “treat armed citizens as a security threat,” and “recruiters should also immediately fill out an Army security report.”

And won’t that be handy for President Obama’s next Homeland Security report on terrorism to inflate the number of “right-wing” terror watch groups?

We don’t pay our warriors nearly enough for what they do for us. We subject them to medical care run by incompetent and/or corrupt Veterans Administration (VA) officials. Assorted Jihadi terrorists, foreign and domestic, have attacked and killed our troops on their bases and at recruiting offices, and they continue painting a target on their comrades without arms.

The president and his Defense Department messengers continue insulting our best and bravest to the core of their being by telling them that they don’t trust them to be armed among us.

We’re told it could be unsafe to arm our military because too many of our vets are committing suicide. That’s tragically true because many are giving up hope while waiting months for care at the VA. To broad-brush the entire military with PTSD would mean that we shouldn’t have them armed in foreign countries, either.

We’re told that if recruiting center staff in shopping malls are armed, there’s an added concern of accidental shootings. Fox News’ Kelly File quoted Gen. Ray Odierno, chief of staff of the Army:

"We have to be careful about over arming ourselves, I'm not talking about attacking each other, but things like accidental discharges and everything else that goes along with having weapons that are loaded, that can cause injuries."

The shootings at malls are intentionally perpetrated by bad guys with guns. If you heard gunshots in a mall and you knew the soldiers in the recruiting center were armed, where would you run for protection? Truth be told, we’d run there even if they were unarmed because these are the ones who live and die by: “Not on our watch.”

During a Senate hearing Thursday, Sen. Lindsey Graham, (R-S.C.), asked the nominee for next commandant of the Marine Corps, Lt. Gen. Robert Neller, what might have happened if Marines at the Chattanooga recruiting station had been permitted to carry weapons. According to the Marine Corps Times, Graham asked Neller:

"If recruiters had been armed, do you think things would have been different?"

"Senator, I don't know," Neller replied.

Senate Armed Services Committee Chairman Sen. John McCain, (R-Ariz.), pressed Neller further and finally got an answer:

"Yes, they should have been able to defend themselves, Senator," he said.

Was that so hard? Good grief, General, you’re a Marine. Are you sure you want to work for the current commander in chief?

There are four Americans who don’t have to imagine what it’s like being held hostage in the Islamic Republic of Iran. But they do have to imagine that their country hasn’t forgotten them, and that one day Marines or Navy SEALs or Army Rangers will come and take them home.
Articles The Few the Proud the Unarmed

Who's side is Obama on? ......... Obama is on Obama's side. Obama is nothing more than just another self-serving egotistical self-centered anti-America jerk that's sitting in the oval office. He's just another of a long line of professional politicians doing what professional politicians do, nothing more. The American people asked for it, they elected him, not once, but twice, and now they're getting exactly what they asked for. Anything he does is squarely on the shoulders of the fools that elected him. The rest of us have to suffer along with them.


Did you have this "epiphany" before, or after, January 20, 2009?

Let's work backwards then....

How about before, or after, November 2004?

Well, 5 Marines and Sailors were murdered by an Islamic nutcase.....and what does Obama do? Tells everyone to stop wearing their uniforms....in the United States of America.....and close the blinds.


He did pretty much the same exact thing in Afghanistan with the guys we were training started shooting us in the back. How's that for appreciation. I can say one thing for Bush.....at least he did everything he could to protect the troops. This jackass acts like he doesn't give a flying-fuck about them. He had to be badgered into dropping the flag to half-mast....almost a week too late you SOB. The point had long been lost by the time you eventually gave in to the pressure from Congress and the American people.

This chickenshit traitorous bastard is so damned afraid to arm our soldiers that he'd rather let them go around incognito and hiding behind drapes instead of letting them defend themselves. This is what is wrong with Democrats. They go for the warm and fuzzy solution instead of something that works in the real world. As long as they're in charge this country will always be considered a bunch of pussies.

They say black lives matter....but do military lives matter to this president?
Obviously not.

When Bush was president the standard was peeling paint and mold in the showers was hazardous to our troops. Now they can't even carry a weapon....even though they're officially on the target list.

July 25, 2015
The Few, the Proud, the Unarmed
By Jan LaRue

Ever get the feeling that you went to sleep one night and awakened to find somebody stole your country and replaced it with an insane asylum?

We trust our warriors with weapons in foreign countries but not on their home turf? This is what’s flying over the D.C. cuckoo’s nest.

Imagine that you’re being held hostage by the “Death to America” Islamic Republic of Iran. Your president negotiates a nuclear “agreement” with the regime, but he’s too needy and impotent to secure your release as part of the agreement. Is there any message that would bring more joy to your heart than: “The Marines have landed?”

They’d be packing heat, unlike the unarmed victims at Chattanooga, Fort Hood, the DC Navy Yard, and Little Rock -- United States of America.

The valiant volunteer members of our military swear an oath:

“to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God.”

About that “domestic” part. Despite the murders of four “officially” unarmed Marines and a Navy petty officer in Chattanooga, Tenn. on July 16, by a heavily-armed follower of Allah, some geldings in the federal follies are still studying whether to allow our military to be armed in U.S. recruiting offices, on military bases, and in public.

Responding to the Chattanooga attack, Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter approved a memo telling Marines not to wear their uniforms in public. The Pentagon also told recruiters to “close the blinds for added security.”

In other words, behave like a hostage in your homeland: The Few, the Cloistered, the Incognito. There’s a sure-fire recruiting ad.

Are we fed up yet with this administration treating our military so contemptuously?

Contrast that with state governors, all Republican, who have issued ordersarming their National Guard troops.

Meanwhile, patriotic men and women, armed to the hilt in states with open-carry laws, are guarding our military recruiting centers. The Minutemen of Lexington and Concord would be proud.

On college campuses, the “safe spaces” are packed with wusses who can’t abideemotional “triggers”.

The Army’s reaction isn’t much better. According to Stars and Stripes, an official memo tells recruiting center staff to “treat armed citizens as a security threat,” and “recruiters should also immediately fill out an Army security report.”

And won’t that be handy for President Obama’s next Homeland Security report on terrorism to inflate the number of “right-wing” terror watch groups?

We don’t pay our warriors nearly enough for what they do for us. We subject them to medical care run by incompetent and/or corrupt Veterans Administration (VA) officials. Assorted Jihadi terrorists, foreign and domestic, have attacked and killed our troops on their bases and at recruiting offices, and they continue painting a target on their comrades without arms.

The president and his Defense Department messengers continue insulting our best and bravest to the core of their being by telling them that they don’t trust them to be armed among us.

We’re told it could be unsafe to arm our military because too many of our vets are committing suicide. That’s tragically true because many are giving up hope while waiting months for care at the VA. To broad-brush the entire military with PTSD would mean that we shouldn’t have them armed in foreign countries, either.

We’re told that if recruiting center staff in shopping malls are armed, there’s an added concern of accidental shootings. Fox News’ Kelly File quoted Gen. Ray Odierno, chief of staff of the Army:

"We have to be careful about over arming ourselves, I'm not talking about attacking each other, but things like accidental discharges and everything else that goes along with having weapons that are loaded, that can cause injuries."

The shootings at malls are intentionally perpetrated by bad guys with guns. If you heard gunshots in a mall and you knew the soldiers in the recruiting center were armed, where would you run for protection? Truth be told, we’d run there even if they were unarmed because these are the ones who live and die by: “Not on our watch.”

During a Senate hearing Thursday, Sen. Lindsey Graham, (R-S.C.), asked the nominee for next commandant of the Marine Corps, Lt. Gen. Robert Neller, what might have happened if Marines at the Chattanooga recruiting station had been permitted to carry weapons. According to the Marine Corps Times, Graham asked Neller:

"If recruiters had been armed, do you think things would have been different?"

