Turkey Plans to Invade Syria, But to Stop the Kurds, Not ISIS

Will Turkey Invade Northern Syria?

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Diamond Member
May 17, 2013
Turkey Plans to Invade Syria But to Stop the Kurds Not ISIS - The Daily Beast

ISTANBUL — Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is planning a military intervention into northern Syria to prevent Syrian Kurds from forming their own state there, despite concerns among his own generals and possible criticism from Washington and other NATO allies, according to reports in both pro- and anti-government media.

In a speech last Friday, Erdogan vowed that Turkey would not accept a move by Syrian Kurds to set up their own state in Syria following gains by Kurdish fighters against the so-called Islamic State, or ISIS, in recent weeks. “I am saying this to the whole world: We will never allow the establishment of a state on our southern border in the north of Syria,” Erdogan said. “We will continue our fight in that respect whatever the cost may be.” He accused Syrian Kurds of ethnic cleansing in Syrian areas under their control.

After the speech, several news outlets reported that the president and Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu had decided to send the Turkish army into Syria, a hugely significant move by NATO’s second-biggest fighting force after the U.S. military. Both the daily Yeni Safak, a mouthpiece of the government, and the newspaper Sozcu, which is among Erdogan’s fiercest critics, ran stories saying the Turkish Army had received orders to send soldiers over the border. Several other media had similar stories, all quoting unnamed sources in Ankara. There has been no official confirmation or denial by the government.

The government refused to comment on the reports. Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu said “the necessary statement” would be issued after a regular meeting of the National Security Council, which comprises the president, the government and military leaders, this Tuesday.

The reports said up to 18,000 soldiers would be deployed to take over and hold a strip of territory up to 30 kilometers deep and 100 kilometers long that is held by ISIS. It stretches from close to the Kurdish-controlled city of Kobani in the east to an area further west held by the pro-Western Free Syrian Army (FSA) and other rebel groups, beginning around the town of Mare. This “Mare Line,” as the press calls it, is to be secured with ground troops, artillery and air cover, the reports said. Yeni Safak reported preparations were due to be finalized by next Friday.

There has been speculation about a Turkish military intervention ever since the Syrian conflict began in 2011. Ankara has asked the United Nations and its Western allies to give the green light to create a buffer zone and a no-fly area inside Syria to prevent chaos along the Turkish border and to help refugees on Syrian soil before they cross over into Turkey. But the Turkish request has fallen on deaf ears.

The Syrian Kurdish party PYD and its armed wing YPG, affiliates of the Turkish-Kurdish rebel group PKK, have secured a long band of territory in northern Syria from the Syrian-Iraqi border in the east to Kobani.

Ankara is concerned that the Kurds will now turn their attention to the area west of Kobani and toward Mare to link up with the Kurdish area of Afrin, thereby connecting all Kurdish areas in Syria along the border with Turkey. Erdogan expects that the Syrian Kurds, whose advance against ISIS has been helped by airstrikes from the U.S.-led coalition, will go on to form their own state as Syria disintegrates after more than four years of war.
Turkey says west of Euphrates red line in northern Syria


Turkey will consider any incursion west of the Euphrates River in northern Syria along the Turkish border by the Democratic Union Party (PYD), as well as any attack north of Idlib by Syrian regime forces, as violation of a “red line.” The government made the decision at a National Security Council (MGK) meeting on June 29, media reports say.

The MGK released a statement saying that “developments in Syria were comprehensively discussed, possible threats were evaluated, and possible additional security measures were stressed,” following the meeting.

The Turkish government aims to convey a strong message to both the self-proclaimed Islamic State of Iraq and Sham (ISIS) and the PYD. Any move by these groups west of the Euphrates River, where the city of Jarablus is located, was declared a red line by Turkey because the river has become a natural border between ISIS and its nemesis PYD in northern Syria after Tal Abyad was captured by the Kurdish militia from ISIS on June 15.

The PYD is considered by Turkey to be the Syrian affiliate of the Kurdistan Worker’s Party (PKK). Both ISIS and the PKK are recognised as terrorist groups by Turkey.

Presidential spokesman Ibrahim Kalin stated that, “It is not healthy to interpret the necessary measures which aim to ensure our border security as ‘Turkey is entering a war’,” speaking on Tuesday at a press conference in Ankara.

