Just over 9,000,000

Lumpy 1

Diamond Member
Jun 19, 2009
Since Obama took over and the Democratic party enjoyed a great majority, unemployment has risen by at least 4 million but on the brighter side the Federal Government has added at least 55 thousand. Unemployment stands at 9.7.. but..

How about that underemployment figure..

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Gallup Daily tracking finds that 19.8% of the U.S. workforce was underemployed in February, on par with January's 19.9% reading.

Underemployment 19.8% in February, on Par With January

Just guessing here but doesn't that represent over 9,000,000 Americans underemployed.

Harry is thrilled..
During a recession having a paycheck is all that really matters. When unemployment is under 5% you can worry about things like "underemployment".
Last month of Bush, the country lost 700,000 jobs

Last month of Obama, the country lost 30,000 jobs
Bush and the Republicans made a 1.8 trillion dollar tax cut. More than 50% of that money going to the top 5% of the tax payers. That's a trillion dollars to about 2 or 3% of Americans.

This while we were in the middle of two wars. A member of Bush's administration was chastised for saying the cost for Iraq would be more than 200 billion. The Government, before Obama, said the cost would be anywhere from 1.3 to 3 trillion. Only a couple trillion over.

This is what Obama inherited. Bush didn't include the cost of either war in his budgets. I just wonder why Republicans deny these facts. The wars are still going on. None of this is secret. It's been reported by every US newspaper and still, Republicans deny it. What is there to deny?
Since Obama took over and the Democratic party enjoyed a great majority, unemployment has risen by at least 4 million but on the brighter side the Federal Government has added at least 55 thousand. Unemployment stands at 9.7.. but..

How about that underemployment figure..

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Gallup Daily tracking finds that 19.8% of the U.S. workforce was underemployed in February, on par with January's 19.9% reading.

Underemployment 19.8% in February, on Par With January

Just guessing here but doesn't that represent over 9,000,000 Americans underemployed.

Harry is thrilled..

I bet it really pizzes you off that everyone isn't as gullible as you. Rational people realize that the economy was run off a clif before he took office. If it's been 4 million (and the UE rate is 9.7%), it could have been worse with a Hoover style republican.
Their 9.7 number is a sham. I've been saying they've been cooking the books since they got in there. They have been busted many times for cooking the books on their "Stimulus." I just don't believe their numbers anymore. The real Unemployment numbers are much higher.
Their 9.7 number is a sham. I've been saying they've been cooking the books since they got in there. They have been busted many times for cooking the books on their "Stimulus." I just don't believe their numbers anymore. The real Unemployment numbers are much higher.

Yep just like they were higher than reported under the last administration as well.
And under the ones before that too.
All I know is, skilled trades is a bust right now near me. Lotsa guys that normally would have been scooped up like ice cream out of a fat chick's freezer are are still out of work from over a year ago. There does seem to be a buzz though of things picking up possibly.
Bush and the Republicans made a 1.8 trillion dollar tax cut. More than 50% of that money going to the top 5% of the tax payers. That's a trillion dollars to about 2 or 3% of Americans.

This while we were in the middle of two wars. A member of Bush's administration was chastised for saying the cost for Iraq would be more than 200 billion. The Government, before Obama, said the cost would be anywhere from 1.3 to 3 trillion. Only a couple trillion over.

This is what Obama inherited. Bush didn't include the cost of either war in his budgets. I just wonder why Republicans deny these facts. The wars are still going on. None of this is secret. It's been reported by every US newspaper and still, Republicans deny it. What is there to deny?

bush inherited a recession from Clinton.

He turned it around very quickly with a tax cut

Umployment under bush 5%.

Unemployment under Obama 10%
Bush and the Republicans made a 1.8 trillion dollar tax cut. More than 50% of that money going to the top 5% of the tax payers. That's a trillion dollars to about 2 or 3% of Americans.

This while we were in the middle of two wars. A member of Bush's administration was chastised for saying the cost for Iraq would be more than 200 billion. The Government, before Obama, said the cost would be anywhere from 1.3 to 3 trillion. Only a couple trillion over.

This is what Obama inherited. Bush didn't include the cost of either war in his budgets. I just wonder why Republicans deny these facts. The wars are still going on. None of this is secret. It's been reported by every US newspaper and still, Republicans deny it. What is there to deny?

bush inherited a recession from Clinton.

He turned it around very quickly with a tax cut

Umployment under bush 5%.

Unemployment under Obama 10%

and overspent ~5 trillion in 8 years.

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