"Senator, I don't know," Neller replied.

Senate Armed Services Committee Chairman Sen. John McCain, (R-Ariz.), pressed Neller further and finally got an answer:

"Yes, they should have been able to defend themselves, Senator," he said.

Was that so hard? Good grief, General, you’re a Marine. Are you sure you want to work for the current commander in chief?

There are four Americans who don’t have to imagine what it’s like being held hostage in the Islamic Republic of Iran. But they do have to imagine that their country hasn’t forgotten them, and that one day Marines or Navy SEALs or Army Rangers will come and take them home.
Articles The Few the Proud the Unarmed

50 000 started war without body armor PolitiFact

Army to Send Older Armored Personnel Carriers to Iraq After Upgrading Armor

Toll Rises -- At Least 18 U.S. Troops Electrocuted in Iraq Greg Mitchell
Sorry, but we told the Clinton Administration about these problems way back in 93' and he did nothing.
It's not Bush's fault that Clinton did squat about preparing us for Iraq. Somalia was basically a lesson on how not to invade a country. So when we needed all of this stuff you mentioned, none of it was in the inventory when it was deemed essential by the media in 2003. And currently Obama is going about getting rid of it and selling it to cops around the country.

So....epic fail.

How could anyone have predicted that Scrub would re-animate a military doctrine discredited decades before?

Maybe it was because he sat that one out Stateside...

Clinton had bequeathed an armed force which effectively achieved the military objectives in Afghanistan and Iraqnam........the idea that anyone would actually try to occupy either nation long term probably never dawned on him...

Well, 5 Marines and Sailors were murdered by an Islamic nutcase.....and what does Obama do? Tells everyone to stop wearing their uniforms....in the United States of America.....and close the blinds.


He did pretty much the same exact thing in Afghanistan with the guys we were training started shooting us in the back. How's that for appreciation. I can say one thing for Bush.....at least he did everything he could to protect the troops. This jackass acts like he doesn't give a flying-fuck about them. He had to be badgered into dropping the flag to half-mast....almost a week too late you SOB. The point had long been lost by the time you eventually gave in to the pressure from Congress and the American people.

This chickenshit traitorous bastard is so damned afraid to arm our soldiers that he'd rather let them go around incognito and hiding behind drapes instead of letting them defend themselves. This is what is wrong with Democrats. They go for the warm and fuzzy solution instead of something that works in the real world. As long as they're in charge this country will always be considered a bunch of pussies.

They say black lives matter....but do military lives matter to this president?
Obviously not.

When Bush was president the standard was peeling paint and mold in the showers was hazardous to our troops. Now they can't even carry a weapon....even though they're officially on the target list.

July 25, 2015
The Few, the Proud, the Unarmed
By Jan LaRue

Ever get the feeling that you went to sleep one night and awakened to find somebody stole your country and replaced it with an insane asylum?

We trust our warriors with weapons in foreign countries but not on their home turf? This is what’s flying over the D.C. cuckoo’s nest.

Imagine that you’re being held hostage by the “Death to America” Islamic Republic of Iran. Your president negotiates a nuclear “agreement” with the regime, but he’s too needy and impotent to secure your release as part of the agreement. Is there any message that would bring more joy to your heart than: “The Marines have landed?”

They’d be packing heat, unlike the unarmed victims at Chattanooga, Fort Hood, the DC Navy Yard, and Little Rock -- United States of America.

The valiant volunteer members of our military swear an oath:

“to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God.”

About that “domestic” part. Despite the murders of four “officially” unarmed Marines and a Navy petty officer in Chattanooga, Tenn. on July 16, by a heavily-armed follower of Allah, some geldings in the federal follies are still studying whether to allow our military to be armed in U.S. recruiting offices, on military bases, and in public.

Responding to the Chattanooga attack, Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter approved a memo telling Marines not to wear their uniforms in public. The Pentagon also told recruiters to “close the blinds for added security.”

In other words, behave like a hostage in your homeland: The Few, the Cloistered, the Incognito. There’s a sure-fire recruiting ad.

Are we fed up yet with this administration treating our military so contemptuously?

Contrast that with state governors, all Republican, who have issued ordersarming their National Guard troops.

Meanwhile, patriotic men and women, armed to the hilt in states with open-carry laws, are guarding our military recruiting centers. The Minutemen of Lexington and Concord would be proud.

On college campuses, the “safe spaces” are packed with wusses who can’t abideemotional “triggers”.

The Army’s reaction isn’t much better. According to Stars and Stripes, an official memo tells recruiting center staff to “treat armed citizens as a security threat,” and “recruiters should also immediately fill out an Army security report.”

And won’t that be handy for President Obama’s next Homeland Security report on terrorism to inflate the number of “right-wing” terror watch groups?

We don’t pay our warriors nearly enough for what they do for us. We subject them to medical care run by incompetent and/or corrupt Veterans Administration (VA) officials. Assorted Jihadi terrorists, foreign and domestic, have attacked and killed our troops on their bases and at recruiting offices, and they continue painting a target on their comrades without arms.

The president and his Defense Department messengers continue insulting our best and bravest to the core of their being by telling them that they don’t trust them to be armed among us.

We’re told it could be unsafe to arm our military because too many of our vets are committing suicide. That’s tragically true because many are giving up hope while waiting months for care at the VA. To broad-brush the entire military with PTSD would mean that we shouldn’t have them armed in foreign countries, either.

We’re told that if recruiting center staff in shopping malls are armed, there’s an added concern of accidental shootings. Fox News’ Kelly File quoted Gen. Ray Odierno, chief of staff of the Army:

"We have to be careful about over arming ourselves, I'm not talking about attacking each other, but things like accidental discharges and everything else that goes along with having weapons that are loaded, that can cause injuries."

The shootings at malls are intentionally perpetrated by bad guys with guns. If you heard gunshots in a mall and you knew the soldiers in the recruiting center were armed, where would you run for protection? Truth be told, we’d run there even if they were unarmed because these are the ones who live and die by: “Not on our watch.”

During a Senate hearing Thursday, Sen. Lindsey Graham, (R-S.C.), asked the nominee for next commandant of the Marine Corps, Lt. Gen. Robert Neller, what might have happened if Marines at the Chattanooga recruiting station had been permitted to carry weapons. According to the Marine Corps Times, Graham asked Neller:

"If recruiters had been armed, do you think things would have been different?"

"Senator, I don't know," Neller replied.

Senate Armed Services Committee Chairman Sen. John McCain, (R-Ariz.), pressed Neller further and finally got an answer:

"Yes, they should have been able to defend themselves, Senator," he said.

Was that so hard? Good grief, General, you’re a Marine. Are you sure you want to work for the current commander in chief?

There are four Americans who don’t have to imagine what it’s like being held hostage in the Islamic Republic of Iran. But they do have to imagine that their country hasn’t forgotten them, and that one day Marines or Navy SEALs or Army Rangers will come and take them home.
Articles The Few the Proud the Unarmed

Who's side is Obama on? ......... Obama is on Obama's side. Obama is nothing more than just another self-serving egotistical self-centered anti-America jerk that's sitting in the oval office. He's just another of a long line of professional politicians doing what professional politicians do, nothing more. The American people asked for it, they elected him, not once, but twice, and now they're getting exactly what they asked for. Anything he does is squarely on the shoulders of the fools that elected him. The rest of us have to suffer along with them.


Did you have this "epiphany" before, or after, January 20, 2009?
After of course. Bush took care of the troops.....and you libs bitched about every penny he spent doing it....saying the war cost us a gazilion dollars.