Kalin also emphasised that Turkey has never used the terminology of a “buffer zone,” but spoke about a need to establish a no-fly zone and a safe zone in the area for civilians. Turkey’s stance on this issue remains unchanged and these possible moves are continuing to be discussed with its allies, he added.
Turkey-US agreement against ISIL takes Ankara s concerns into account PM - POLITICS

Turkey to continue police raids against ISIL, PKK and DHKP-C
The prime minister said 297 people, including 37 foreigners, had been arrested in nationwide raids against suspected members of ISIL, the outlawed Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) and other militant groups, including the Revolutionary People’s Liberation Party–Front (DHKP-C).

Davutoğlu said the police raids were part of a comprehensive process and vowed Turkey would continue operations against ISIL, PKK and DHKP-C members.

The prime minister underlined terror acts by ISIL and the PKK had parallel aspects and were synchronized.
“At the time ISIL and the PKK staged terror acts, we see that groups linked to the DHKP-C are on the streets. We think it’s no coincidence,” he said.

Suruc bomber believed to be Turkish official says - CNN.com

(CNN)The suicide bomber who killed more than 30 people in the Turkish border town of Suruc is thought to have been a 20-year-old Turkish national, an official in that country told CNN on condition of anonymity Wednesday.

Separately, Turkey's semiofficial Anadolu news agency reported Wednesday that the suspect's name was Seyh Abdurrahman Alagoz.

Turkish authorities have said they believe the terror group ISIS was involved in the explosion, which killed at least 32 people in one of the deadliest terrorist attacks to rock the country in years.

At least 100 others were wounded, provincial Gov. Izzettin Kucuk told Turkish media

Suruc lies about 6 miles (9.7 kilometers) from the Syrian border opposite Kobani, the Syrian city that was the scene of intense fighting last fall between ISIS and predominantly Kurdish forces, backed by coalition airstrikes.

Kurdish group says it killed Turkish police officers

Also Wednesday, an armed Kurdish group claimed responsibility for the killings of two Turkish police officers in a town near the Syrian border, saying in a statement posted online that the attack was retaliation for the Suruc bombing.

The group, the HPG, which is affiliated with the Kurdish Workers' Party (PKK), accused the two police officers of "cooperating with ISIS gangs" in the town of Ceylanpinar, which is roughly 150 kilometers (95 miles) east of Suruc and in the same province.

The two officers were found shot to death in a house they shared after they did not show up for work Wednesday.

Turkish Deputy Prime Minister Bulent Arinc described the killings as "an act of terror."

Turkey has been reluctant to get into the fight with ISIS. Recent gains by the Kurds with U.S. air support have led Turkey to believe that the Kurds want to set up a new Nation in Northern Syria. The PKK and PYD are considered terrorist by Turkey, and have a history of fighting each other for 40 years. To top it off, the battles have moved closer to Turkish Territory. And now a suicide bomber, with ISIS ties, has killed 32 Turks and wounded another 100.

The military action being planned is a 30 km by 100km buffer zone and/or safe haven. It is being planned by 18,000 Troops to kill or drive out any opposition in the contested region.

In this same region, the Kurds backed by U.S. Airstrikes are fighting ISIS to the East. These same forces that are being supported by our Air Strikes may soon be killed by the Turks from the West.

Hell of a place there isn't it?

A Giant death match in the desert.

As always...

Why is any of this OUR problem?
And as always, debate the topic or leave.

This is posted under the military forum. Do you have an opinion on the current military situation and how it changes the situation in Northern Syria?
Will this move be primarily against the Kurds or ISIS?

Do you agree with their move or not?

If they go to kill the Kurds, is that counter to our current strategy of using airstrikes to help the Kurds gain ground?

We are OPENLY supporting the Kurds in the Region. Turkey is OPENLY against the Kurds in the region. Which is my point.
As always...

Why is any of this OUR problem?

It's not, but our nation is led by globalists, and Wall street is run by international corporations and banks. That means they are going to use YOUR tax dollars to achieve their international agenda.

Likewise, the US is the internationalist muscle to force change when international politics doesn't work. That means they will spill American blood. The blood of young men too stupid to understand they are dying for American and International corporate and banking interests.

Not silly things that are brain washed into their pea brains. No body dies anymore for shit like nation, freedom or honor. That's bullshit.
Turkey Plans to Invade Syria But to Stop the Kurds Not ISIS - The Daily Beast

ISTANBUL — Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is planning a military intervention into northern Syria to prevent Syrian Kurds from forming their own state there, despite concerns among his own generals and possible criticism from Washington and other NATO allies, according to reports in both pro- and anti-government media.

