Just how stupid must you be to believe this stuff?


Gold Member
Jun 5, 2016
I mean, really....

"Soon" means "more than 1800 years from now, but less than 2100"

That's what preachers say when they push Revelation every Sunday...

And the stars fell from the sky like fig leaves - ch 6 of Revelation....


The smallest stars we know, brown dwarfs, are 10 times the size of Jupiter. They can't "land" on Earth because they are hundreds of times the size of Earth, and they emit a bit of heat too, so if Earth got within a million miles of any star, all H2O on Earth would be STEAM, including the H2O that makes up the idiots who believe the book of Revelation.

GOD did not write that.

The MORON SUB HUMAN who wrote "Revelation" did not know what a star really was. He looked in the sky and thought those little points of light were really small... and not that hot either.

GOD would not make such an ERROR....

Revelation should be yanked out of the Bible and tossed in the trash. It is completely discredited....
Anybody with a brain knows the stars are alive and can go wherever they want. If we build a wall we can keep the brown ones out.
The far left proves that they will believe anything their rich white masters tell them to believe!

The far left religion is the most dangerous religion on the planet!
I mean, really....

"Soon" means "more than 1800 years from now, but less than 2100"

That's what preachers say when they push Revelation every Sunday...

And the stars fell from the sky like fig leaves - ch 6 of Revelation....


The smallest stars we know, brown dwarfs, are 10 times the size of Jupiter. They can't "land" on Earth because they are hundreds of times the size of Earth, and they emit a bit of heat too, so if Earth got within a million miles of any star, all H2O on Earth would be STEAM, including the H2O that makes up the idiots who believe the book of Revelation.

GOD did not write that.

The MORON SUB HUMAN who wrote "Revelation" did not know what a star really was. He looked in the sky and thought those little points of light were really small... and not that hot either.

GOD would not make such an ERROR....

Revelation should be yanked out of the Bible and tossed in the trash. It is completely discredited....

The Book of Revelation almost didn't make it into the Bible and considering the hash that is made of it, I can see the concern. Revelation is outstanding example apocalyptic literature which was popular at the time. It uses extravagant symbolism and is rich in its use of allegorical language.

It tells the story of persecution of first century Christians and one of the reasons it was probably so popular with Christians of that time period is because it was assuring them that God and His kingdom would emerge victorious. John was writing of events in his own life time to people in his own time.

The reason Revelation can be considered timeless because it is a grand example of Bob Seger's song, "In Your Time." The persecution and storms that happened in first century Christians will periodically continue to happen in every generation of Christianity, and just as the early Christians learned (and pointed out so beautifully in the Seger song):

There'll be peace
Across the great unbroken void
All benign
In your time
You'll be fine
In your time

Don't take Revelation literally. William Barclay is a great study source for the Book of Revelation's intended meanings. It goes through the book verse by verse. It is probably much too long for anyone with just a casual interest. However, you might choose a couple of Bible passages you find especially bizarre and read what Barclay's commentary has to say about them.

Revelation, Part I
Revelation, Part II
UPI- this just in: Another star, Sirius, has claimed she was fondled 30 million years ago by the planet Uranus.
So John saw stars falling to Earth like fig leaves???


You missed the part where I also said he was using the apocalyptic literature style, which by definition means extravagant symbolism and allegories.
I mean, really....

"Soon" means "more than 1800 years from now, but less than 2100"

That's what preachers say when they push Revelation every Sunday...

And the stars fell from the sky like fig leaves - ch 6 of Revelation....


The smallest stars we know, brown dwarfs, are 10 times the size of Jupiter. They can't "land" on Earth because they are hundreds of times the size of Earth, and they emit a bit of heat too, so if Earth got within a million miles of any star, all H2O on Earth would be STEAM, including the H2O that makes up the idiots who believe the book of Revelation.

GOD did not write that.

The MORON SUB HUMAN who wrote "Revelation" did not know what a star really was. He looked in the sky and thought those little points of light were really small... and not that hot either.

GOD would not make such an ERROR....

Revelation should be yanked out of the Bible and tossed in the trash. It is completely discredited....

Preachers to teach Revelation is about future events are liars and their followers are stupid. Soon means soon, and is explained to mean "at hand". Stars falling is a symbol of important beings losing position. Several times the author of Revelation explains what stars represent. For you to think he meant literal stars shows that you, not him, are ignorant.
The smallest stars we know, brown dwarfs, are 10 times the size of Jupiter. They can't "land" on Earth because they are hundreds of times the size of Earth, and they emit a bit of heat too, so if Earth got within a million miles of any star, all H2O on Earth would be STEAM, including the H2O that makes up the idiots who believe the book of Revelation.
You're a smartass, or just ignorant.
Shinny points of light in the sky are stars at the time it was written.

Remember the unicorn argument by your God hating friends? That was what we now call the single horned RHINO.

Your problem is that you're just too stupid to debate what you don't understand. You're a moron who thinks he's the smartest one in the room.
I mean, really....

"Soon" means "more than 1800 years from now, but less than 2100"

That's what preachers say when they push Revelation every Sunday...

And the stars fell from the sky like fig leaves - ch 6 of Revelation....


The smallest stars we know, brown dwarfs, are 10 times the size of Jupiter. They can't "land" on Earth because they are hundreds of times the size of Earth, and they emit a bit of heat too, so if Earth got within a million miles of any star, all H2O on Earth would be STEAM, including the H2O that makes up the idiots who believe the book of Revelation.

GOD did not write that.

The MORON SUB HUMAN who wrote "Revelation" did not know what a star really was. He looked in the sky and thought those little points of light were really small... and not that hot either.

GOD would not make such an ERROR....

Revelation should be yanked out of the Bible and tossed in the trash. It is completely discredited....
i think you have finally lost your tiny little mind love

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