The cost of invading and occupying the wrong country (extended unnecessarily by a political urgency to save face through Serge) to impose upon its citizen a constitutionally guaranteed right to National Socialist Health Care has been estimated to exceed 3 trillion dollars........all in....

Well, 5 Marines and Sailors were murdered by an Islamic nutcase.....and what does Obama do? Tells everyone to stop wearing their uniforms....in the United States of America.....and close the blinds.


He did pretty much the same exact thing in Afghanistan with the guys we were training started shooting us in the back. How's that for appreciation. I can say one thing for Bush.....at least he did everything he could to protect the troops. This jackass acts like he doesn't give a flying-fuck about them. He had to be badgered into dropping the flag to half-mast....almost a week too late you SOB. The point had long been lost by the time you eventually gave in to the pressure from Congress and the American people.

This chickenshit traitorous bastard is so damned afraid to arm our soldiers that he'd rather let them go around incognito and hiding behind drapes instead of letting them defend themselves. This is what is wrong with Democrats. They go for the warm and fuzzy solution instead of something that works in the real world. As long as they're in charge this country will always be considered a bunch of pussies.

They say black lives matter....but do military lives matter to this president?
Obviously not.

When Bush was president the standard was peeling paint and mold in the showers was hazardous to our troops. Now they can't even carry a weapon....even though they're officially on the target list.

July 25, 2015
The Few, the Proud, the Unarmed
By Jan LaRue

Ever get the feeling that you went to sleep one night and awakened to find somebody stole your country and replaced it with an insane asylum?

We trust our warriors with weapons in foreign countries but not on their home turf? This is what’s flying over the D.C. cuckoo’s nest.

Imagine that you’re being held hostage by the “Death to America” Islamic Republic of Iran. Your president negotiates a nuclear “agreement” with the regime, but he’s too needy and impotent to secure your release as part of the agreement. Is there any message that would bring more joy to your heart than: “The Marines have landed?”

They’d be packing heat, unlike the unarmed victims at Chattanooga, Fort Hood, the DC Navy Yard, and Little Rock -- United States of America.

The valiant volunteer members of our military swear an oath:

“to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God.”

About that “domestic” part. Despite the murders of four “officially” unarmed Marines and a Navy petty officer in Chattanooga, Tenn. on July 16, by a heavily-armed follower of Allah, some geldings in the federal follies are still studying whether to allow our military to be armed in U.S. recruiting offices, on military bases, and in public.

Responding to the Chattanooga attack, Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter approved a memo telling Marines not to wear their uniforms in public. The Pentagon also told recruiters to “close the blinds for added security.”

In other words, behave like a hostage in your homeland: The Few, the Cloistered, the Incognito. There’s a sure-fire recruiting ad.

Are we fed up yet with this administration treating our military so contemptuously?

Contrast that with state governors, all Republican, who have issued ordersarming their National Guard troops.

Meanwhile, patriotic men and women, armed to the hilt in states with open-carry laws, are guarding our military recruiting centers. The Minutemen of Lexington and Concord would be proud.

On college campuses, the “safe spaces” are packed with wusses who can’t abideemotional “triggers”.

The Army’s reaction isn’t much better. According to Stars and Stripes, an official memo tells recruiting center staff to “treat armed citizens as a security threat,” and “recruiters should also immediately fill out an Army security report.”

And won’t that be handy for President Obama’s next Homeland Security report on terrorism to inflate the number of “right-wing” terror watch groups?

We don’t pay our warriors nearly enough for what they do for us. We subject them to medical care run by incompetent and/or corrupt Veterans Administration (VA) officials. Assorted Jihadi terrorists, foreign and domestic, have attacked and killed our troops on their bases and at recruiting offices, and they continue painting a target on their comrades without arms.

The president and his Defense Department messengers continue insulting our best and bravest to the core of their being by telling them that they don’t trust them to be armed among us.

We’re told it could be unsafe to arm our military because too many of our vets are committing suicide. That’s tragically true because many are giving up hope while waiting months for care at the VA. To broad-brush the entire military with PTSD would mean that we shouldn’t have them armed in foreign countries, either.

We’re told that if recruiting center staff in shopping malls are armed, there’s an added concern of accidental shootings. Fox News’ Kelly File quoted Gen. Ray Odierno, chief of staff of the Army:

"We have to be careful about over arming ourselves, I'm not talking about attacking each other, but things like accidental discharges and everything else that goes along with having weapons that are loaded, that can cause injuries."

The shootings at malls are intentionally perpetrated by bad guys with guns. If you heard gunshots in a mall and you knew the soldiers in the recruiting center were armed, where would you run for protection? Truth be told, we’d run there even if they were unarmed because these are the ones who live and die by: “Not on our watch.”

During a Senate hearing Thursday, Sen. Lindsey Graham, (R-S.C.), asked the nominee for next commandant of the Marine Corps, Lt. Gen. Robert Neller, what might have happened if Marines at the Chattanooga recruiting station had been permitted to carry weapons. According to the Marine Corps Times, Graham asked Neller:

"If recruiters had been armed, do you think things would have been different?"

"Senator, I don't know," Neller replied.

Senate Armed Services Committee Chairman Sen. John McCain, (R-Ariz.), pressed Neller further and finally got an answer:

"Yes, they should have been able to defend themselves, Senator," he said.

Was that so hard? Good grief, General, you’re a Marine. Are you sure you want to work for the current commander in chief?

There are four Americans who don’t have to imagine what it’s like being held hostage in the Islamic Republic of Iran. But they do have to imagine that their country hasn’t forgotten them, and that one day Marines or Navy SEALs or Army Rangers will come and take them home.
Articles The Few the Proud the Unarmed

Who's side is Obama on? ......... Obama is on Obama's side. Obama is nothing more than just another self-serving egotistical self-centered anti-America jerk that's sitting in the oval office. He's just another of a long line of professional politicians doing what professional politicians do, nothing more. The American people asked for it, they elected him, not once, but twice, and now they're getting exactly what they asked for. Anything he does is squarely on the shoulders of the fools that elected him. The rest of us have to suffer along with them.


Did you have this "epiphany" before, or after, January 20, 2009?
After of course. Bush took care of the troops.....and you libs bitched about every penny he spent doing it....saying the war cost us a gazilion dollars.
In an interview with National Public Radio, even American Legion National Commander Paul Morin, a regular political ally of the White House, pointed out that Bush has consistently skimped on veterans funding. “We are not pleased with the budget for the military and for the VA hospitals for our veterans,” Morin said. “I blame the President and Congress for insufficient funding of the VA health care system.”

A look at the facts back up Morin’s claims about Bush’s short-changing of veterans:

Bush plans to cut veterans health care after 2008. “The Bush administration plans to cut funding for veterans’ health care two years from now — even as badly wounded troops returning from Iraq could overwhelm the system. … Even though the cost of providing medical care to veterans has been growing rapidly — by more than 10 percent in many years — White House budget documents assume consecutive cutbacks in 2009 and 2010 and a freeze thereafter.”

Bush raises health care costs for veterans. For the fifth year in a row, Bush’s budget has attempted to raise health care costs on 1.3 million veterans, calling for “new enrollment fees and higher drug co-payments for some veterans.”

Bush administration has claimed veterans benefits are “hurtful” to national security. In 2005, the Wall Street Journal noted the growing cost of veterans benefits due to the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. The Pentagon’s response was to complain that it would “rather use [the funds] to help troops fighting today.” “The amounts have gotten to the point where they are hurtful. They are taking away from the nation’s ability to defend itself,” says David Chu, the Pentagon’s undersecretary for personnel and readiness.
American Legion Commander I Blame Bush And Congress For Veterans Cuts ThinkProgress

Well, 5 Marines and Sailors were murdered by an Islamic nutcase.....and what does Obama do? Tells everyone to stop wearing their uniforms....in the United States of America.....and close the blinds.