In a speech last Friday, Erdogan vowed that Turkey would not accept a move by Syrian Kurds to set up their own state in Syria following gains by Kurdish fighters against the so-called Islamic State, or ISIS, in recent weeks. “I am saying this to the whole world: We will never allow the establishment of a state on our southern border in the north of Syria,” Erdogan said. “We will continue our fight in that respect whatever the cost may be.” He accused Syrian Kurds of ethnic cleansing in Syrian areas under their control.

After the speech, several news outlets reported that the president and Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu had decided to send the Turkish army into Syria, a hugely significant move by NATO’s second-biggest fighting force after the U.S. military. Both the daily Yeni Safak, a mouthpiece of the government, and the newspaper Sozcu, which is among Erdogan’s fiercest critics, ran stories saying the Turkish Army had received orders to send soldiers over the border. Several other media had similar stories, all quoting unnamed sources in Ankara. There has been no official confirmation or denial by the government.

The government refused to comment on the reports. Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu said “the necessary statement” would be issued after a regular meeting of the National Security Council, which comprises the president, the government and military leaders, this Tuesday.

The reports said up to 18,000 soldiers would be deployed to take over and hold a strip of territory up to 30 kilometers deep and 100 kilometers long that is held by ISIS. It stretches from close to the Kurdish-controlled city of Kobani in the east to an area further west held by the pro-Western Free Syrian Army (FSA) and other rebel groups, beginning around the town of Mare. This “Mare Line,” as the press calls it, is to be secured with ground troops, artillery and air cover, the reports said. Yeni Safak reported preparations were due to be finalized by next Friday.

There has been speculation about a Turkish military intervention ever since the Syrian conflict began in 2011. Ankara has asked the United Nations and its Western allies to give the green light to create a buffer zone and a no-fly area inside Syria to prevent chaos along the Turkish border and to help refugees on Syrian soil before they cross over into Turkey. But the Turkish request has fallen on deaf ears.

The Syrian Kurdish party PYD and its armed wing YPG, affiliates of the Turkish-Kurdish rebel group PKK, have secured a long band of territory in northern Syria from the Syrian-Iraqi border in the east to Kobani.

Ankara is concerned that the Kurds will now turn their attention to the area west of Kobani and toward Mare to link up with the Kurdish area of Afrin, thereby connecting all Kurdish areas in Syria along the border with Turkey. Erdogan expects that the Syrian Kurds, whose advance against ISIS has been helped by airstrikes from the U.S.-led coalition, will go on to form their own state as Syria disintegrates after more than four years of war.

to simplify-----Sociopath disgusting pig Erdogan and his cronies are seeking EMPIRE-----they, TOO----want a CALIPHATE and erdogan wants to be
THE CALIPH-----every thing the Turkey pigs do----will be toward that end----
just keep in mind OTTOMAN CALIPHATE There are at least three fascist filth agendas afoot in the Levant
As always...

Why is any of this OUR problem?

It's not, but our nation is led by globalists, and Wall street is run by international corporations and banks. That means they are going to use YOUR tax dollars to achieve their international agenda.

Likewise, the US is the internationalist muscle to force change when international politics doesn't work. That means they will spill American blood. The blood of young men too stupid to understand they are dying for American and International corporate and banking interests.

Not silly things that are brain washed into their pea brains. No body dies anymore for shit like nation, freedom or honor. That's bullshit.

coward pigs always say ^^^^ that. My father served in the US navy---I served and my son served
The globalists are in an interesting position. They want Turkey's help in their project construction of the New Middle East Project. But part of that project involves carving up part of Turkey's eastern frontier to make way for a new Kurdistan. The Turks don't want to have any part of that.

Turkey has one of, if not the most powerful armed forces in the region. So you can't ignore them. OTH, their government and military is heavily influence and corrupted by US, NATO, and Israeli interests. These interests are at odds with the what the democratic will and historical will of the people is.

Already once, Turkey has intervened for perceived security and national pride reasons.

Turkish military enters Syria to evacuate soldiers, relocate tomb
Turkish military enters Syria to evacuate soldiers relocate tomb Reuters

That was the official reason anyhow.

