Just Think – If Muslims Have Their Way – No More Ham Sandwiches or BLTs!


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
Ham Sandwiches And Sausage Rolls May Be Banned From Office Kitchens For Being ‘Offensive’


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Government Bans Bacon on Federal Prison Menus, Adds Turkey Substitute @ Government Bans Bacon on Federal Prison Menus, Adds Turkey Substitute
Once again.... Gullible's Travels:

>> As the excerpt above clarified, the purported “ban” in actuality merely referenced new voluntary guidelines proposed by London-based interfaith group Coexist House. Not only were details of the guidelines not provided for review (calling into question whether they even strongly emphasized sensitivity to Muslims over other faiths), but even the nebulous description provided of them in no way described any form of “ban.” No government agency in the U.S. or UK had a hand in the development of whatever the guidelines contained, nor was any individual or workplace in any way obliged to abide by them.

The rumor about workplace pork bans is one of several that leans on the specter of “offended Muslims” imposing their faith’s tenets or conventions upon Westerners in the United States and Europe (despite the fact such claims are rarely rooted in the tiniest bit of fact). Prior to the rumor’s appearance, social media were entranced by a video inaccurately described as depicting Muslim teens beating a Dutch girl because of her immodest dress, a viral distortion that claimed KFC “banned hand wipes” because they violated Islamic belief; a Daily Mail piece that duped social media users into claiming Muslims had tried to dig up someone’s grandfather, a popular rumor holding that Muslim nurses were exempt from washing their hands in clinical settings, one other that suggested “pork” and related words were harangued out of the dictionary by Islam’s adherents, and yet another positing that schoolchildren would no longer learn about the Holocaust because those lessons were offensive to Muslims.

As with the earlier rumors, the workplace pork ban was based upon snowballing outrage in response to the interfaith-promoting suggestions of one man stationed with one interfaith organization in one city (in the UK, not the United States). Those guidelines appeared to have been drafted as part of a project to simplify religious diversity in the workplace, and in no meaningful way constituted a bank on pork products in British (or American) offices. -- Snopes
Yanno, the completely-unlinked attribution only to "CoExist House" should have been your first clue.

But hey -- why deal with the real when you have
Government Bans Bacon on Federal Prison Menus, Adds Turkey Substitute @ Government Bans Bacon on Federal Prison Menus, Adds Turkey Substitute

From your own link:

>> According to the Bureau of Prisons, the decision was made after surveys revealed that inmates do not like the taste of pork. The bureau runs the country’s federal penitentiaries, which includes providing inmates with three meals per day.

“Why keep pushing food that people don’t want to eat? Pork has been the lowest-rated food by inmates for several years,” Edmond Ross, spokesman for the Bureau of Prisons, said. He added that pork products have also become more expensive. <<

Ever actually read your own links, no pun intended? Or do you just stop at the headline?
The non-Muslims shouldn't have to sacrifice anything. If that is the only way Muslims can be friends, they are not wanted as friends. Not everyone has to be friends neither by the laws nor by the morality. If the Muslims don't want to eat such, then don't eat such without telling someone else not to eat or show such. Technically, that's like enforcing someone else to follow Muslim laws when they shouldn't have to. It's an infringement of right. It's like forcing the work places to hire "more minorities" instead of hiring naturally "without looking at the race". This is an oppression in the reverse direction.
The non-Muslims shouldn't have to sacrifice anything. If that is the only way Muslims can be friends, they are not wanted as friends. Not everyone has to be friends neither by the laws nor by the morality. If the Muslims don't want to eat such, then don't eat such without telling someone else not to eat or show such. Technically, that's like enforcing someone else to follow Muslim laws when they shouldn't have to. It's an infringement of right. It's like forcing the work places to hire "more minorities" instead of hiring naturally "without looking at the race". This is an oppression in the reverse direction.

There is no "oppression"; there are no such "laws" and there is no such "enforcement".

See the Snopes link in Post 3, and don't take every ridiculous thread on this board as if it were legitimate.
Ham Sandwiches And Sausage Rolls May Be Banned From Office Kitchens For Being ‘Offensive’


No comments needed. Check out the story @ Ham Sandwiches And Sausage Rolls May Be Banned From Office Kitchens For Being ‘Offensive’

Government Bans Bacon on Federal Prison Menus, Adds Turkey Substitute @ Government Bans Bacon on Federal Prison Menus, Adds Turkey Substitute

all this time and they were not banned in consideration of jews.

If you are muslim, eat something else. If you are not muslims, you dont have to submit to muslims or sharia law.

Do offices ban all sugar in consideration to diabetics? Do they ban all wheat in consideration of those with celiac?

Religion is a choice, and for some part of that choice involves diet. For those who did not make the choice to follow that faith or diet, there should no imposition on them or interference with what they eat.

What will be the end result of interference.............all planes must be grounded for muslim prayers five times a day? All operations and medical care stops to allow prayer? All women are covered from head to foot so they are not offensive and a temptation that interferes with prayers? All religions are banned in certain areas populated by muslims? Whole cities or even whole states ban pork? What next ban all alcohol? Ban all medicines that have side effects? Ban pets? Ban birds from flying near people so they don't see the bird's genitals?

Religion should have no authority to impose laws or force others to submit to their faith. We are ruled by laws not religion for good reason.

If muslims don't like the food available, brown bag it or ask for an alternative to be served as well.
If this happened at my office....I would cover my hands in bacon grease every morning and be sure to touch every door handle the filthy Muslims had to touch. Ensure they get swine on themselves. Fuck this PC nonsense.

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