He did pretty much the same exact thing in Afghanistan with the guys we were training started shooting us in the back. How's that for appreciation. I can say one thing for Bush.....at least he did everything he could to protect the troops. This jackass acts like he doesn't give a flying-fuck about them. He had to be badgered into dropping the flag to half-mast....almost a week too late you SOB. The point had long been lost by the time you eventually gave in to the pressure from Congress and the American people.

This chickenshit traitorous bastard is so damned afraid to arm our soldiers that he'd rather let them go around incognito and hiding behind drapes instead of letting them defend themselves. This is what is wrong with Democrats. They go for the warm and fuzzy solution instead of something that works in the real world. As long as they're in charge this country will always be considered a bunch of pussies.

They say black lives matter....but do military lives matter to this president?
Obviously not.

When Bush was president the standard was peeling paint and mold in the showers was hazardous to our troops. Now they can't even carry a weapon....even though they're officially on the target list.

July 25, 2015
The Few, the Proud, the Unarmed
By Jan LaRue

Ever get the feeling that you went to sleep one night and awakened to find somebody stole your country and replaced it with an insane asylum?

We trust our warriors with weapons in foreign countries but not on their home turf? This is what’s flying over the D.C. cuckoo’s nest.

Imagine that you’re being held hostage by the “Death to America” Islamic Republic of Iran. Your president negotiates a nuclear “agreement” with the regime, but he’s too needy and impotent to secure your release as part of the agreement. Is there any message that would bring more joy to your heart than: “The Marines have landed?”

They’d be packing heat, unlike the unarmed victims at Chattanooga, Fort Hood, the DC Navy Yard, and Little Rock -- United States of America.

The valiant volunteer members of our military swear an oath:

“to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God.”

About that “domestic” part. Despite the murders of four “officially” unarmed Marines and a Navy petty officer in Chattanooga, Tenn. on July 16, by a heavily-armed follower of Allah, some geldings in the federal follies are still studying whether to allow our military to be armed in U.S. recruiting offices, on military bases, and in public.

Responding to the Chattanooga attack, Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter approved a memo telling Marines not to wear their uniforms in public. The Pentagon also told recruiters to “close the blinds for added security.”

In other words, behave like a hostage in your homeland: The Few, the Cloistered, the Incognito. There’s a sure-fire recruiting ad.

Are we fed up yet with this administration treating our military so contemptuously?

Contrast that with state governors, all Republican, who have issued ordersarming their National Guard troops.

Meanwhile, patriotic men and women, armed to the hilt in states with open-carry laws, are guarding our military recruiting centers. The Minutemen of Lexington and Concord would be proud.

On college campuses, the “safe spaces” are packed with wusses who can’t abideemotional “triggers”.

The Army’s reaction isn’t much better. According to Stars and Stripes, an official memo tells recruiting center staff to “treat armed citizens as a security threat,” and “recruiters should also immediately fill out an Army security report.”

And won’t that be handy for President Obama’s next Homeland Security report on terrorism to inflate the number of “right-wing” terror watch groups?

We don’t pay our warriors nearly enough for what they do for us. We subject them to medical care run by incompetent and/or corrupt Veterans Administration (VA) officials. Assorted Jihadi terrorists, foreign and domestic, have attacked and killed our troops on their bases and at recruiting offices, and they continue painting a target on their comrades without arms.

The president and his Defense Department messengers continue insulting our best and bravest to the core of their being by telling them that they don’t trust them to be armed among us.

We’re told it could be unsafe to arm our military because too many of our vets are committing suicide. That’s tragically true because many are giving up hope while waiting months for care at the VA. To broad-brush the entire military with PTSD would mean that we shouldn’t have them armed in foreign countries, either.

We’re told that if recruiting center staff in shopping malls are armed, there’s an added concern of accidental shootings. Fox News’ Kelly File quoted Gen. Ray Odierno, chief of staff of the Army:

"We have to be careful about over arming ourselves, I'm not talking about attacking each other, but things like accidental discharges and everything else that goes along with having weapons that are loaded, that can cause injuries."

The shootings at malls are intentionally perpetrated by bad guys with guns. If you heard gunshots in a mall and you knew the soldiers in the recruiting center were armed, where would you run for protection? Truth be told, we’d run there even if they were unarmed because these are the ones who live and die by: “Not on our watch.”

During a Senate hearing Thursday, Sen. Lindsey Graham, (R-S.C.), asked the nominee for next commandant of the Marine Corps, Lt. Gen. Robert Neller, what might have happened if Marines at the Chattanooga recruiting station had been permitted to carry weapons. According to the Marine Corps Times, Graham asked Neller:

"If recruiters had been armed, do you think things would have been different?"

"Senator, I don't know," Neller replied.

Senate Armed Services Committee Chairman Sen. John McCain, (R-Ariz.), pressed Neller further and finally got an answer:

"Yes, they should have been able to defend themselves, Senator," he said.

Was that so hard? Good grief, General, you’re a Marine. Are you sure you want to work for the current commander in chief?

There are four Americans who don’t have to imagine what it’s like being held hostage in the Islamic Republic of Iran. But they do have to imagine that their country hasn’t forgotten them, and that one day Marines or Navy SEALs or Army Rangers will come and take them home.
Articles The Few the Proud the Unarmed

50 000 started war without body armor PolitiFact

Army to Send Older Armored Personnel Carriers to Iraq After Upgrading Armor

Toll Rises -- At Least 18 U.S. Troops Electrocuted in Iraq Greg Mitchell
Sorry, but we told the Clinton Administration about these problems way back in 93' and he did nothing.
It's not Bush's fault that Clinton did squat about preparing us for Iraq. Somalia was basically a lesson on how not to invade a country. So when we needed all of this stuff you mentioned, none of it was in the inventory when it was deemed essential by the media in 2003. And currently Obama is going about getting rid of it and selling it to cops around the country.

So....epic fail.

How could anyone have predicted that Scrub would re-animate a military doctrine discredited decades before?

Maybe it was because he sat that one out Stateside...

Clinton had bequeathed an armed force which effectively achieved the military objectives in Afghanistan and Iraqnam........the idea that anyone would actually try to occupy either nation long term probably never dawned on him...
Clinton very publicly said he was trying to school Bush about Islamic terrorism, claiming that he laid it all out in a document he left in the Oval Office. We know that he got good intel about the threat as early as 93'.....but for some reason he neglected to prepare for the threat. So Bush is confronted with it later and you guys claim it's all Bush's fault for not waiting 2 years to rearm and refit the entire military to fight a land war in a Muslim country.....the fact is Clinton should have done it 10 years earlier.

Sorry.....but I'm not buying it.

Well, 5 Marines and Sailors were murdered by an Islamic nutcase.....and what does Obama do? Tells everyone to stop wearing their uniforms....in the United States of America.....and close the blinds.


He did pretty much the same exact thing in Afghanistan with the guys we were training started shooting us in the back. How's that for appreciation. I can say one thing for Bush.....at least he did everything he could to protect the troops. This jackass acts like he doesn't give a flying-fuck about them. He had to be badgered into dropping the flag to half-mast....almost a week too late you SOB. The point had long been lost by the time you eventually gave in to the pressure from Congress and the American people.

This chickenshit traitorous bastard is so damned afraid to arm our soldiers that he'd rather let them go around incognito and hiding behind drapes instead of letting them defend themselves. This is what is wrong with Democrats. They go for the warm and fuzzy solution instead of something that works in the real world. As long as they're in charge this country will always be considered a bunch of pussies.

They say black lives matter....but do military lives matter to this president?
Obviously not.