Turkey’s Military Invasion of Syria Aimed at Creating “Buffer Zone”
First appeared: Turkey s Military Invasion of Syria Aimed at Creating Buffer Zone New Eastern Outlook

Some reports suggest there is already a de facto buffer zone in the Southwest of Syria near the Golan Heights, although this is an undeclared zone in an area that will be hotly contested in the coming months. A buffer zone in Northern Syria is often promoted by NATO powers under the auspices of humanitarian concerns, which is a disgrace considering the humanitarian disaster in Syria is a direct result of NATO powers and their allies funding and supporting a rebel invasion of Syria to oust the regime in Damascus.

A buffer zone in Syria would serve as a rebel mini-state where fighters would be trained by foreign military personnel to launch attacks against Syrian government forces. As the Brookings Institution admits in an article titled: What Would the Turkish Buffer Zone Mean for Syria’s Displaced:

“Beyond humanitarian concerns, the buffer zone likely has politico-military functions: the cleared zone could be used as an area to train forces opposed to Assad.”

Turkey has repeatedly called for buffer zones which will almost certainly be accompanied by no fly zones in Syria, although the Turkish government has often termed them as “safe zones” in a bid to obfuscate the public. The Syrian Foreign Ministry has rejected the creation of buffer zones on its territory as it views such proposals as a violation of its sovereignty.

In November of 2014, Bloomberg View reported on an alleged plan between the US and Turkey to create an “air-exclusion zone” in Syria along the Turkish border, which would be a zone policed by Turkish soldiers on the ground and the US air force in the sky. The US has so far refrained from imposing a no fly zone in Syria, but this could change in the coming months.

As always...

Why is any of this OUR problem?

It's not, but our nation is led by globalists, and Wall street is run by international corporations and banks. That means they are going to use YOUR tax dollars to achieve their international agenda.

Likewise, the US is the internationalist muscle to force change when international politics doesn't work. That means they will spill American blood. The blood of young men too stupid to understand they are dying for American and International corporate and banking interests.

Not silly things that are brain washed into their pea brains. No body dies anymore for shit like nation, freedom or honor. That's bullshit.

coward pigs always say ^^^^ that. My father served in the US navy---I served and my son served
Will Turkey invade Northern Syria? It's sort of academic since they already have.
I know rosie, anything beyond Dr. Seuss and Curious George is above your pay grade.
The globalists are in an interesting position. They want Turkey's help in their project construction of the New Middle East Project. But part of that project involves carving up part of Turkey's eastern frontier to make way for a new Kurdistan. The Turks don't want to have any part of that.

Turkey has one of, if not the most powerful armed forces in the region. So you can't ignore them. OTH, their government and military is heavily influence and corrupted by US, NATO, and Israeli interests. These interests are at odds with the what the democratic will and historical will of the people is.

Already once, Turkey has intervened for perceived security and national pride reasons.

Turkish military enters Syria to evacuate soldiers, relocate tomb
Turkish military enters Syria to evacuate soldiers relocate tomb Reuters

That was the official reason anyhow.

Turkey’s Military Invasion of Syria Aimed at Creating “Buffer Zone”
First appeared: Turkey s Military Invasion of Syria Aimed at Creating Buffer Zone New Eastern Outlook

Some reports suggest there is already a de facto buffer zone in the Southwest of Syria near the Golan Heights, although this is an undeclared zone in an area that will be hotly contested in the coming months. A buffer zone in Northern Syria is often promoted by NATO powers under the auspices of humanitarian concerns, which is a disgrace considering the humanitarian disaster in Syria is a direct result of NATO powers and their allies funding and supporting a rebel invasion of Syria to oust the regime in Damascus.

A buffer zone in Syria would serve as a rebel mini-state where fighters would be trained by foreign military personnel to launch attacks against Syrian government forces. As the Brookings Institution admits in an article titled: What Would the Turkish Buffer Zone Mean for Syria’s Displaced:

“Beyond humanitarian concerns, the buffer zone likely has politico-military functions: the cleared zone could be used as an area to train forces opposed to Assad.”

Turkey has repeatedly called for buffer zones which will almost certainly be accompanied by no fly zones in Syria, although the Turkish government has often termed them as “safe zones” in a bid to obfuscate the public. The Syrian Foreign Ministry has rejected the creation of buffer zones on its territory as it views such proposals as a violation of its sovereignty.

In November of 2014, Bloomberg View reported on an alleged plan between the US and Turkey to create an “air-exclusion zone” in Syria along the Turkish border, which would be a zone policed by Turkish soldiers on the ground and the US air force in the sky. The US has so far refrained from imposing a no fly zone in Syria, but this could change in the coming months.

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