The Cancer of Affirmative Action remains in our Armed Forces


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012

Democrat Presidents have consistently sought to use our Armed Forces as a playground in which they can force their Leftist aspirations in an incubator where resistance is impossible. The soft vulnerable under-belly of the Services is the control that can be exerted by simply making compliance with some goal the determining factor in Officer Efficiency Reports. Career officers will do ANYTHING, literally anything, to optimize their OER's, even if it means compromising the strength of the corps.

But here is a relevant fact:

"In a telling congressional hearing in front of the House Armed Services Subcommittee on Military Personnel, no senior personnel officer of any branch was able to cite a research study or statistic that even alludes to the idea diversity makes for stronger infantry platoons or submarine crews."

You want to talk about recruiting goals? What intelligent "white," heterosexual male would want to enlist into this pile of garbage? I have stopped recommending military service to my nephews and grand nephews. I know that they would be frustrated and unhappy with that choice.
And how exactly do we have racial quotas in the military?

And sorry, that article claims that the military uses quotas to recruit, select, and promote people in the military. Of course, it does not actually validate that claim in any way, but it makes the claim.

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