When Bush was president the standard was peeling paint and mold in the showers was hazardous to our troops. Now they can't even carry a weapon....even though they're officially on the target list.

July 25, 2015
The Few, the Proud, the Unarmed
By Jan LaRue

Ever get the feeling that you went to sleep one night and awakened to find somebody stole your country and replaced it with an insane asylum?

We trust our warriors with weapons in foreign countries but not on their home turf? This is what’s flying over the D.C. cuckoo’s nest.

Imagine that you’re being held hostage by the “Death to America” Islamic Republic of Iran. Your president negotiates a nuclear “agreement” with the regime, but he’s too needy and impotent to secure your release as part of the agreement. Is there any message that would bring more joy to your heart than: “The Marines have landed?”

They’d be packing heat, unlike the unarmed victims at Chattanooga, Fort Hood, the DC Navy Yard, and Little Rock -- United States of America.

The valiant volunteer members of our military swear an oath:

“to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God.”

About that “domestic” part. Despite the murders of four “officially” unarmed Marines and a Navy petty officer in Chattanooga, Tenn. on July 16, by a heavily-armed follower of Allah, some geldings in the federal follies are still studying whether to allow our military to be armed in U.S. recruiting offices, on military bases, and in public.

Responding to the Chattanooga attack, Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter approved a memo telling Marines not to wear their uniforms in public. The Pentagon also told recruiters to “close the blinds for added security.”

In other words, behave like a hostage in your homeland: The Few, the Cloistered, the Incognito. There’s a sure-fire recruiting ad.

Are we fed up yet with this administration treating our military so contemptuously?

Contrast that with state governors, all Republican, who have issued ordersarming their National Guard troops.

Meanwhile, patriotic men and women, armed to the hilt in states with open-carry laws, are guarding our military recruiting centers. The Minutemen of Lexington and Concord would be proud.

On college campuses, the “safe spaces” are packed with wusses who can’t abideemotional “triggers”.

The Army’s reaction isn’t much better. According to Stars and Stripes, an official memo tells recruiting center staff to “treat armed citizens as a security threat,” and “recruiters should also immediately fill out an Army security report.”

And won’t that be handy for President Obama’s next Homeland Security report on terrorism to inflate the number of “right-wing” terror watch groups?

We don’t pay our warriors nearly enough for what they do for us. We subject them to medical care run by incompetent and/or corrupt Veterans Administration (VA) officials. Assorted Jihadi terrorists, foreign and domestic, have attacked and killed our troops on their bases and at recruiting offices, and they continue painting a target on their comrades without arms.

The president and his Defense Department messengers continue insulting our best and bravest to the core of their being by telling them that they don’t trust them to be armed among us.

We’re told it could be unsafe to arm our military because too many of our vets are committing suicide. That’s tragically true because many are giving up hope while waiting months for care at the VA. To broad-brush the entire military with PTSD would mean that we shouldn’t have them armed in foreign countries, either.

We’re told that if recruiting center staff in shopping malls are armed, there’s an added concern of accidental shootings. Fox News’ Kelly File quoted Gen. Ray Odierno, chief of staff of the Army:

"We have to be careful about over arming ourselves, I'm not talking about attacking each other, but things like accidental discharges and everything else that goes along with having weapons that are loaded, that can cause injuries."

The shootings at malls are intentionally perpetrated by bad guys with guns. If you heard gunshots in a mall and you knew the soldiers in the recruiting center were armed, where would you run for protection? Truth be told, we’d run there even if they were unarmed because these are the ones who live and die by: “Not on our watch.”

During a Senate hearing Thursday, Sen. Lindsey Graham, (R-S.C.), asked the nominee for next commandant of the Marine Corps, Lt. Gen. Robert Neller, what might have happened if Marines at the Chattanooga recruiting station had been permitted to carry weapons. According to the Marine Corps Times, Graham asked Neller:

"If recruiters had been armed, do you think things would have been different?"

"Senator, I don't know," Neller replied.

Senate Armed Services Committee Chairman Sen. John McCain, (R-Ariz.), pressed Neller further and finally got an answer:

"Yes, they should have been able to defend themselves, Senator," he said.

Was that so hard? Good grief, General, you’re a Marine. Are you sure you want to work for the current commander in chief?

There are four Americans who don’t have to imagine what it’s like being held hostage in the Islamic Republic of Iran. But they do have to imagine that their country hasn’t forgotten them, and that one day Marines or Navy SEALs or Army Rangers will come and take them home.
Articles The Few the Proud the Unarmed

Who's side is Obama on? ......... Obama is on Obama's side. Obama is nothing more than just another self-serving egotistical self-centered anti-America jerk that's sitting in the oval office. He's just another of a long line of professional politicians doing what professional politicians do, nothing more. The American people asked for it, they elected him, not once, but twice, and now they're getting exactly what they asked for. Anything he does is squarely on the shoulders of the fools that elected him. The rest of us have to suffer along with them.


Did you have this "epiphany" before, or after, January 20, 2009?
After of course. Bush took care of the troops.....and you libs bitched about every penny he spent doing it....saying the war cost us a gazilion dollars.
In an interview with National Public Radio, even American Legion National Commander Paul Morin, a regular political ally of the White House, pointed out that Bush has consistently skimped on veterans funding. “We are not pleased with the budget for the military and for the VA hospitals for our veterans,” Morin said. “I blame the President and Congress for insufficient funding of the VA health care system.”

A look at the facts back up Morin’s claims about Bush’s short-changing of veterans:

Bush plans to cut veterans health care after 2008. “The Bush administration plans to cut funding for veterans’ health care two years from now — even as badly wounded troops returning from Iraq could overwhelm the system. … Even though the cost of providing medical care to veterans has been growing rapidly — by more than 10 percent in many years — White House budget documents assume consecutive cutbacks in 2009 and 2010 and a freeze thereafter.”

Bush raises health care costs for veterans. For the fifth year in a row, Bush’s budget has attempted to raise health care costs on 1.3 million veterans, calling for “new enrollment fees and higher drug co-payments for some veterans.”

Bush administration has claimed veterans benefits are “hurtful” to national security. In 2005, the Wall Street Journal noted the growing cost of veterans benefits due to the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. The Pentagon’s response was to complain that it would “rather use [the funds] to help troops fighting today.” “The amounts have gotten to the point where they are hurtful. They are taking away from the nation’s ability to defend itself,” says David Chu, the Pentagon’s undersecretary for personnel and readiness.
American Legion Commander I Blame Bush And Congress For Veterans Cuts ThinkProgress

And it's Bush's fault that veterans are having a problems getting treated before they die from their ailments.

Oh....and ThinkProgress is a George Soros propaganda arm......they can suck my sweaty ball-sack.

Well, 5 Marines and Sailors were murdered by an Islamic nutcase.....and what does Obama do? Tells everyone to stop wearing their uniforms....in the United States of America.....and close the blinds.


He did pretty much the same exact thing in Afghanistan with the guys we were training started shooting us in the back. How's that for appreciation. I can say one thing for Bush.....at least he did everything he could to protect the troops. This jackass acts like he doesn't give a flying-fuck about them. He had to be badgered into dropping the flag to half-mast....almost a week too late you SOB. The point had long been lost by the time you eventually gave in to the pressure from Congress and the American people.

This chickenshit traitorous bastard is so damned afraid to arm our soldiers that he'd rather let them go around incognito and hiding behind drapes instead of letting them defend themselves. This is what is wrong with Democrats. They go for the warm and fuzzy solution instead of something that works in the real world. As long as they're in charge this country will always be considered a bunch of pussies.

They say black lives matter....but do military lives matter to this president?
Obviously not.

When Bush was president the standard was peeling paint and mold in the showers was hazardous to our troops. Now they can't even carry a weapon....even though they're officially on the target list.

July 25, 2015
The Few, the Proud, the Unarmed
By Jan LaRue

Ever get the feeling that you went to sleep one night and awakened to find somebody stole your country and replaced it with an insane asylum?

We trust our warriors with weapons in foreign countries but not on their home turf? This is what’s flying over the D.C. cuckoo’s nest.

Imagine that you’re being held hostage by the “Death to America” Islamic Republic of Iran. Your president negotiates a nuclear “agreement” with the regime, but he’s too needy and impotent to secure your release as part of the agreement. Is there any message that would bring more joy to your heart than: “The Marines have landed?”

They’d be packing heat, unlike the unarmed victims at Chattanooga, Fort Hood, the DC Navy Yard, and Little Rock -- United States of America.

The valiant volunteer members of our military swear an oath:

“to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God.”

About that “domestic” part. Despite the murders of four “officially” unarmed Marines and a Navy petty officer in Chattanooga, Tenn. on July 16, by a heavily-armed follower of Allah, some geldings in the federal follies are still studying whether to allow our military to be armed in U.S. recruiting offices, on military bases, and in public.

Responding to the Chattanooga attack, Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter approved a memo telling Marines not to wear their uniforms in public. The Pentagon also told recruiters to “close the blinds for added security.”

In other words, behave like a hostage in your homeland: The Few, the Cloistered, the Incognito. There’s a sure-fire recruiting ad.

Are we fed up yet with this administration treating our military so contemptuously?

Contrast that with state governors, all Republican, who have issued ordersarming their National Guard troops.

Meanwhile, patriotic men and women, armed to the hilt in states with open-carry laws, are guarding our military recruiting centers. The Minutemen of Lexington and Concord would be proud.

On college campuses, the “safe spaces” are packed with wusses who can’t abideemotional “triggers”.

The Army’s reaction isn’t much better. According to Stars and Stripes, an official memo tells recruiting center staff to “treat armed citizens as a security threat,” and “recruiters should also immediately fill out an Army security report.”

And won’t that be handy for President Obama’s next Homeland Security report on terrorism to inflate the number of “right-wing” terror watch groups?

We don’t pay our warriors nearly enough for what they do for us. We subject them to medical care run by incompetent and/or corrupt Veterans Administration (VA) officials. Assorted Jihadi terrorists, foreign and domestic, have attacked and killed our troops on their bases and at recruiting offices, and they continue painting a target on their comrades without arms.

The president and his Defense Department messengers continue insulting our best and bravest to the core of their being by telling them that they don’t trust them to be armed among us.

We’re told it could be unsafe to arm our military because too many of our vets are committing suicide. That’s tragically true because many are giving up hope while waiting months for care at the VA. To broad-brush the entire military with PTSD would mean that we shouldn’t have them armed in foreign countries, either.

We’re told that if recruiting center staff in shopping malls are armed, there’s an added concern of accidental shootings. Fox News’ Kelly File quoted Gen. Ray Odierno, chief of staff of the Army:

"We have to be careful about over arming ourselves, I'm not talking about attacking each other, but things like accidental discharges and everything else that goes along with having weapons that are loaded, that can cause injuries."

The shootings at malls are intentionally perpetrated by bad guys with guns. If you heard gunshots in a mall and you knew the soldiers in the recruiting center were armed, where would you run for protection? Truth be told, we’d run there even if they were unarmed because these are the ones who live and die by: “Not on our watch.”

During a Senate hearing Thursday, Sen. Lindsey Graham, (R-S.C.), asked the nominee for next commandant of the Marine Corps, Lt. Gen. Robert Neller, what might have happened if Marines at the Chattanooga recruiting station had been permitted to carry weapons. According to the Marine Corps Times, Graham asked Neller:

"If recruiters had been armed, do you think things would have been different?"

"Senator, I don't know," Neller replied.

Senate Armed Services Committee Chairman Sen. John McCain, (R-Ariz.), pressed Neller further and finally got an answer:

"Yes, they should have been able to defend themselves, Senator," he said.

Was that so hard? Good grief, General, you’re a Marine. Are you sure you want to work for the current commander in chief?

There are four Americans who don’t have to imagine what it’s like being held hostage in the Islamic Republic of Iran. But they do have to imagine that their country hasn’t forgotten them, and that one day Marines or Navy SEALs or Army Rangers will come and take them home.
Articles The Few the Proud the Unarmed

50 000 started war without body armor PolitiFact

Army to Send Older Armored Personnel Carriers to Iraq After Upgrading Armor

Toll Rises -- At Least 18 U.S. Troops Electrocuted in Iraq Greg Mitchell
Sorry, but we told the Clinton Administration about these problems way back in 93' and he did nothing.
It's not Bush's fault that Clinton did squat about preparing us for Iraq. Somalia was basically a lesson on how not to invade a country. So when we needed all of this stuff you mentioned, none of it was in the inventory when it was deemed essential by the media in 2003. And currently Obama is going about getting rid of it and selling it to cops around the country.

So....epic fail.

How could anyone have predicted that Scrub would re-animate a military doctrine discredited decades before?

Maybe it was because he sat that one out Stateside...

Clinton had bequeathed an armed force which effectively achieved the military objectives in Afghanistan and Iraqnam........the idea that anyone would actually try to occupy either nation long term probably never dawned on him...
Clinton very publicly said he was trying to school Bush about Islamic terrorism, claiming that he laid it all out in a document he left in the Oval Office. We know that he got good intel about the threat as early as 93'.....but for some reason he neglected to prepare for the threat. So Bush is confronted with it later and you guys claim it's all Bush's fault for not waiting 2 years to rearm and refit the entire military to fight a land war in a Muslim country.....the fact is Clinton should have done it 10 years earlier.

Sorry.....but I'm not buying it.

Sure......but Reality is indifferent to what an American Thinker enthusiast is "buying"..

Terrorism is a "trans national" phenomenon......addressing it doesn't (as history clearly shows) involve invading and occupying nations....

Clinton clearly understood this in ways Scrub (and his minions) didn't..

In 2000, prior to the September 11 attacks, Paul Bremer characterized the Clinton administration as "correctly focused on bin Laden", while Oakley criticized their "obsession with Osama".

Robert B. Oakley - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

You can shoot the messenger all you want, but it doesn't change the provenance of the comments cited.....George Soros had nothing to do with what Paul Morin said.

Well, 5 Marines and Sailors were murdered by an Islamic nutcase.....and what does Obama do? Tells everyone to stop wearing their uniforms....in the United States of America.....and close the blinds.


He did pretty much the same exact thing in Afghanistan with the guys we were training started shooting us in the back. How's that for appreciation. I can say one thing for Bush.....at least he did everything he could to protect the troops. This jackass acts like he doesn't give a flying-fuck about them. He had to be badgered into dropping the flag to half-mast....almost a week too late you SOB. The point had long been lost by the time you eventually gave in to the pressure from Congress and the American people.

This chickenshit traitorous bastard is so damned afraid to arm our soldiers that he'd rather let them go around incognito and hiding behind drapes instead of letting them defend themselves. This is what is wrong with Democrats. They go for the warm and fuzzy solution instead of something that works in the real world. As long as they're in charge this country will always be considered a bunch of pussies.

They say black lives matter....but do military lives matter to this president?
Obviously not.

When Bush was president the standard was peeling paint and mold in the showers was hazardous to our troops. Now they can't even carry a weapon....even though they're officially on the target list.

July 25, 2015
The Few, the Proud, the Unarmed
By Jan LaRue

Ever get the feeling that you went to sleep one night and awakened to find somebody stole your country and replaced it with an insane asylum?

We trust our warriors with weapons in foreign countries but not on their home turf? This is what’s flying over the D.C. cuckoo’s nest.

Imagine that you’re being held hostage by the “Death to America” Islamic Republic of Iran. Your president negotiates a nuclear “agreement” with the regime, but he’s too needy and impotent to secure your release as part of the agreement. Is there any message that would bring more joy to your heart than: “The Marines have landed?”

They’d be packing heat, unlike the unarmed victims at Chattanooga, Fort Hood, the DC Navy Yard, and Little Rock -- United States of America.

The valiant volunteer members of our military swear an oath:

“to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God.”

About that “domestic” part. Despite the murders of four “officially” unarmed Marines and a Navy petty officer in Chattanooga, Tenn. on July 16, by a heavily-armed follower of Allah, some geldings in the federal follies are still studying whether to allow our military to be armed in U.S. recruiting offices, on military bases, and in public.

Responding to the Chattanooga attack, Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter approved a memo telling Marines not to wear their uniforms in public. The Pentagon also told recruiters to “close the blinds for added security.”

In other words, behave like a hostage in your homeland: The Few, the Cloistered, the Incognito. There’s a sure-fire recruiting ad.

Are we fed up yet with this administration treating our military so contemptuously?

Contrast that with state governors, all Republican, who have issued ordersarming their National Guard troops.

Meanwhile, patriotic men and women, armed to the hilt in states with open-carry laws, are guarding our military recruiting centers. The Minutemen of Lexington and Concord would be proud.

On college campuses, the “safe spaces” are packed with wusses who can’t abideemotional “triggers”.

The Army’s reaction isn’t much better. According to Stars and Stripes, an official memo tells recruiting center staff to “treat armed citizens as a security threat,” and “recruiters should also immediately fill out an Army security report.”

And won’t that be handy for President Obama’s next Homeland Security report on terrorism to inflate the number of “right-wing” terror watch groups?

We don’t pay our warriors nearly enough for what they do for us. We subject them to medical care run by incompetent and/or corrupt Veterans Administration (VA) officials. Assorted Jihadi terrorists, foreign and domestic, have attacked and killed our troops on their bases and at recruiting offices, and they continue painting a target on their comrades without arms.

The president and his Defense Department messengers continue insulting our best and bravest to the core of their being by telling them that they don’t trust them to be armed among us.

We’re told it could be unsafe to arm our military because too many of our vets are committing suicide. That’s tragically true because many are giving up hope while waiting months for care at the VA. To broad-brush the entire military with PTSD would mean that we shouldn’t have them armed in foreign countries, either.

We’re told that if recruiting center staff in shopping malls are armed, there’s an added concern of accidental shootings. Fox News’ Kelly File quoted Gen. Ray Odierno, chief of staff of the Army:

"We have to be careful about over arming ourselves, I'm not talking about attacking each other, but things like accidental discharges and everything else that goes along with having weapons that are loaded, that can cause injuries."

The shootings at malls are intentionally perpetrated by bad guys with guns. If you heard gunshots in a mall and you knew the soldiers in the recruiting center were armed, where would you run for protection? Truth be told, we’d run there even if they were unarmed because these are the ones who live and die by: “Not on our watch.”

During a Senate hearing Thursday, Sen. Lindsey Graham, (R-S.C.), asked the nominee for next commandant of the Marine Corps, Lt. Gen. Robert Neller, what might have happened if Marines at the Chattanooga recruiting station had been permitted to carry weapons. According to the Marine Corps Times, Graham asked Neller:

"If recruiters had been armed, do you think things would have been different?"

"Senator, I don't know," Neller replied.

Senate Armed Services Committee Chairman Sen. John McCain, (R-Ariz.), pressed Neller further and finally got an answer:

"Yes, they should have been able to defend themselves, Senator," he said.

Was that so hard? Good grief, General, you’re a Marine. Are you sure you want to work for the current commander in chief?

There are four Americans who don’t have to imagine what it’s like being held hostage in the Islamic Republic of Iran. But they do have to imagine that their country hasn’t forgotten them, and that one day Marines or Navy SEALs or Army Rangers will come and take them home.
Articles The Few the Proud the Unarmed

50 000 started war without body armor PolitiFact

Army to Send Older Armored Personnel Carriers to Iraq After Upgrading Armor

Toll Rises -- At Least 18 U.S. Troops Electrocuted in Iraq Greg Mitchell
Sorry, but we told the Clinton Administration about these problems way back in 93' and he did nothing.
It's not Bush's fault that Clinton did squat about preparing us for Iraq. Somalia was basically a lesson on how not to invade a country. So when we needed all of this stuff you mentioned, none of it was in the inventory when it was deemed essential by the media in 2003. And currently Obama is going about getting rid of it and selling it to cops around the country.

So....epic fail.

How could anyone have predicted that Scrub would re-animate a military doctrine discredited decades before?

Maybe it was because he sat that one out Stateside...

Clinton had bequeathed an armed force which effectively achieved the military objectives in Afghanistan and Iraqnam........the idea that anyone would actually try to occupy either nation long term probably never dawned on him...
Clinton very publicly said he was trying to school Bush about Islamic terrorism, claiming that he laid it all out in a document he left in the Oval Office. We know that he got good intel about the threat as early as 93'.....but for some reason he neglected to prepare for the threat. So Bush is confronted with it later and you guys claim it's all Bush's fault for not waiting 2 years to rearm and refit the entire military to fight a land war in a Muslim country.....the fact is Clinton should have done it 10 years earlier.

Sorry.....but I'm not buying it.

Sure......but Reality is indifferent to what an American Thinker enthusiast is "buying"..

Terrorism is a "trans national" phenomenon......addressing it doesn't (as history clearly shows) involve invading and occupying nations....

Clinton clearly understood this in ways Scrub (and his minions) didn't..

In 2000, prior to the September 11 attacks, Paul Bremer characterized the Clinton administration as "correctly focused on bin Laden", while Oakley criticized their "obsession with Osama".

Robert B. Oakley - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

You can shoot the messenger all you want, but it doesn't change the provenance of the comments cited.....George Soros had nothing to do with what Paul Morin said.
Yet Obama did it in Libya. I noticed you said Occupying so Obama could skate.

Obama trashed Libya.....leaves it to the terrorists who destroyed his consulate......left Iraq in a lurch and the guys running ISIS are the same guys we had locked up in an Iraqi prison when we left. Arms them in Syria and Libya and then fiddle-farts around till they become exactly the reason we invaded Iraq in the first place.

Obama has bargained with our enemies....sold us out to them....and we are now getting attacked once again on American soil.......and you have the nerve to even attempt to lecture me on any of this.....simply hard to imagine.
Sorry, but we told the Clinton Administration about these problems way back in 93' and he did nothing.
It's not Bush's fault that Clinton did squat about preparing us for Iraq. Somalia was basically a lesson on how not to invade a country. So when we needed all of this stuff you mentioned, none of it was in the inventory when it was deemed essential by the media in 2003. And currently Obama is going about getting rid of it and selling it to cops around the country.

So....epic fail.

How could anyone have predicted that Scrub would re-animate a military doctrine discredited decades before?

Maybe it was because he sat that one out Stateside...

Clinton had bequeathed an armed force which effectively achieved the military objectives in Afghanistan and Iraqnam........the idea that anyone would actually try to occupy either nation long term probably never dawned on him...
Clinton very publicly said he was trying to school Bush about Islamic terrorism, claiming that he laid it all out in a document he left in the Oval Office. We know that he got good intel about the threat as early as 93'.....but for some reason he neglected to prepare for the threat. So Bush is confronted with it later and you guys claim it's all Bush's fault for not waiting 2 years to rearm and refit the entire military to fight a land war in a Muslim country.....the fact is Clinton should have done it 10 years earlier.

Sorry.....but I'm not buying it.

Sure......but Reality is indifferent to what an American Thinker enthusiast is "buying"..

Terrorism is a "trans national" phenomenon......addressing it doesn't (as history clearly shows) involve invading and occupying nations....

Clinton clearly understood this in ways Scrub (and his minions) didn't..

In 2000, prior to the September 11 attacks, Paul Bremer characterized the Clinton administration as "correctly focused on bin Laden", while Oakley criticized their "obsession with Osama".

Robert B. Oakley - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

You can shoot the messenger all you want, but it doesn't change the provenance of the comments cited.....George Soros had nothing to do with what Paul Morin said.
Yet Obama did it in Libya. I noticed you said Occupying so Obama could skate.

Obama trashed Libya.....leaves it to the terrorists who destroyed his consulate......left Iraq in a lurch and the guys running ISIS are the same guys we had locked up in an Iraqi prison when we left. Arms them in Syria and Libya and then fiddle-farts around till they become exactly the reason we invaded Iraq in the first place.

Obama has bargained with our enemies....sold us out to them....and we are now getting attacked once again on American soil.......and you have the nerve to even attempt to lecture me on any of this.....simply hard to imagine.

I said occupy because that was, after the decision to make up crap about WMDs and invading a country with no association with 9/11, the worst policy screw up of the Scrub administration.....and we are talking about a very long list...

As for the rest of your screed it is regurgitation of FOX inspired nonsense.....The US did not "invade" Libya, and I invite you to try to make sense of

around till they become exactly the reason we invaded Iraq in the first place.
Sorry, but we told the Clinton Administration about these problems way back in 93' and he did nothing.
It's not Bush's fault that Clinton did squat about preparing us for Iraq. Somalia was basically a lesson on how not to invade a country. So when we needed all of this stuff you mentioned, none of it was in the inventory when it was deemed essential by the media in 2003. And currently Obama is going about getting rid of it and selling it to cops around the country.

So....epic fail.

How could anyone have predicted that Scrub would re-animate a military doctrine discredited decades before?

Maybe it was because he sat that one out Stateside...

Clinton had bequeathed an armed force which effectively achieved the military objectives in Afghanistan and Iraqnam........the idea that anyone would actually try to occupy either nation long term probably never dawned on him...
Clinton very publicly said he was trying to school Bush about Islamic terrorism, claiming that he laid it all out in a document he left in the Oval Office. We know that he got good intel about the threat as early as 93'.....but for some reason he neglected to prepare for the threat. So Bush is confronted with it later and you guys claim it's all Bush's fault for not waiting 2 years to rearm and refit the entire military to fight a land war in a Muslim country.....the fact is Clinton should have done it 10 years earlier.

Sorry.....but I'm not buying it.

Sure......but Reality is indifferent to what an American Thinker enthusiast is "buying"..

Terrorism is a "trans national" phenomenon......addressing it doesn't (as history clearly shows) involve invading and occupying nations....

Clinton clearly understood this in ways Scrub (and his minions) didn't..

In 2000, prior to the September 11 attacks, Paul Bremer characterized the Clinton administration as "correctly focused on bin Laden", while Oakley criticized their "obsession with Osama".

Robert B. Oakley - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

You can shoot the messenger all you want, but it doesn't change the provenance of the comments cited.....George Soros had nothing to do with what Paul Morin said.
Yet Obama did it in Libya. I noticed you said Occupying so Obama could skate.

Obama trashed Libya.....leaves it to the terrorists who destroyed his consulate......left Iraq in a lurch and the guys running ISIS are the same guys we had locked up in an Iraqi prison when we left. Arms them in Syria and Libya and then fiddle-farts around till they become exactly the reason we invaded Iraq in the first place.

Obama has bargained with our enemies....sold us out to them....and we are now getting attacked once again on American soil.......and you have the nerve to even attempt to lecture me on any of this.....simply hard to imagine.

I said occupy because that was, after the decision to make up crap about WMDs and invading a country with no association with 9/11, the worst policy screw up of the Scrub administration.....and we are talking about a very long list...

As for the rest of your screed it is regurgitation of FOX inspired nonsense.....The US did not "invade" Libya, and I invite you to try to make sense of

around till they become exactly the reason we invaded Iraq in the first place.
Invade.....or bombed the bejesus out of it.
Take your pick.

Right now Libya is the Wild Wild West.....a terrorist free-fire zone. No controls.....anything goes.....Christians being murdered by the thousands.

Iraqis actually had a semi-secure life before Obozo cut and ran from that responsibility. Bush at least stuck around long enough to secure the place. Obama just craps all over everything and leaves.....acting like he had nothing to do with it.

Your problem is your priorities are in the sewer.
How could anyone have predicted that Scrub would re-animate a military doctrine discredited decades before?

Maybe it was because he sat that one out Stateside...

Clinton had bequeathed an armed force which effectively achieved the military objectives in Afghanistan and Iraqnam........the idea that anyone would actually try to occupy either nation long term probably never dawned on him...
Clinton very publicly said he was trying to school Bush about Islamic terrorism, claiming that he laid it all out in a document he left in the Oval Office. We know that he got good intel about the threat as early as 93'.....but for some reason he neglected to prepare for the threat. So Bush is confronted with it later and you guys claim it's all Bush's fault for not waiting 2 years to rearm and refit the entire military to fight a land war in a Muslim country.....the fact is Clinton should have done it 10 years earlier.

Sorry.....but I'm not buying it.

Sure......but Reality is indifferent to what an American Thinker enthusiast is "buying"..

Terrorism is a "trans national" phenomenon......addressing it doesn't (as history clearly shows) involve invading and occupying nations....

Clinton clearly understood this in ways Scrub (and his minions) didn't..

In 2000, prior to the September 11 attacks, Paul Bremer characterized the Clinton administration as "correctly focused on bin Laden", while Oakley criticized their "obsession with Osama".

Robert B. Oakley - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

You can shoot the messenger all you want, but it doesn't change the provenance of the comments cited.....George Soros had nothing to do with what Paul Morin said.
Yet Obama did it in Libya. I noticed you said Occupying so Obama could skate.

Obama trashed Libya.....leaves it to the terrorists who destroyed his consulate......left Iraq in a lurch and the guys running ISIS are the same guys we had locked up in an Iraqi prison when we left. Arms them in Syria and Libya and then fiddle-farts around till they become exactly the reason we invaded Iraq in the first place.

Obama has bargained with our enemies....sold us out to them....and we are now getting attacked once again on American soil.......and you have the nerve to even attempt to lecture me on any of this.....simply hard to imagine.

I said occupy because that was, after the decision to make up crap about WMDs and invading a country with no association with 9/11, the worst policy screw up of the Scrub administration.....and we are talking about a very long list...

As for the rest of your screed it is regurgitation of FOX inspired nonsense.....The US did not "invade" Libya, and I invite you to try to make sense of

around till they become exactly the reason we invaded Iraq in the first place.
Invade.....or bombed the bejesus out of it.
Take your pick.

Right now Libya is the Wild Wild West.....a terrorist free-fire zone. No controls.....anything goes.....Christians being murdered by the thousands.
Iraqis actually had a semi-secure life before Obozo cut and ran from that responsibility.

Your problem is your priorities are in the sewer.

"Semi-secure"? Words really don't have meaning to you, do they......

How did Iraqnam look 4 years into Scrubby's Crusade?

What mandate would US forces in Iraqnam have operated under between 2009 and now? Keep the Shias from being mean to the Sunnis (who are still kinda prickly about having been marginalized in the wake of Scrubby's invasion).......while operating under Iraqnamese legal jurisdiction?

Yeah...that sounds like a winner....

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